Life At The Branch House [Pt.2]

Running at Mari as we had started our battle at dawn again like almost every morning, I sharply inhaled surging my sorcery again and converting the air in my lungs to fire.

[Blazing Glove] she came at me using that combatant skill thinking that I had came at her with the intent of starting this off with close combat.

But I hadn't and as we were 3 feet away from each other and she got ready to throw out a punch, I cuffed my mouth using my hands as a cylinder and as she saw this she knew exactly what I was doing.

[Breath Of The Magma Drake: Great fireball] shooting a stream of fire at her she tried to jump back but the fire came at her and engulfed her, hitting her at an alarmingly fast rate as I wasn't a rank 1 Sorcerer, I was a rank 3 Sorcerer and though I haven't used this skill before,

It was still very much stronger than a mere fire breath spell.

The fire wasn't lesser as it was humongous as it came at her and when hitting her it expanded till it had been 9x9 feet large and shot far back till she hit the wall.

Releasing my skill attack and the fire lifted into the air vanishing, I felt out of breath as that had been more exhausting due to my currently fatigued mind as I was not in a good state since waking up this morning.


Looking in front of me I looked up to see Mari's fist and in an instant, I was sent falling back as my attack hadn't done crap to her.

Falling back she grabbed me by the shirt and falling with me as we came crashing down to the ground, she straddled herself on me raising her fist engulfed in flames right before brutally punching me till I was out of commission.

. . . . .

"God damn it!!!"

"Pfffffffff that was hilarious"

"No it's not Hiro!!!"

"To be fair you did land your fist hit on her"

"But it didn't do anything!"


"For such a huge ranged attack it's so weak that she just came straight back from it"

"Then don't underestimate our sister" Hiro's Fragment

"Also it's not weak you dumbass Demon, you have to train it just like everything else! Just because your a rank 3 sorcerer doesn't mean you just get a boost of power by using these techniques!! You need to train them!!!" Hiro's Fragment

So skills started out like how they did in video games?

That means this skill just like the other is only Lv.1?

"It was practically just a typical breath attack from a weak salamander" Hiro's Fragment

"How the hell am I ever going to beat her?!"

"Are you dumb, you can't just beat Mari using weak techniques and no strategies, that girl lives and breaths sorcery"

"Then what are we to do"

"Simple, I lecture you on magic and you train like hell"

"But that's so boring..."

"Tough luck, there's no cheating to this, to grow your power and strength you're going to have to work hard for it... Also" Hiro's Fragment

"FOR FUCK SAKES I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD HAVE TO BE THE ONE TO SAY THIS!!! But stop being an ignorant bitch and just go and sleep with someone already! You already got Tina's permission and you have mine as well!!" Hiro's Fragment

"I'm sick and tired of having to feel your God-forsaken lust so just handle and fix your lust already!!!" Hiro's Fragment

"I got! I got!! Please stop yelling!"

"No you don't! Stop being picky and just go out tonight and handle it!! I know you and you're letting it build up because you can't make up your damn mind on what to do!!!" Hiro's Fragment

"Okay I'll sleep with someone tonight! Just get off this topic!!"

"Not till you promise me!!!"

"I promise!"

"You promise what!"

"I promise I'll get laid tonight!"

"Not good enough! I don't want to see you back at the branch house until you get laid!!!"

"I promise I'll get laid tonight and I won't come back until I do!"

"Good now get the hell out of my sight!!!"


"Oh yeah... your asleep..."


"Then sit the hell down so I can lecture you! Today were starting lesson 2! Energy Fire aka our sacred Phyric Energy!"

* * *A few minutes after waking up and leaving* * *

"We got another Sorcerer!"

*Back being unconscious*

"I blame you for this, Hiro"

"Fair enough, Demon"

* * *1 month later* * *