Chapter 3: "Not any time soon.",

Lucas was too focused on the road as he ignored the calls he's been receiving...his mind is full of worry for his sister.


Chen group.

"We are sorry for the delay...President is not answering his call.", Tony, who has well built with peculiar features spoke.

"Mr.Secretary it is an honor that Advocate Lucas...I mean Mr.President is personally willing to take up our case...who didn't know him in the business field...The Chen family is top in the Advocate circle and many companies are lining to work with the legendary advocates from this firm.", The Old man spoke as his eyes carried admiration.

"Thank you for the understanding. I will personally inform your understanding to the President.", Tony spoke as the Old Business man's smile widened.


Hospital Main branch.

He reached the Lee group main branch hospital...all he could feel is an unknown shiver and fear...he quickly entered the reception area to enquire. Then he entered the elevator and punched on the top floor button.

He entered the Top floor then to the most expensive suite.

The moment he entered the room. The view in front of him was of the two most important women in his life giggling as Anna was feeding Mia.

He sighed a relief. A warm sensation ran in his heart as he slowly walked towards them with his poker face.

The women saw him and stared at him with a cunning smile. Before he could speak...Anna placed the bowl in her hand aside as she walked towards him and placed her warm lips on his cold ones.

Lucas was to register...but his left hand reached her hair and his right surrounded her waist as he sucked her lips like a hungry wolf...he missed this touch, it had been a month since he saw her when he went to visit that she's in front of him and never leaving his side he's overjoyed and he wanted her lips even more.

Satisfied with his reaction...Anna parted with him as she saw his unsatisfied expression. Before he could say something.

"Hate you guys are horrible for torching this single me...?", Mia spoke, unlike the boring self, she was a while ago.

Anna smiled...seeing the real Mia, The Mia that's childlike and lovely, The Mia that knows how to express...!!

"Mia...where is your high IQ brain you always flaunt...? Knowing that you have an allergy to berries you still dare to eat them...?", Lucas's cold voice made the room speechless.

"Brother on account of Sis-in-law's return can't your little sister plead for your forgiveness...? I know I was how about forgetting everything...?", Mia spoke like a spoiled sister.

"Come on darling is saying she's wrong right...can't you just forgive her for this once...please...?", Anna spoke as she pulled his coat.

Seeing both women's faces...he could only give in.

"Fine...What did Uncle say...?", Lucas spoke as he walked towards the bed with Anna hand in hand.

"My Darling is fine...2 more days rest will do.", Anna replied.

"That's good...but if you are this careless again...I will just...", When he was to complete his sentence.

"...I Know...I Know...Ann why don't you and my Brother go out and chat, My food will be here in a minute.", Mia spoke as Nurse walked in with food in her hand.

"See...Having Nurse will guys quickly leave...go...go..", Mia spoke as she pushed both away from her.

"Alright...we will have lunch in the restaurant nearby and come back soon.", Anna spoke.

"I will not mind even if you guys didn't come...after all, it's been a month you saw each other...I don't wanna be the third wheel.", Mia teased them.

"Okay lazy pie...tease all you want...I'm shameless the moment I confessed to the man beside me that I LOVE HIM...before he did, so it doesn't affect me. I'll be back...bye darling.", Anna pecked her forehead as she dragged Lucas out.

Mia smiled as she saw the pair leave...and her body lost the strength she carried as the nurse helped her.

"Miss you can't act a weak... you didn't eat in the past 2 please lean back.", The nurse spoke.

"Aunty May...I met you again.", Mia's raspy voice was heard again.

"Hmph...I'm not happy to see you again Miss...I liked it better when I saw you in the hospital gown as you followed Dr.Gary. Here is the college bag you asked for.", The Nurse spoke as she helped Mia as she passed her college bag.

Mia let out a chuckle...even Mary was awestruck at her beauty and elegance...she shined so bright that others couldn't help but turn around to take a look again.

"Such an awesome face...and beautiful goddess you are...who are those people that torturing you like this...?", Aunt May spoke as she placed the neatly sliced fruits on a plate.

Mia didn't speak as Aunt May sighed as served the fruits.


"Hubby...Why is Mia still at Moonlight mansion and not with you guys in Nirvana...?", Anna spoke as she was clingy onto Lucas's arm.

"Uncle and Aunt wanted to live Mia had to follow.", Lucas spoke but his grip tightened around Anna's hand.

" many years more before you finally speak the secret out...?", Anna finally questioned as they entered his car.

Lucas didn't speak...he reached out his hand to buckle her seatbelt.

"Lucas...I'm serious...If you are still going to stay silent...I will personally go to Uncle James and Grandpa Chen and then to Mia.", The words left her mouth as Lucas warmly smiled at her.

"Not any time soon.", He patted her head and spoke.

"Didn't you say that you will reveal everything...?", Anna was confused to speak.

"Ann...grandpa choose Mia as Alex's wife.", The words left his mouth as Anna's mind went blank.

"Why...why...Anna...? Shouldn't Olivia be the one...", She was too shocked to process her thoughts now.

"So...I can't dare to reveal this secret which will make this match even stronger.", Lucas spoke as he started the engine.

"So you mean...your 10 years of hard just vain...?", Anna spoke as her heartfelt an insane pain.

"Maybe we can't change the fate...they are meant to meet no matter what I...", He paused as Anna could feel the pain his heart is going through.

"Lucas then can we reveal that Mia is your real sister and Olivia is your Uncle's Child...?", Anna spoke making Lucas stop the car.

"Why...? you know what danger she has to face if we reveal this truth. Don't you remember what kind of danger she has to face once she is revealed that she's my dad's daughter...?", Lucas questioned.

"I know...I know...but...", Her words paused.

'but I'm more afraid she'll die even if we don't reveal this.', were the words she couldn't say out.

"...What but Ann...? Why are you silent...?", Lucas's voice made Anna concentrate on him again.

"Nothing...I just feel bad that Mia has to stay outside and not with her biological father and brother.", Anna smiled covering her nervousness.

"Don't long as Uncle and Aunt treat her good like they do, it's safe for her to be the daughter of them. I can just protect her and love her more.", He smiled as he kissed her forehead.

'but...they are not even treating her like a human...Lucas, I wanna say what hell she's living in...but that silly girl shut my mouth by taking my promise...what should I should I help her get out of the hell.', Tears rolled down her cheek as Lucas parted his lips from her forehead.

"Hey, babe...why are you crying...? What happened...?", Lucas was startled by her sudden outburst.

"I just don't...I just don't want her to enter any kind of danger...can't we stop the marriage...?", Anna spoke.

"Grandpa took the decision and no one can go against it...but I made a condition to let the marriage be a secret for 5 years...for now this is the last compromise he agreed on...let's see what to do in future.", He spoke as he wiped her tears.

"I hope she will not fall for him...and get hurt...", Anna spoke.

'What if she already is head over heal for him...?', Lucas mind thought even if he didn't speak this out.

"What are you thinking...?", This time Anna spoke.

"Nothing...let's go and have some dinner.", He smiled and started the engine again.


Mia opened her bag...and then pulled out a sketchbook.

Her slender hands turned each page as her eyes landed on the 5th page. Alex's sketch came into her sight as a smile joined her lips.

Author's special:

"Somedays...all you can do is to wait for the pain to vanish...!!!"