Chapter 3: 'Millipede hunt & Skinny dipping in Lava' (Part-1)

#We had stepped into what could only be described as a jungle except for a few notable differences. The first difference was in the plethora of white trees around us with leaves glowing in various shades of purple. The second was that there weren't just trees growing out from the ground but also on the ceiling of this enormous cavern.

The two of us ventured deeper into the ethereal jungle, noticing more and more differences in this strange environment. We found thick pale vines that connected the trees on the ground to the trees growing on the ceiling. In the air were hundreds of blue globules, some floating up, others floating down.

Despite how calm and quiet things were in this forest, though, I couldn't help but feel restless.

Regis, on the other hand, was enjoying the scenery as he flew up over the canopy of trees that blocked much of my view.

"I can't see much except for these two-tailed monkey creatures climbing up and down the vines," Regis noted before his eyes lit up. "Oh! And you know those floating blue orbs? I think it's water. I saw a few of them hanging from the vines and drinking from those."

I nodded, my eyes constantly on the lookout for anything potentially dangerous.

"Will you ease up? No sexy vixen demons yet but compared to the last floor, this place practically seems like paradise," Regis insisted.#

Taegen: "I didn't know your summon would be so…lecherous."

Kalon: "Perhaps, it is the manifestation of its masters deep desires. Haven't you read about it during your academy? summons usually tend to reflect and perform their master's wishes…"

*everyone turns their gazes on Grey and looks at him with new light*

Grey: "It's—Regis, he is not your regular summon. You can see him 'talking', can't you? Can a regular summon do that?"

(eats monsters, and is into lecherous demons…what's next?) *everyone still looks at him, unconvinced by his words; everyone, except Riah*

Riah: "Wait. Wait. Wait. It's—weird, isn't it? *takes a look around the room, before fixing her gaze on Ada)

*everyone turns their gazes to Riah in confusion* (what is she on about?)

Riah: *ignores the gaze of everyone and focuses on Ada* "Can't you—see any difference? With Grey…"

Ada: *turns her head to look at the white panel; it is paused on Grey's back*

Abby: *gasps loudly, gaining everyone's attention* "Umm.." *suddenly notices everyone before quickly averting her gaze in embarrassment*

Ezra: *speaks in a condescending tone* "Spit it out, will ya? What's different about our almighty, all-powerful and the lady-killer, GREY, who seems to be affecting all the woman in this room not so subtly!?" *turns to Ada and Riah and grits his teeth* "You think I wouldn't notice what you two are doing?"

Kalon: "Ezra shut your mouth before I make you. Keep your cool, younger brother. If Grey decides to retaliate…I won't be helping you." *says deadpan*

*Ezra lets out a huff, but keeps his mouth close*

Riah: *ignores Ezra's mocking tone, and answers* "H-He looks…big" *suddenly blushes realising what she had just said*

Ada: *eyes widens at Riah's words; quickly turns her head to the panel to search for…Riah's words. But soon realises what she had actually meant* (what was I just thinking?!) "I-I see what you mean, you're right…" *coughs awkwardly*

Abby: *nods her head subtly* (As I thought…it wasn't just me seeing things)

Taegen: "Now that I see it, he does look a little more…"

Arain: "…masculine?" *asks half-doubtingly*

Taegen: *coughs* "Y-Yes, that's what I was going to say" *takes a peek at Grey nervously* "I don't know how he did it, but then, do we really know how he is doing what he is doing!?" *says it as more of a fact than a question*

*everyone nods their head as the same thought crosses their minds* (just how was Grey able to gain muscles in mere hours)

Grey: *seeing that no one has taken their gaze off of him, answers after a sigh* "That is how I normally look. In fact I used to be—a bit more muscular…but since I was injured as you all saw a while ago, I seems to have lost a lot of muscle"

*everyone goes 'Ah! Makes sense! But still…it doesn't explain how you got it back in just a few hours. What kinda magic is that?!'…while except a few who were daydreaming about a certain—other—stuff in deep thoughts, such as Riah, Ada and Abby*

*soon the trio blushes in unison, which didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the room except for Grey*

God: *coughs* "Let's move on, shall we?"

*the scene resumes playing*

#"Over there! It was a different colour and a little smaller but I saw some of those monkeys eating that," Regis pointed out, gesturing toward a pear-shaped fruit hanging from a branch above us.

I shot my companion a sceptical look.

"Hey, I'm not the one that has to eat," Regis groused, offended by my lack of trust.

My initial reaction was to avoid the risk. After all, who knows how different the anatomy of the creatures in this floor was compared to me. However, the more I stared at it, the more my stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten since waking up in this god-forsaken dungeon. What's more was that this orange fruit was covered in a sheen of purple indicating that it contained (aether) within it.

With my newly-forged ((aether) core) revitalizing this body, I knew that I didn't need to eat nearly as much as before. But eventually, I would have to, and the temptation staring right in my face got the best of me.

I easily jumped up to the first branch, and continued to ascend. To my surprise, the branches didn't even bend under my weight, making it easy to reach the glistening orange fruit.

Just as I was about to reach for the fruit, something caught my eye. There was a subtle distortion in the surrounding area that made me immediately pull my hand back.

And that's when I saw it—a giant mouth rimmed with rows of serrated teeth clamping shut around the fruit…and where my hand would've been had I not pulled back. The strange thing, however, was that I could still see the fruit inside the monster's mouth.

I leaped back to a farther branch, bracing myself for its next attack. However, the monster merely parted its giant lips once more and everything but the giant fruit it used as a lure turned transparent.

"Oops. My bad," Regis let out an uncomfortable chuckle.#

*few in the room gasps in shock at the scene, while the rest chuckles*

Kalon: "Are you sure your summon isn't…trying to kill you? That was a close one." *flicks his gaze between Grey and Regis*

Regis: "What the…do you think I would do such a thing? Besides…that guy's a cockroach, you think a measly attack from such a puny monster will kill him? Please…even the asur—"

Grey: "Regis! I'm going to turn you back into that useless stone if you keep running your mouth like that" *lifts his right hand up and shows the palm to Regis*

*Regis visibly shrinks back to his seat and ignores everyone's stupefied yet confused gazes*

*suddenly someone's soft chuckle makes the sudden silence crumble*

Caera: "I'd say he deserves it…turn him into stone, anything to close off his mouth" *glares at the shadow wolf* "Besides…even if that monster had bitten off Grey's hand…he would've grown it back, wouldn't you, Grey?" *she looks at Grey with an innocent, yet serious face*

Grey: *turns to look at Caera; feels nervous for some reason* "Y-Yeah, sure…I guess"

*everyone agrees as they start to remember the earlier scenes of his fight with Chimera*

Caera: *chuckles*

Grey: (why am I nervous? Is it because she's going to see it now? Is the god going to show her that scene?) *looks at God intently*

*God ignores Grey's obvious gaze*

*the scene continues playing*

#My heart pounded as the rapid footfalls of the beasts grew louder. My mind whirled trying to think of the reason why we had suddenly attracted the attention of all of them. Was it because I had eaten the fruit? No, that wasn't it.

That transparent fly trap… it let out that horrible scream just before it died. And that's when everything clicked.

The two-tailed monkeys, the trap monster and everything else on this floor made almost no noise. All of the organisms here had adapted to make as little noise as possible… most likely in order to survive against whatever those beasts were. "Sensitive to sound," I mouthed, pointing to my ear.

By now, the very ground shook under the constant footfalls of the horde of beasts. I could feel the pressure they emitted and suffice to say, it was on a whole other level from the chimeras Regis and I had faced.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of my neck sensed something was coming that I wouldn't like. The rapid chittering grew even louder until, moments later, I was able to see it.

It wasn't a horde of beasts. It was just one very long, large beast.

The chimeras had been fairly horrifying to look at, but this creature was something straight out of a demon's nightmare.

With the overall frame of a millipede—except the size and girth of a bullet train—the creature writhed past me using its countless spindly legs spanning twice my height. I was able to make out the serrated pincers on its head as it passed by but most of the smaller details were lost on me. I was focused on the fact that this millipede was almost transparent.

Tinged in a soft purple hue that blended with the glowing leaves, the giant millipede looked more gelatinous than solid… like it was missing its hard shell or something. However, seeing how not even the sharp branches of the ethereal trees made a scratch against the creature's exterior, I knew it wouldn't be easy to kill.

The millipede continued to crawl around us, searching for its prey. Despite its tremendous size and length, it moved with such deft and flexibility that even as it moved on to a different area, there was no trace that a giant beast had passed through.

Time dragged as we anxiously waited for the millipede to leave when suddenly I could hear a change in its actions. The beast's rapid steps began to slow until all I could hear was a rhythmic thump.

'What's going on now?' Regis asked.

I'm not sure, I responded, sorely tempted to take a peek.

With the rhythmic stomping halted, I steeled myself enough to find out what was going on despite the burning sensation of my core continuing to absorb the (aether) from the fruit.

"It's eating," Regis whispered, looking over my shoulder.

The millipede had curled itself around a massive tree, which was apparently home to a family of two-tailed monkeys.

What was a feast for the millipede was a tragic bloodbath for the monkeys. I could see a larger monkey drenched in its own blood as it was being swallowed while a smaller monkey pounded desperately on the millipede's head.

Unfazed by a sight that I had grown much too accustomed to, I studied the millipede. The giant beast had circular depressions all over its back that pulsated, but aside from the dagger-like pincers and its sharp legs, I couldn't see any other form of attack.

"Please tell me you're not thinking of fighting that thing," Regis whispered an inch away from my ear.#

*everyone gasps*

Ada: *yells instantly, before shifting her horrified gaze to Grey* "Please tell me you didn't fight that thing?!"

Regis: *laughs*"Do you even have to ask? Of course princess did, and he ate it too."

Ada: "H-How…is that—even possible!?"

Riah: *bites her cheeks as she watches the scene in nervousness* (Why is the God showing all these horrifying memories; what did Grey do to him)

Alaric: "Boy! You're a crazy fool, I tell you." *shakes his head* *tries to take a sip from his bottle, which was already empty* "Damn you! I'm getting hungry, this is harassment. Let the old man eat his food." *lifts the bottle up and shows it to God*

God: *chuckles, but stays silent and watches everyone's reaction*

Ezra: *mumbles not so quietly* "Monster"

Aphene: *looks at Grey in curiosity* "What's a bullet train?"

*Grey shifts his eyes on Aphene, making her flinch in fear*

Caera: *turns her eyes on to Grey, with same curiosity* *talks in a teasing tone* "Is it perhaps one of your other inventions, Grey?"

Grey: "Y-Yeah-h, sure" *stutters in embarrassment at the real truth*

Abby: *tuns to look at God* "C-Can you show us the fight already? I'm going to get a heart attack if I wait longer"

God: *smiles and looks around the room* "I see everyone is eager to watch the fight. Fine, I'll give it to you." *snaps his finger*

Grey: *peeks at Caera, who was watching the screen with sparkling eyes*

Caera: *looks at Grey's worried face with surprise* (wait why is he looking at me like that; as if he's pitying m—) *stops her thought and gasps in horror, as realisation strikes her* *mumbles* "Sevren!"

*as on cue, the screen starts to play a scene*

#As we continued deeper into the millipede's territory, the tunnel gradually became brighter until a brilliant purple light shone at the very end.

Regis and I exchanged a tense glance before walking forward. My heart pounded against my chest while my palms grew clammy at the thought of fighting against the giant beast. Being this close to the (aether) beast in its own home, my body could sense the pressure exuding from the giant millipede.

Taking deep, calming breaths and steadying my gait, I walked forward, ready to face my toughest opponent yet.

Let's do this.

I stepped into the blinding purple light, my body tense and alert for any sudden movements, but when the glare subsided I saw that the tunnel opened into a massive cavern with a domed ceiling. The entire expanse was bathed in a sea of purple emanating from the mountains of glimmering crystals piled upon one another.

But despite the scores of (aether) crystals—some larger than my entire body—my attention was forced onto the giant millipede.

Instinctually, I stepped back and raised my arms to guard against what was to come. Even Regis cowered behind my shoulder as we gazed upon the towering figure of the (aether) beast.

It was hunched over in a tall arch while its entire body convulsed. Then, just as I was beginning to think it was about to explode, a waterfall of (aether) crystals gushed out the back end of the millipede to form a small hill alongside the other mountains of crystals.

It was like a scene straight out of a fairytale. Except, instead of a giant dragon guarding its mountain of treasure, it was a millipede guarding its mountains of…excrement?

"Pfft!" Regis stifled a laugh that echoed throughout the giant cavern, drawing my attention and—to our horror—the attention of the giant millipede.

"Move!" I roared, abandoning all thoughts of stealth at the sight of the charging millipede.

I dashed right as Regis flew to the left.

I'm sorry, (Arthur), but you basically ate this bug's crap!" Regis guffawed.

I rolled my eyes mentally. Fortunately for me, he was also drawing the attention of the millipede, which gave me time to position myself toward its flank.#

*many people from the crowd showed disgusted faces, and a lot of em shouted "eww" while looking between Grey and the screen*

Arian: *talks in a plain tone* "You are one weird man, Mr. Grey. First eating raw monster flesh…calling it as energy; and now, monster poop?!" *tries to keep a straight face, but fails*

Taegen: *talks in a excited tone; his eyes sparkling "Wait, is this how you've gotten so much stronger, despite your build?" *walks closer to Grey and whispers next to his ears* "Can you tell me more about your—eccentric methods? Asking for a friend."

Grey: *ignores the crazy request*

Kalon: "You are a brave one, I give you that."

Ezra: *crinkles his nose in disgust* "…or really stupid. To go into a monster's lair. All for what? To eat its sh*t?! This guy is f*cking crazy! Why are we in the same room as him and his weird looking pet? They are going to eat us alive" *looks at Regis*

Regis: *licks his lips and glares at Ezra*

Ezra: *starts sweating before averting his gaze off of the shadow wolf*

Riah: *ignores other's remarks and changes topic for Grey's sake* "So all of those…stones are from that giant monster? From what Regis said, they contain energy?"

Caera: *looks around the screen intently, as she thought back on Grey's words when he informed her about her brother's death*

Grey: *ignores everyone's glares and questions before turning to look at Caera* *opens his mouth to say something to Caera, but stops thoughtfully* (nothing I can say will make this any easier) *sighs and turns his attention back to the screen*

*scene resumes*