Baron Romero's Troubles (2)

Morkan, it was a familiar name for miner of Dmitry.

He worked for a long time in iron mine, and People also heard that this time he was selected as a safety officer.

He was a person who can be trusted. Besides if Jacob brought him here on purpose, because he know Morkan will be the best person to explain the situation.

Baron Romero said, "You are the person who was present at scene with Roman?"

"Yes." Morkan replied.

"Tell me in detail what happened at the time. How Roman behaved when the accident occurred, why he was interested in iron mine safety issues, and whether he was right in his thought and whether he found the solution himself or not. I want you to tell me the truth without any lies or exaggeration."

Morkan did as he was said, he said what he had experienced it himself.

Like Hans, he spoke his thoughts.

"The accident occurred about a week after Master Roman joined us as a miner. A worker was injured and trapped due to the collapse of the ground, and I who was present at the time, ordered the rescue of the workers in a safe manner according to the accident manual. However Master Roman had a different idea. He decided that he could save worker himself, i stopped him but Master Roman said that he had ability to save the worker and he went to the scene of the accident himself, despite being stopped by me and others. No one forced him to do that, no one asked him to, but the master made his own decisions."

It was just like what Hans had said to Baron Romero. Because he carried Dmitry's name as his surname, Roman had to take risk for his people.

Thinking of his son who had gone alone down in the dark collapsed mine, Baron Romero unwittingly griped his hand tightly which was the holding the chair.

"Actually, I did not know the reason why master came to the iron mine. However, after treating the wounded himself, I realized how pathetic and foolish I was, as I watched the master say that he would solve the iron mine safety problem. Master did not have any special intentions. As the eldest son of the Dmitry family, he wanted to experience first-hand the hardships people were facing, and master also said that he had face the safety issue himself so he was responsible for solving it."

He was thrilled, as one of the worker of iron mine.

Morkan truly fell in love with Roman actions for his people.

So, even though Roman proposed that he had a purpose, he believed that it was all for the people of Dmitry.

"From start to finish. The way to solve safety issue was master's idea. If lord today is asking what kind of person I think master is then, as a Dmitry person I sincerely trust Master Roman and want to follow him."

Morkan vomited truth, even when he bow his head.

The unshakable voice proved that there was no lie or exaggeration, as Baron Romero had requested.

"Ok now you can go back."

Baron Romero heard everything he wanted to hear.

Baron Romero talked with more people from iron mine about Roman than he sent them back.

'Not a single one says that Roman is not suitable as Dmitry's successor.'

Iron Mine people after the accident they all sided with Roman's.

Baron Romero felt it while watching Morkan carefully speaking every word, in case Roman might already have become Dmitry's successor.

This is very troubling for him, everyone opinion towards Roman had changed.

Everyone wants Roman, but that doesn't mean they haven't decided yet.

Master Blacksmith, still the most important person of Dmitry opinion remained.

A few days ago.

Many Blacksmith had been working in front of the scorching flames of the furnace, just like any other day.


"What is it?"

"Items have arrived in the name of Master Roman Dmitry. Shall I take it?"


It was a taboo word for the blacksmith like him.

He tried not to mention Roman's name as much as possible ever since there last interaction, but he had to report to Master Hendrick after receiving a request.

The blacksmith who asked was very nervous. However, Hendrick's reaction was different from what he had expected.



"Are your ears blocked? Go get it."

"Oh, I see!"

Blacksmith ran hastily after receiving Hendrick's reply.

He was carrying lot of Roman items, he couldn't bring it all in by myself, so several blacksmiths stuck together, and the forge was suddenly full of iron weapons and armor.

It was not an amount that could be finished in a day or two.

Considering his personal feelings for Roman, of course he wanted to reject it, but Hendrik looked carefully at the steel weapons and armour with face full of exclamation.

"It's really messed up. How long have been they training like this?"

It looked like this are all from the soldiers following Roman.

Actually in his heart, he wanted to refuse.

But recently, his feelings towards Roman have changed a bit.

After hearing about the incident in the iron mine through Jacob, Roman seemed to be little different now, when Jacob said that he risked his life to save the workers.

If he now think about it, it could not be said that it was Roman's fault that they had a heated argument at the blacksmith's workshop.

There was something wrong with Roman, so he wanted to relieve his heart by doing what he was asked for.

Hendrik carefully inspected the condition of the items, but there was a slight problem for him he was thinking about how to make Roman satisfied.

When Hendrik was checking the iron items piled up like a mountain, he widened his eyes when he saw a sword that had been left out.

"Hu, what the hell is this thing?!"

It was certain it would be a famous sword and it was not commonly found on the continent.

[Hendrick was a master blacksmith not for his name, but he had skill to have this position.

Because he worked hard tirelessly in the blacksmith for decades, he was able to recognize the brilliance of the sword at once.]

"Where did you get these things?" Hendrick asked the blacksmith who brought all the item in.

He looked at the sword in the light.

The twinkling light glided down the blade smoothly, and the grip of the gently rolled handle was like a art piece.

He felt that the strength of the blade was very appropriate after he tapped the sword with his hand.

It could not be said that it was the best sword on the continent, but it was hard to find a sword of this calibre even in Dmitry, the place Know for their blacksmiths.

Above all there was a point that truly aroused Hendrick curiousity.

'Mana's reaction is unusual.'

When light fall's on the blade, it shone brightly with a black light.

That meant that the ability to receive the energy of nature, that is mana was different from other irons normaly found.

A very long time ago.

At that time, the standard of a great sword was simply to cut well and be strong, but when Emperor Alexander opened up his possibility as an aura swordsman, the standard changed completely.

The basic performance of all the sword should be best, and to be recognized as one of the best sword, it depending on how well the sword accepted mana.

Hendrick bring the sword towards the flames.

Very occasionally weapons with excellent mana responsiveness would cause dramatic phenomena just by bringing them to the flames.

Just like right now.



Sound came from the furnace

" ?!"

Flames engulfed the sword.

To be precise, the flames that should be burning in the furnace, showed a tendency to burn around the sword as if they were being dragged by gravitational force.

To be precise, it wasn't dramatic enough to say it was wrapped around.

However, even without mana injection, if the effect was this much, it was clear that this was something Aura swordsmen would be delighted to have.

'I can't believe I would be able to see sword of this calibre in my life time.'

His heart was pounding loud.

Hendrick prided himself from being the best on the continent for his blacksmithing skills.

However, increasing mana reactivity was another matter, there was only one thing going on his mind.

"How the hell could you make something like this?"

His curiosity increased as a craftsman, he approached the blacksmith who had just brought the weapon and asked.

"This sword. Whose is it?"

He knew whose sword is, if it's Roman's request.

Then he should be owner of this sword.

Still, the truth had to be confirmed, and as expected, blacksmith spoke the name Hendrick had in mind.

"It belongs to Master Roman. After recovering all the soldiers' weapons and armor, the sword was entrusted to me. But what's the problem? If you command me even now, I will return all of these to Master Roman."

"No, you don't have to."

Roman name got stuck in his mind.

'Where did you get this sword from?'

If it was due to Dmitry's wealth, he would definitely have paid a large sum of money to buy it.

If so, who the hell made the sword?

Numerous questions was going through his mind, and at the end he came on one conclusion.

'Let's directly ask the owner of this sword, where the sword is from.'

[ Hendrick didn't want to chat with Roman, but now he eagerly want to know the answer and to know the answer he was ready to bow his head down.]

To meet Roman, he had to process his request quickly.

Without any results, he can't ask with just about the sword.

Hendrick exclaimed, "Call all the blacksmiths you can afford right now. We will have to complete this work in a few days!"

In Dmitry blacksmith workplace Hendrick's words are law.

From that day on, the smithy fire would not go out until the sun went down.

Thung! Thung! Sound rang from the smithy.

After few days all the item where brought to Roman.

At the sight of the steel shining like new, Chris showed genuinely surprised look.

"Is it over already? I thought it would take at least two weeks since this where all the gear and item from 30 soldier."

"I thought I would work slowly over this on the course of two weeks, but for some reason, Master Hendrick's order all the free blacksmiths who didn't have any other thing to do, to work on this armour and sword."

Blacksmith who talking with Chris, trembled slightly due to exhaustion, last few days it was a hell of a schedule.

Working in night me dangerous, so Hendrick didn't force it, but he had to beat the iron continuously in the forge from sunrise to sunset.

He couldn't fully enjoy the rest time that was normally guaranteed.

Master of the smithy puts bread in his mouth in one minute and runs straight to the smithy, how on earth can the blacksmiths under him rest?

After working for three days, they had finally completed the work today.

"Be sure to ask Master Roman later. Why is Master Hendrik so worn out on this armour and sword?"

"Ok", Chris replied while nodding.

Chris glanced to the side and saw Roman and Hendrick having a conversation.

Hendrick's face was blank, he was very tired due to overworking, but his eyes where very bright due to his enthusiasm.

"Roman. Where the hell did you get this sword? Who had made this sword?"

He fired his question on Roman, and as if he was excepting answer quickly, since he was standing in front of him, but when Hendrik didn't get his answer he could not hide his annoyance.

On that look Roman smiled.

'As expected.'

From the first time he commissioned it.

Roman expected Hendrick to react like this.

Enthusiasm of a blacksmith.

When a person see an attractive object, they have no choice but to react like Hendrick, no matter what relationship you have with the owner of the object.

So Roman gave the answer that Hendrick was eager to know.

"It's not the sword I got it from other. I made the sword myself."

" What?!"

Hendrick's face showed his astonishment.

Because it was a very shocking remark that he had not even dared to imagine in the past few days.