Watta tease. . .

"Surprise!" Peter yelled as the door had opened.

But as his voice echoed in my ear I turned as pale as a ghost, because right behind him was a girl with silky golden hair and pretty blue eyes, she had pearly white skin and she wore an overly pretty green sundress.


Not even giving it a second thought I slammed the door.

Slamming the door right in their faces my heart dropped. It was bad, like the bad you would feel if the holy ghost suddenly came to visit you and the spirit of your dead grandma came to see you and tell you that she loved you one last time before going away forever and making you cry because you wished you would have been able to see her one more time.

That type of heart drop.

Or at least that's how it felt for me because as I stood there behind this door in which separated us, a stream of water fell down from my eyes, this was his sorrow...

Meaning that Hiro was gay for Peter and he broke his heart or it was because of that girl... It was probably the second reason but I like to question Hiro a lot so I can't be too sure?

Shaking my head variously I got dizzy and heard another knock at the door from Peter, so wiping the tears from that dummy Hiro's face in which was my face but that didn't matter, I then opened the door halfway and popped my head out.

Seeing them looking at me a tad bit concerned, I spoke before they could, I really didn't want to hear anything from them that would change my mood more than it already had been today.

"Peter, your too loud, take it down a notch I have a headache"

. . .Says despite slamming the door. . .

Hearing me say that he chuckled as he scratched his cheek, "Sorry bout that" his expression instantly changed and as it did so did hers, but fighting the urge to look at that woman who threw Hiro in shambles, I stepped back and opened the door.

"Anyways, it's too hot for ya to be standing out there, come in"

Telling them to get their asses in here because it was way too hot out here today, they came in, and as soon as they did, with light happy expressions and him brimming with joy, Peter stuck his hand out as he held a shopping bag?

"Happy birthday bro"


He lightened my mood, I didn't really care for the gift, but just having such a happy bright person around me made me feel slightly better about today.

*Meanwhile in the living room sitting on the couch burying her face in a book, Mari's ear tingled as she could hear them*

"Yeah, happy birthday" The golden-haired girl who I think might have been Remi Tenya said with a sweet smile as she came over and stuck out her hand, holding a little wrapped up box.

"Th-... Thanks"

So it was her? I guess Hiro really doesn't like Peter like that then? Damn... Okay, my little degenerate Goblin brain you can just go back to sleep, it was a false alarm.

[What little brain cells I have left: Gabba Gabba!]

Accepting her gift I was going to pocket them when,

"Hiro open my gift and put it on! I wanna see you in it!" Peter

"What?!" Hiro

"hahaha, try mine on too then~" Possibly Remi

"Hold up! Don't pull me!" Hiro

Peter grabbed me by the hand dragging me to the restroom.

* * *

Stepping out of the restroom wearing a leather jacket, white t-shirt, black jeans, and a silver bracelet, I came out of there drowsy.

*3 gasps*

"Bro, anyone ever told you that you'd make a good delinquent" Peter

"Nooo..." I said drowsily as he had bombarded me to wear all of this minutes ago.

"Am I the only one seeing this or does Hiro actually look Hot like this" Tina

"When the hell you get here!" Hiro

"Wow you look really good in that outfit~" Possible Remi

"He looks good? HA! Delinquent Hiro looks way better than a looks good, Remi!"

And it's official, that's Remi...

I'm not Queen shave review on his surprise and Lee delinquent face 2 is shark red eyes

From that clean shave uncovering his surprisingly delinquent face, His sharp red eyes, his strong slim posture and that look that he always is up for a fight, and that readiness to have fun! Delinquent Hiro is better than any good, he's the best, and anyone would think he's oddly sexy with just a glance!"

Bro, I can't tell if you're flirting or trying to make me flustered, it's

working but stop please stop! Especially when you're actually better looking than me without that bushy beard!

Hearing him say that and now all eyes were on me more than before, they all then looked to my eyes,

"Wait? Red eyes?" Remi

Looking at me more intensely I got very flustered as they all kept looking at me so hard that my heart raced and I could barely think of anything as I just wanted them to stop it.

Oh shit wait they can see my eyes, if Remi finds out I'm screwed, I don't care if they notice but not her!

"Oh, shoot I just noticed that? Hiro your eyes are red!" Peter

Hearing them both say that Tina flinched and opened her mouth to say something in my defense, but before she could I timidly looked away as my face was covered in a flustering red.

"They're just contacts, Tina gave them to me the other day as an early birthday present" Hiro

Saying that she jerked and the others looked over to her,

"Really!? Yo Tina where'd you get them from they look sick!" Peter

"I... Uhhhh..." Tina

She didn't know what to say as I just put her on the spot like that,

"Foreign travelers... Yeah, I got them from some traveling merchants who visited not too long ago!" Tina

"Yo, that's awesome!" Peter

Peter started talking up a storm to Tina who was thrown on the spot, meanwhile, Remi came over to me.

"They look good on you, anyway, how's the bracelet, fits okay?" Remi

Looking down to the silver Bracelet she had gotten for me, I impulsively smiled,

"Yeah, I like it" Hiro

Saying that her expression turned sunny, she clapped her hands together and with a benevolent smile, she said,

"I'm glad you like it~ I know it's not glamorous but–" Remi

"Don't worry it's really pretty, kinda like you" Hiro

Did I just flirt?... AHH WHAT THE HELL eww eww eww! I didn't mean to say that! It just slipped! Hiro you fucking simp stop it!

"Hehe, thanks" Remi

Looking up at her she had a slight blush on her face in which I found adorable and just looking at her pretty face I just wanted to grab her chin and kiss her.

My hand moved on its own, pressing her chin between my fingers as I lifted her head up to me, doing that she reacted with open eyes as I was about to do it!

"Hey do me a favor" Hiro

But I didn't... I didn't kiss her.

I broke free from that idiot Hiro's impulse to kiss this woman.

"W-Waht?" Remi

But as she had said that as she was a mess because of what it looked like I was about to do, I let go of her and then stepped back, smiling and putting my hands behind my back in a cute way as I then teasingly smirked.

"Oh, nothing~ Don't worry about it it's nothing important..." Hiro

Doing this and getting the attention of the other 2 in the room as they had seen this and completely thought I was going to delinquently act and kiss her, I laughed as Remi had steam sizzling out of her head.

"Stop teasing me!!!" Remi squealed

"Why? You looked so cute back there~" Hiro

Don't know why but my voice twisted, just like my mind.

"Bro..." Peter

Looking over to him as he said that, he looked at me like "why did you do that to her?" but then he suddenly gleamed!

"Yo you're killing it! Delinquent Hiro for the win!" Peter

Saying that I laughed, "Oh don't worry your next~" but then he flinched, "Wait what..." with a grin I approached him with my arms out, "Hey let's talk this over Hiro" but it didn't work as I suddenly ran at him and he kicked the ground dashing away.

"You can run but you can't hide Peter!!!" Hiro

"No, stay away!" Peter

We ran around the house twice and as we had I caught and tackled him in the living room in front of Mari.

"No stop! I don't consent! I don't consent!" Peter

"Heheheh" Hiro

"Aahhhhhhhhh" Peter

We were just fucking around at this point, after this, we all hung out in the living room annoying Mari as she was trying to read her book in peace.

But peace wasn't an option because of us.