A Not So Incubus Job: Job Quest!

Stepping off of the train I left for the red light district seeing as that's where I'm going to be working from now on. Plus the incubus called me a little while ago telling me that he was going to be waiting for me at the entrance.

Oh and as for earlier, after cooking for Tina and me, I practiced [] and she joined me as she seemed to be serious about practicing magic.

I'm kinda jealous of her though, she was pretty amazing back there.

She got it on her first try... However... She passed out instantly after; as her Mana had been depleted and she collapsed as she didn't seem to have enough points of Mana left in her body and she went into a state of Mana recovery.

She's very talented in this. But I think the both of us are going to need to spend some time cultivating our magic.

Oh yeah and this is why cultivating one's magic is important, especially for noobies in the Arcane Arts who don't have much Mana in them to begin with.

If I had to guess she had less than 10 points of Mana in her Mana Pool, so roughly around 10MP since the spell cost 10MP to activate.

As for me, it took me about 2 hours to successfully cast the spell; in which it had become because of the use of an incantation.

After doing so I left because I needed to be there by 6, and I didn't want to be late.

Oh and as for Tina, when she passed out I laid her on the bed and covered her seeing as she's going to need to take a long rest.

. . . . .

Walking over to the large entrance that separated the Overall-District from the entertainment Sub-District, I saw the incubus leaning against a rectangular building; waiting.

When I looked at him he instantly noticed me and as he did he waved me down as he started walking the other way and into the entertainment district.

I ran over to him, and when I did,

*Alluring Whistles*

"Hey cutie, I've never seen you around here before, come play with this big sister, I'll take good care of you~!" Whore 1

"Hey baby you're looking ravishing, how bout you ravish me" Whore 2

"Wanna have some fun, you don't even need to pay the first ones on me" Whore 3

Hearing the booty calls of these women from the start, the incubus scowled at them all,

"SHUDDUP you whores this one's mine!!"

He yelled at them and as he did they thirstily grinned,

"Mind if I watch~" Whore 3

"Oh, how sexy~" Whore 1

"Damn, how come all the hot ones are gay" Whore 2

Shaking his head he looked over to me, "Ignore them, there just a bunch of thirsty bitches. Because no one wants them!" he said infuriating the three as he made sure that they heard.

*They ventured deeper into the red light district*

"I'm glad that you said you could start today, I literally just had to stop two of my employees from killing each other before coming here"

"Wait what?"

"Anyway, earlier on the phone you said that you weren't wholly incubi yet? Does that mean that you're in the 2nd or 3rd stage of turning whole?"

How can he just change topics? He just said 2 of his workers just tried killing each other!!!

Trucking duck... Anyways I need to answer his questions, but I need to make it seem like I don't know anything about incubism.

"Actually, the day that we met was when I first had came into whatever you're talking about? You called it stages? I don't know what you mean by that but I do know that I'm not all the way there yet"

Saying that his eyes widened, he looked very surprised to hear that and as he looked at me, he then asked,

"Wait, how old are you?"

"I'm 17. Turning 18 in 2 days"

Saying that he looked forward and rubbed his chin before turning back to me,

"I see so you're a late bloomer"

"I guess so?"

"Did your parents tell you beforehand that one of them were either incubi or succubi?"

"No, I puzzled it all together when you called me an incubus that day"


"Plus their both out on a long business trip"

After saying that he contemplated and I thought about how he said earlier that 2 of his workers tried killing each other...

*They walked deeper into the red light district*

"I guess I'll have to take responsibility for you then"


"From now on call me either Uncle Lex or Boss, got it, my exotic little incubi~"

"Dude that sounded very fruity"


"I'm not taking it back"

*Walking even more and picking up the pace*

"Anyway, we're almost there, I'll introduce you to everyone if they're not working"

"If I remember correctly you said that I'd be working with others of the same origin? What do you mean by that?"

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, my brothel only accepts Incubi or Succubi and or lesser Sex Demons"

". . .You couldn't have told me any sooner..."

"oh yeah, I guess your right? I forgot to tell you that we Incubi are Sex Demons"


*Stopping, he looked over to Hiro*

"We're here, oh, and don't forget that it was you who said that you wanted to be known as a human, any encounters because of that fact will all be on you. I can't show any special favor to anyone, NOT of our race or they'll get suspicious of our plan"


"Yes. Plan staffer restraint. It's literally just going to be the both of us trying to get these girls a bit more tamed by using you to make them behave" Him

"Also, that means you can't sleep with any of your co-workers without consequences. Anyone else is fine. But we're trying to resolve the issue of them being too wild for what already is a new and small establishment" Him

"Got it, boss"

"Awe. Can you call me uncle... Just once?"



Looking over to a small square-shaped building, we walked in and as we did we were instantly hit with,

"I'll put your head through that fucking wall, don't you dare talk down on me slut!" a tall shapely woman yelled,

"Who are you calling slut you overused hoe bag!" an average-sized and desirable slim woman yelled back at her.

The 2 women instantly broke out into a fight and as they did the incubus whose name I was pretty sure was Lex, grabbed me by the arm and told me to just avoid them as we walked around the 2 women fighting and we went past the counter where I was going to be working at, to a backroom which seemed cut off from the brothel as it had been more of a living area.

"I wouldn't get in between any of their fights if I were you, it can get... Hectic... Anyway, wanna learn how to make a margarita, your going to need to learn how to serve drinks as well as manage the front desk"

"Yes, sir"

* * * * *

After such a scene in the other room and him teaching me how to make margaritas, he left the room, going back to where those 2 fighting girls were.

When he left I waited a minute before going to the door to eavesdrop as he was scolding them and also informing them that he had hired a new staff member that was human to work in his brothel.

He then started telling them that they needed to behave themselves since I was the human that was going to be working with them from now on.


And they completely fucking detested it!

Both girls yelled at him in detest and it was kinda asinine to hear them both speak like that towards me; or more or less that I was a human. But in the same way, he yelled at them both in return as he told them off and told them that they needed to learn to get along with Non-Demons if they didn't want to be sent back to the "Center Core" of the red light district.

I don't know what the center core was? But from how they gasped and said that they'd not kill me, it looks to be bad for them.


Stepping away from the door or else this conversation would hurt my sanity already more than it was, I sat down on furniture and rethought my life choices.

The hell is wrong with me? Why'd I ever contact this guy? If it's him who saves me from my money problems, then it going to be my co-workers who are the death of me.


Rethinking life choices, the door opened and as I was sitting there I saw the incubus, Lex.

"Hey come here I'd like to introduce you to your fellow... Co-workers? Yeah" Lex said hesitantly as if he hadn't had to say that before.

Going over to him and entering the front of the brothel, he pointed over to 2 girls giving me nasty looks as they seriously hadn't seemed to like me already.

One of the women had blue eyes, long tomato red hair, and an overly stunning face, it's wouldn't be a lie to call her anything other than beautiful. her figure was nothing other than shapely as she had large breasts and a plump butt but showed no signs of being chubby, but she wasn't in any way fit. She wore enchanting clothes as it was sexy and showed her cleavage, and she had on tight stretchy shorts showing her soft thighs.

Pointing at that girl he said,

"Her name is Sora Sagano, she's like the big sister of the brothel, she acts mean but she's nice when you get to know her"

"Kill yourself Lexitori"


The other girl had sharp golden eyes and short tomboyish brown hair. Her face was rather attractive to say the least as it was youthful and unshowing of strong maturity like the other girl, she seemed to be an eye-catcher as she had a certain uniqueness to her looks. She was slim and fully flat-chested as she didn't look to have developed anything and she had no butt or fluff to her. She wasn't even-toned or athletic. Just skinny and a bit on the short side as she was a few inches shorter than her average heighted co-workers. And she didn't have a sexy appeal to her as she wore normal everyday urban clothes.

Pointing to her,

"Her name is Norika Tsynjo, but she likes to be called Rika. She's one of our hardest workers here as she's been trying to improve our brothel's fame and reputation"

"I don't like the looks of this guy, Lexy"

He introduced Sora and Rika and as he did he finally pointed to me,

"Okay you two, this is going to be our new desk manager, his name is Hiro Natsu"

He said and as he did and the both girls looked at me disgustingly, Sora said,

"Why are his eyes deep red?" Sora

"How come your hair is red?" Lex

"Um... It's actually birth defect" I said as she had been the first person other than myself to ask that question.

Why were they red?

They're not supposed to be?

And surprisingly Tina, Jennifer, and or my own sister didn't ask about them? Probably because it looks surreal and or like contact lenses or magic I guess?

"I don't see anything impressive about him?" Rika

"Good, because if he was then I'd be afraid that you two would be out of a job, hahaha" Lex

Lex! You're not helping!

Looking at them I bowed deeply as that was a thing in this world as it showed a sign of respect,

"It's a pleasure to be working with you all. Sora, Rika, and Boss, I'll be in your care" Hiro

I said fixing myself and as I did,

"You know I'd like it better if you were to call me Uncle Lex right" Lex

You're pushing it man...

After the introductions and them obviously disliking me from the get-go, I was moved to the front counter to where Lex explained to me how I was going to be doing my job, since it was easier in person than over the phone.

After explaining it and the other 2 leaving, hours went by without anyone coming in.

Midnight had passed as I had been there for about 6 hours now, and as I was getting tired myself as I was already mentally exhausted and a bit burned out, I kept going until 2:AM when my shift ended.

After doing so I stopped by where Lex's office was which had been on the left side of the building to where I had also seen 5 name tags on a few other doors, and it included both Sora and Rika.

When I went to his office I informed him that I was taking my leave.

After such I left and took the 3 o'clock train back to district 3 to where I didn't even bother going home... I couldn't go home.

I left the key to the house in my room and I know Mari had locked the door seeing as she usually locked up the house before she goes upstairs to sleep at midnight, and I didn't know if my window was unlocked.

Instead, I stopped by Tina's seeing as she was usually on lock-up duty, however, she was currently unconscious in her room, so the door was unlocked and that meant I could just walk in.

Though it was morally wrong to just walk in like that, Jennifer was probably already asleep and I didn't want to wake her.

So sneaking in and locking the door behind me, I walked upstairs to the guest room, but when I opened it I saw that Peter had been spending the night. Tina probably woke up and they must of just hanged out. Anyways, I'll just sleep in Tina's room, I doubt she would mind.

Casually walking in there she didn't look like she left from the spot I left her in bed, and she was still asleep.

Walking over to the bean bag-looking thingy, I sat on it, and as I did I fell asleep.

. . . . .

"You gotta be out of your fucking mind! You chose to work at a brothel run by a bunch of fucking whore!" Hiro's fragment.

"To be fair, it's either this or I become a whore myself, you heard what Mari said, were flat broke, and we need the money" Me

"UUUGGHHH! You dumb dumb Demon! Do something else! Now!"

"No way, do you understand I barely understand the principles of using magic, so anything involving fighting things that want to kill me is out of the go, and I've already tried almost everything else!"

"Do something else! Demon!"

"What is there to do!"

"Something other than this!"

"ugh... I can't and your yelling every day isn't helping"

. . . . .

Waking up the next morning my body felt heavy, my mind fucking aching from Hiro's fragment yelling, and opening my eyes, the rays of sunlight hurt my eyes.


"Okay, let's give this another go, I need to continue to try and sense my mana"

[Basics Comprehension Of Mana: Failed To Learn]