Chapter 34: 'They are married...',

Almost another year passed,

Mia was in her 4th year now she was having her classes, Joy became her best friend of course Trudo was forced to be her good friend too. Although many tried to insult her for her ugly face...Joy and Trudo were always there for her.

"Alright, students attention. The results are out. Congrats Mia on topping again.", Professor shin spoke. She was his proudest student.

"Ohoo Hoo...Congo Mia darling...It's time for a party, let me text Ann Darling.", Joy spoke as her finger typed rigorously in a group called "6 monkeys".

'Someone topped again...@Ann it's a call for celebration.', Joy texted.

Next moment...

'Let's go to a club.', Ann's text came.

'Are you itching for beating? How am I supposed to come?', Myra's text came.

'Let's go to my farmhouse.', Trudo's text came.

'Only he cares about me...I knew those two playgirls are not considerate.', Myra's text made Joy glare at Trudo.

Anna who was also in her class cursed Trudo.

'Joy beat him up for me.', Ann texted as she returned to listen to her lecture.

'Farmhouse it is then. Blackey are you joining?', Mia texted breaking the ice.

'I shall follow you young miss.', Blackey texted making everyone sigh. It's been a year he is still the same. Mia was cold to him at first but knowing that he had no choice she just accepted him as a friend. To avoid Joy and Trudo's suspicion she said blackey is the one who was appointed her brother and asked blakey to call her young miss instead of Young madam.

After the class when Mia was packing her stuff...she saw a slip sliding through. She bent to check the inner content as she held the slip in her hand.

'Are you working so hard to become a doctor to fix that ugly face of yours?', The text wrote. Mia threw the text without any care.

"How dare you throw something that this young master wrote with care?", Justin spoke as he walked towards her.

Before he could approach her his hand was titled as he hitched in pain.

"Hey hurts.", Justin cried out in pain.

"You sure know...back off then.", Blackey spoke as he violently shoved Justin away.

"Hey you are handsome enough to get a beautiful girl...why are you going after this ugly piece of shit?", Justin spoke as he adjusted his hand.

"Mind your business.", Blackey spoke as he went back to his chair and started reading a book again.

"Crazy Fellow.", Justin felt the urge to beat the shit out of him but he knew he is no match for them.

Mia laughed at the scene as she packed her stuff.

Miara saw the whole scene and couldn't help but curse the stupid Justin...he sure doesn't know how to deal with this sly b**ch no matter how much she provoked him, it is always a waste thanks to her exchange student classmate Blackey.

She cursed and held her anger back. 'There is still time...I shall wait for this ugly bi**h fall sooner or later'., she taught.

Mia walked out as Blackey followed her.

"Young Madam, to where?", He spoke as he picked her up in the front road.

"To home.", She spoke as she laid back. 'Does he even know that it is our 3rd anniversary?', She questioned in agony as a little teardrop slid through her closed eyes.


"Dear is a pleasure to host such a prominent man like you. We are honored to have you here.", The man in the tuxedo, who's the Host spoke as he stared at the handsome man in his black suit.

"Likewise.", Alex spoke as the party went on.

But amidst the environment...Alex evil smirk made everyone shiver. Seeing his Boss, Rio quickly walked towards him after a quick exchange he rushed towards the car. After the main segment, the Host thanked Alex for attending for the 100th time as he assisted till his car.

The moment the car left, the host's assistant walked toward him.

"Boss I think Mr.Alex didn't consume the drug. I think we are doomed if he investigates it further.", The assistant spoke.

The host shivered as he dialed a number.

"Sir I think I failed the task, we failed to get him to drink the medicine. But I clearly saw him having it...I'm extremely sorry.", The call was cut from the other end.

Opposite side.

A vase fell on the floor and the sound resounded the whole villa. The man who just cut the call rushed towards the hall to see that his baby girl is returned.

"Miara...don't be reckless what if you get hurt?", Dex Li spoke as he rushed towards his daughter.

"It's been a year...a year. You said you will make him said I have a chance tonight. But when I tried to reach him today...he didn't even glance at me as he walked like nothing bothered him. Father didn't you promise me to drug him?", Miara spoke as she shouted at the top of her lungs. Only she knew how she felt when he didn't even spare her a glance.

"Baby girl I promise that we almost made him drink it...but we aren't sure why he is normal...we have been planning it for 6 months. Believe us...the plan couldn't go wrong...but Alex seem to avoid it somehow, no man will stay sane after drinking it...He will crave s*x like a madman and ravish any girl he sees. But seeing him it seems like we missed the chance...I promise you, baby girl, I will try one more time if I get a chance, please be patient...offending them openly will ruin us as a whole.", Dex spoke as Miara helplessly walked to her bedroom.


"Boss, are you fine?", Rio spoke as he saw the sweat from his boss's handsome face.

"Rio find out who did this.", Alex spoke as his words carried heavy barriers. His handsome face was expressionless and seemed too much to inhale.

"Boss, would you like to see Dr.Den?", Rio spoke as he stared at his boss again.

"He is on a mission and will be here by tomorrow morning. Go Home.", He spoke as his voice carried a dreadful pain.

The car stopped in front of Wayside. Hugo was shocked by the sudden announcement that Young Master was back home. Hugo then stared at the Young Madam who was sitting in front of the cake as she waited for her husband who never came.

As sudden thought his Hugo. Does he remember that it is his Wedding anniversary? Hugo frowned as he walked towards the entrance.

He saw the man with ruffled hair and a disorganized suit walk out of the car. His handsome face carried sweat and his eyes were dead red. His posture didn't seem to have an effect as he slowly walked toward him.

"Hugo, what are you still doing here?", Alex spoke as he frowned.

It was already late...does he not care about his health?

"Young Master, Young Madam was waiting so I and Lenni are accompanying her for a bit.", Hugo spoke as he bowed.

"Why is she waiting?", Alex seem to be confused.

"Is your 3rd Wedding Anniversary Young Master, Young Madam is waiting for you.", Hugo spoke truthfully.

Alex raised his brows, he did;t speak next as he walked in...soon a stunning beauty came into his view...she was wearing a blue dress with hair left alone making her look more beautiful and pleasant to look at. She looked like god's masterpiece one could not help but stare at her again and again. Maybe this is why the word heavenly beauty was formed, was perfect justice for the situation.

Mia raised her eyes to see the Handsome man staring at her, Is it the first time? Yes, it is...him staring at is the first time. But all she could feel is fear.

'What happened why is he staring at me? Should I say Hi? All the times I dreamt to say when I faced him...why can't I speak out?', Mia cursed.

Before she could register what to do...she saw the man walk towards her as he scooped her in his arms as he rushed towards the stairs to their bedroom.

Mia was speechless and forgot to breathe for a second.

Rio who just walked in and Hugo who just saw the scene were equally astonished.

Hugo's frown deepened.

"What happened?", Hugo questioned as he saw his boss walk into his bedroom with Mia as the door got shut with a loud bang.

"Drugged, the powerful Viagra...Dr.Den is on his way.", Rio spoke as he stared at worry towards the closed door.

"They are married...", Hugo spoke as he controlled his anger.

"Boss might regret it, and madam's future...", Before Rio could speak anymore.

"You and I don't get to choose...they are the ones who shall get to decide.", Hugo spoke as he walked towards Kitchen.

'I just hope this doesn't have a sad ending...I seriously pray for their happiness.', Rio sighed as he stared at the lock one last time at the closed door as he turned back.