New daily life and training

I woke up in my new body and to be honest it was weird being a kid and adorable but that's no the point the point is now I am back from dying the most badass way I could die for my relatively uneventful life but who cares about let's get to the good stuff

So I went through twelve years of memory and let me tell you those sudden memories knocked me the fuck out I mean damn shit reminded me of the time I got caught doin son shit I wasn't supposed to and my mom hit me with her chancla from our living room when I was outside in the front yard and that day I learned there is nothing more terrifying than a angry Hispanic mother caching you doing shit your not supposed to but that's beside the point so after almost shutting bricks from the memory I learned my name is Rafael Guzman and I also am childhood friend with Issei and Irina so that's cool I mean granted now it's just me and Issei not that its bad ok it's bad like damn dudes so obsessed with boobs and porn it scares me and I thought I was a super virgin but that's something else more importantly I'm moving out the orphanage I live in because I require privacy and some other bullshit reason but hey it works for me so great anyways I'm going to start training for the next five years because of my wishes I only have a martial arts style and knowledge to work with but I prefer it this way so that I don't stretch my self too thin and have one thing to master to the point everything is useless in front of it suddenly a voice brings me out of my thoughts " Hey children come down for breakfast" this was the matriarch of the orphanage she was a lady in her late fifties and always took care of everyone here it was sad to leave her but was necessary for my future anyways me and the other children washed up had breakfast and we all said our goodbyes since this was my last time seeing them on my way out the matriarch called and said " Don't forget that no matter where you are or go this will always be your home and you can always return " this almost broke me because despite only waking a few hours ago integrating memories left those feelings as well so she was my mother in that sense and Thai was my home but I couldn't stop I had to go and develop my self for the future and bring smiles when I can be cause that's how I am thus I left the orphanage

After I left the orphanage I went the the woods and decide to live there until I earned some money enough to live in apartment thus began my training first day I would do something basic some push-ups , sit-ups , squats and a run to get my basic health up after doing so for 3 hours I fished for two hours and caught a decent amount of fish since this was a previous hobby of mine to fish like cavemen but hey good for me right and that was dinner since it was late once I finished I made a makeshift tent and went to sleep. The next day I woke up early did some stretching then caught fish for breakfast and did the exercise routine when done I headed out to the nearby park and met Issei who when saw me was excited and we played for a few hours till he had to go home and I headed back to my shelter and with some time left started going over the niko style which has four katas. The Niko Style's Four Katas are Adamantine, Flame, Redirection and Water. Each kata has an 'ultimate technique' which are not necessarily the most powerful techniques but are rather "aces in the hole" that can be used no matter what condition the user is in. For example the adamantine kata involves the tightening of the muscles (thus hardening one's body) for both defensive and offensive purposes. The flame kata is centered around movement and positioning, giving the user incredible speed and agility. The redirection kata involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", using minimal motions to turn the opponent's attacks against them. As a result, this kata requires incredible kinetic vision and delicate physical control. Finally the Water kata is a grappling-based kata that places emphasis on flexibility and fluidity of motion. There is another kata the void kata who's more a breathing technique to help focus. But the more dangerous aspects of this style is the three main secret technique which are the first Fallen demon a technique in which the user maximizes the brains capability to analyze what it sees so sharingan but without the powers and prolonged use will give permanent brain damage. The second secret technique Demonsbane which requires complete mastery over the four katas in order to use it works like full counter in which the user take the full power of the opponents attack then launches it back at them with their power mixed in however one wrong move and the user will break from the power placed in their body but what makes the move extremely dangerous is that it's a formless move which means it could come in any shape or way.Finally the last technique the Divine Devil a combination of Possessing Spirit and Fallen Demon, Divine Devil utilizes both the brain and heart at its sources of power making the users heartbeat so fast only those close could hear it giving a boost in speed and torque as well as damage output with combination of fallen demon increasing users ability.

After going through all of the katas Rafael was exhausted so he had dinner the went to bed for the night