Life At The Branch House

At the break of dawn as the sun had started to rise that's when the Natsu's power was at its greatest. We drive our power from the sun and its burning flames rippling in raging flairs.

"Ha so it really did take kicking your ass for you to finally grow some balls little brother," Mari said as her back was to the rising sun shining brightly from the horizon.

"I've always had a pair, you just caught me off guard yesterday"

"Oh really? Then show me what you got!!!" her eyes shimmered a bright orange as she had fully prepared to combat me through sorcery.

Looking at her as she had given me the chance to act first, my breath steadied and using a single hand I reached up for the sky while the other had pointed towards the ground, aiming for the earth.

Taking a sharp breath filling my lungs with oxygen, I closed my eyes focusing my mind on my energy pool and the phyric energy slumbering in my body.

Sensing it I grabbed ahold of that faded energy and grabbed it tightly, surging it through my body from my energy pool and making it swell up and flood my energy passages, spreading through my entire body as I was yet to be able to control this power.

Feeling it rage through me I clasped my hand and then released it, moving my hands from the sky to earth in a clockwise motion.

Orange flames had started to slowly form from my fingertips and spread around my hand.

Switching my hands from Sky to Earth, to, Earth to Sky, I clenched my hands into fists and then said that technique that I was going to use out of respect for the Sorcerer's code of honor when fighting an individual.

"Phyric Arts: Blazing Gloves"

My hands now shrouded in fire I opened my eyes to see Mari with an ecstatic smirk on her face and as she looked at me as if she saw something amusing.


I charged at her yelling like a barbarian as asides from fighting Ursula this was my first real battle and yeah you know me... Not a fighter so screaming like an idiot was kinda what I had to me in the moment.

"Blazing Gloves"

Copying the technique/skill I had used she charged at me as Fire had covered not just her hands but also some of her forearms without burning her clothes.

Running at each other we clashed our fists together and as we had I forced her back as physically, I was stronger.

But she was more flexible and as she was forced back she twisted and hit the ground with her hand, supporting herself as she swung her leg around and kicked me in the face, jerking me off to the side while in a swift motion getting herself back up and as I tried fixing myself back up to keep fighting her.

A ball of fire was charged up and in front of my face,


A crashing roar banged as she had shot a fireball directly in my face and knocked me down, making my mind dissipate back into the darkness as she had knocked me out and did a number to my face as she hadn't held back.

"Aahhhh my face is melting!!!"

"Bro... Chill... It's not... Your a dumbass" Unknown

Hearing Hiro's fragment which meant I had been knocked out, I then yelled back at him.

"You saw that right! She blasted my face! It's gone I don't have a face anymore!"

"Idiot the only thing that's gone is probably some hair! Also, did you pay attention at all during my lecture! We don't get hurt from normal flames!"

"But she used her powers!"

"Then you're fucked..."


"Kidding! I'm kidding! And she didn't even use all of her strength so stop screaming!"

Ironic right.....

"Wait so I'm not going to be a faceless blob or look like Zuko– Ahh my head! Fuqe!"

"You should be fine... Looking at you now your edges are just a little crispy, I suggest getting a haircut unless you want to smell like burned hair for a while"

"Aww... I liked my long hair"

"Shut up"

"Why are you so grouchy? You didn't just get blasted?"

"I'm grouchy because I did as asked and trained you the last time you were here! So do as you promised or I won't continue our sorcery lessons!!"

Rubbing my chin as he threatened me with that, I chuckled as seeing him act so impatiently was kinda cute.

"Okay so you want to know more about the true Remi right?"

"Yeah now tell me!"

"First things first, Remi isn't human"

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Remi is a Druid, Just like us she is of a different sub-species of human, we Sorcerer, and her Druid, however, there's some complications in that since those born of the druid race don't consider themselves human since the blood of mother nature runs through their sacred veins"


"Before you can say that the Druid is a class, well yes, it is, and that's because those of the Druid class are just mimicking or gaining the powers belong to the Druid race since their powers originate from mother nature and nature spirits of her kin"

"How do you know this?"

He asked but as he had I looked away since I was the one to have this in my notes for the story I was going to originally reveal when I revealed that she and her brother Roy were Druids, but I never really got to that and seeing as some of what I wrote was true, I'm going to assume that this is true as well.

"That's enough talk, let's continue our lesson, I really want to beat Mari now because I have to cut my hair"

Saying that he had many questions especially since he knew what I was saying was what I believed to be true, so he ended up becoming my teacher once more as he continued lesson 1 since we were only a quarter of the way finished.

However before he started he asked me this strange question?

"Demon, it's been a whole day and a half since you've been to work, are you feeling different? You haven't acted lustful since 2 weeks ago?"

He asked making me question his words, but not saying anything I responded.

"Well, this weekend I felt a slight irritation and tingling as if I was craving something I hadn't known what for, but other than that I feel oddly normal, I'm actually surprised that I haven't done anything"

"Why is that?"

"Because I need to feed every 5 days or I'll turn farrell and yet I haven't?"

"Why is that?"

"I don't know"

I felt as if when he was questioning me that he was trying to hint at something but I hadn't picked up on what he was doing before he started giving me lessons.

* * *Later: brought to you by teenage and shota chibi Hiro's sipping coffee and tea in a dollhouse* * *

Waking up hours later after being knocked out, I woke up on a futon; in a decent-sized room with a single work desk and closet.

Getting up as my body had taken a great toll, I smelled something awfully burnt and as I touched my hair I felt it all crispy and my face turned sour as it was all flaky and bad.

Looking down to my bad hand as I needed to swap bandages anyway, leaving that room and asking a random female servant near my room, walking through the hall, if she'd like to help me cut my hair before I would go and change the bandage after a bath,

She greeted me kindly and happily agreed in which had surprised me as it was a bit odd that she was super friendly towards me but not to my sister as when she was around the servants used words like Mistress and Young Master, but when I was alone they'd kindly greet me using my name or little Natsu.

After cutting my hair to ears' length and gaining a few complements from this overly friendly servant.

I helped clean up the hair chunks which had surprised her when I insisted on helping and then left soon after to change the bandage and bathe.

After doing such and coming back to my room I got dressed in clothing that the same maid had probably prepared for me since we spoke freely while my hair was getting cut and she knew I had to leave to go to work.

Leaving and bidding farewell the male servants at the entrance of the Branch house I left for the bullet train to go to district 4 and go to the brothel.

Actually, now that I think about it the branch house is only 2 hours away from the brothel if I run there, maybe I could train by moving on foot to go to work...

Maybe later, my body hurts so I'll just stick to the train for now.

I'm glad I bought my money with me or I might have had to actually go on foot.

* * *One work load later* * *

[Weekly pay for working 5 days/40 hours: 4 silver pieces]

Returning to the branch house I was tired even though I had taken a small nap after the brothel was booked, I can't remember if I masturbated and fell asleep because my cock had became slick when I woke up and I had another naughty dream and felt lewd my entire way home.

I felt horny and it didn't help that when I had came home, sneaking in through the back entrance as I didn't want to wake anyone, I walked past a servant's room to accidentally see the door cracked and 2 guys having sex.

I'm pretty sure that I'm straight but just by the lust coming from their room, it had turned me on...

But I'm not gay so there was no way I was going to just pervertedly watch.

No offense but that's not what gets me going.

You two enjoy tho, I support free love~

Leaving and heading to my room as the sounds of their erotic voices rang in my ear, I was super horny now and didn't know what to do as my body had just started heating up.

"Hey... Let's go out and feed on someone"

"No, wait, we can't, I promised Tina that I wouldn't"

"What's more important, your fake relationship or food"

"She's my allie and I said that we'd take it slow and not do anything hasty"

"But don't forget we made a deal, whenever you got hungry enough you could eat anyone you wanted"

"I know what I said, but I want to wait, I don't want to be consumed by my lust and hurt anyone"

I don't want to hurt her either...

"Then let's fuck someone and not hurt someone, I know you want to, after all, we are an incubus, we show our affection to those we cherish and devour all through lust who hurt us in any way, shape, or form"

"Then why do you want to devour someone so badly!"

"I don't, you do, and you know you do~"

"No I don't! I value my humanity!!"

"Then let's just go out and have some fun, I know you want to be touched, we want to be touched, how long are you going to wait to feed, come on, let's eat~"

*Blushing as the thought of being touched clouded his mind*


"Look at yourself you haven't been feeding properly in so long that your going crazy, after all, you're talking to yourself now aren't you, so let's go have sex with some stranger, it'll be fun"

But hearing myself as "I had said that" I then shook my head a lot as I was literally talking to myself as if I was talking to myself as a another person or something.

"Gosh I haven't had sex in like 10 days and I'm going crazy, is this what happens when an incubus doesn't properly feed, they go crazy!?"

Slapping my cheeks I took deep breaths as this was getting to me.

I could feel my blood boiling and as I had I felt my mind go crazy as I wanted to have sex, it was literally the only thing that had crossed my mind until I fell asleep.

* * *

Waking up with the sun blazing my mind had calmed down a lot and as I got up and ate something that the servants had prepared for both me and Mari, we soon started our day of training until I had to go to work where I had done the usual.

I fought Ursula, clocked in, got mocked and verbally harassed by the others, checked people in who wanted the services of these damn Hoe's, chilled for a bit as I had nothing to do but paper work and had finished them quickly as I used that translation sheet to help me, talked to Lex as he stopped by, eventually fell asleep at the counter in which I'm now going to call my desk despite it being a counter, woke up with a sickened dick as I had a lewd dream, did more paper work and got new client's for these whores as they stopped by and were taken to their rooms, and by 2 AM, I checked out.

But instead of going to the branch house I felt too...


I felt too horny to continue on back and made a call to Tina asking her to meet me in the red light district to where she had and as she started asking questions, without a response as I was madly flustered I led her back to my job where I led her into an unused room as she was greatly confused by my actions and I lustfully broke out kissing her and losing control of my body.

She saw that and as she looked me deep in the eyes to see that I was consumed with pure lust, she was happy, calling me her baby boy and stuff, but I was too lustful as I kissed her deeply and then went down making her moan through cunnilingus as I ate her down there and then led her to the bed as my mind had became hazy and blank.

Using [Orgasm Lock] on myself I started feasting and growing my lust as nothing but pure nasty sex filled the room, and I was pretty sure Lex heard or someone heard us as I had never fully closed the door; leaving it ajared.

Not having much stamina to begin with it didn't take long for me to run out of stamina and after doing so and I was still bursting with lust, she sucked me down there for the first time and I released my orgasm lock, firing super thick loads down her throat and onto her face, covering her in it.

Not apologizing as my mind was gone and I was just a sluty animal in heat, as she wiped her face with some tissues I got on my knees licking her drooling cunt till she couldn't orgasm anymore and the both of us ended up on the bed asleep.

Time passed and when we regained consciousness she hugged me thanking me for patiently waiting before we left the brothel, but I had to go back to the branch house so she walked with me to the train station holding my hand as she looked to me happily.

Going back to the branch house Mari was pissed when she found out that I hadn't come back after finishing work and she extended our trip here and we fought not too long after starting it.

She knocked me unconscious of course but that only meant I would gain more training from Hiro's fragment while giving up dirt on Remi.

3 days passed and I got a hang of using my sorcery more. I even learned how to sense my magic after training alone by myself, I even talked to the servants and helped them out a bit out of boredom because there was nothing to do around here other than train, train, and train.

However during the 3 additional days of me being here, at work suddenly I stopped falling asleep and having dreams, but as a result, my lust had shot through the roofs and I could feel my desires to feed building up at an alarmingly faster rate.

I could only go 2 days without any dreams before I lost my mind and needed for Tina to meet me at the red light district, this time we rented a room somewhere else and spent the morning there before I came back to the branch house.

This became a problem for me too because I started to feel like a rabbit again, I needed the pleasure to keep on going through the day.

After my stunt of not coming back in time, she extended our stay again and again and again and by the time I came back to the branch house after spending 136CP's worth in utility for our home, she got really irritated with me and the more we trained the harder she would make it for me as we had only spared 3 times a week and the other 4 were her torturing me with her training regiments.

2 weeks had passed since the first of June and we were already a month and a half away from the tournament.

I went to Remi's birthday as it was the 12th and it was pretty boring till I mentioned something about Woodleaf and it startled her meaning I was correct.

I then made up a lame excuse telling her I read about it in a book which was a fun lie since I still couldn't read yet, hahaha.

But aside from that and learning more magic from both Mari and Hiro's fragment along with sleeping with Tina every 2 days at a different brothel or where I worked at, my lust had been driving me crazy as it didn't seem to be going down and Lex just told me it had been because I was consuming only dark energies from whoever I was sleeping with and I needed to balance it out.

Meaning I needed to sleep with someone with light energies or at least something that wasn't from Tina and talking with her about it and telling her what I got from her, though she was dissatisfied with it, she gave me the thumbs up since I had been behaving.

She made me feel like a dog so I... I'll save the naughty details for another time.

But after getting that I had no idea what to do, until I woke up on June 15th, feeling extra lustful, but it was Wednesday so I had to fight Mari and put my incubi problems on hold as I needed to spar with her today, and I was going to bet she was going to use those same 2 moves to fight me today, but today I was prepared because I learned another skill from Hiro's fragment.

Great Fireball: It's basically where you inhale air into your lungs and infuse fire energy into it and then blow out a stream of fire from your mouth, I haven't trained it yet so I doubt it's going to be big.

And now it was time to put it to use, muhahaha!

Also I found something strange, during the 2 weeks since June started I would dream on and off at the brothel depending on if the brothel was fully booked or not?

How weird?