Chapter 20 : "She cooks ?",


They reached the house as Mia was all wet even after the attempt she made to dry herself with a towel.

Leni was waiting at the entrance...the moment she saw drenched Mia walking out of the car her heartfelt a pinch.

"Young Madam why are you so silly that you drenched in this cold weather.", Leni felt her young madam was really naive.

"Sister Leni I may have caught a for baby stay far from me. I'm really fine.", Mia spoke as she maintained her distance.

Leni was touched by her small actions.

"Young Madam I asked Aunty to prepare the hot tub...go upstairs and get a quick bath.", Leni spoke as she saw the petite woman who looked like a goddess. Even as a girl she felt flutters seeing her young madam's face.

"Alright...I will be back.", Mia smiled as she walked upstairs.

"Why is God so unfair? She's so perfect yet she never truly felt parents' that she married do you think Young Master even...", Leni didn't speak the remaining words.

Hugo stared at the woman beside him and smiled with unknown thoughts.

"Honey, don't stress out yourself. God has his plans.", Hugo spoke as he took the woman in his arms.

"I long as we treat her nicely and spoil her until she feels comfortable.", Leni spoke as she sighed.

"Hmm...Let's spread her love and warmth. My wife is the kindest and prettiest woman alive.", Hugo spoke.

"Enough of nonsense. What happened? Why is Young Madam drenched?", Leni spoke in confusion.

"She is alone in the FLower street...I picked her up she was standing and was getting drenched in the rain.", Hugo explained.

"Thank god you went...if not for Young Madam's beauty, what's scary even to imagine.", Leni spoke.

"Hmm...She seemed dazed and was staring at the sky with tears in her eyes.", Hugo spoke as he held Leni in his arms.

"I guess she deeply loves Young Master after that incident...after all this marriage must have given hope for her silent love. Hugo, will she ever be daring enough to confess to Young Master ?", Leni wanted them both to be together.

"Time will answer all the unanswered Wifey stop bothering so much, it's bad for you and baby. Come let's go in...Miss must be hungry.", Hugo spoke as they walked in.


Mia came down after a few minutes as she saw Leni and Hugo waiting for her.

"Sister Leni it's already late you should take care of your body.", Mia spoke as she tried to smile.

"Miss we aren't in a place to say this...but I wanted to say...'No matter how okay and strong you pretend to be outside, make sure to be real in front of us. Even if we can't promise to solve your worries...' we can be your secret box.", Leni spoke as Mia's tears rolled down.

"Miss we hope we can also become a pillar you can lean on. We know your past miseries...We hope no matter how cruel the present is...remember that we will be there with you. There might be some things you can't even share with your brother and friend coz she became your sis-in-law. So we can be your pandora box.", Hugo spoke.

"Brother Hugo...Sis Leni, Thank you.", Mia smiled with tears rolling down her cheek as Leni and Hugo smiled together.


1 year later.


"Miss it's been 3 hours... maybe Master will not come back today too.", Hugo spoke as he saw Adi sitting on the sofa with cake in front.

"Brother Hugo...Please ask others to come and have some cake.", She smiled as Hugo felt the pain.

It's been a year since she saw her waiting just like this many times...she never gave up on waiting and he never showed up.

"Miss you gotta stop being hard on yourself. Last time you made a whole set of dinner for Master yet did he come? He called and didn't even care to ask about you...Miss even though I shouldn't say...that was your marriage anniversary...I...", Leni paused a the little boy in her arms started to cry.

"Sis Leni I'm fine...He has his reasons. Didn't he come home some days ?", Mia spoke as she saw Leni patting the little one.

" always slept first and he disappeared even before you woke up. Did you even speak with him once for god sake? I'm starting to doubt you are selectively deaf and dumb in front of Master.", Leni spoke.

"Haha...Sis Leni, it's always good to get a scolding from you.", Mia spoke as she took the little one from Leni.

"Miss you are not's your birthday and you had to make the cake and invite him. Epic is that Master calling and saying he has a busy appointment and wants to say you can buy anything without thinking about price. Doesn't he even know that a wife needs her husband most?", Leni was pissed.

It's been a year... every time she tries to bring them together, Alex always uses an excuse saying He's busy and asks her to take Mia out and let her buy anything she wants. She couldn't bear to see Mia suffering alone in this unrequited love.

"Sis Leni there are more important matters to him to deal with. He's Alex, the young legendary businessman who doesn't even know me. I'm fine being able to have his name beside mine. I mustn't be too greedy.", Mia smiled as her eyes carried a mountain of pain that's too heavy for her to bear.

"Miss I hope young Master will regret this...he should...when he knows how kind and awesome you are...he will regret not treating you better.", Leni spoke as she warmly patted Mia's hand.

Mia played with Jack, the son of Leni, and went upstairs.

Later that night...Alex entered the Wayside.

"Rio delay the night flight to an early morning one...I will stay for the night.", Alex spoke as his handsome face looked a bit tired.

"Alright, Sir.", Rio spoke as he parked the car as Alex got down the car.

Upon returning he realized Sis Leni asking him to come back saying the woman in the house is waiting for him to celebrate her birthday. He touched his pocket as he saw a necklace he bought randomly today in the break.

"Boss you must be tired from today's meeting with executives. Why don't you rest for tomorrow and fly the day after?", Rio spoke as he saw his Boss staring at the box.

"Not needed...tomorrow there is a contract to discuss. We will fly early in the morning.", Alex spoke as he placed the box in his suit pocket and walked in.

Rio sighed. Why is his boss so workaholic...he was afraid at this rate his Madam will fall for someone.

Alex entered the house to see the house empty house as he saw Hugo waiting for him in the hall as he spoke with one of the servants. Alex walked towards the sofa and sat on it as he placed the box on the table in front.

Seeing that Alex is back. Hugo rushed towards him.

"Young Master.", He greeted him.

"Hmm...where are the remaining?", Alex spoke after a minute of silence.

"Young Madam went to sleep, Leni is putting Jake to sleep and others went back to outhouse except us three.", Hugo spoke as he saw his master glancing at different corners of the house.

"Master you need anything ?", Hugo spoke.

"Isn't today her birthday? Why is hall so dull and there is no trace of a party?", Alex frowned as he spoke.

"Madam is simple and said she doesn't need an extravagant party and she herself made the cake.", Hugo spoke.

"She made the cake herself?", Alex spoke as he felt it a bit of news. Isn't they say the rich heiresses are lazy and glassy type?

"Yes, Master...Madam makes tasty deserts...her food's taste is equal to a top chef's. Our Chef also praised her cooking.", Hugo spoke as Alex frowned more and more.

"She cooks ?", Alex's cold yet base voice sounded in the hall.

"Madam occasionally cooks for us. She says it's a stress buster for her stress from university.", Hugo spoke as he saw Alex who's in deep thought.

"Then did the party go well?", Alex spoke as he saw Hugo who was staring at him.

"Madam...Madam didn't cut the cake she asked to just share it among servants.", Hugo spoke as he saw Alex frowning again.

"Why?", Alex spoke as Hugo felt like crying. 'Why does this Master of his suddenly become so talkative? and Why? Doesn't he know that the reason is him? But could he say it out loud? No way.

"This...I'm not sure too. Should I call Madam...", Before he could speak...Alex's phone rang.

Soon he walked out as he saw Rio just walking towards them.

"Rio to the all the executives there is a problem with F branch shipments. I need the respective employees in the meeting room when I reach there. Hugo drive the car.", Alex spoke as he walked towards the car.

Hugo followed immediately.

"Alright Boss.", Rio pulled out his phone as Hugo walked towards the car's driver's seat.


Mia heard the car sounds as she woke up from her sleep...she walked down to see Alex's personal car he used most drive away.

She rushed towards the entrance to recheck as she faintly saw Alex's silhouette on the car's back glass.

'Did he come? For her?', Before she could be overthinking she erased all her thoughts.

'Maybe he was for Hugo.', Was the only conclusion she could reach last. Her heart sighed as she felt like taking a walk. She stared at the moon as she walked out towards the entrance of Wayside.

"Madam it's already you want us to accompany you.", One of the gatemen spoke.

"Thanks, Uncle Hu...I won't be going too far. I will be back shortly.", Mia spoke as she walked towards the Flower street way.

Mia felt strange as if someone is following her...Before she could realize...she almost reached more than halfway to Flower Way street without knowing.

Mia saw that the surroundings were a bit dark as she quickly walked back. Just then out of nowhere a Van appeared as a few men walked out.

Mia knew there was nothing good about to happen. She quickened her steps as she started to run...but no matter what it was too late as they quickly caught up to her. They pulled her along not caring about struggles as they entered the Van.