No Pain! No Gain! Also Go Get That Mula!

"That's OUR sister demon! What the hell!"

Hiro's fragment heavily scolded me once I fell asleep and appeared in that black space, he's been yelling at me for what felt like an hour but most likely to have been about 10 minutes.

"I know but–" Turtle

"SHUDDUP!!! I don't want to hear it! I let the whole Tina thing slide but— bla bla bla bla bla!!!" Hiro

He started giving me another earful as I sat in front of him not reflecting on my actions. . .I had no regrets.

This went on for many minutes.

But after the passing of what might have been 18 more minutes, my body pulsated and I wasn't the only one to feel that unsettling sensation.

[Fragment Hiro's narrative PoV]

Looking down at Turtle his eyes Broadened as this teenage version of himself had fallen under the sensation beating in his chest, he caved down, fell to the ground, and pressed up, his breath was Heavy as if his chest was caving in on itself.

What the hell was going on? What was this feeling in his own chest as well as Turtle's? It was so unknown and mysterious but felt so good.

Looking down at Turtle he felt all of what was happening as if they were one being entirely, but he was able to resist it all as he had only felt a fraction of what was truly going on.

However, his eyes did not broaden at him because of what that fool had felt.

He didn't care that Turtle had collapsed.

Because what he saw... He saw Turtle with spiral ram-like horns along with a long thin tailed and a pair of symmetrically black feathery wings.

"What the hell is this, Demon?!" Hiro

Hiro was shocked at the sudden appearance of Turtle.

He looked as if he was a fallen angel or something way worst and it made the fragment Hiro stare as this was something so strange... So undefined... So inhuman... This wasn't normal? This had never happened before? What the hell was going on with Turtle? Why did he look like that? What was he? Was this what that Demon actually looked like?

Questioning all of what he saw and contemplating the matter at hand.

Turtle looked up at him, his face was intoxicated as he was drooling and his eyes looked completely filled with lust. But who was he looking at? Was he looking at Hiro or was he looking at something else?

"Hey... Do you smell something delicious..." Turtle

He was taken back by the words coming out of Turtle's mouth.

But then he felt it.

"Are you seriously about to into another lust drive!!!" Hiro

This was but wasn't the same feeling of what had happened before, but Hiro knew what was happening, Turtle was about to go into another lust frenzy.

But what the hell caused it? Turtle wasn't agitated? He was just sleeping so there was no way that this could have happened without another party... Another intervention... Holy fuck there was a third party involved who was messing with their body.

"It smells really good~♡" Turtle

"And I want it so very bad~" Turtle

Looking back at Turtle; he had lost his mind as he was consumed with lust, he was consumed with the appetite to feed, he was hungry, he was thirsty, he was craving the Desiring to fall in love with lust and be enveloped by it.

Rushing Turtle, he grabbed him and violently shook him "Snap the hell out of it! What the hell are you doing!! You can't do this now!!! You damned Demon!!!" he screamed but was unable to shake him back to his senses as Turtle had vanished, waking up and leaving the inner mind space that this place had been.

With him leaving he instantly knew what had happened, it was his best friend Tina, she pervertedly teased him while he slept and ended up lusting over him as he was asleep.

Knowing that he sighed as it was entirely her fault.

"Damn it, Tina... You always come at the wrong time..."

Shaking his head he knew what was currently happening and as Turtle grabbed her head as he woke up to her blowing his stiff junk, and he ravished her throat, squeezing his balls dry with her mouth till she couldn't take it anymore and passed out from the lack of air and cum filling her stomach.

Turtle himself snapped back too as that short burst of chaotic lust didn't last long, and Hiro's fragment shook his head as Turtle was bewildered by what had happened and was very confused as he looked at the mess in which had been their best friend and he innocently reacted making Hiro laugh his ass off as if he himself enjoyed watching this innocent fool continue furthermore into their own sinful incubism.

"tch tch tch... Stupid Demon"

* * *Later that same hour: Brought to you by naive Turtle confused about what had just happened, and a passed out Tina unconsciously hugging him to the point of suffocation that he couldn't escape from* * *


It was almost 1 in the afternoon and I'd done nothing today!

Well... That's a big fucking lie, literally. But not the point! I mean in terms of important stuff, and by important, I mean doing stuff other than staying at home and being super bored, Tina was being Tina and passed out leaving me all alone and I didn't know what to do because I had no plans for today other than training and work.

But I didn't want to train today!

Don't get me wrong there's still the whole training to survive factor going on, but I want today to be a chill day, one where I can just kick back and relax and stay hands off of things,

At least for today.

Looking over to my side I looked to Tina who I literally had to pry off of me as she ensnared me in her arms after I woke up with my dick in her mouth, God she's strong.

How I managed to escape, well that was the easy part.

I bit her.

No joke I warned her I would do it and she didn't let go, she was pretending to be asleep and when I bit her she let go after startling me with a weird moan.

After that she just rolled over grabbing a pillow and hugging it, pretending like she was asleep, ugh, your such a pain!

Anyways, getting out of bed as I just remembered how I have things to do, I got dressed in a new pair of summer visual clothes, and then I walked over to my dirty clothes in which had a strong stench of lewd smells on them, it was the clothes from yesterday, I swear she must have came on it or something because her scent was all over them.

Grabbing a small basket in which was empty from under Hiro's work desk, I emptied all from the pants pockets onto the desk before putting them in the basket.

Looking to the table I finally checked out the loot I had gotten from the succubus and the 3 cat boys.

-------Loot Gathered-------

Succubi Ursula:

60CP worth,

7 vitality pills,

3x Neko Boys:

107CP worth,

3 daggers,


Looking at the pile of loot I got from them I emptied the first coin pouch in which had belonged to the succubi and I found 3 silver and 30 copper pieces. Oh hell yeah! Score! wow that's a lot of money!

I then looked over to the unlabeled vile of unknown pills and as I looked to them I remembered how I had already eaten 2, one at the brothel and another before my bath because of my hand. So guessing from how there's only 7 little light red pills in there, there must have originally been 9.

Next after moving the money and pills to the upper left corner of the desk, I poured all 3 coin pouches from the Nekos onto the counter, and as I had silver and copper coins rained down.

Seeing all of them rain down my eyes sparkled as there was a lot, plus I had collected 3 simple daggers from them so if I sell them I'm betting I'll get a few more copper pieces.

Looking at the pile and organizing the money in stacks, there were 7 silver and 37 copper pieces. Holy crap with this amount of money I already have enough money to equal a whole gold piece!

With my eyes shining as I pulled home big bucks, I then organized the desk and put the money all together on my desk, I had a total of 10 silver and 67 copper pieces, on which was equivalent to 167CP if I based it all on the worth of copper pieces.

With this much money I was sure to have enough for utilities and other household expenses for this month! And I even had some to spare.

Putting 150CP in the upper desk draw for bills, I had a total of 17CP for myself in which I then added to my own coin pouch,

Hehehe I have my quota done and now I'm soaring~

Oh shoot but I better not get carried away! After all I looted defeated succubi, what if she knows it's me and demands her money back...

Sucks to be her then~

She attacked me I didn't attack her~

Anyways, putting the money in my pouch I had a total of 34CP now, but let's get off the topic of money before I become like a mini Red Hood and became a vigilante— Ah! It hurts but it's so worth it!

Shaking my head as that was excruciating, I put the 3 daggers in the middle drawer of the desk, and then the possible healing pills in the bottom draw, the desk was simple, small, and effective, but it got the job done as it was flat at top, had 3 draws to the side, and a space to put a chair so I could sit in and probably kick my legs without having to worry about much as there was leg space.

Those were going to be my 3 draws, one for money, one for possible weaponry as long as they're small, I'll also put an occasional book in there, and then the last is for medicine and alchemy-made pills.

Backing away from the desk as I was done over here, I had stretched and then remembered I needed to translate those papers for work, I guess this is where I need to get Tina to make me a chart of the alphabet?

I hope she's still not mad at me, I tried explaining I was compelled, but I guess yelling with a dagger stabbed my hand isn't exactly a good time to explain,

Sigh, anyway, let's wake her up, if she's still mad I'll thoroughly have to explain this to her in a way she won't kill me, so I have to explain how I know this too but I guess I can just leak that Lex is an incubus and our sister race is the succubi.

But I should be mad since I almost died...

But I'm not, im in a good mood and I won't let today be bad.

Please don't be bad, dice of fate don't ruin this for me.

Leaping onto the bed with joyous intents as I was overly happy for some odd reason I woke up Tina after what had been a whole 2 minutes, and as she was hazy and her mind was all fuzzy, as she grabbed my waist, trying to pull me in for another suffocation hug, but I bit her again making her let me go.

After what felt like an eternity of her trying to snuggle me in bed, I pushed away from this morning lust of hers and covered her with the blanket even more as she was still naked, she smelled a bit funky too, but I guess that's from her being all perverted earlier.

She lazily started waking up, and as she had I thanked her for cleaning the bathroom in which confused her as she forgot she did that or so she says she didn't remember doing that in which I knew she did, she didn't have to be so humble about it, but anyway, after that, I asked her to make me the alphabet chart and I'd show her mine in exchange.

After the exchange, I went back to the desk and started getting to work as I used the thing she made me to translate what I wanted to write onto the paper.

Doing that, I got super busy as I was hard at work, and as I had, Tina who I had heard open my dresser and take some of my clothes, got dressed, but as I thought she was going to leave, she came up to me, stretched her leg over my as I was sitting down on a chair, and she then sat in my lap facing me.

Asking what she was doing she had only replied with a cute tongue poke as she came in, hugging me and resting her head on my shoulder as she rested on me while sitting here, getting me all excited and stuff. Tina I'm trying to work, stop being a tease! But it was impossible and I had to write while she was on my lap facing me after that.

I started getting stuff done that hadn't been related to money and clients as I was going to do that when I clocked in later today, so after I translated my work and went over the papers a second time encase I missed something or read something wrongly, I finally finished and just before 2 PM.

After writing and putting the pencil down I didn't get up as I just stayed there with Tina on my lap, she was sound asleep, or at least pretending as I could occasionally see her peek at me and she would even go closer to my neck teasing me with the tickles of her breath, so I knew she was awake, she was bad at hiding it.

So reaching my good hand around, I grabbed her butt making her jolt up as she was surprised by it, and as she had, I took pleasure in resting my head on her shoulder as my bad hand reached around, using my arm I held her back in a hug action, and with my good hand, I rubbed and occasionally squeezed her tender butt making her breath heavy and erotic.

Closing my eyes as she lewdly breathed, I kept teasing her we stayed like this and didn't break character. She pretended not to be awake and I acted like I didn't know she was awake.

Using this hour to tease her as I wasn't going to be the one to break, we stayed like this for a whole hour and change as I was determined not to lose, and as we got all sweaty and our breaths mixed but we both stayed trying to conceal, I could feel her drenched down there as she had already came a few times from me doing this.

My hand in which had slipped into her/my shorts a while ago kept fondling her tender ass and the sweat had made it feel weirdly good as it had this weird but sexy feel to it, I was suddenly the first to break as I couldn't resist anymore, this was already an achievement for how long I waited and held back on my ever-growing lust.

Moving off her shoulder I saw her shut her eyes as she was still pretending to be asleep, and as she kept them closed right, I leaned in softly pressing my lips against hers before backing away.

"I will conquer you one day my lovely little psychopath~ Just you wait," I said as I knew she was listening, and I was purposefully teasing her with a mix of truth along with my own personal satisfaction mixed in with knowing she thinks I don't know she's awake.

"And when I do, I'll–"

Naughtily whispering my dirty desires into her ear, her face melted into a strong blush, and as she looked to be almost glowing, I nipped her earlobe and then kissed the side of her neck, strained before I pressed my lips against it and just like the mark on my neck from her dirty mouth, I left my mark, giving her a light hickey.

Having a bit of fun with this as I could feel her heart beating like a speedster, thumping and jumping and racing all the way, I then bit the inside of my cheek as I heard my name being yelled from downstairs.

"Tina wake up" I was the first to break and as I had and she played asleep until I said it again, I did and after so she turned her head looking at me and faking a yawn as she cozied up to me, hugging me,

I heard my name again and after finally getting her to come off of me, I went downstairs to see Mari with a ruler in hand.

"Listen up idiot! Today I'm starting your magic training!! So listen up and listen clear if you don't want to end up with this ruler being shoved up your ass!!!"



Why today!!!

I ended up spending an hour with Mari, at first it was good as she helped heal my hand with some medicine, but then she became a sadistic bitch who enjoyed torturing me.

That hour I was humiliated, embarrassed, and I've never felt so useless. Ahhh she's getting to me! I'm not useless that's just what's she kept calling me! And ha fuck you.

Because guess what, I felt some of my magic~

Yeah bish! I'm closer to actually sensing it now!
