Chapter Eighteen

Isabell P.O.V

Mother Theresa was gone. I couldn’t see her again. I called her name several times, but no answer. After remaining in this spot for a long time, I started to leave when footsteps reached my ears, getting closer until something tapped my shoulder. Quickly, I turned around, only to discover it was my mom.

“Oh, it’s you, I thought it was someone else,” I said.

“What do you mean? Are you expecting someone else?” Mom said. “I’ve been waiting for you. Where are the candles?”

Oh Lord, I totally forgot.

“I…I will…just…get…it, mom, I'm sorry I forgot".

“Oh, forget about it. We need to start prayers.” My mother dragged me downstairs. As we arrived, everyone glanced at me. “Sorry for the delay, I'm really sorry..”

Doblas las manos.

!Dios es grandioso! Confía ue responderá a tus oraciones. (God is great, Have faith he will answer your prayer).

Pedóname padre, porque pe pacado.