Chapter 4: "You big bad bully...",

Wen Group.

"Boss...The new project is not approved by you...the project heads of each department are waiting for you in the Meeting room.", Rio's voice was very stable. He knew this boss of his for 10 years now. He knew his 25year old boss is like a celestial being in the business world.

"Let's go.", Alex's voice made him quickly rush towards the door and open it.

Meeting room.

"Do you think we will have this meeting without hearing his scoldings...?", The planning head spoke as his head had tiny droplets of sweat.

"Who knows...till date no other meeting ended before an hour and no one escaped Boss's scoldings...I'm having a bad feeling that we will have to do overtime in the next few days.", The production head replied.

"Don't speak with that stupid jinx mouth of yours...I will die if I work for one more day, The designing team are already looking like zombies because of these 2 weeks.", The designing head frowned.

The opened wide as a man in his black suit entered the room. His brows were perfect making people stare at him one more time.

"Vice president Edam.", Everyone stood and greeted in the union.

"It's nice to see you all alive. Hope your hard work pays off. I might go easy but coming to Boss I can't help.", He shrugged and took the seat.

Edam,The V.P who acts as the face of the Wen group. The president never liked to show his face to the public and maintained lowkey since he took up the company 3 years ago. The company employees signed a non-disclosure agreement and never revealed anything to the public or the media.

Wen group has always been a company that has loyalty and discipline in the company. Every single year many youngsters die to join the group despite very low intake. The salary is high and the many employees benefit tag along.

What makes it more heavenly is the respect they get in the world...who wouldn't want to be part of such a company...?

The door of the Meeting room opened wide. Rio entered the room carrying a file as he held the door for Alex to enter.

"President Wen.", The room stood in the union as they greeted him. The 25 year old who Doesn't seem to have any intimidation but his poker face made the other people in the room more nervous.

The meeting started. After the presentation... Alex's beautifully sculptured face didn't have any expression while his fingers started to tap the table in front of him.

"Am I raising few bulls here...?", His voice was distant and demanding making them shiver.

"Boss...this plan is the best...", the Planning Head was yet to complete his sentence.

"This is what you call best...? Then we rather close the company and do nothing.", His voice made the Planning head pale and unable to speak further.

"Make the plan again...overtime will start.", Alex's voice silenced the room as he stood up and walked out.

Rio quickly followed him. Making Edam the one to lead the meeting.

"Change the mindset while you look at the problem...the idea was good but not enough for Boss to agree. Now disperse.", Edam spoke as he walked out casually.

"Huh...We've returned to start again...", Planning Manager sighed.

"We don't have time...let's hurry...", The Production Manager spoke as the heads walked to their respective departments.

The lights were bright as the moon's deficiency is very negligible at the moment.

Lucas's apartment.

Anna just walked out...putting on Lucas's shirt as she walked towards the Kitchen to see the man who's busy in the kitchen.

She walked towards the man as she slid in between the kitchen counter and him as she surrounded her hands around him.

His well-built muscles and tall appearance gave her a sense of security she earned for.

"Wifey...I might do something if you behave like this...after all, I've been patient with you for a few years now.", He teased her as his lips touched her ears making her shiver in pleasure.

" seem to be restraining yourself so much...are you sure you are fine...?", She spoke coquettishly as her hand slid inside his shirt as the abs of his made contact with his slim hands.

"An...", He quickly pulled her hand out as he turned her towards the other side and locked her between him and the all happened in a fraction of a second for her to react.

"Your self-control is becoming so-so these days...Mr.Husband.", She teased him as her hands were locked by him to the wall.

"'ve already committed a crime wearing my shirt...but I was being generous and letting you go...keeping the woman I love in my house...isn't it a given case for me to be like this...?", His hoarse resounded in the kitchen as his lips made their way towards her collar bone.

His lips sucked her neck as a red hickey evolved making her moan with pleasure. She pulled her hand out of his grip as she locked her hands around his neck...soothing his silky hair.

His smile his lips bit her lower lip making her moan again. Slowing letting it go and conquering it again...he teased her endlessly making her feel the pleasure...seeing her upper lips trying to capture his lips, he smiled as he pressed his lips on hers making her heartbeat increase ridiculously.

His kiss was delicate yet full of passion making her legs go weak. Seeing her out of oxygen...he slowly let her go by holding onto her lower lip, after a bit of teasing he let it go as she seem to come out of the trance.

"You are still 20 and I don't plan on hurting you...but if you test my patience again and'll receive the same punishment.", He kissed her earlobe as he let her stare at him in the eye.

She was still immersed in that beautiful her eyes seem to be full of passion at the moment.

"You big bad bully...", She blushed as she tried to hide in his chest.

"Dinner is ready...It's your favorite Chicken pasta are you sure you don't wanna eat...?", He pinch her blushing cheek as he spoke.

"I'm so hungry....", She came out from his trance as she stared at the dish that's neatly plated on 2 plates with the lids over.

"Let's eat.", He pecked her lips as he parted from her. She smiled at the sight of him taking the plates towards the dining table.

'Mia...thank you for being my little cupid.', Anna smiled and followed Lucas towards the table.


Hearing voices Mia immediately hid the sketch book in her hand to the bag and then into the drawer beside.

"She is my daughter...I have every right to check her.", Penny's voice made Mia stare at the door. she didn't seem to be shivering or having any kind of fear...her beautiful face didn't have any emotions at the moment.

The door opened Edric walked in maintaining posture...then followed Penny.

Mia was still expressionless...she was not even a bit bothered by the people who just entered.

"Mia...don't blame me for being's your fault and I want my daughter to be perfect.", Edric's cold voice came as he was seated on the sofa.

"Why do you have to hit your cousin...if not...", When Penny was to say something.

"Mother...Father, I said it was an allergy don't worry I will not degrade your names.", Mia spoke her voice was clear and distant.

"As long as you know the limits.", Edric spoke as the door opened again.

Seeing the two persons in front...Mia's lips turned up into a rare smile.

"Brother...Father.", Edric stood up and greeted.

"Brother-in-law...Father-in-law.", Penny also greeted them.

"What happened to you...? Why are you so careless...?", James' voice made her heart shiver as her eyes started to get blurry.

"Darling...are you trying to leave me again...?", Old Chen's voice made Mia's tears roll down her cheek.

"Go away Old Man...she's my mother.", James teased as he sat on the edge of her bed.

Edric scoffed at the scene...he found it rather funny.

How could this niece of his be so similar to his mother...? If only she was really his daughter it would be different but she wasn't and his daughter has the only right to be the princess of Chen's so he planned everything carefully...because only the daughter of James will have the right to inherit the properties of his was her WILL she wrote when she knew her elder daughter-in-law was suffering from cancer and still insisted to give birth to Mia. His mother's assets were literally the 3/4th of Chen's assets. How could he let that happen...? So he planned everything carefully...!!!

"Edric...Edric...", The voice broke his thoughts as he stared at the Old man who's looking at him with an ugly expression.

"Were you planning to kill my darling...?", His voice was clearly displeased.

" was me who ate it by mistake...Father didn't know.", Mia's voice was heard as Old Chen turned his attention towards Mia.

'Her features were a carbon copy of his late can he bear to see her like this...?'

"Okay...I won't scold your father...why are you so protective of him...I'm jealous.", He spoke as he patted her head.

James was still busy examining her body to see if she was hurt anywhere else.

"Big Pa...I'm really fine.", Mia chuckled at the sight of both men.

"Thi won't do...anyway I plan to call you guys to the manor this Saturday...but now we are going there directly...and darling don't you dare to reject me.", Old Chen spoke.

"I won't.", She replied with a sigh.

Just then his phone was Old Lee who was waiting together with Old Wen. He answered the call.

"Old Lee...My darling had an allergy reaction, I'm not coming for the day.", Old Chen spoke as the people in the room staring at him.

"Put the phone on speaker.", Old Lee spoke.

"Alright...give me a minute.", He pressed the speaker mode.

"Little one are you fine...? Do you want me to come and check you...?", Old Lee's voice came from the phone making Penny clutch onto her clothes.

This gentleness should be shown to her daughter...but this Mia is always an obstacle...but with her brother-in-law and father-in-law, she didn't dare to act rudely.

"I'm good Grandpa lee...Uncle Gary just treated me.", Mia spoke with the utmost respect.

"Good...Good then, I will visit you tomorrow when I come to the hospital then.", Old Lee sighed. Knowing that his son is the one who treated her he felt relieved.

"Alright, Chairman Lee...take care.", Mia spoke as if she's speaking to a superior.

Old Lee chuckled. So did James and Old Chen.

"This child...take care, my future successor shouldn't be sick like this all the time.", Old lee proudly spoke.

"Who's becoming your successor...?", Old Chen frowned.

"Hey Old only granddaughter is busy with her fashion brand and didn't even look at his poor doctor...but my Little Mia was thoughtful enough to follow mine and my son's why are you butting in...?", Old Lee proudly attacked Old Chen.

"Dream on.", Old Chen hung up the call without even answering Old lee's answer.

James smiled at his childish behavior.

Just then...

"Don't worry father...Mia is not that ambitious she will not dare to ask for something like that.", Penny spoke. Making James and Old Chen stare at her.

"Sister-in-law what do you mean...?", James spoke as he frowned.

" child is an immature one...she would dare to ask for much. She is not capable also...she's a bit clumsy and dumb...she can't even be compared to one-third of Olivia...I'm embarrassed on behalf of her. ", Penny quickly spoke as she saw both men stare at her.

Edric frowned at his stupid wife...while Mia remained expressionless...but Old Chen and James's faces turned ugly.

"Sister-in-law when father said dream on...he didn't mean Mia is not capable. He's just jealous that Old Lee is snatching his granddaughter...and Mia is not at all what you said...please watch your words...Olivia is a business student and Mia is a Medical student in TOP MEDICAL SCHOOL who topped the country in her entrance exam.", James' words hit her like a slap making her go numb.

"I'm fine Big Pa...Mother didn't mean it that way.", Mia spoke as she pulled James coat not to argue.

James understood as he just ignore his sister-in-law.

Old Chen was still displeased at he threw her a disgusting look.

"Edric put your wife in limits...she doesn't seem to act like a lady or mother.", Old Chen spoke as he walked towards the chair and sat on it.

"I apologize to her behalf...she's nervous for Mia...she just loves Mia too much and was afraid you are..." Before he could explain.

"Enough with excuses...come back to Nirvana...Tomorrow I have an announcement to make.", Old Chen spoke cutting his youngest son's words.

"Alright Father.", Edric tightened his wrists and agreed right away...he can't anger his dad...because of the vast authority his dad has.