Chapter 5: " are heartless.",


"I'll come and meet you in 20 minutes...I hope you are in office.", Lucas spoke as he took the coat that Anna just gave.

"Got it.", Alex's voice replied on the other end.

Lucas ended the call.

"You this marriage really happening...?", Anna spoke as she tied his tie.

"An...I...Is there anything you wanna say to me...?", He spoke as he raised her chin.

Anna felt nervous all of the sudden.

" why do you ask...?", Anna replied.

After a moment of silence.

"Don't think so much...we can't stop things that are meant to happen.", Lucas kissed her forehead as he spoke.

Anna felt his words heavy for some reason.

"Okay go to hospital discharge Mia and then take her to Nirvana, Grandpa will reveal this matter to Uncle and Aunt...I just hope the issue will end in peace.", Lucas spoke.

"When will Mr.Alex's parents come...?", Anna questioned as she pulled out the cufflinks.

"This evening.", He spoke as he extended his hand for her to put on those cufflinks.

"You are ready go now, hubby.", Anna smiled and spoke.

"An...take care of yourself and Mia...!", He spoke in an unusual tone.

"Why do you seem so different suddenly...? you were so passionate yesterday when I teased you...before even when I touch your abs you used to be so controlled why are you a bit...?", She stopped her words.

" are heartless.", He kissed her forehead and walked out.

She smiled as she saw him leave. She started to enter the washroom to get ready to pick up Adi.


"Good Morning Boss.", Tony bowed and greeted.

"To Wen Group.", He spoke as he entered his car.

"Yes Boss.", Tony entered the driver's seat and the car started to get faraway from his apartment.

"Boss...Did Madam say something...?", Tony carefully spoke.

"No...just like we predicted her lips were completely shut.", Lucas face had sadness and helplessness.

"Boss then are you leaving Missy in that hell...? No matter what before you didn't know that she was treated like that but after you know can we let Missy stay in that hell...?", Tony couldn't control his flash back hit him.

Flash back.

Last week they went on a trip and he happen to have some bruises...when he went to hospital he saw Mia by mistake...when he saw her face that had a five-finger slap shadow on her face he was shocked. He wondered who would dare...? so he didn't expose himself and followed her silently. The next few scenes he witnessed were the worst moments of his life.

He followed her as she entered the office of Gary...Tony had exceptional skills of all kinds as he was an Exclusive assistant to a world-renowned young Advocate. He bribed a young nurse and with her help the small size recorder entered the Gary room as he pressed Bluetooth ear pod into his ears.

"Mia...I will help you...Come and be my daughter instead.", Gary's voice was full of pain.

Hearing this Tony frowned...why would his miss need to be his Daughter...? He didn't like that thought.

"Professor I'm grateful for your thoughtfulness but I refuse.", His Missy's angelic voice made him smile as she refused...but his face turned pale hearing Gary's words that came next.

"Are you so willing to live with your sadistic parents than with Anna and me...? It's been 10 years and I see you in my office every other month. Why are you letting them hit you...? Why are you so silent...? Why? Why? Anna trying every way why are you so stubborn...?", Gary lost his cool.

Tony gasped in shock...what was he hearing...? His Missy was being abused...and Madam knows about this...? Why didn't Madam say anything then...? He shivered as he heard those words.

Mia couldn't refute his words.

"'s not that I can't help you or Anna can't help you...why are you so stubborn...?", Gary spoke again maintaining his cool.

"Because I can't bear to hurt my Grandpa, Uncle, and brother anymore...they suffered enough...if Grandpa knows that I'm getting abused he won't be able to bare and he will blame himself for not teaching his child properly. I can't bear to pull any other person into the mess I'm in...I can't lose one more person. Anna is not just a friend she is more than anything now that she will soon be my brother's wife...I don't dare to make her involve in this mess.", Mia's painful truth made Gary and Tony equally shiver.

"What do you mean by not any other person...?", Gary frowned and questioned.

"Gina's and mine...that incident was my father's plan. That morning Gina couldn't bare to see me getting tortured anymore so she wanted to say everything to my my father attempted such a vicious plan on us.", Mia tears fell as Gary's eyes widened.

"I was the reason Gina left us after bearing so much torture...Professor my parents are not humans...I don't want another person to suffer because of me...coming to me...I'm their blood and this lifetime I don't think I have a chance to cut all my ties with them.", Mia's voice came breaking Tony's heart.

That incident when she was 18 was caused by Second Master...? He couldn't believe his ears...! He quickly stood up and walked out of the hospital with the recording.

He entered the Chen Group and waited for Lucas who was in meeting...his hands shivered as he felt awful inside...he felt heartache for not knowing what his Missy was going through all thee years. Just then he thought of something he walked towards the car again.

His car stopped in front of Moonlight residency where Mia and Second Master family lived. Passing the security saying he was here to deliver some gift to his Missy like he always did. He entered the house as he saw the gardening lady.

"Miss is it okay for you to speak with me for a second...?", Tony spoke.

The lady was not shocked as she knew who he was.

"Sure...What do you need me for sir.", She questioned with a smile.

"I promise you to give whatever you want...I need truth in return.",Tony spoke. As a top-class Advocate's assistant, he knew what his opponent wanted.

The gardener was smart enough to understand his words.

"Sir...what if I have to risk my life for it...Do you think you can guarantee that I will be harmless...?", The gardener spoke. That's when Tony understood the depth of this horrible his Missy suffered for this person to speak like this.

"Name your price...My Boss will assure your safety with his life.", Tony smiled and spoke.

"I will follow you...please leave if other servants here hear you then I can't guarantee you that Missy will be alive. I will come to Chen group once I'm done with my time here.", The Gardener spoke.

Tony calmly turned and walked out as nothing happened. He came back to Chen group and stood in daze in front of Lucas's room.

Lucas walked out of the meeting to see him in front of his office.

"Didn't I ask you to take leave...?", Lucas spoke as he walked into his office.

"Why didn't you go to hospital and came back to office...?", Lucas spoke again as he sat on his seat.

Tony took a heavy breath and walked towards him...he was afraid once his boss gets to know the truth that war would happen.

"Boss I have something to report...but please promise me you won't loose your rationality.", Tony spoke as Lucas raising his brows.

"Speak...don't draw circles.", Lucas's cold voice left him with no choice.

"Boss...Missy is not living a happy life in your Uncle's place like we fact she is struggling to live each day...", Tony's every word made Lucas frown deeper and deeper.

"Tony are you drunk...? What nonsense are you spouting...? I saw her yesterday night...she was smiling. In fact she and Ann...were happily video chatting.", Lucas spoke.

"Boss...I'm afraid Madam knows about this and Maintaining silence because Missy blocked her mouth.", Tony simply analyzed the best reason. Why would Madam stay silent of not for Missy. He was sure Missy might have made Madam's mouth shut.

" patience is limited...Every sentence you said earlier what do you mean...?", His eyes were burning in rage. He know that she's his original sister but he didn't make any move because he thought she was safe there. But Tony's words stabbed him mercilessly...making him question his choices and regret them.

Just then the door opened wide...and the gardener entered the room. Lucas saw her before as his heart started to feel an unknown shiver...with a thought...what if Tony said was right...?