Lobster For Potatoes

"My my, how bold of you to come here to ask me," Cassandra remarked as she glanced over to Sierra with her arms folded. 

"I have some lobster here if you need it, Your Highness," Sierra said with a smile. 

This was no time to pick a fight and every minute was worth its weight in gold. A quick glance at Cassandra's station and Sierra could tell the maid and servant were doing most of the work. 

Most of the princesses were likely going to focus their time on the last two challenges to impress the King, Queen, and their court.

"I can't believe you're this foolish. Trading lobster for potatoes. But I guess you really can't have the brains and brawn, now can you?" Cassandra scoffed. 

The maid came forward with all the items Sierra had requested and took the lobster from her. Sierra did not say a word in response, she simply kept up the smile on her face.