Chapter 6: "Alex...marry my sister..."

"Boss this is the recording I want you to take a look at.", Tony passed him the recording as his hand trembled with an unknown fear.

"Miss please be seated there on the sofa for a bit, My boss will be coming there.", Tony spoke as he turned towards the gardener.

Lucas played the recording as his eyes twitched tremendously.

What hell was he hearing...? Is it all true...was she suffering...that incident that she nearly lost her life was caused by his Uncle...? What is happening...?

He hated himself at this moment to the point he heart felt like someone stabbing it without any pause.

He knew once Mia's identity is revealed she will be encountering many fact, Olivia will be having a set of bodyguards with her where ever she went...she was protected by top-notch elite forces...but Lucas still didn't wanna take risks. Because he knew how much Mia enjoyed the freedom like their mother. He couldn't dare to keep her locked with a set of bodyguards and make her life end in 4 pillar walls fearing something might happen.

Because her birth is royal...she had almost 3/4th inheritance of the Chen group...Chen group is one of the topmost Advocate families in world history. It has years of heritage that made them a legend to the world.

They had ultimate support of all the eastern families...because her grandmother's family was one of the eastern top Medical families. Indirectly after her death of grandmother not only 3/4th of Chen group but also her paternal house inheritance included to be hers...because her grandmother was the sole heir to her parents.

She became a legend before her there were many hidden dangers she has to face...minding all these Lucas didn't want the free and soulful Mia to drag into this mess...when the time comes he would let the world know who the true heir is...but knowing that she's been abused he doubted his choices...he felt heartbroken at her words.

What did she go through...? Why does she doesn't wanna implicate another person...? Am I really a stranger to her...?

His heart could help but feel stuffed. Tony who understood his pain felt heartbreak for his boss.

"Boss the gardener is waiting for you...she might have answers for all the questions.", Tony gently reminded.

Lucas's eyes were lifeless at the moment...what should he do...? Did he really have the courage to listen to what his little sister has been going through...? Why did he allow her to stay with those people...? Why didn't he know any of the pain she's going through...? Was he really eligible for her to call him brother...?

His heart was on a roller coaster ride at that moment...he slowly stood up from his seat and walked towards the sofa where the gardener is waiting for him.

He composed himself and prepared himself for the worst.

"Speak.", He commanded as he sat on the sofa.

"The things I might tell might make you hate yourself too, and they might put me in danger.", The woman spoke.

"Then why are you willing to come here and risk your life...?", Lucas questioned.

"Because I lost my mother last week...she was the reason I worked like a lifeless pay her that she left and I don't have anyone in this world...I'm in my 50's what wouldn't I dare to do...? Of course, I couldn't bear to see that child suffer anymore.", She spoke but her eyes carried some animosity.

Lucas didn't expose her...instead spoke...

"I understand. Tony will arrange your safety, you will be shifting to abroad and can live your life without any pressure all the arrangements will be done. I will make sure no one touches you.", Lucas assured.

"Alright...where should I start from...?", The gardener questioned.

"From the start to the end...not leaving a single memory you hold.", He spoke as he stared at her.

"I was one of the workers who entered the Moonlight residency with Madam and Sir. There is a room called darkroom in that house[moonlight residency] it was created when missy was 5 years...she was asked to enter that room because your sister Olivia wanted the toy you gave to Ms.Mia. But Missy loved that toy so much and didn't want to give the toy to Ms.Olivia. So Ms.Olivia started to cry...soon Madam and Sir entered the hall. Seeing that Ms.Olivia is crying...Sir picked her up and Madam didn't give any thought and slapped Ms.Mia which made her hit the table beside which caused the bleeding and Ms.Mia fainted. Still, Madam and Sir didn't care as they tried to please Ms.Olivia. Butler and I rushed towards Missy and took her to the hospital...the doctor soon walked out and questioned "Are you even human how could you abuse a 5-year-old child like this...? She is malnourished and has scars all over her body...she was badly abused...what the hell are you thinking when you were using a cigarette butt on her thigh...?", That doctor question then shocked me to the core...Bulter and I exchanged glances we couldn't speak much.", She paused and stared at him.

Lucas's face paled in shock...he was 10 then...he knew Mia was his sister when he was 15...but what kind of shitty news was he hearing...? His sister has been abused since she was a child...? Although he didn't know she was his own sister...he liked her to the core...her deep dreamy eyes reminded him of his mother's...he used to accompany her whenever he went to Moonlight residency. He used to love his obedient little girl who always warmly smiled at him like his mother. His thought was paused as the Gardner started to speak again.

"...We entered the ward to see the little girl smiling at us...I walked towards her along with the butler...I felt terrible seeing her smiling face despite all the wounds she had. but what shocked me more was that little girl's words...she said "Butler, Aunty can you help me and not tell this to anyone...not that I'm worried they'll hit me more but you guys will suffer because of them. Believe me, my caretaker is no longer alive when she tried to help me so please don't say anything to anyone...I don't want you both to get hurt." the little one spoke making me and butler speechless. Later we kept our calm and saw her getting abused every single time even when the mistake is not hers...she was left in that dark room for a whole week and not given any food sometimes...I and butler tried but used to fail sometimes and succeed only a handful of times...she was taken to hospital many times...Doctor Gary knows about her when she was 10 years child. He made sure she has her nutrition properly...Ms.Anna used to help her at times...but after she left abroad it became worse...Missy was abused and has almost lost her life many times if not for Doctor Gary's Medical skills she must have died by now. She was just being a lifeless her hands are tied because of the fear her parents gave...time passed and she was enduring fine...but not sure why...suddenly before her 18th birthday she was kidnapped...along with Gina...", Her words paused as she chocked.

Tony passed her a glass of water and stared at her awful expression.

"...then Missy and Gina were abducted...Missy was rescued by someone...but Gina was not that fortunate and was...Anyway, you know what happened. Then the torture became more outrageous as she was more frequently locked in that dark room and they abused her frequently...I can't bear to see her getting tortured anymore...they are cruel than animals they abuse and treat their child to this extent...where at times she shivers at the sight of them.

I saw Missy speaking less since that incident...she started to weep in front of Gina's grave every other week...Missy is one of the kindest persons I've ever known...Master Lucas...please protect that kid...I know she might not be as precious as your sister but don't you think it's unfair for a girl to go through all this trouble...if you still don't care a bit for her, please help her escape that place at least I can take her away.", The woman stopped speaking.

"Aunty...Sorry.", Lucas spoke making her frown.

"Gina...she...she is your daughter isn't she...?", Lucas spoke again.

"You...You...How did you know...?", She gasped her mouth in shock.

"Sorry that my family caused you endless pain.", He stood and bowed.

"Master Lucas, I'm a sane person. The ones who made me lose my daughter are your Uncle and Aunt...if not for Missy I would have killed them...seeing Gina's body on the death bed that day made me lose the meaning of my life. To me, Missy is no longer less than my daughter so I never once blamed her. I only feel like a lifeless soul and I'm alive till now is because I didn't wanna leave while I know Missy is still in that that I've said everything...I'm more at ease now. If you are really sorry protect Missy for me...I'm helpless and I hope you'll understand what I mean.", She said as she stood up.

"P.A Tony take me to the airport I will leave.", She spoke.

Lucas fell back onto the chair and Tony left with the gardener.

Hearing the sound of the locked door...he raised his hand and smacked the glass table in front of him...he was like a mad man who lost his last bit of sanity.

What the hell was he thinking leaving his sister at that place...? He knew those people are vicious enough to change the children at the birth bed...what was he thinking...? He was angry at himself...he failed...he failed as a brother...he had no right to ask her to blame her for not telling him all of these...? He was not worth...he was not worthy of her trust or her smile...he was not eligible to be a person she could lean on...!!!

A teardrop rolled down his left cheek making him close his red eyes. Tony entered the room as he saw the mess that his boss made and his Boss's hand bleeding.

"Boss...!", Tony spoke with caution.

"Pull the car out...and start the car.", His voice brought chills.

Tony quickly went down...and did as he said. Lucas walked into the car and closed his eyes saying a single word.

"Wen group.", Tony was confused but still did as his Boss said.

They reached Wen group after a while.

Lucas pulled out the first aid Box and wrapped his wound and walked out as he entered the private elevator of the CEO.

Upstairs 45th floor.

CEO's Office.

"What made you come here...?", Alex's gorgeous voice resounded...he was wearing a black suit he looked like the most eye-catching picture...his features were on point even the handsome Lucas looked a bit less charming next to him.

"Do you have any girlfriend at the moment...?", Lucas spoke.

"Why are you asking me this...?", The man calmly spoke.

"I'm aware you've been single for the past 25years...but to assurance...I wanna confirm once more.", Lucas explained.

"I don't have any interest to deal with women at this moment.", Alex spoke.

"Alex...marry my sister... at this end of the week, your grandpa will ask you to marry Mia...Agree to marry her then.", Lucas spoke making Alex twitch his brows.

"Why do you think I will do that...?", Alex questioned.

"I will be your personal lawyer for the rest of my life. Marry her for 5 years and keep it a secret...I will deal with all of this...all you have to do is agree... I will do the rest of the work. No one will know that you are married...just bear this marriage for 5 years...", Lucas spoke.

"Is the Top Advocate saying he will be my personal lawyer...? You didn't even give in when I gave you a hefty price offer...but why are you so willing now...?", Alex was rather curious about his intentions.

"At 25 she'll become who she exactly is...till then I need to make sure she is safe. Alex, I don't ask for much...Just assure me of her safety. I will agree with any of your conditions...I'm not sure who in my company are spies and who are not...I need time to make changes in the group.", Lucas spoke.

"I agree.", The agreement ended like that.

Flashback ends.

The car stopped as he came out of the trance.

"Boss we are here.", Tony spoke. Lucas stared at the Wen group building and sighed.

"Get the documents.", He spoke and walked towards the CEO's executive lift.