Helping Hands

Looking at the stovetop she was working on, Sierra came up with an idea. 

"We'll steam the remaining bread, that should do the trick."

She took over the trays from Ida and transferred all of the bread into a multi-tiered steamer. Once it was in place, she sighed in relief. Then, she turned her attention back to the other two dishes. 

All the other princesses were hard at work, preparing their dishes too. As Sierra had predicted, most of them focused on two of the challenges instead of all three. They prepared exquisite dishes for the King and Queen to taste. Few attempted the first challenge and of those who did, one princess could barely keep up due to the sheer amount of ingredients needed. 

Princess Taita was her name. Since it was possible to trade ingredients, she went up to the others, in hopes of getting the final ingredients she needed. However, those she went up to either refused to trade with her or did not have what she needed.