Last Resort: Job Quest

Walking with Tina who smiled the entire way to the train station, I couldn't believe that my first relationship was going to be with Tina.

Still, it's not that I'm ungrateful that it was her seeing as my current luck had led me to this situation, but that luck was also the biggest problem because this chick had a freaky mind and the thought of why she wanted to date me was scary.

Because I didn't know why? And when I asked her about it she had only said that it was because I needed her, in which was true since I didn't actually know much about this world and having her as an info book was very resourceful. . .But who in their right mind would ever willingly want to date a Demon.

She was either bad shit insane or had ulterior motives.

I can't be too sure and I don't think it would be wise to fully trust her seeing as from before she had been able to easily threaten me,

. . . . .

Arriving at the train station I looked over to Tina who had been walking next to me with a smile the entire time.

"Um, actually I think I might need your help"

Looking over to me as I had said something, she looked over to me with a questioning gaze as if she wasn't expecting this so early.

"Help? With what?"

Looking over to the boxed building that had been apart of the train station,

"When we were on the train station yesterday I left my necklace on the train and I think it might be in the lost and found"

"Oh, okay, you want me to get it back for you?"

"If you don't mind"

"Alright, just wait for me at a bench and I'll be right back with it"

"Thank you"

"No problem darling~"

She said walking off and as she had I felt off when she called me that. Hey don't call me darling! We may be dating now but we just started, stop rushing things! I more or less yelled in my head as I felt like the timid chick in the relationship and she nudged me playfully before leaving.

Walking in another direction as she was going to go and retrieve the amulet, I saw Jennifer talking and laughing with some man, and as I saw her I went over to her since... I was broke and I didn't have any ID on me so I had no clue if I had to pay for transportation or not?

She saw me and as she did she waved me down, calling me over to her and introducing me to her friend who had worked there and helped to monitor the train.

In which I didn't know how trains even existed in this world; Same as smartphones and other technologies from my old world in which I was sorta familiar with seeing as they looked the same but weren't the same.

But then something crossed my mind.

The Warforge race in which had been a race of sentient robots who were made of strong metal and were very much alive.

And then there was the Dwarven race in which if you give them a hammer and Steele; their crafts can match any deity of creation if they actually existed.

Those 2 are the only justifications I can find behind such creations, that and interdimensional trade because despite it being a rare occurrence, you can sometimes see vehicles in which I think Elon Musk must be behind...!!!...Gah my head!

Sitting down as my head was splitting, I rested on a bench and as I struggled not to close my eyes, I could feel myself falling asleep,

"Hey I got your necklace, it's pretty, where'd you get it from?"

But before I could fully close my eyes, my soon to be tormented sleep was put on hold as I hazily looked over to Tina as she had sat next to me with the amulet in her hand.


"I don't remember"

I said as I reached over and grabbed it, moving my hands to the strings and putting it around my neck as I pressed my back to the bench as I was just so very tired.

"You don't look too well?"

"I am... so... Very... Tired..."

I said breathing in between and as she looked at me confused she said,

"Then why don't you go to sleep, I'll wake you up when the train gets here?"

She said but I couldn't go to sleep now, I have an angry sad child in my head named Hiro's fragment.

"I can't..."

I said and then she remembered what I had said when I was talking about how I couldn't sleep, and as she did she grabbed my head and pulled me to her chest,

"W-What are you doing!"

"Tell the voice I said I'll beat them up if they keep nagging you, kay, now get some sleep, you really need it, your bags are so dark that you look slightly emo"

Yeah like your words will help...

Nonetheless, as my head rested on her soft and small breasts I couldn't resist closing my eyes, and as I did I opened them to find myself in a black room to where I immediately got yelled at and he even told Tina to fight him?

The hell is wrong with these people?

However, as he rattled my mind with consistent yells I fell to the ground collapsing within my own mind as I just laid face down to the black ground in which had startled him.

I can't remember anything after that, it was all just black and silent with his occasional grumbling and nagging to himself.

God, he's so annoying.

Waking up not too long after falling asleep it was hazy but we walked to the train with my arm wrapped around Tina's shoulder and as we got onto the train and sat down as I was in between her and Jennifer; I instantly fell back asleep to where I collapsed once more.

* * *

I don't really remember how I got there but when I woke up I was in a cathedral and sitting next to Tina who was reading a book, possibly this world's one of many holy scriptures.

I was still very much tired and as I heard loud preaching about three Divines, I looked behind this man dressed in white and gold to see 3 large statues and an alter.

Not able to keep my eyes open I closed them once more and as I fell asleep once more, I opened my eyes to see myself in an empty white room, Hiro's fragment wasn't there and I felt at peace.

Time passed and when I woke up, I was able to stay awake as I took around 3 hours to sleep while inside the church building.

Feeling slightly refreshed I closed my eyes to pray, I don't remember which God I had originally prayed to, so I prayed to any divine that would listen and I prayed my worries away in which I could feel my mind start to slightly stabilize.

But while doing so,

"You really aren't the Hiro I know? The past one would have never played to any God, he detested against the Gods"

Not opening my eyes as I heard Tina quite clearly,

"Hiro's faith is in the allmother, to pray to a God would be considered blasphemy and he'd be discriminated against it because he's of her faction and not theirs"

"Really? I never would have thought that? He's never told us that?"

"From what I know, he has a lot of secrets"

"...Well that's understandable, but don't we all?"

"That's true, I guess"

I continued praying and sleeping on and off for the next few hours and as Tina left to do stuff while in between, noon soon came around as we had spent the entirety of the day there due to me.

Jennifer left a while ago as she had work but I stayed and because of that, from what I could tell, Tina stayed with me despite her being very bored.

As the church bell had rung and the church was very much empty with a few followers of the church still around as they had their duties to accomplish along with chores, they didn't bother us seeing as we were in prayer.

But when the bell rang I stood up as it was getting late and I didn't want Tina to be out here all night.

I felt refreshed anyways and my mind was calmer so as I saw her asleep next to me I toughed on her shoulder telling her let's go home.

We left the cathedral and as we walked to the train, our stomachs growled as we hadn't eaten all day, and as she heard that she tried hiding it but it made me laugh as she got all flustered.

We walked to her home as I had told her that I hadn't remembered where I lived, so I ended up crashing in the guest room as she promised to walk me home tomorrow.

I still needed to eat physical food to support my human body so when we got there, we ate together as Jennifer wasn't home yet because she was staying late at work, and so as we ate I went upstairs soon after to pass out on the bed.

My second night here wasn't better but it wasn't worst, I had to listen to Hiro's fragment nag and rant. He called me pretty nasty things as well as a slut for my actions, but I'm pretty much ignored him as I laid on the floor and stared into the darkness.

The next day when I got home I didn't stay too long as I needed to look for work, so over the next 2 days, I consistently walked around town to look for work.

I failed and was out of options as no one was hiring and the ones that did refused me as they knew what I was. . .

A sorcerer.

And they discriminated against me for that in many racist ways blaming my kind for the torment going on in their country due to our kinds actions of the past centuries after the Demon King's Reign era.

The Demon King's Reign era was the era right before this one. We're currently in the Great Litch's Reign era aka the Apocalypse era.

Oh and as for the amulet...

I chucked it in a lake.

* * *[Date(D): May 15th Year 12]* **

Waking up at home as I had failed to find any work over the past few days, I was out of options.

I don't know what I was going to do and I couldn't go back on my word or else I'd lose what little face I have from Mari, and there was no way in hell that I was going to go monster hunting or else I'd die in seconds.

And I was very much still trying to avoid death.

But then it hit me, I had one last option that doesn't involve me having to throw my life away!

Taking out my phone and opening it, I took out a crumpled-up card and started dialing in numbers.

The phone rang and as it did I felt ill as I didn't want to do this... But I didn't have any choice, this was my last resort.

The phone picked up and as there was someone on the other side of the phone I said into it,

"Hey it's Hiro, we met four days ago at the honey stand in district 4. Are you still looking for Incubi?"