Chapter 2: ‘The chimeras’

God: "Okay, settle down everyone. Let us go to the new scene... Now most of you here would have already witnessed Grey's skills, while many of those would've questioned how someone can have abilities such as the ones that Grey have. Get ready to see what goes on in his mind, while he performs those—skills...especially when he's at the verge of his death."

*God's words' draws interest in many who already knew Grey, while the one or two that cared about him felt nervous to watch him fight while he's at his death*

# "We'll cross together on three," I decided.

Regis nodded, positioning himself just behind the doorway. My heart thumped against my ribcage as I felt my senses heighten. I had no idea what we would face as soon as we left this 'sanctuary'.

"One. Two. Three!" I stepped through alongside Regis, ready for whatever challenges awaited. However, we were met in complete silence aside from the click and hum of the door closing behind us.

The marble floor underneath my feet was flawlessly smooth but unlike the circular room we were in before, this one was a long straight hallway with a ceiling that arched high above our heads with another metal door etched with runes on the other side. Two rows of sconces were lined across the patterned wall, illuminating the hallway in a warm natural light. On either side of us were giant marble statues depicting men and women armed with not just the familiar swords, spears, wands and bows, but also... guns.

Apparently, Regis was just as surprised as I was. "Are those..."

"Guns? I think so," I answered. #

*scene pauses due to several inaudible murmurs from the crowd; God clicks his tongue, but stays silent*

Taegen: "You surely don't care to study about the Relictombs zones before diving in." *shakes his head in disbelief*

Regis: "It's not his fault. He's not so know about things here in Al—"

Grey: "It doesn't matter. You've already seen the Relictombs behaving differently in my presence. So do you think any type of study or information gathering would work?"

Kalon: "Grey is right. We witnessed it with our own eyes. In fact right we're stuck in a zone that I don't think others would be easily be able to enter. Our lives are at Grey's hand." *gives a bitter smile*

Ezra: *snorts* "He's a wimp. Playing with some stone cubes in hand. You think he can save us? Wake up brother! You're putting too much faith on a stranger."

Ada: "Shush, Ezra. Big brother Kalon is right. If it wasn't for Grey...we would've been stuck and be killed in the first zone itself" *shivers as goosebumps rises on her body*

Riah: *looks at Grey with curiosity* "Grey. What are...'guns'?"

*many others in the room was also curious about Grey's interaction with his "summon", so they turn to look at him for his answer*

Grey: *ignores their gazes and stares blankly at the white panel with a stoic face*

*suddenly a laughter is everyone shifts their focus on Regis who was laughing while eyeing everyone's curious face*

Regis: "Don't look at him, he's probably not going to answer. Princess...he is very humble, so let me answer in his stead. You can call him as someone similar artificer. He usually does it for his own good, whenever he needs money...or gifts—for his family. I'm sure you all would have seen the war ship—"

*suddenly a voice stops Regis's explanation*

Grey: *glares daggers at Regis as he yells* "REGIS! What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Regis: *shrugs his vulpine shoulders as he answers deadpan* "They are going to know—soon. So what's the point? This is very fun, isn't it?" *Ignoring Grey's still piercing gaze, continues* "Anyways... as I was saying, the 'toy'...that he called as 'gun' is something similar to what he had designed.... He may look dense, but he's really smart." *finishes in a mocking tone*

*Everyone looks at Grey in 'awe'; while a few ladies starts to daydream about Grey's 'toys' and his other inventions*

Caera: (I'm going to get a heart attack soon; just how many things does this man have hidden from everyone. Just...who is he, really?) *takes a peek at Grey with curiosity filled eyes* "Is there anything that you cannot do, Grey?" *she mumbles silently as no one could hear*

Riah: *smiles in satisfaction at everyone's stupefied faces at Grey's brilliance* (Why do I feel happy for him?) *her euphoric thoughts stops abruptly, and her face fills with shock after hearing Kalon's words*

Kalon: "Grey..." *pauses and looks up with a thoughtful and distant gaze* "a brilliant fighter; impeccable in mana control; and now an inventor... If you were a named blood, I would have you marry my little sister..." * pauses and then smirks teasingly while taking a peek at Ada* "Blood Grandbehl would be very happy and honoured to have a talent like you*

*God silently laughs thinking about the future*

Ada: *starts panicking and fights to keep her face straight; talks in a meek tone while lowering her gaze* "Brother...stop..." *her eyes peeks at Riah, sitting next to her*

*Kalon laughs joyously*

Riah: *looks utterly disappointed and then, downtrodden* (I should be happy for Ada...she is like my sister, so why am I feeling sad?) *her eyes darts to Grey's position*

*Grey might as well have been a statue at this point*

God: *clears his throat* "Settle down. Let's move on."

# My gaze shifted away from the stone statues for a moment, landing on the door straight ahead, roughly three hundred feet or so.

"So we just...walk past these giant stone statues and go to the door on the other side. That's not ominous at all," Regis muttered.

Rather than walking straight ahead, I walked over to the wall to my right, searching for any sort of hidden side exit. After searching both walls, I let out a sigh and looked down the middle aisle again between the row of stone statues.

"You don't suppose these statues will start moving and try to kill us once we get near them, right?" I asked as I kept walking.

I looked forward at the exit still over two hundred feet away. The aetheric runes carved on the door had changed and the handle that used to be there was gone.

I must've taken about ten steps when the statues around me began cracking. Large stone fragments broke off and fell to the floor...and as more and more of the statues began crumbling, the more I could make out what was inside them.

What was exposed from the coffin-like statues these...creatures were trapped in could be nothing short of unsettling. Scabrous flesh covered patches of exposed muscles and bone in these sinewy humanoid creatures. The weapons depicted in the statues were actually weapons in similar shapes made of elongated bones and muscle fibers.

If I could describe it simply, it would look like some lunatic had ripped apart a large human and tried to piece him back together inside out. Like some failed chimera experiment. #

*everyone gasps in surprise and horror looking at the ugly, nightmare inducing creatures*

*Briar looks at the scene with peaked interest and a faint smile; while Ada and Riah starts panicking as they imagined themselves in Grey's shoes*

*Riah holds Ada's hands as they tremble uncontrollably*

*Abby simply closes her eyes with her hands...but takes a peek at the scene, between her fingers* (merciful Vritra!)

Arian: *looks at the scene with a serious gaze* "You were on point with...their appearance, Mr.Grey. I can't believe that you would still go on solo ascents, after being in a fight like this. You sure are...interesting"

Alaric: *looks at the scene with wide eyes* "My dear nephew, don't tell me that you actually fought those—monsters!"

Regis: "Oh he did. And guess what? He fought this zone three times. Wait and watch. Hahaha..."

*everyone oddly stares at the wolf like it's crazy*

Tagen: "I didn't know that summons can—lie" *eyes the shadow wolf critically*

Regis: "Hey! Rude! Who said I'm lying? You damned Alacryan! I'm going to burn your pathetic self to crisp with my destruct—" *stops midsentence as he feels Grey's eyes on him*

*Grey simply shakes his head in annoyance at Regis's behaviour*

# The first chimera to fully 'hatch' out of its stone encasement had been a statue of a man wielding a bow and arrow. It let out a guttural screech from its crooked mouth as it leapt from the podium the statue was on, sending shivers throughout my entire body.

"Axe monster finished hatching as well!" Regis called out from above, just a few feet away.

The split second I had taken to look over at the second chimera with axes for arms was all the bow-wielding chimera needed.

A burst of pain erupted from my side and I was sent flying back from the impact. Letting out a hoarse cough, I looked down to see a bone arrow protruding just below my ribcage.

I got up to my knees. My vision narrowed again, blurring out everything but what I had to focus on. I've had this feeling before in battle, but nothing as extreme as this. My head pounded against my skull as blood surged through my body.

I jumped back, barely in time to dodge the blurred swing of the axe chimera. Just as it was about to swing down its other bladed arm at me, a black shadow whizzed by.

Regis stuck to the axe chimera, obstructing its vision and allowing me the opportunity to limp away.

I made it another few steps when another searing pain bloomed, this time from my left leg.

Stifling a scream, I toppled forward, barely avoiding the first arrow from getting pushed further into my stomach.

"(Grey)! I can only distract one of them and there are more of these things hatching!"

"I know!" I mustered through gritted teeth. I snapped the shaft off of the bone arrow inside my body, letting out a gasp as I did the same with the arrow on my leg.

My vision pulsed once more as if my body was trying to expel my soul. Colors began fading and what began surrounding the sinewy monsters emerging free from their stone statues were soft auras of purple. Looking down at the bone and muscle-strewn shafts of the arrows in my hand, the same soft purple aura seeped, causing me to do something that I couldn't quite believe.

I bit down on one arrow. More specifically, I bit down on the aetheric aura surrounding the arrow, consuming the aether as if it were the meat attached to a bone.

"What in the unholy hell are you doing?" Regis cried out. #

Ezra: "M-MO-MONSTER! HE'S A FU*KING MONSTER, WHO THE FU*K EATS SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?" *stares at the scene in fear and disgust*

*silence covers the room*

*while the others didn't say anything, they all thought the same...everyone except Caera*

Caera: *eyes wide and in a daze, as a subtle happiness crepts up from her inside* (D-Did he just say 'aether'?)

Kalon: "That looks like an extensive battle. I am surprised you did all that, right after you woke that dire state. You're a true warrior, Grey." *looks at Grey in admiration, uncaring to the hostile aura emitting from his brother, Ezra*

*Aphene holds her breath and watches the fight, trying to study Grey's combat skills* (even when he's weak, he's so skilful. If it were me...I'd be killed off in a few seconds...where did he learn to fight like this...and at such a young age!?) *peeks at Grey, who was watching the scene with disinterest*

*Riah and Ada simply stares at the scene and back to Grey...specially at his leg which was supposed to be injured* (he must have a good healer to be able to heal himself and go on an ascent so soon)

Abby: "Why-why did you eat that monster's meat—weapon?" *asks in a trembling voice, as her face turns dark in horror at the scene*

Regis: *laughs* "Meat, you say? Don't yo—"

*But Grey speaks up cutting Regis's words off*

Grey: "Since you are going to know about it anyway, I might as well clear things out. So that you all can stop looking at me like I'm some sort of a cannibal monster... I-I have a special rune that gives me strength while eating mana—wait that's not right... I don't exactly eat it, it's more of absorbing the mana, through my special rune mark."

*everyone eyes at Grey suspiciously, only half believing at his sudden words*

Grey: (Dammit. Are they going to find out about my aether abilities too? Is the God going to show them, me making the core too...) *trails off as someone speaks up*

Arian: "But you said something about 'aetheric aura'... and you said it's purple, which I wasn't able to see. Are you sure it is mana? What 'type' then?"

*everyone nods wordlessly at Arian's words and looks at Grey for answers*

Grey: *stares with his eyes burning at Arian face, making him flinch*

God: "Stop ganging up on our protagonist. I will show you everything when the right time comes. Now be satisfied with what you're shown."

*everyone shuts up hearing the God's cold tone*

*but a soft voice gathers everyone's attention inside this sudden silence*

Abby: "I-I have a question... Why does his name gets cut out (beep'd) every-time his sum—Regis...says it?"

*realisation hits everyone's mind as they look at Abby in a daze* (she's right!)

*another voice echos, but as a shout*

Ezra: "That woman is right. Why is his name getting cut off??? Was he lying about that too, like how he lied that he is on his first ascent to lure my blood in????" *stares at God and then at Grey for answers*

God: *laughs for several seconds before answering in a causal tone* "You're right. You've been fooled, mortal. Now who are you going to blame for your own stupidity? You should have looked into his background before accepting to take him with you—unless you don't actually care about your family's well-being and only for yourself....Hmmm I guess that is it...Hahaha"

*Ezra grits his teeth but keeps his mouth shut as the memories of getting pounded against his seat comes to his mind*

*everyone silently glares at Grey, thinking wondering about his name...real name...*

Caera: *immersed in thought till realisation hits her* (of course! How did I not see it? When I asked for his name back then, the ascender looked like I had asked him something so difficult to answer.... So Grey isn't his name?! 'Grey', what the hell!...) *turns to her side and stares at Grey, to gain his attention but he just simply ignores her* "Is it true?" (He ignores her again)

God: "Ahem. No need to ask him that. It is true; while it also isn't. But as for the truth...that is a surprise haha. I know it's confusing. Just wait till we get there, it's going to be entertaining!"

# I chomped down on the dwindling aetheric fire, tearing it off the bone arrow and swallowing it down before moving onto the other arrow.

My veins burned as the aetheric substance surrounding the arrows flowed through me, filling me with a strength that I hadn't felt since waking up with this body.

It had gone as quickly as it had come, but what shocked me was that the wound on my leg and side were gone and two bloody arrowheads were on the ground below my feet. #

*everyone gasps in surprise at seeing Grey's injuries heal in mere seconds*

Caera: *stares wide eyed and mouth agape* (what the actual f*ck!?)

Ezra: *speaks in a panicky voice, trying to blame two of the people he now hates the most in his pathetic life* "Th-This is cheating. He is—He's a liar." *points at God* "Both these two must be thinking that we're all idiots. But I'm not!" *yells* "You think I will believe this bullcrap? No human can heal that quickly by themselves, with no potions or healers! Only the deities can do that!!! You're no deity, you're a piece of lying scum!" *stares angrily at Grey* (I wish I could kill that liar; rip his throat out)

*Kalon, Ada, Abby and Riah looks at Grey intently with unreadable expressions*

Briar: *stares at Grey without even blinking once...*

Aphene: (just what is he? I knew he's strong, I only thought he's comparable to the beasts...the monsters. But is he really one...?) *lowers her gaze to the floor in thoughts*

Alaric: *approaches Grey* "My dear nephew...see I thought you were joking around.....even a bit crazy on hereee y'know" * taps his temple with his finger* "but you weren't kidding when you said you have regenerative abilities."

Grey: *shrugs and relaxes a bit, seeing a friendly face, before smirking* "It's your fault old man. But don't ask me how..."

Alaric: *grunts and rolls his eyes* "Fine. As curious as I am—to know your secret..." *sneaks closer and whispers in Grey's ears* "...I didn't forget our...little agreement. So, I'll keep my mouth shut."

Grey: *silently nods at Alaric's words* (Yeah you're going to know soon, if things go like this) *turns his gaze to God*

# My heartbeat quickened as various scenarios raced through my head. In this life-or-death place facing monsters in my debilitated state, there was only one thing I could do: risk it all.

If I wasn't prepared to give up my life, I knew I wouldn't survive in this place.

Lunging forward as the sword chimera's large blade skidded on the smooth marble surface with a screech, I grabbed its arm and bit down and consumed the purple aura surrounding it.

The sword chimera let out a mournful wail, revealing a mouthful of needle-pointed teeth. The chimera flailed wildly in pain but I clung on, trying to hurt it in any way I could. Kicks and punches hurt me more than it hurt the chimera but as I continued consuming the purple-tinged aura surrounding the chimera's sword-wielding arm, I felt my strength growing.

The chimera kicked me with its long, leathery leg and I slammed against the wall, coughing up blood and a couple of teeth, as my consciousness faded in and out.

Ahead of me, marching towards me was an army of chimeras, each wielding a different weapon made of bone and muscle.

Another explosion resounded, much closer this time, and the ground in front of me burst into shards of marble and blood.

A guttural scream tore out of my throat as a pool of blood formed just where my left leg had been. It was the chimera holding what looked like a gun, its hollowed bone pointed right at me. #

*everyone looks at the scene with pale and painful face* (now, how the heck is he still alive after that!? With his body fully intact...)

Riah: *looks at the scene with horrified expression* (Why is he pushing himself to such an extent to fight? Is he in need of money? Perhaps if we...I can...) *chokes on her own thoughts and hides her reddened face behind her hands*

Ada: *averts her gaze from the gory scene playing on the white panel and looks at Riah with a worried look*

Caera: *her head spins around as she tries to figure of Grey. And his connection with aether* (I'm sure his unusual abilities must be related to aether!) *gets excited as she watches the white panel excitedly* (Grey—or whatever your name is....I don't care, I'm going to find out all your secrets.)

# Dragging my body across the floor as the chimeras approached, almost tauntingly slow, I reached for the door we had come through—the door to the sanctuary.

Pulling myself up to my single good leg, I pulled at the handle. It wouldn't budge.

"Come on!" I pleaded, yanking at the metal handle futilely.

Regis, who had floated back to me, let out a sigh. "My life sucked."

I heard a faint whistle before a piercing pain erupted once more, this time from my left shoulder.

Gritting through the pain, I kept myself from falling by pressing myself against the wall and grabbing ahold of the handle for support.

That's when I saw it. Amongst all of the aetheric runes and symbols etched onto this door, there was a single part that I recognized from when I had watched (Elder Rinia) activating the teleportation gate in the (ancient mage's hideout.)

Pressing myself harder against the wall for support, I used my only good hand to trace the aetheric runes.

Nothing happened.

"Damn it! Please!" I pleaded, trying again.

I screamed once more as another arrow pierced my lower back, dangerously close to my spine. I gripped the handle again, to keep myself from falling, when I saw the same faint purple aura the chimeras emitted around Regis.

My eyes widened. "Regis, quick, come here!"

"Okay, but you're not going to eat me, right?" Regis said, uncertain.

"Hurry!" I hissed. "Get in my hand!"

The black will-o-wisp darted into my right hand, and I almost cheered in delight at what I saw. My hand was tinted in a faint aura of purple.

Quickly, I traced through the runes again, shifting it ever-so-slightly so that its function of opening was enabled.

The hum of the door unlocking was heavenly, but my eyes widened as I spotted the gun-wielding chimera fully loaded and a thick cluster of purple gathered at the nozzle.

Prying the door open just enough for me to squeeze through, I lunged back inside the sanctuary just in time to feel the door shudder from the force of the chimera's shotgun shell. #

Caera: *gasps in surprise* "How did you do that?" *asks Grey in a silent whisper, not wanting for Grey to gain any attention* "the voice got cutoff at the time when you were examining those weird looking runes!"

Grey: *turns to the side to look at Caera in confusion* "Do what?" (This woman....)

Caera: *stares intently at Grey without breaking eye contact* "Go back to the sanctuary. It is impossible to go backwards. How did you do that?"

Grey: *keeps his face unreadable and answers plainly* "I have a rune..." *not waiting for her reaction he turns his face back to the screen*

Caera: *stays silent for a few seconds before laughing out loud* "You...You...just how many runes do you have, huh? You're talking like your whole body is filled with runes"

Taegen: "Lady Caera is right. 'I have runes'...sounds very convenient. Unless you really have. What is it, a regalia?"

Regis: *laughs heartily* "Why, lady Caera. If you are so curious, then why don't you undress the princess...and take a look yourself? Hahaha."

*Caera's face blushes in embarrassment, as she lowers her gaze* (I'm gonna burn the wolf with my soul fire after we get out of here)

*Riah and Abby blushes at that thought, while Ada watches Riah's coy expression with a smile*

Arian: (First, the convergence zone reacted to his presence, now it seems like he can jump back and forth to the zones as he wishes...just what is he?)

# Crossing through the door and walking up to the triggering point in the hallway wasn't any easier the second time. The fact that we knew what was coming actually made it worse, but this time my body felt just a bit lighter and stronger, plus I knew what to expect.

With a rumble and explosion of stone fragments, the bow-wielding chimera broke loose from its statue first—the same as last time.

I broke into a sprint back toward the door to the sanctuary. I couldn't allow myself to get surrounded here.

The goal was simple. Consume as much aetheric aura from the chimeras as I could while sustaining as little injuries as possible. #

Taegen: *shouts* "Wait a minute. How were you able to repeat the zones?? Shouldn't you, gone to a different zone?"

Regis: *snorts* "Well well well, now you must feel like a clown, calling me a liar. Hahaha."

Kalon: "So your summon was telling the truth. You really can repeat the zones at will. That's some...ability, Grey. Every time I try to gauge you, I've been seriously underestimating you."

*Grey simply shrugs*

Regis: "Yup, don't underestimate the princess...he can kill all of you in a single beat, if he wants to" *narrows his eyes at Ezra*

Ezra: *tries to retort, but starts to sweat at Regis's intense gaze* (why the heck is that guy's summon this powerful!)

God: *pets Regis's mane* "Now, now, Regis. Don't interfere with the lives of the mortals. If you're going to ascend the godhood then you must leave out the mortal business; unless if you're really bored, that is. Haha."

Grey: (why can't I speak to Regis through the mental link?) *looks at God and Regis questioningly*

God: *talks to Grey mentally* 'Don't worry about your pet. Let him have his mind for himself till we get over this—show. I gave you this opportunity to retrospect; and gauge the people here. Mind you, some of the people here will make your life harder in your new continent...while one or two would be of immense help. Don't think of this as a waste of time. For now you have the opportunity to rewrite the future at your will. So choose your allies wisely, King Grey.' *clears his throat and speaks out loud to everyone* "Now let's move to the next scene. Get ready! A new zone awaits us!"

[To be continued.]