
Elijah pov

I walked out of the shower on hearing something crashed. The sound wasn't clear. I thought Celine smashed something. But hell no. It was her!

I found her on the floor. She has lost her consciousness, obviously, but why? What happened!

I couldn't tell.

I rushed to her, lifting her up between my arms to the bed and caressing her cheeks gently, "Celine. Sweetheart. Talk to me." I started to shake her body a bit rougher when she didn't open her eyes. I got worried a bit.

"Celine. Wake up, answer me." my voice became louder. Her hands were cold when I touched it. Her lips were bluer. As if there was no blood in all her body!

Her face suddenly turned pale.

"Celine eeeeeeeeeee." I screeched.

She started breathing thickly, and her chest was moving up and down. Then she slowly struck her eyes open as if she was drowning"what happened?" she looked at me, shocked.

I blinked, confused, "What happened to you? Are you okay? You fainted and—"