Chapter Seventeen

FBI office.

Officer Archie P.O.V

“How did it happen? When did it happen? How did some one barge into the office and steal an evidence and do this to O'Conner” Officer Stabler asked the security guards that were in guard last night.

"I have no idea Sir, we were awake the whole time, we didn't see or hear anything." One of guards said.

"What do you mean you didn't hear or see anything?" Officer Stabler shouted. " Some one comes into the FBI officer, erase the footage, injure O'Connor and steal a very important evidence and you say you didn't hear anything, do you take me for a fool."

"I'm sorry Sir, but we didn't hear anything, we thought O'Conner had left already." The other guard said.

"Did you see him leave?." Officer Stabler asked, the two guards nodded a "No!". "You didn't see him and you thought he left."

"We are sorry Sir." One of the guards said.