Learning the basics of sensing my magic!:Progress of magica!

After a long talk with the Incubus, we talked for about an hour, and during that time he had offered me a job as a prostitute in his brothel located in district 4.


I bluntly refused that motherfucker!

He asked why of course? And I told him the truth seeing as I really needed a job. I told him that I haven't fully awakened yet as an incubus and that I don't think I felt comfortable in that line of work just yet.

Throughout I thought he would hang up the phone when I refused, he was more tolerant and understanding as he really needed Incubi in his brothel.

Even if they hadn't worked as prostitutes?

Instead, he made me a proposal.

He proposed a desk job; one with a timed shift and less pay seeing as I would be paid by the hour.

In which I couldn't decline seeing it was either this or nothing.

And throughout there had been many things I didn't like about this job when he was talking to me about it. I kept my mouth shut as who was I to complain when he was being so very kind and lenient with me while over the phone.

Like seriously, he could have just been like "it's either this or nothing, take it or leave it boy!" but he didn't say that and we came to a mutual understanding about each other over the phone.

And as he explained the details of what I was going to be doing, there was something that had been bothering me when he mentioned that I would be working with others of similar origins.

So I had requested that he didn't tell anyone that I was an incubus and I got an answer in which had stunned me.

He was overjoyed to hear my request as that would help to add more discipline to the others and get them more in control seeing as from how he described them to be, they were... Wild and problematic. . . . .

We ended up talking for more than expected and when he asked about when I was able to come in and start, I told him that I was able to come in today if he needed me and he said without a shred of hesitation to be there by 6:PM sharp.





After a successful phone call, I got happy as this would be my first job in this new world... Despite it being rather unusual and different. It was still a job and it caused did celebration!

Well, celebration in my head seeing as I wasn't going to just walk out of the room and tell Mari I was going to be working for a hooker in a fancy suit.

. . . . .

After a successful phone call that determined what I was going to be doing for the next few months seeing as I only planned on working there for the summer. Something had struck me and it was in no way good seeing as he had mentioned that I would be working with others of similar origins; in which I think he meant other Sex Demons.

I need to find out a way to conceal my origin.

The both of them.

And this isn't just relating to me working there.

This has to do with everything seeing as if someone used [Magic Sense] they'd be able to see My/Hiro's magic aura. Plus the negative energy of a Demon that I will end up acquiring sooner or later once I enter the 3rd stage of becoming a full Incubus.

I'm not prepared for any of this.

Especially if I'm seen by someone of the elven race, they're very keen to magic and they don't need a magic skill to sense magic and unnatural energies.

This is bad really bad.

Standing up as I had been in bed all morning, I couldn't think of anything other than how I was going to keep both origins from being discovered.

Hiro might not have cared seeing as he had never thought about it. But I was. Especially if I'm going to be around people who can use my two nature's against me.

Leaving my room I knew I couldn't ask Mari or else that would add some sort of suspicion to me. Especially since Sorcerers learn at an early age to conceal their powers and you'd have to be mentally ill to not know how to do so...

In which I was...

HAHAHAHAHA, Thank you, Hiro! Your lack of wanting to have anything to do with sorcery might actually work in my favor!!!

Stepping downstairs as I knew she would have been down there, I haven't talked to her since the day of my rebirth, luckily she doesn't care about me so I doubt that she's even noticed my absence.

Walking down there I heard her on the phone in the living room and as she was talking with someone I casually stepped in there and sat on the other side of the couch, just waiting for her to finish so I can ask.

She paid no mind to me and after a long time of hearing this conversation that bored me. I started picking at my nails out of boredom,

Until she finally finished.

And when she did and she opened a snack to continue watching TV, I looked over to her with a friendly smile despite my body feeling very unfriendly towards her.

"Hey sis? Can you teach me how to conceal my magic power?"

I asked and as I did she put a chip to her mouth, not paying me any mind as she looked at the TV


And yet she answered me and as I looked over to her crossing my legs, I wasn't going to give up.

"Why not?"


She said again only giving out a basic response.

"Then can I at least borrow one of your old manuals to study Rank 1 sorcery?"




"Cummon I don't know any skills and you know that" I more or less pouted.


"I'll keep annoying you all day~"

"I... Will... Burn... You..."

She said making me flinch as her voice was so cold and hostile towards me. I needed to fix this, I needed to level the playing field.

"How about in exchange for let's say a page of your manual; preferably a basic concealment of magic, I'll leave you alone for a week and buy you some snacks"

Hearing my offer to which I had a devilish smile on my face as that sounded like one hell of a bargain. Her ear twitched as she seemed to be paying attention now.

"Whatcha say, that sounds like a fair deal to me~"

Slowly turning her head to me I hesitated to say anymore as she gave me a bitter harsh look as she seemed to be very annoyed. But then she opened her mouth as she looked at me like that.

"All the Landry for this month and 3 snacks a week for all of summer. Then we'll have a deal" she spoke in a highly taxing manner.

Ugh, you're seriously just trying to pile up my workload aren't you...Mmmm....


I said despite not liking the deal, but I guess there was no true gain without losing something in return.

And in my case, it was time and money.

Anyway, those 2 things can be done quite easily so it's not like I mind anyways; despite it now having to cost me money, in which we desperately need...

After responding with that she got up and walked away leaving me confused as we weren't finished talking?

I got up and as I went to follow her we went to the magic studies to where she walked inside after unlocking the door and then kicked a box knocking out a bunch of books, to which she then proceeded to grab an orange and blue one and opened it to the cover and then unclipped a page from the front.

"Here," she said thrusting the paper to my chest and as I grabbed it I felt happy as that went better than expected despite there being terms to gain this.

"Thanks, sis, your the best!"

She didn't respond back as she then walked past me, and as she did she had the notebook in her hand as she didn't put it back in the box,

Looking to the book in her hand I got greedy as I wondered what I could learn if I just took the book when she wasn't around, but then again if she puts it back in here I'll have to find out how to get back inside, but if I do I can have all the knowledge of what was inside it.

Stopping at the door she turned to me,

"Now get out, I have to study"


Leaving the magic studies she closed the door behind me and as she was in there I looked to the page in their Common Language.

Ugh, I know what it says but I still can't read it, I might need to go see Tina and ask her to assist me today before I go out to see that Incubus.

Looking at the page again, the bottom corner from what I could tell said the 2nd page, and as I flipped it my eyes widened as there was a human diagram of a Sorcerer's Body.

Including both Mana pool and Energy pool and from what I saw what was up there, there looked to be 2 passages on how to sense such pools.

Holy crap!

Now I really need to see Tina today...

Also, how the hell was I going to learn to use this magic skill, which is actually more of a technique, without knowing how to use my magic, I know incantations help people use spells, but even they know how to sense their magic pool... Or is it just Sorcerers?

Anyways leaving the house and going over to Tina's I knocked on the door and when greeting Jennifer who opened the door, she let me in and I rushed up to Tina's room; waking her up because I had like 9-10 hours to learn and comprehend the basics.

She wasn't too happy about being woken up as she was groggy, she even pinched my cheeks telling me it was a bad time since I had voided her for the last 2 days and she was upset about it.

However, after a cup of coffee and me pestering her for a few minutes since this was so very important!!

She was eventually pulled into my work as she had helped me to translate and grasp an understanding of the 1st page before I even touched the 2nd page which had been the skill.

* * *5 hours later* * *

[Basics Comprehension Of Phyric Energy: Learned]

I was stunned at how fast it took me to comprehend the basics of feeling and sensing the Phyric Energy in my body.

[Basics Comprehension Of Mana: Failed To Learn]

However, I wasn't so lucky with my Mana as I could barely feel anything... Just a slight sensation here and there, but that was all.

In which its own matter was very strange as from what I knew, what I knew for a fact. Hiro had a large Mana Pool and yet I couldn't feel any of that magic?

And that was a problem seeing as this magic technique/skill didn't require me to use my power of sorcery, it need Pure Natural Mana from my Mana Pool.

"Can we take a break? We've been at this for hours and it's super boring. . ."

Tina said as she had been variously helping me, however, she didn't really do anything other than reading and describe the common stuff I hadn't understood.

"You can take a break, I need to keep at it"

I said despite being super exhausted as I was very much mentally fatigued.

"sigh... Okay, then I'll just take a short break and come back" she said as if she was shortening her break due to me not stopping with her.

After saying that she left for a short time and then came back with a cold drink as she put it on the counter and laid down on the bed behind me as I was on the floor; with my legs crossed in a meditation position as I held my hands together and kept them close to my lower belly, where the diagram had shown some kid cultivating his sorcery.





After less than 10 minutes of laying her head down, she came back to the floor next to me where the page had laid in front of us.

And as she did so and looked at the paper to try and understand a bit more about it since it was about cultivating sorcery and the other page was about a non-sorcery technique but very much used by sorcerers.

And as she looked at it she didn't get what some of it meant as it spoke of energy manipulation but she couldn't understand because it was talking about Root Magic, aka what I can use unlike a normal human, my Root Magic was Phyric Energy, it's not Phyric Magic because, unlike normal magic, energy is transferred and unlike fire magic, my energy doesn't simply burn.

As she was looking at the sheet, I had no such luck in sensing my Mana or my Mana Pool, and I couldn't understand how it was so hard to find it?

"I know you want to grasp magic or whatever this is? But here look at the second page. There's an incantation up there. So if you do it correctly you can cast this spell without... Whatever it is that you're trying to do?"

She said to me interrupting my focus and as I had completely lost whatever progress I had, I sighed as I opened my eyes and looked over to her,

But before I spoke I thought about something and it clicked in my head, and it was probably why I couldn't sense my magic.

It's because I've never used or felt magic before, I felt a root magic, my sorcery in which was my ability to use energy magic, however that wasn't pure magic.

So there might be a chance that using magic like Mages could get me to understand magic a bit more and even sense it.

"You might be onto something?"

"I am?"

"Yeah, I think your right? Learning the incantation would be a good first step"

"Uh... Of course, I'm right! And you should never doubt me wuhahaha"

"Hmmmmmmmm... That's Debatable..."

As she was laughing I got up and walked over to her desk, to where I had grabbed what looked to be an old notebook and a pencil before returning to where I was next to her.

As she was still awkwardly laughing? I looked over to her.

"Okay Tina, we don't have much time, I'm going to need you to tell me what that page says, and please do it slowly, my mind won't understand you if you talk fast... My head hurts because of focusing so much"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I got you" She said as she had stopped laughing and started to read it from top to bottom, and as she did and she read its description and then the incantation last, I wrote it all down on a blank sheet in her notebook, filling it with English words so I could read it.

*Looking over to Hiro*

When she had finished she looked over to me and as she did she saw me writing in a strange language. To which had started making me be a reborn more believable.

Looking up at her as I finished writing,

"Thanks for your help today Tina. But I got it for now"

Hearing me say that I ripped out the paper I wrote on and as I folded it and put it into my pocket,

"I honestly don't mind helping you study magic, this is very new to me as I've never been into magic, so helping you today was kinda fun for me"

She said and I found it rather strange as it was actually pretty boring to me, other than focusing I just did a lot of meditating and she just read and described stuff?

"Oh really? if that's the case then you should try to learn magic, if you do I wouldn't mind hanging around a bit more so you're not as bored... Plus I kinda need to study it too, Hiro's family are Mages and all, so I need to learn it too"

I said not exposing their secret of being Sorcerers. Instead, I called them Mages in which Mary and Mari we're more like Wizards with how much they study the Arcane Arts. . . It was almost terrifying.

Saying that her face brightly gleamed as if there were little sparkles in her eyes.

"Really! So if I buy a book to learn magic tomorrow then you'd come over every day right!"

She said but I didn't really get where she was getting at. Also, I really need to learn to conceal my magic before I go to that incubus's brothel.

"Sure I guess? But to learn magic is expensive, just a basic book should be about 10 gold pieces or that's at least how much I think it should be, it may be a few platinum or so?"

But as I said that she grinned,

"Anyways, what are you doing later tonight Hiro? Wanna go out with me and Peter?"

She said but as she did "Also he left before we had fun a few days ago, so he doesn't know, same as my mom" she said cutely poking out her tongue.

It was a relief to hear that they didn't know meaning that it was actually a secret now. But either way, I had things to do tonight.

"Sorry maybe another time, I have to go to district 4 to meet a friend tonight"

But as I said that she puffed her cheeks in a pout,

"Is it a girl?..."


"I know that you said that you can't control your lust at times, but that doesn't mean you can willingly cheat on me. I won't allow it"

"..." Wait so is she saying it's okay only when I lose control?

"So if your horny just masturbate, okay"


"I'm serious! I'm not the jealous type or anything but I still won't accept or like it if you're touched by any slut with a pretty face!.... *Whispers* Your mine and I won't let just anyone have you"

This was an awkward conversation and as she spoke a bit more and I just listened to her blabber as I had forgotten that she was my girlfriend up until now, I pinched her cheek.

"I got it. Don't have sex with strangers unless I have to"

"Damn straight!"

I feel like this was supposed to end up as a coach talk or something, but we ended up talking about my future sex life.

"Oh and by the way you don't have your new school ID do you?"

"School ID?"

"Yeah we're supposed to be attending Ross Imperial University in 4 months, don't worry I'll school you over the summer if we can squeeze in the time, but they should have sent you your ID"

"I didn't get mine yet"

"Okay, then take this, you would be able to use it for train fare until your ID comes in"

She said taking out 2 silver pieces and handing them to me.

"You seriously don't need to do this?"

But as I said that she glared at me like "just take it" and then grabbed my cheeks pinching them as she had a blank stare on her face.

"Don't refuse gifts, think of it as a belated birthday present since you were technically born into this world 4 days ago"


"Shuddup, I don't want to hear it, bla bla bla, just take it kay"


"Yey! now what do you want to do? I'm kinda hungry, want me to make you anything"

"I don't trust your cooking"


Standing up I looked down at her,

"If anyone's doing the cooking, I am, I don't feel like eating poison!"

"It's not that bad!"

"Yes, it is! And we both know it!"

"Whaaaaa! No, it's not!"