Gimmi ya hand little bro

The house was empty as it only held us in my bed.

It was quiet and peaceful.

And as a cool summer breeze came through the open window, it woke me up to see the sun shining bright as rays of light had filled my bedroom.


Stretching as I sat up, I looked to the open window and then next to me as I had recalled this morning before first light.

But it was kinda hard to forget as I looked to my injured hand and then back over to the girl asleep next to me.

Plus in my sleep, Hiro's fragment was in such complete shock that he didn't really talk to me, he just walked away and sat in the darkness of that sleep/mind space I go to whenever I fall asleep.

Stretching as my body had been fully refreshed but a bit stiffened, I felt a certain uncanny satisfaction all over me, for some reason I was happy.

It might have been because today was officially my 18th birthday, or that I spent my bath at home from after work having unprotected sex in which I remembered, and or that I think I might have defeated both a Succubus and "a" Tina at sex in the same day while also robbing 4 well-deserved people. But I don't know. I just felt pleasantly happy.

Getting up and continuing to unstiffen myself I left the room while still completely naked and I went to the bathroom to where I actually started cleaning myself of the filth of heavy sweat and 3 different scents; one of the succubi, Tina, and my own blood as it didn't feel broken but my nose was still hurt and my hand was very much still injured.

But then I ran back and grabbed the unknown red pills to which I had seen 7 little light red pills inside and just to be sure, because I remembered the succubi feeding me it and I remembered how I felt when it was consumed, I ate one and I felt a refreshing sensation waver over me but mostly my injured hand.

I then stepped into the bathroom and unwrapping the bandage I looked at my hand in which looked nasty as there was a dark red flesh wound, but when I looked inside it didn't look to be ran through as even though I couldn't see all the way, it looked to he slightly healed.

And I can only assume that it got healed because of when I had sex with Tina and I ate at her vitality every time she came. Energy drain had a lesser healing factor, especially when it's still weak, so if anything at least now I don't need to have my hand cut off as I can slightly move my fingers, despite them being stiff and aching a bit.

But that's good, I don't feel like losing any limbs, it's not impossible to regenerate new limbs for Demons of my kind, but I don't actually know how to regenerate any without using the method Asmodeus uses in which requires souls depending on the damage done.

A full revive costs 100 normal souls, meaning that if I'm ever to fight him, I think I may need to kill him like a thousand times or more because I know that guy must have a lot or so.

There's no way in life that I'm ever fighting that guy, not in a hundred years, I doubt I'll ever come close to that Devine Demons level.

Stepping into the bath I was surprised as the bath was clean? Looking around the stool was up in front of the only shower head, the floors were sparkly, and the tub was full with green water and steaming, plus the soap was even on the side of the tub?

Did Tina do all of this and then climb into bed with me?

I seriously don't get that gal, one minute she wants to kill me then the next she loves me, next she surprises me by becoming overly responsible and cleaning up before Mari gets home?

But then again I don't get myself either, ever since coming here and merging with Hiro I've done so many unspeakable things and I've already sinned, like how I broke my vow to the church on my first day of being reborn, I'm literally dating a psychopath who tried to kill me and after she tried killing me we had sex and then shower sex here. And I even got compelled by my sister succubi on my second day of working at the brothel, plus I almost masturbated to the lewd noises because I got so horny as those sluts were doing it with the cat boys.

Ugh, too many problems, I need to focus on my survival and training to fight in the tournament.

Anyways, I'm not going to let all of that ruin my mood, today's going to be a good day, and I won't let anything ruin it!

Washing and cleaning myself in the showers I then hopped into the tub in which had smelled really good, and as I relaxed for a short while keeping my eyes closed, the door opened,

Hearing it open I leaned on the tub,

"Good morning~"

I said but then heard a thud as something dropped and as I opened my eyes I looked to the entrance to see a naked tanned girl with brown hair and eyes, and as I looked at this beautiful naked girl my eyes widened as that wasn't Tina, it was Mari.


She said squeezing a bath tool as she was incredibly angry.

Looking away as my face turned crimson, "I'm taking a bath what else would I be doing" but hearing my answer she got incredibly furious as flames of orange and blue faired off of her.

She looked incredibly hostile.

"Get the hell out this is my bath! When Tina finished I called the next one!"

But as she had yelled that meaning Tina really had cleaned up, I peeked at her and my eyes devoured her body in a short glance as I tried looking away but couldn't help myself.

"No way, I got here first"

"I said get ou!–"

"W-Why don't we just bathe together?"

I said and her face turned incredibly sour as she was disgusted by my response to her yelling, and as she was about to yell something, I sort of just sunk into the tub, holding onto the edge and popping my head out as I fully looked at her with my face burning crimson red in flustering blush.

"Because I'm not getting out, I already got comfortable"

Hearing me say that she gritted her teeth as raging flames erupted from out of her, but as she looked at me super mega pissed off, she approached me but then sat at the stool turning to the wall,

"Fine! Have it your way but if this happens again I'll literally rip your fucking head off you stupid cunt!"

She voiced and as she had and she grabbed a thing of liquid soap for her hair, I don't care what anyone says, she might have been a bitch... But damn she was hot~ looking at her from my angle, I looked her up and down, that ass, those breasts, that pretty face, all of it made my nose bleed and as I sunk even more into the tub just laying there, it drove my libido crazy, Hiro's fragment is so going to kill me for checking out his sister.


"What's so funny dork"

Damn it she heard me,

"Nothing, it's just been so long since I had a warm bath like this, it feels really nice"

"Yeah because I made it, enjoy while you can because if you stay any longer than I'm already allowing you I'll torch your ass"

"Yes ma'am~"

I said relaxing myself while I could, ignoring my erected phallus and soaking this all in despite how much the water burned my hurt hand, but it felt too good to leave the tub, I just left my hand hanging on the side of the tub out of the water.

Minutes passed of running water and silence between us and as I didn't seem to calm down, I didn't even dare to touch myself while she was in here because I didn't feel like becoming soup.

"How's the job search doing?"

She said surprisingly striking conversation as she was washing her hair as it was fizzy in soap bubbles.

"I already found a job"

"Mm-hm" Not expecting any response at all she actually gave one?

"The pays decent but I think it might not be enough to cover the month, so I might need to look for a day job and not another night one"

"You work at night?"

"Yeah, from 6 in the afternoon to 2 in the morning"

"Don't worry about finding a day job, just focus on cultivating yourself, I have a friend who owes me a few silver so that should be enough if I add it to your pay for utilities"

"Really? But didn't you say it was my job to handle our financial issues?"

"Since when did an idiot learn such a word like financial?"

She said and I flinched as she then chuckled out loud,

"Hey, I'm not an idiot! I did pretty well back in high school. . ."

"No you didn't, I saw your grades, we all saw your grades"

She said breaking my heart and making me sob like a cute chibi animation.

"Nonetheless, back to what I was saying idiot, for us to do well in the tournament I need you to start training, I don't care what you do at night, but I need you to get yourself back in the game, start cultivating your sorcery, stop doing stupid things, hell, I heard that you and your girlfriend broke up, so channel that anger and sorrow into training and use it for motivation because if we're successful then it'll all be worth it, I promise you that"

Saying that it was a little inspirational, but at the same time it angered the other Hiro as he seriously didn't like this chick, and talking about his past love life made him not me, want to yell and fight her for even bringing it up.

"About that..."

I got nervous... Anxious even...

"What is it?"

"It's been so very long since I've used magic that I can barely even remember what I had learned from it..."

Saying that she looked at me with strong hostile eyes,


"To be fair I take after dad, swords and less magic"

Saying that she shot up kicking the stool at me and flaming up with fire as she was inraged, I easily dodged the chair as I ducked but then my focus was instantly lost as I stared at her boobies that hung out.

So large. . .Soft. . .And squishy looking... I want to touch them... Gazing down after a glance I then saw a hairy bush and a cute–

AHHH, Stop It That's Hiro's Sister! I mean my sister! I don't have a sister fetish! Ahhh and succubi don't count!

"I swear you and that stupid dumbass have to be the most useless people in all of existence! How can you forget something like that!! Our sorcery is pure destructive power and yet you just "forgot it!" I swear if I could I would trade you for another Natsu Sorcerer in a heartbeat!!!"

She yelled in anger, super pissed of as she put her hand out facing the sky and conjuring a sphere of pure radiant fire, fire made of pure destructive energy, a fireball, and one that had me nearly pissing myself as I could feel it's heat from where I sat.

"Wait can't you just re-teach me it! I practically know next to nothing compared to you!! So won't it benefit you more if you could directly teach me instead of me having to re-learn it on my own!!!"

I yelled without thinking, not trying to fight her, but at the same time not thinking of a way to deceive her as I just said something on the spot in hopes of surviving.

May the dice of fate not kill me!


But as she said that she then clenched her hand making the big fireball dematerialize.

"Teach you. . . " she actually thought about it as she looked down at me with a perplexed look like she had never even thought about that option before, "I teach you?" she mumbled making me unable to hear.

She then crossed her arms after many seconds of pure thinking, and as I unbridledly and pervertedly looked at her without trying to get caught as I seriously couldn't help myself and my nose bled, she then looked down at me, making me jolt as my head fixed itself to look at her face and not that... gulp... body of hers.

"Fine, so be it! But I won't go easy on you!! I'm going to make your training hell until you can't move or pass out from exhaustion!!!"

Saying that I nearly passed out from the thought of it, damn me and my big mouth, why did I have to ask to learn sorcery out of panic, I wanted to be able to sword fight.

Looking at me more seriously as steam from the water came off of her, she then grabbed the showerhead as she was about to continue washing herself, but before she did, she said to me,

"Here's a little tip" please don't say you caught me staring, please don't say you caught me staring, please don't say you caught me staring.

"Don't underestimate Mana, we Sorcerers are just as good as any combatant if not better. We were born with inborn/innate magic unlike them, so take full use of it and don't forget that. Because we aren't just Phyric Sorcerers, our clan is one of the 3 destruction clans and you best not forget that!!!"

The 3 strongest destruction clans from 1st to 3rd. Fire, Lightning, and Plasma.

Hearing her say that I was relieved but at the same time I was shaken... But this wasn't going to change my attitude! I was still happy and this made it better seeing as this would give me more opportunities to make that death flag aka Hiro/My sister less of a death flag and more into a red flag if possible.

Weak as I laid my chin on the tub edge from such a moment,

"I won't forget our gift sister..."


She said turning away as she then turned to the wall to wash herself standing, and as I sunk back into the water, I wasn't even hard anymore. I was flaccid as she had serially scarred me earlier.

But looking down there was a problem, it wasn't shriveling up, it was still in a soft state, sitting at 4 inches. Hmmm Kinda cute coming from a girlish point of view, but it was still kinda weird?

Yoo don't remember what I was thinking about?

But she has a really nice ass...



Grabbing my head as I thought nothing other than dirty and nasty thoughts like a plague of lewdness, I felt like Modeus the lust demon as the temptation to not look is so hard!

Wanting to hit my head as I was completely blushing and all crimson faced, I stood up making her look over to me,

"I'm getting out, I've been in here too long"


But as I walked out of the tub and was heading for the door I felt a yank on my good hand,

"What happened to your hand?"

Looking over to Mari as she grabbed my hand, my face was instantly inflamed with a flush so red that it made me look like a shining tomato,

"Nothing happened!"

I said pulling away as I felt my member get excited and rock hard and as I tried going for the door, I felt a touch at my bad hand and I flinched pulling away,

"It's bleeding?"

Looking at it as she had moved her hand past me and touched it, I looked to my bad hand to see blood coming out from the wound, the heat from the water must have caused this.

"I said I'm fine!"

But as I said that she was already around me to my other side as she raised it up and looked at it as it was bleeding on both sides,

"This looks like a nasty wound? How'd you get it, little brother?"

"Please stop making this weird. I'm naked, your naked, there's a thing called gender boundaries in which I don't think I need to explain to you"

But as I said that her pupils shimmered a golden orange as she used an eyes technique to look at my hand, and as she had, she opened her mouth,

"Oh yeah, I forgot we were naked? It doesn't matter though, there's nothing to look at on you, your not that special baby brother"

But saying that I hot-headedly responded,

"Well, I care!"

"Stop being a baby and let me have a look at your hand, you're lucky I'm even bothering to look at it"

She said sitting me down at the edge of the tub as she sat next to me and examined it, God she's so weird, I don't care if we're technically siblings, this was just weird, we're both naked and shes acting like it's nothing.

Looking at it for a while and switching between eye techniques, my raging hard-on kept twitching and as my breath turned heavy from her touch, I didn't know what to do? I wanted to have sex again, my sexual desire was going crazy and I didn't know what to do as I felt it building up like crazy.

Was I attracted to the forbidden taboo? Oh God no...

This has to be an incubus thing and not that, please say it's an incubus thing.

Looking away and trying to calm my breath and steady, she kept touching around the wound and rubbing parts of my hand getting a flinch-like reaction from me and as it kept going on I felt lust creeping around the corner.

"Your hand should be fine, it's in critical condition but it's not too bad, I'll give you some medicine for it later today, but I suggest that you wrap it up tightly and avoided hurting it any more, also stay out of the cold, our bodies are naturally hot, but you're weak in actual sorcery from what you said so I don't know if you remember how to actually adjust your body heat in the cold"


Looking at me as I was a blushing mess she stood up and then stepped into the bath,

"You're free to leave now"

She said and I stood up instantly heading to the door, and as I grabbed the handle on my way out, I then heard,

"Oh yeah and if try to steal my bath again, I'll burn you"

She said as I left and headed back to my room, a blushing mess and super horny from after that,

*Meanwhile in the bathroom*

"He looked pale?"

* * *

After refreshing myself after coming out of the bath, I started doing trivial stuff around my room as Tina was still asleep, and as she had and I finished up, I crawled back into bed as I felt mentally exhausted,