Untamed Relationship

It was almost 4 in the afternoon and after the hellish torture she called light training, I was miserable, tired, sore, and even though I had been able to feel my magic during our training, that was only because her "method" of training got me to the point in where I literally felt my entire system of passages pang.


Ugh... If I ever have to sit in between some strange magic circle again I think I might just die.

"Imma... Lay down..."

"Not in here, get out!" Mari yelled as she stood in front of me with her hand out as she had just finished some spell of some sorts, and I was sitting down with my legs crossed in front of her while in the middle of this strange magic circle she had prepared for this so-called "exercise".

I was more or less in it this entire time and she said that we'd start actual training tomorrow... Fudge, if an exercise hurts like this then I don't even want to come back for whatever she has planned.

"What are you waiting for? Go, I don't have all day!"

She said rushing me out of the magic studies, practically throwing me out and slamming the door.

Sitting on my butt while in the middle of the hallway I didn't even feel like getting up, and you know what I'm not getting up, I'm staying right here.

"No me voy a levantar..."

*Raging pang*


Picking myself up, my head was throbbing, holy fuck, why the hell that hurt so hard!?

God it hurt!... A lot!

You know what I'm in the mood today, I'm not having a good day anymore, I'm, I'm going to go lay down.

Yep, I've made up my mind, I'm just going to go. Walk upstairs with nothing but going to sleep in peace in my head, I got up there to see my door cracked open and I could just feel the fluffiness of my pillow out here.

Walking to the door and entering it I could see Tina still here and at my work desk, doodling on a paper, or writing? I don't really care, the bed is the only thing I care for at the moment.

"He baby I've missed you so very much. . ."

Hearing me say that Tina turned over to where I was but as she was about to say something with complete sweetness, she looked to me plopping on the bed.

"I love you my bed"

Her face blackened as I was talking to my bed and not her.

"Hey! How come you talk to the bed like that but not me!"

*Muffled noises*

Getting out of the chair she walked over to me and started to tough on my shirt, pulling and shaking, telling me to say I love you back or at least for me to tell her that I love her... But I didn't, I wasn't moving a muscle as I was just trying to fall asleep because hahaha no.

"Come on have some heart, it's just three simple words, can't you say it back to me? Pretty please say it back to me~ I say it a whole lot to you because I love you a lot, so can't you say it back to me because you love me~"

Hearing her consistent pestering that had gotten very annoying, I continued to ignore her as I just sunk further into the mattress and tried going to sleep to visit Hiro's fragment in the black space even if he's still mad and wants to give me am earful.

She kept pestering me and as she did it for another minute, she went on the other side of the bed and laid on it, laying right in front of me on my already small bed and putting her face close up to mine.

"Come on, say it, pretty please~ Tell me how much you love me~"

Getting really annoyed by this coñ– I mean getting really annoyed by this girl. I looked up to see her smiling brightly and shimmering as it was like little stars sparkled around her face.

And it really annoyed me.

"True relationships are built off of honesty right?"

"For sure! Also if you lie to me I might just cut off your dick~ Just kidding" she said but I really doubted her.

And I wasn't really in the mood for this, her voice sounded all sweet and cute while saying it but from knowing her till now, which let me remind you is about 6 days, she wasn't lying nor joking.

"Yeah... I doubt that..." looking at her solemnly as she was glowing a radiant light, I was about to turn her smile into a frown as I was going to spit out some facts. Call me inconsiderate or mean but I really don't care, it is what it is.

"I can't say that I hate you, but I really don't like you either"

Hearing me say that her smile faded from her face as she looked at me very questionably, like "what do you mean by that?" And I was going to answer that question for her because my trust and likeability towards her plummeted when she stabbed me.

"Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything that you've done for me so far seeing as I would more or less be nowhere without your help, but Tina... I've been alive for about 6 days now, almost a full week, and I don't trust anyone, nor like anyone, so love is way too far out of the question for me to simply give out"

Looking at me with semi-open eyes as she looked to be processing what the hell I had just said,

"W-What are you trying to say?"

Pushing up and fixing myself up to sit as I just pinched between my eyes shaking my head, I then looked to her seriously.

"Tina our relationship is built around trust and cooperation, if I'm going to be honest and serious with you, I don't know what love is so I'm going to put it like this, love equals trust, and because of earlier today I don't trust you at all"

But saying that she got the wrong idea as she sat up and looked down at the bed with no expression as if the light faded from her eye and hints of insanity came creeping in.

"S-So you don't love me...?"

And I'm about to die again... Fuck me and my pissy mouth, this is why I shouldn't ever speak when I'm not in a good or decent mood.

"No I said I don't trust you! Stop getting the wrong idea when that's not what I said!!"

Looking up at me with a blank face that showed even more signs of her about to go insane, I heatedly acted as I wasn't going to just let this girl do whatever she wanted and kill me because her feelings got hurt when she wanted me to tell her the truth.

Grabbing her shirt collar and snapping her out of her little awake and psycho growth daydream, I pulled her towards me and said this as clearly as I could.

"You want me to trust you, earn it! And for fucks sake get a grip on yourself, 4 days ago when we were walking to the train station we made a pact!! I'm not going back on it and neither are you!!! You hear me! Your my right-hand gal and no one else!"

I yelled as this was coming straight from the heart despite this going a bit overboard; my emotions were very unchecked and not so stable.

"And who do you even think you are to simply try and rule over me, for heaven's sake I'm a literal Demon, my nature is to corrupt everything and burn it to the ground! So if love is what sets you off then throw it away before I have to do it for you"

I said and as I had I looked her dead in her brown eyes to see a reflection of myself in which my eyes glew a violent bloody red.

Letting go as I was quick to react to it I grabbed my face, covering my eyes. My emotions were too unstable at the moment, why did I say that? Why couldn't I have just been nice? Violence only leads to more violence, yelling and arguing won't solve a damn thing!

"I... I'm sorry"

Hearing the quiver in her voice I moved my hand down and slowly looked to her as I was completely shocked to get an response from her,

"Sorry, I guess I've been asking way too much of you from the start without even considering how you felt in all of this"

Fuck, this is a complete gilt trip for me...

She didn't start to tear up, instead, she grabbed me by the hand and with a desperate expression, she opened her mouth and said,

"We did make a pact and I let myself get carried away. I thought that you would leave me whenever you found someone better so I got greedy and narcissistic, only thinking about myself, I even hurt you without hearing your side of the story because I thought someone who wasn't me caught your eyes. So I'm very sorry and please don't get mad, we can work this through and be partners again, I'll be by your side and all you have to do is lov– work with me through all of this confusion"

I was bewildered, this went... Better than expected? Holy cow.

"Also, your right, I was in the wrong... But I hope with a bit of time that I'll be able to gain back your trust, Kay"

"Um... Yeah?... Just, give it some time"

I was at a loss for words as this was a whole 180° expectation for me as I had never seen it coming.

She then raised my hand with hers and we crossed fingers,

"I know it's too much to ask if we can kiss and make up, so can we just hug and make up, I know this relationship needs work and we'll both try our best, but for today, can we just forget a bit of the bad stuff and focus on the future good stuff"

Again, never would have expected this?

"Of course"

After saying that while sitting on the bed we hugged, and as we had, it turned deep as if she was telling me that she had truly meant all of this.

And you know what, I believe her, I believe in her.

[Tina's P-PoV]

I regret nothing, because I love love love you and I will give you all the time you need until you come back around to me and love me to the point where you won't be able to live without me.

Because our love runs deeper than anything and I'll love you forever and ever until it's just us and no one else.


"kekeke, so you want to see the world burn huh?"

"Hey don't get me wrong! Demons are weird and I learned that about us from some priest!"

He's so cute when flustered,

"Oh really? Don't listen to him, I know you don't want that~"

Don't worry my little Demon, I'll protect you till the bitter end. If anyone calls you a monster, I'll teach them better. If anyone hurts you, then I'll make them regret it. And if anyone touches you again and they aren't me... I'll end them.

Because my love for you stands above all else.

* * *A Few Minutes Later: brought to you by Hiro and Tina talking some of their problems out reasonably on the bed* * *

[Hiro's P-PoV]

After what seemed like a successful and healthy make up between Tina and me, I was astonished by how civilized and reasonable she was. We talked and even discussed some of our issues. I even apologized for some of my faults in which I didn't have to but to make it fair and equal I did it anyways, and we also talked about how to make this work, how to improve and better ourselves for the future as we weren't splitting apart.

We both had forgotten it was my birthday and we finally remembered once I picked up the phone as it was buzzing and I finally answered one of Peters's calls as he seemed to have called me like 37 times and Tina about the same amount of times.

After hearing from him it didn't take too long for him to get here, and as he had Mari was now in the living room just chilling and Tina was in the bathroom as I made her take another bath. Because for some reason she smelled very lewd and I think that it might have been because the bedsheets reeked of us.

I so needed to wash them.

Opening the door as I heard him knocking, I opened it to hear his overly happy yell "Surprise!" but ye wasn't alone.

Because behind him...

Behind him was a girl with golden blond hair and pretty light blue eyes.

It was Remi...