Chapter 36 : 'I...I need a divorce.'

Alex walked out of the shower his hand was bleeding. He didn't care...he walked out and pulled the bathrobe to cover himself. The moment he walked out all he could see was an empty bed.His muscles tightened as his eyes turned red. His thoughts were instead pulling him back to the time that he didn't want to go back to or wished he never come across.PastStanding alongside his grandpa Old Wen Alex was rather calm and steady...he didn't care what the world felt or spoke. He just wanted to be a support to that Old Man. His dark suit looking dashing he walked along Old Wen as he entered the engagement ceremony but to his surprise...Alex followed behind helplessly...when he lifted his head lazily...he saw those void eyes that didn't have any emotion...he looked heavenly yet fallen angel. Her goddess appearance was cold and pitiful. Her figure was breathtaking. Alex's muscles tightened to see the heavenly beauty in front of him. Memories snapped.It was when he just returned from work he saw the beauty leaning on the table without any princess attitude. She looked breathtaking...but he knew the life he was living and will live on will have a lot of responsibilities and risks. He knew that no woman would be willing to fall into this pit and survive. So he just walked toward the balcony and to the meeting room in the backyard.PresentA door knock brought Alex out of the memories as turned to look at the door.'Is it her? But why does she have to knock when it's her room too ?'"Enter.", His stern voice resounded as he pressed the intercom.Rio's stiff body entered the room as if he knew there was a nightmare about to swallow him.Seeing Alex in a bathrobe he slow-walked towards him and passed him the medicine."What for?", Alex asked purposefully."I...I...Medicine for the drug.", Rio shuttered for a second. He knew his boss is doing it purposefully."Mia it is, isn't it ?", Alex's voice resounded throughout the room making Rio gulp down his saliva.'Devil knows...Devil knows.', Rio felt like death is near him...'It's over it is all over...Lucas will cut me into how many pieces god only aware.', Rio felt like crying."Boss I don't understand what you mean.", Rio shamelessly acted dumb."Should rethink my choices in choosing you as my assistant ?", One sentence of Alex was enough to bring back Rio to harsh reality."Yes boss. It was Young Madam...we were also surprised at that time when you relaxed the moment she touched you. Master Lucas warned me not to...", Rio explained everything from he start to how she fainted."Understood, pass the medicine and go away. Let Lucas assume I don't know any of it.", Alex took the medicine and Rio walked out.Hugo came upstairs to see pale Rio hanging on the door."What's with you?", Hugo spoke as he frowned at Rio."Hugo with a lawyer as prominent as Master bad will other person struggle if he was to sue?", Rio questioned."Oh, 7 generations of a family might struggle.", Hugo mentioned.'Gone...all gone. Own Goalllll', Rio fell onto his knees.Hugo ignored the depressed human and walked towards the bedroom."Boss you called.", Hugo spoke as he saw Alex who was sitting on the sofa."Where is she?", Alex's words came in as his deep eyes stared at Hugo for an answer."Young Madam left the Wayside a while ago, blackey followed her...she is at Mr. Lucas's apartment at the moment. But Mr.Lucas isn't in the country, she is with her sister-in-law, to sum up.", Hugo spoke."You let her out at this night...Hugo should sit and make you understand what happened a few days back?", Alex's demonic voice came through sending chills down Hugo's spine."I was careless boss, Apologies.", Hugo didn't make any excuses."This should be the last time.", Alex spoke as he walked towards his window and he stared at the bright full moon.'If you want to enter the pit...then who am I to stop? Mia... now that you willing choose this, do not regret it. Because from now on...I'm not willing to let you go, even if you want to.', Alex thought as he walked back to his chair."Hugo..."Meanwhile."Wanna have some food?", Ann spoke as she walked towards the bed where Mia was resting.Mia shook her head as she leaned back onto the bed. Ann thought for a minute as she walked to the balcony. She unlocked her phone and dialed the first number. The call was answered in 2 minutes."Luc...she came back and asked me to hold her.", Ann spoke as she stared at the moon."Take care of her...I will be back asap, I love you.", Lucas's voice came from the other side."Hmm...Love you. Come back safe.", She hung up the call.Abroad "Boss, do you think Miss can let go of him? She loves him way too much...", Tony spoke as he heard the conversation."You know what scares me most about Mia?", Lucas spoke as he raised his stiff neck and stared into Tony's eyes."Her love...", Lucas answered as he turned towards the sky where the sun is shining his brightest."If she loves someone...she will go all in, to the rate you don't if a person can love another to this rate. But once she knows she is being hated or bothering the other person...she escapes and avoids them at all costs. She would rather die than bother him/her again.", Lucas spoke as he stared back at Tony."Find out what made her go to this extreme.", Lucas spoke as he turned his neck to the table full of documents."Yes boss.", Tony spoke as he walked out.Morning."You sure you wanna go there this early?", Ann spoke as she looked at Mia who covered herself with a mask."My thesis is there...I can't miss it for the afternoon lecture.", Mia spoke as she waved walking out of the apartment.Ann sighed as she went back to her dreamland.Mia entered WAY SIDE after a while. Taking a quick breath out, and breath in she smiled as she walked in.When she was to enter she saw Jake who's almost 2 now come running the moment he saw her."Ma pa...Ma pa", Jake spoke as he raised his arms asking her to hold him."Hushaa...why is a little prince so clingy today? What so scary here?", She spoke as she walked towards the hall just to gulp her words. For a moment seeing the man who was sitting and sipping his coffee all of a sudden looked like a Greek god.'Why is he here today? Am I still dreaming? WTF is wrong with this morning.', Mia's thought was interrupted by the little one in her arms who pulled her mask off.Her rosy lips felt a bit cold the moment they were exposed. Seeing Mia's attention back on him, Jack involuntarily gave out a happy chuckle.Alex's handsome face rose up to see the little devil who was clinging to the woman he waited for the whole night."Young Madam let me take him.", Hugo spoke as he picked Jake from Mia's arms.Mia stared at the man who silently returned back to his newspaper without much care.After a moment of hesitation, she finally made up her mind...thinking now there wasn't anything to discuss."I...I...need 2 minutes of your time.", Mia spoke as she saw Alex's handsome face staring at her without any reply.'Is there something on my face?', she thought but insted of thinking what's running in his mind."I won't dis...disturb you after that.", She spoke as her hands start to sweat as she tightened her fists.After all these years, she never imagined she will do what she was about to do now. Anger? Sorry? and what? she wasn't sure too."Follow me to the study.", He spoke without turning back he walked towards study. Mia took a deep breath and followed him.Alex saw her petite body and returned his gaze to the door. As if telepathy she understood the meaning and closed the door."Speak.", His word neither felt that he is intrested nor he isn't, but Mia didn't have luxury to consider his feelings anymore after the humiliation she went through."I...I need a divorce." " she spoke bringing all the courage she could ever accumulate.