Chapter 2: "Who got injured...?",

Wen's Mansion.

"Are you staying here tonight...?", Old Wen spoke as he saw his grandson Alex.

Alex was busy signing a form that's just been brought by his assistant...with his v-neck T-shirt and white trouser his perfect body looked stunning...his black hair was uneven and unadjusted, unlike his neatly styled hair. His aura was still hard to ignore as his long tender hands did their work making the scene look like the most breathtaking one.

Old Wen gritted his teeth.

"Brat...speak to me. Why are you here if you are still immersed in those shitty files...? If you wanna act like this you rather go back to your villa.", The Old Wen exploded in anger.

"Tch...Tch...Grandpa what's wrong...?", Alex finally passed the files in his hand to Rio as he stared at Old Wen.

"You are 25 this year...get married.", The Old Wen words left.

"I choose a bride...!", Old Wen added.

"Me...? Marriage...? Grandpa I won't object to the decisions you make...but later you better not regret your decisions.", Alex's relaxed voice made Old Wen frown.

"Brat...why are you so obedient...? This is unlike you.", Old Wen spoke after a pause.

Alex didn't speak as he stood up from his seat.

"Text me the time and date when I have to attend my wedding.", Alex spoke as he walked out as Rio followed.

Old Wen was furious but he knew his grandson gave him more than enough face till now. He could only sigh and text Old Chen.


"What are you doing here at this time...? Not going back to your apartment...?", Old Chen spoke as he saw Lucas in front of his bedroom.

"Grandpa...why Mia...?", Lucas's words sounded like he had too much in mind. Old Chen left out a smile.

"Lucas don't you think you also have an answer for that question...? I can't bother to explain if you act dumb.", When Old Chen was to ignore him and walk into his room.

"That sketch...that damn sketch and you are willing to sacrifice my sister...Grandpa, I am okay if it's Olivia because she is my father's biological daughter...but why Mia has to be sacrificed...?", Lucas's words made Old Chen stop his tracks.

"Lucas isn't Alex your best friend...? I can't get a reason why you are calling it a sacrifice...!", Old Chen frowned.

Lucas took a heavy breath...indeed he knew Alex too well...The heir to Wen group, Top multinational company in the country. He knew him too well...that is the reason he didn't want Mia to marry that cold-hearted man.

"I'm waiting for an answer Lucas.", Old Chen demanded. Lucas couldn't bother to tell his old man all this shit.

"Mia is just 20...she just entered university and I don't want her to get stuck in some Elder's promises.", Lucas spoke.

"Lucas...Olivia is your own sister...but here you here act like Mia is.", Old Chen spoke after a while.

"Mia is irreplaceable in my heart, even if she and I are not from the same parents. She is still the little one I care...with my life.", Lucas spoke making the old man smile.

"Why...?", Old man spoke again...but he already seem to know the answer though.

"Grandpa don't you know the reason...? Olivia was pampered to the bone by Uncle and it is only fair I care for Mia too.", Lucas's reply was direct.

"Lucas the decision is made...and that sketch is not just any other sketch she was that guy's face...the first person she ever gave a face all her sketches she never gave face no matter what...but she drew his feature like a xerox...I don't care...if Mia wants I'm ready to pluck the stars too. So respect this Old man and your sister's choice.", Old Chen spoke.

Lucas fell into deep thought. Old Chen lips raised...he knew Lucas will always obey when Mia's happiness is involved.

"I agree...but let the marriage be secret for 5 years. This is the last compromise I can make. The marriage shouldn't be known by any other outsider. This way Mia can study as she wants and graduate by then.", Lucas spoke. Only he knows how much compromise he made to come up with this choice.

"I understand. We will do as you say.", Old Chen spoke as he received a text. He raised his head.

"Where are you the apartment...?", Old Chen questioned him.

"No...Anna is back, I'm going to meet her.", Lucas spoke as he walked away.

"Can't wait to see your finance...? say hello on my behalf too.", Old Chen smiled and his hands started to call someone.

The phone went through.

"Old Lee come to the usual place. Old Wen and I will be waiting. Now that your granddaughter is back...there is so much to talk about.", Old Chen spoke.

"Anna went to meet Mia...she said she'll come home late. So I'll be there on time.", Old Lee replied with a smile.

The call Old Chen walked towards his wardrobe.

Moonlight residency.

The doorbell rang as the maid quickly walked towards the door. Anna's figure came into view as the door opened wide.

They walked in as Anna saw a middle-aged man seated on the sofa as he review his files.

" Anna is that you...?", Edric, the second son of Old Chen spoke as he placed the file in his hand down.

"Hello, Uncle Edric...I just came back today and am here to see Mia.", Anna greeted with a smile that covered her anger.

"Oh my...Anna is that you...?", Penny, Edric's wife who walked down the stairs with Olivia spoke.

"Hello, Aunty...Hi Olivia.", Anna greeted.

"Sister in are finally back...I'm so happy.", Olivia spoke as he reached out her arms towards Anna.

"Olivia, are we close...?", Anna's voice broke as Olivia was embarrassed as she retreated her hands.

That's right...they weren't close because her own brother and this soon-to-be sis-in-law only have that damn Mia in their eyes.

"Aunty where is Mia...?", Anna lost her patience.

She saw the tension in Penny's face.

"Sis-in-law...she..."Olivia opened her mouth but she couldn't get words to explain.

"She is in the punishment room. She hit Olivia.", Edric who was silent spoke.

Anna's fists she forwarded towards the stairs.

Seeing the angry Anna...Olivia shivered.

"Aunt will sis-in-law say this to brother...if she...says'm afraid...", She didn't wanna imagine the consequences.

"Calm down dear...Mia took a promise from her so Anna will never open her mouth until Mia requests Anna's help...till then she will just be a harmless lioness.", Penny patted Olivia's hand and spoke.


Anna walked towards the darkroom as she hits the the door opened wide.

The moment she saw Mia on the floor her eyes trembled as she rushed towards the petite figure.

"Mia...Mia...", She shouted like a madwoman. Then she held Mia as she placed Mia's hand on her shoulders and lifted her body up.

Mia with the last bit of strength cooperated with Anna.

"Just bear for another few minutes...let's go to the hospital.", Anna guided her towards the stairs.

Then she took Mia towards the door as she glared at the people in the hall.

"Aunt Penny...Uncle Edric...Just because you know I will not tell this to anyone doesn't mean I will encourage your actions. I'm back...I applied for the university here...I will be there for Mia from now on.", Anna spoke as she walked Mia out.

Edric scoffed as he concentrated on his file again while Penny pulled Olivia towards the dining not bothering what just happened.


Anna placed Mia on the front seat as she started the car.

"Mia...just bear for another few minutes...we will reach soon.", Anna shivered as she started the car. As she dialed a number.

The car reached the hospital as the stretcher came to take the unconscious Mia into the hospital.

The director of the hospital of hospital quickly walked towards her.

"Anna the top doctors are waiting...she will be fine.", Gary, her uncle spoke, he was an old man in his 50's.

"Uncle...I assume you know what to do. This matter shouldn't be known to anyone else.", Anna spoke as she saw Mia was dragged towards the top floor.

"I know...I've been keeping this secret for 10 years now.", Anna can sense irritation in her Uncle's voice.

"Uncle...isn't god cruel...the girl who should join the TOP MEDICAL COLLEGE with excellency is getting dragged into the hospital like this...?", Anna also felt it was ridiculous.

"She has a bright future...her skills are a gift...that child is my proudest disciple...she will be fine. After all, my student won't give up easily.", Gary smiled.

"Apart from me...only you know what she suffered all these years...isn't it unfair for her to get treated like this by her own parents...?", Anna spoke as they walked into the elevator.

Gary clearly knows...he still remember the little girl who was admitted to his hopital frequently...if not for his promise for Mia he would have reported those heartless bastards to police long back.

He still remembered how he stayed by that little girl's side and thought the curious little girl about life and medicine...seeing her brilliant grasping skills...he was even excited to teach her more and more.

"Anna she is stronger than you think...", Gary spoke as he pressed the top floor button.

An hour later.

Mia woke up as her eyes seemed to struggle with the light she's facing because she was in dark for some time now.

"When will you ever learn to fight back...?", Gary's voice was heard as Mia's was instantly awakened.

"Professo...", Her voice was raspy as she struggle to call out.

"Lay back...he is here and will not go anywhere.", This time Anna spoke.

That is when Mia realized Anna was seated beside her all along...and she definitely was not dreaming a while back before she fainted.

"You...You are really back...?", Mia's eyes turned teary as she saw Anna after 5 years.

"Gezz...I came back with excitement but what did I get in return...? Seeing my best friend all most losing her life...? Mia are you even aware what type of hell are you living in...?", Anna spoke without pause.

Mia smiled and spoke nothing.

"Being silent isn't answer darling...", Anna helplessly warned again.

"Ann...I don't want to speak about it.", Mia's voice broke the silence.

"I've erased all the records and made it seem like you've fainted from the berry allergy you have.", Gary spoke.

"Thank you, professor.", Mia spoke again.

"How many days this time...?", His chill voice made Mia stare at him in a shiver.

"Mia...I will not say anything...the reason I'm asking is for the nutritionist to prepare your diet accordingly.", Gary spoke again.

"2 days.", She replied.

"Mia...are you serious...? You still don't want me to inform Lucas about these Inhumans...?", Anna was dead angry at the moment.

"Ann you've promised.", Mia spoke in her raspy voice making Gary and Anna speechless again.

"Ann stop pushing my dad and inform him you will not be home tonight so that he won't worry.", Gary spoke as he walked out.

"Uncle seems angry.", Anna spoke staring at Mia.

"I...know...", Mia replied. '....but I don't want to drag another person to pull into my hell anymore.', were the words she didn't say out.

Before Anna could speak her phone started to vibrate...she pulled out her phone as her eyes widened.

"Oh no...Oh no, this is bad. Mia your brother is calling.", Anna started to jump like a restless bunny.

"It's okay tell him that I ate berry by mistake...", Mia tried to calm her down...hearing Mia...Anna took a deep breath and clicked on the green icon.

"Hey, hubby.", Anna's loud voice made Lucus's ear burst in pain. Still, he smiled at her voice.

"Where are you...? You didn't come to our apartment...?", His voice made her more nervous.

"I...I...I'm nearby.", She replied.

"Ann...where are you...?", His voice became alert sensing some sort of danger.

"In my family's hospital main branch...", She bit her lower lip as she spoke.

"Who got injured...?", He spoke as he picked up his coat and started walking out of the apartment he just entered.

"Mia...ate berry by mistake...", Before she could say the call got he cut her call.

"He's on the way...this time wait for a long big lecture...are you happy now...? do you even have any idea how irritating it is to hear him nag.", Anna pouted as she looked like a caged bird.

"That's your fiance sis-in-law...", Mia smiled.

"Huh...if only I can shut his mouth.", Anna sighed.

"You fact only you can do that.", Mia spoke as she saw Anna.

"Let's hear if it's worth a try.", Anna leaned towards Mia as Mia whispered something in her ears that made her blush.

"Not worst...I can give it a try.", Anna smiled as she walked towards the table stand to get Mia some hot water to drink.