Miners in the iron mine (2)

There was only one reason for Morkan's before prejudice towards Roman.

He didn't know why Roman came to work, but he couldn't ignore his attitude now.

"What the miners do is already well-known to the public. We work hard every day to earn our pay and dedicate our lives to these tunnels. However, if Roman Dmitry comes to work as if he is on a picnic. If he visited the forge with that kind of attitude, he would have yelled at Hendrick."

Jacob was a good person. He didn't accept nor reject Roman, who came to work in the mine.

On the First day when Roman came to work, Morkan was bit nervously.

While working around the point where he thought Roman was working on purpose, he watched him from time to time to see if he was slacking off.

However, Roman worked harder than he had expected.

He thought Roman was just pretending to work and playing around, but Roman, like other workers, worked hard and met his every day quota.

It was surprising for him, he thought is he really working hard?

Morkan occasionally found Roman chatting with other, but it wasn't really a big deal.

'Did he really come to the iron mine to only work? Or did Lord Dmitry ordered him to work here like us, to check whether you are worthy to become successor of Dmitry? I cannot believe the former, and the latter is too weird of a thing for Lord Dmitry to do. Rodwell Dmitry is the second son of the Dmitry family and has been through all kinds of troubles in the forge since he was young, but he did not come to the iron mine even once in his life to work. Then what is Roman Dmitry the strongest of them now, doing in the mine?'

It was bizarre for him. No matter what he thought, Roman's actions made no sense to him.

At first, he thought Roman was doing work in the mine due to it was order from Lord Dmitry to check whether he was fit for the successor of Dmitry or not, but that didn't make too much sense to him.

Then one day, Morkan heard a shocking remark.

"I heard from a servant working in the castle, that Lord Dmitry had never given Roman Dmitry an order to work in the iron mine? I don't know why Roman Dmitry is suffers by working here, but at least I don't think it's based on intention of being the successor of Dmitry.

After hearing those word from one of the miner Morkan was shocked.

Morkan had been looked at Roman with a biased gaze, but as soon as he heard those words, he saw Roman in different light.

Morkan had only one thought in mind, 'Why he is doing all this?'

[ During Roman one week work in mine, he was sincere in his work

He got along well with the workers without creating any trouble, and no one was dissatisfied with Roman's work attitude.

The dissatisfaction in the mind from the first day when Roman started working, disappeared in an instant.

He gave up his status, ate the same meal, and showed in the iron mine same way as the worked, so he couldn't hate him anymore after seeing Roman diligence in his work.

Roman reputation has changed in his mind, Roman Dmitry was better than be thought.

When people got together to have meals, they looked at Roman and said he was different from what they expected.

And in such a situation, Morkan couldn't contain his doubts anymore. From the three heirs of Dmitry among them, he wanted to check the purpose and thoughts of Roman Dmitry, the only one who came to work in the mine. ]

So he finally decided to talk with Roman.

"Can I ask you just one question?"

Morkan approached Roman for the first time, his purpose was to ask his question.

Roman looked at Morkan and said, "Which would you like to hear, ideal or realistic?"

Morkan was little suprised after hearing Roman, it was little different than he thought.

He thought Roman was going to tell him the reason, but Morkan was troubled by the choice than was given by Roman to pick.

Ideal or reality.

Morkan wanted to know both reason.

"Can't you tell me both?"

"Then let me start with the ideal answer."

(Ideal) It was the same reason which he had given to Hans.

"Dmitry is a mining town. Just as Lawrence's earn for their livelihood through agriculture, Dmitry's make a living by working in an iron mine. So I wanted to experience Dmitry people's daily life . What it means to live as a person of Dmitry. I didn't want to just hear about people from afar and with statistics. Instead I wanted to face the reality of Dmitry live by myself."

" Do you really need to do that?", Hans asked Roman.

"Need! as long as my last name is Dmitry, this is something I must do."

It was Roman ideal answer. Those were the words one would want to hear from their leaders, and in an instant, his wariness against Roman vanished.

"Then what about the realistic one?"

"The real reason comes from the fact that I am not the lord of Dmitry. Even though Dmitry has enormous wealth, it belongs to my father, not to me. So I intend to find out how much wealth Dmitry had accumulated, exactly how the estate works, and what I as the eldest son, can do in the process."

"What is that supposed to mean? Your father is the lord of the Dmitry, then doesn't everything already belong to you?"


Father and son both are tied by bond.

However, that does not mean that he inherits everything from his father.

In his previous life, previous generation Cheonma had twelve children.

He passed on the background of being a descendant of the Cheonma to his son, but in order to achieve something, he had to win it himself.

Then he found out, even family members can become strangers .

In order to bring as much of his father's wealth to his side, he need to pay a reasonable price.

"I will ask you. If I ask my father for hundreds of gold now, how will the Lord of Dmitry you know behave?"

"Of course he will ask why. Because hundreds of gold is no small amount."

"That's why I came here in iron mine. If I am looking to do something for Dmitry people, and even if it's something I want to do personally, I will constantly have to ask my father for something. It is my privilege as his son, and it is the same about me wanting to claim my rights. I need a lot of money and people for the things I want to do in the future. And rather than building it up down from the ground, I will try to use only my father's name and background and get what I need."

It was truly a bit too frank an answer for Morkan. Nevertheless, Roman made his purpose clear with that.

After hearing the absurd and straightforward answer, Morkan couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahahahah! So that was the reason. You have to pay the price to claim your father's assets. I didn't even think of that. I simply thought that young master Roman came to the mine to aim for the successor's position, but I couldn't understand the hidden meaning behind your actions."

[ He chuckled so much that it seemed his throat would burst at any moment.

On Roman's answer he could have felt bad, but in the end, Roman answer meant taking advantage of work in the iron mines, but Morkan interpreted Roman's words in a different way. ]

'Master Roman came to the iron mine, not the blacksmith, to work for Dmitry. That means the work we miners do is just as important, and he must have thought it was worthwhile, even to the point he tirelessly worked as other miners from the iron mine. In that sense, there is no reason for me to stop him.'

Roman acknowledging their worth, that was enough for him.

Miners in the Dmitry wanted the approval of the people.

Unbeknownst to him, complaints about discriminatory treatment towards them piled up, and it erupted when he met Roman.

But Roman recognize the value of the iron mine and use it, after hearing it Morkan felt good, so for this reason, Morkan was willing to be taken advantage of.

Morkan said, "So what are you curious about iron mine's? I will try to answer all of them to best of my knowledge."

From the first day until now, Morkan was always been hostile towards him, but now he put down his guard from his heart for the first time.

From then on, the conversation between them went smoothly.

Roman asked many questions.

Like the reserves of iron ore, how much iron is daily produced and the way of production and distribution, etc.

Morkan faithfully answered Roman's endless questions.

"People say that Dmitry's iron mine is the largest in the kingdom. But in reality, it's more than that, and it's not inferior to being the largest on the continent. The Kingdom of Cairo is located in the northeastern part of the continent, especially at the northernmost tip of the continent, where Dmitry is located, people call Dmitry the end of the continent, but the reality is different. The numerous mountain ranges that existed beyond the northeast did not allow people to visit, so people had no choice but to take the border based as Dmitry. And those mountains are the source of Dmitry's wealth. Because it is an unknown world, we did not forcefully develop it, but according to what we have learned, there are dozens of iron mines that have not been developed yet."

It was an amazing information, beyond the northeast of the Cairo Kingdom, it is a place called the Endless Mountains could be said to be the source that made Dmitry stand on his position.

Numerous iron mines, top grade iron ore, and the technology to process it, Dmitry had the necessary conditions to accumulate wealth.

Roman knew that Dmitry source of wealth is enormous, but this was beyond his imagination.

'The wealthiest family in the North-East region of Cairo. People say there is no end to their wealth, but Dmitry hasn't even fully used its potential yet. Then, if I give father the right cause and price, father might truly fully support me.'

However, Morkan wasn't done even speaking yet. He next answered Roman's question about daily production, "Actually, Dmitry isn't very productive with the conditions we have as of now. That is why we don't sell iron ore immediately, and the working conditions are quite dangerous. As we try to work safely in here, the production speed turns slow, which further results in a decrease in production."

"From my experience, I think there are enough safety precautions."

"Yes what you say is indeed correct, Lord Dmitry has given a lot of support to make the work as safe as possible, but it is this mining that is dangerous nonetheless. The mountain range in the northeast area occasionally experiences earthquakes. It is impossible to go deep because the tunnel may collapse any time, and if an accident actually occurs, work must be stopped for several days. But this is not the kind of problem that can be solved. How can a mere human be able to prevent a natural disaster?"

It was a real problem in the minning Even with the best conditions, Dmitry could not fully utilize the conditions due to safety concerns.

And that was the kind of answer Roman had been waiting for.

Safety issues it was an attractive point, so Roman asked.

"How much will Dmitry benifit if safety issues off mine was solved?"

Morkan said, "I can't say for sure, but I'm sure that at least 50% more production than now. The reason we do not use excessive manpower in iron mines is that we cannot take responsibility for safety. We only send as many people as we can, after checking whether safety of mine can be maintained, Lord Dmitry is a wonderful person. Even though there are will be more benefit if he do that, to him safety of workers is his top priority."

As Morkan said, Baron Romero was a good person.

If he was a vicious lord, he would have push more manpower into the tunnel, he would have not consider people died in an accident.

However, Baron Romero was different, he did not covet excessive wealth.

Satisfied with his current life, he valued his people.

Even though miners like Morkan know that the work is dangerous, and even though dissatisfaction is built up inside due to minor discrimination between blacksmith and them, the reason they always work without expressing their dissatisfaction is because of their gratitude to Baron Romero.

'I found out. What I can do for Dmitry.' Roman thought.

A chronic problem in iron mines, if it can be solved, Dmitry can achieve a significant gain.

At that moment a loud sound rang out.



A crashing sound was heard from somewhere.

It was sign of disaster, and at that sound, Morkan's expression turned pale.