Chapter 35 : 'Hold me tight, I'm here.',

"Are you a kid to give me excuses? Is it the first time you have done something like this? How dumb are you to ruin the chance?", The person scolded him without pause.

"Sir...We really tried our best, we did do all of it. My man said he clearly saw him taking the drug..", Before he could speak anymore.

"Shut your excuses are you doubting the drug we created? There is no way a normal human could survive it after taking it...he will crave for s*x like a mad dog. We tried it on strong personalities and never saw a failure. This time I shall cover up next time you shall die in my hands if you girl didn't seduce Alex. His support is needed and we need him.", The other person spoke as he cut the call.

Dex Li saw the phone in dejection as he sighed. He stared at the full moon that made the sky shine brightest and dreamy.

Country A.

"They failed...I made sure no one know that it is their doing. But I must say I'm impressed by that Wen boy, a complete 6 months strong plan and he avoided it.", The middle age man spoke as he sipped his tea.

"Son let me tell you what is impressive...", The Old Man took the tea and he sipped.

"Huh?", The middle-aged man seemed to not understand what his father meant.

"Alex taking the drug and still able to control his inner beast.", The words left the Old man as a shiver ran down the middle-aged man's body.

"Father you mean...?", He wanted to confirm it again.

"It's just a guess, but if I am right...then we are either up for a great war or a powerful power ahead.", The Old Man spoke.

The Middle-aged man seem to nod as the father and son duo sipped the tea.


Mia seem to forget how to breathe as she tightened her hands around his neck...she stared at the red eyes that are lifelessly staring at the door upstairs. His movements are swift and strong.

He entered the room and he gave the door a strong kick as soon as he entered the room he closed the door with a loud bang making her shiver before she could do anything he pinned her to the door he just closed as he stared at the sparkling eyes that are staring at him like a treasure...her beautiful fairy face was in shock and had an unknown nervousness. His throat felt his right thumb moved recklessly on her trembling lips.

He gulped down the saliva after a sigh...he leaned towards her as his lips touched her collarbone... which made her tremble all over.

{below 18 please do not read this until XXX mark.}

Before she could understand the situation his lips bite her collarbone and her mouth let out a loud moan.

Hearing her moan the least bit of rationality Alex had faded...His hand pulled her blue dress as her dress left graciously from her shoulders. Her pink undergarment came into his existed making his red eyes turn ever violent. His hand ran through her waist as he swiftly pulled her towards him...his left hand found its way toward her left breast of hers as it captured the small mountain without much struggle.

Mia felt like she lost her was the first time someone other than her holding her private part...she felt an unknown pleasure and numbness. Her moans didn't stop...she seem to experience everything with shock, shiver, and pleasure.

Just then Alex's mouth sucked her collarbone very hard making her let out a small shout.


"Arghh.", Her voice made Alex gain consciousness. He quickly moved his left hand away from her body as he took a deep breath leaning on her shoulder.

Mia also gasped for some air...The moment Alex inhaled her scent like magic he seem to become sane...He raised his head to stare at the beautiful woman who seem shocked and shivering in his arms at the moment.

Her eyes sparkled and her face looked divine at the moment...this face of hers looked irresistible, she looked like a demoness who came to human life to enchant all the men. Alex felt unknown jealousy when he imagine someone seeing her like this...he didn't know why, but he isn't ready to show someone this side of hers. One more second with her he understood he would turn into a mindless beast and do something that would harm her. Realizing that he almost raped her his eyes turned vicious as he felt an unknown anger at himself. What kind of human was he? He let her go as he controlled his urge with all his might as walked towards the washroom.

Mia who just gained consciousness fell onto the ground. Her present state was not only miserable but also embarrassing. Tears started to run down her face as she walked towards the wardrobe she quickly took a turtle neck sweater to cover herself. Then she wore a night track as she rushed out of the door.

The hall seem dark...everyone seemed to return to the outhouse. She walked towards the hall and then towards the kitchen. After a while...she walked out to see Rio at the entrance staring at the moon. His face didn't look okay at all.

"Give this to him. He will be alright in 30 minutes.", She spoke as she maintained her best to not show her real emotions.

"Young Madam...this.", Rio took but was beyond speechless. Whatever happened he knew this isn't turning into a happy ending for sure. He started at her pitch-black eyes which looked cold and distant.

"Rio...don't make me repeat.", She spoke as her steps quickened as she unlocked her Benz as drove it towards the gate. The guards unlocked the gate seeing it is Young Madam. She swiftly drove the car...the car didn't stop until it reached the bridge road...Her leg was stressed on a break as the car stopped with a sudden break. Her eyes turned miserable as she closed her eyes and laid back.

she remembered his face that held anger and disgust...unknown to the real reason she thought it was towards her, she felt broken into million pieces when he coldly left her as he entered the washroom without turning back. Did he hate her so much? She knew...she knew he was drugged the moment she was in his arms. As a doctor how could she not know that he was drugged? What made her more broken was he controlled...with all his might he controlled.

Any wife would be happy knowing that her husband has so much self-confinement but what would she feel if he was like this towards her? What is there any difference between her and any other woman? Mia took a deep breath as she started at the deep moon.

A light smirk left her mouth as she stared at the moon...she seem to realize matter what to him she was the same as the woman out she realise she can never be someone by his side, reality hit her harder than she thought. She was broken beyond words. One last breath and she opened her eyes wider and clearer...towards the way and her life.

She promised to not daydream anymore. She started the engine as the car drove. In 20 minutes she reached Park View, the place where Lucas and Anna stayed. In a week they are getting married so she was supposed to visit them tomorrow so they could go and select the wedding dresses.

She walked towards the lift and press the lift to the highest floor. The doors opened wide as she walked out of the elevator. She rang the doorbell twice as Anna opened the door. She saw a Mia that looked beautiful yet lifeless...her eyes looked like she cried for long but her eyes seem to be carrying strange coldness.

"Hold me tight, I'm here.", Mia spoke as Ann shivered, she remembered the words Mia spoke a year ago.

'Ann...Please let me be like this...let me get day when I pour out everything and when I am vexed out and come to you please hold me tight then...until then...let me be.',

Anna also remembered the promise she did to herself.

'Alright then...she would wait...she would wait for that day when she has to console this innocent heart with all her might.',

Anna regain her senses as she walked in front and hugged the human in front of her.

"I waited long enough to do this...One year was long but I'm proud you are finally willing to let go. I shall hold you tight enough...just cry in my arms.", Ann spoke as she hugged Mia tighter.