Miners in the iron mine (3)

An accident occurred in the 8th tunnel in Zone E.

Morkan, who ran towards the scene of the accident, hurriedly shouted through the crowded crowd.

"What's happen there!"

"Morkan! Tunnel 8 has collapsed!"


E zone, it was recently under development.

[ Morkan had heard that miners would be dispatched to drill the path in the 8th tunnel, but the accident happened. ]

Since this wasn't a common situation, he immediately realised the severity of the situation, than a miner who was coming from the 8th tunnel said with pale face.

"As you know, the 8th tunnel was being developed to go further underground. It was confirmed that there was no problem with the ground or the pulley on which the huge device was hung, but then one wall suddenly collapsed and went down with the mobile device. The problem is that a miner was working right below. Fortunately, it was lunchtime, so only one person went down, but since no one found any reaction, it seems like the miner is now under the collapsed rock."


This was bad news. A wall collapse in a mine are quite a variable. No matter how thoroughly the ground's condition is checked beforehand, anything can happen once mining begins.

Also the reasons for collapse vary a lot in every cases. It could be that the ground was strained as the mobile device was connected, or something went wrong in the mine due to the heavy rainfall a couple days back.

Now one things is sure that an accident had happened in the tunnel, and there was a miner down below whose life is in danger now at the current moment.

'What do I do now?"

[ Morkan felt like he was losing his mind.

The machine which will take them underground is broken.( TN -- here machine is referred to a simple pully system. )

Thus, it would be difficult to head down to the site of the accident, and sending someone to rescue the injured man could lead to another shock on the ground, making another collapse possibly happen.

In the end, there was only one way left.

After making sure the collapsed ground is repaired, lower the ladder to save the injured man. That was the only way to keep both the rescuer and the rescued person safe. ]

Morkan was troubled due to the current situation.

One of the minner standing their shouted.

"Someone have to send a rescue! Otherwise the guy might die down there!"

At that moment before Morkan could speak, Roman stepped forward and said.

"Guide me to the accident site. I will go there."

Hearing what Roman had said, Morkan and other worker looked at him with bewildered faces.

Courage and recklessness were different things. And obviously, Morkan judged Roman behaviour to be reckless.

"Absolutely not! Young master is the eldest son of the Dmitry. If in the process of saving the trapped man, Young master fall in some kind of danger, we will be severely punished for negligence. Please understanding the situation... ."

"Then it will be too late."

Roman interrupted Morkan explanation, As the other miner thought, the method Morkan wanted to take was more suitable, but it will take time to all the things.

"The mobile device that fell underground can weigh 100 of kilos. If he is under it, we may not be able to save the life of the injured person the more delay to take him out. There is no denying that the method you mentioned is the safest, but even if you send people down after checking the ground, it is virtually impossible to remove the mobile device without any tools. Then, eventually, someone who uses the power of mana is needed. And I can solve all those problems by going down myself."

Aura swordsmen they are human which are like superhumans.

As Roman said, his method was the best way to save the wounded trapped inside.

However Morkan still tried to convince Roman, to not enter the underground mine.

"Isn't that we don't know that. There is only one thing I am concerned about. Young Master Roman is an aura swordsman, and we know how great young master is, but we have no choice but to worry about the worst."



"I told you before. Why did I come in the iron mine."

After hearing what Roman had said, in an instant, Morkan's eyes fluttered wildly.

"People with the surname Dmitry must fulfill their responsibilities. A leader is not a position to rule over others and pursue only comfort and personal happiness. This too is my duty. Dmitry's person is suffering due to wall collapse in the mine, and I who is present near the scene can not solve the problem, and if I run away from the danger and show my back, I do not deserve to live as Dmitry."

No Roman in his previous life Baek Joong-hyuk. He has been a leader all his life.

Although he saw a lot of blood in the process of subjugating Moorim, due to it Baek Jung-hyeok's Moorim met a peaceful era.

It was the result of Baek Jung-hyuk's. Always on the battlefield, Baek Jung-hyuk subordinate where always loyal to him, but he did not take the weight of the name of absolute leader lightly.

If you need something, you have to take responsibility and take risks, that was his as heavenly demon.

Having always reigned supreme, Roman knew how to act in face of danger.

'If I run away now, people below me will lose their trust on me. In order to make people give their all under the name of Dmitry. I have to show myself that, I deserve their that kind of loyalty.'

The wounded person trapped underground he was someone who Roman doesn't even know his face.

Taking the risk to save him was not a sensible option, but Roman thought about the result from it.

If he rescue the wounded person, people's attitudes will change towards him.

Miners will start to trust Roman, which will facilitate his future plans.

[ It was kind of a performance of Roman.

He had a golden opportunity to earn the trust of the general public while fulfilling his duties as a leader.

If the cause and ideal match, there was no reason for him, not to go. ]

"Young master ."

Morkan was speechless, he didn't know what is going on inside of Roman mind.

However when Roman speaked that it his duty due to being him carrying the Dmitry name, his heart was touched by the decision made by Roman to risk his life for the wounded pery.

Roman Dmitry he was the real deal. Thinking how he had rejected him earlier, Morkan almost went mad by his resentment toward himself.

" Be careful. You must safely return."

"I will go now."

There was no more time left to delay.

Roman left Morkan behind and quickly moved to the area where the accident had occurred.

The passage down to the 8th tunnel.

A normal person would need a ladder to go down to the basement, but Roman flew down by himself as soon as he arrives at the accident area.


Roman's movements were like a swift beast, like a goat going down a cliff, he went down quickly while moving downward, and he was able to instantly land on the bottom.

It was difficult for him to see, due to the dust and darkness around, when the mobile device crashed and it destroyed all the torches in the tunnel, but it didn't give Roman much problem.

Roman focused his mana on his eyes.

Even if it wasn't like broad daylight, he was able to understand the surrounding situation to some extent.

'Where is the trap person.'

Roman looked around, the surrounding area was a mess due to the collapse.

Most of the tunnels were hard to see as they were collapsed, but with huge rocks collapsing in front, large stones piled up ahead. Had there been anyone below those rocks or the device, they would die instantly. Fortunately Roman couldn't see any one under it.

When he looked around the mobile device, he noticed a young man lying on the floor. He was unconscious. And when he checked his pulse, Roman confirmed the guy was alive.

'You have wonderful luck."

The mobile device had fallen down but had not touched him at all. Also, he was only hit near the head by some stones around him, so even though he had a bleeding head, a broken leg, and wounded arms, his life wasn't seriously affected.

The fate of this human is not bad. Even though this man experienced the catastrophe of things falling down on him, he has wounds that can be healed.

'You aren't destined to die today."

Roman carried the man and then.



Roman went straight up to the entrance of the tunnel, from where he had came from.

"Oooh ooh."


"Young Master Roman saved that man!"

When Roman get out from the tunnel, large amount of crowd had already gathered there.

When people heared that Roman was going to rescue the trap person himself.

So all the people present there where waiting for Roman to come, when they saw Roman succeeded in rescuing the trap person after a while, it was an unbelievable sight for them.

It would have taken quite a while to go down to the basement and come back up again, but when Roman showed up carrying the wounded so quickly they where amazed by it.

Roman laid down the wounded person on the ground.

All the people standing there started cheering for him, but for Roman now was not the time to care about their reactions.

Roman checked the condition of the wounded person and ordered the worker who was just beside him.

"Bring something that can be use as a splint."



The worker was startled by Roman's shout and ran to bring something which can be used as splint.

Although the wounded person life person was not in danger, but his broken arms and legs has immediate need for a treatment.

Roman examines the person body and poured his mana in him, after suppressing the analgesic effect and bleeding, he aligned the broken bones by his hand.

Thump, Thump!

People who where standing there have goosebumps all over there body when they saw Roman treating the injuries of the person.

People with weak hearts turned their heads at the brutal sight, but Roman continued the treatment as if nothing had happened.

Morkan who was seeing all this, couldn't help himself but was surprised seeing that scene.

'He is so good in treatment.'

[ The act of treating an injury of a person is not easy as it look.

In particular, Roman wasn't healing him, but he just aligned the bones with his hands. It was impossible to do that without self-confidence and without having control of all your body, specially the hands.

While treating the person Roman appreance was of like completely different person.

He continuously initiated a series of twists and turns to save the arms of the wounded person.

Roman was used to doing this. In the world of survival of the fittest, something like this was easy common thing, injuries were everyday things, and in order to survive, Baek Joong-hyuk himself had to fix his own broken bones and even save a lot of his subordinates.

However, he didn't learn about medicine and treatment from other. It all came from his experience which he had accumulated that had led him to handle injuries on the battlefield when there was an emergency. And injuries like that of the wounded person in front of him were nothing major for Roman. ]

In his previous life.

Baek Joong-hyeok also had the experience of directly inserting and suturing his intestines back.

Naturally from his experience his hand have enough skill, and after seeing the scene, all the surrounding people cheered. After putting on the splint brought by the miner, Roman fixed him as well as he could. Then, he looked at Morkan and said,

"Take the injured person to the therapist right now. Although it was a simple first aid, he will need professional treatment in order not to leave any sequelae. And if the therapist need a potion for treatment, I will pay for it, so tell the therapist I want him to be perfectly treated."


As Morkan sighed in a relief, workers standing there ran to pick up the person, and they quickly put the him on a stretcher and went to the therapist.

Everything happened so fast, and Morkan heart was still beating loudly from what had happened in front of him.

When accident happened in the mine, Roman rescued the injured person himself, and treatment him.

Perhaps because he had experienced too many things at once, he stared at Roman with lost eyes.

Roman got up from his position and looked at Morkan and said.

"I think what happened today is due to the safety issue you mentioned before. Even if we prepare thoroughly, we can't save ourselves from sudden disaster. From now on as a person who carries the Dmitry name, I will try to solve the difficulties you are experiencing by any means and methods. It probably won't take that long."

Right now at this moment, Morkan felt an emotion that could not be described in words.

Solving the problem of miner didn't matter to him now. Morkan had finally understood that Roman which is standing in front of him had listened to the complain of the miners, and that alone was something that made him respect Roman Dmitry.