A Hiro In The Lost And Found...[Pt.1][N-PoV]

[Date: July 15th]

1 month has passed since Hiro had been kidnapped.

26 days left until the tournament


[Basic Understanding Of Phyric Energy: Learned]

[Basic Phyric Energy Control: Learned]

[Intermediate Understanding Of Phyric Energy: Failed To Learn]

[The Following Needs Work]

[Intermediate Phyric Control: Failed To Learn]

[The Following Needs Work]

[Basic Understanding Of Mana: Learned]

[Basic Mana Control: Learned]

[Intermediate Understanding Of Mana: Failed To Learn]

[The Following Needs Serious Work]

[Failed To Comprehend The Latter]

[Intermediate Mana Control: Failed To Learn]

[The Following Needs Serious Work]

[Enchantments/Charm Powers: Instinctively Comprehended]

[Psychic Powers: Unlearned]

[Spiritual Powers: Unlearned]


[Stress: Almost Nonexistent]

[Sanity: Alarmingly Low]


[Control: Define Control...?]

[Lust: unknown]

[Allure: moderate]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Go fish" Unknown 1

"And here I thought you were going to beat us" Unknown 2

"She ain't! Because BAM WAHT?! I am! I won! Faqe you~!" Unknown 3

"Nooooooooooooo" Unknown 4

"Eat shit! You're not going to win next time!" Unknown 5

"Silence peasant! You are in the presence of your new king, bwahahaha" Unknown 3

Inside of a large barred cell fitted with absolutely no confront what so ever, there were 20 beds, magic necklaces forced around people's necks, and the constant threat of zombies.

The 17 individuals inside this cell were trapped here.


Sitting on the dirty floor in a circle there had been 5 human prisoners playing Go-Fish.

Why? Because they got cards~

Total residency of cell: 17 prisoners: 10 males 7 females.

Inside the rectangular-shaped cell-room, there were 20 squalid hard wood beds with 17 of them owned, the owners of such beds had formed 2 groups, one of them consisted of 5 people playing cards while the other consisted of 5 people; all of the same Sorcerer clan, talking to each other.

Everyone here were Sorcerers.

And as for the other 7, they were the newest batch to get here and already 2 of them had broken as they sat up against the dirty floor; waiting for an inevitable death to cone soon, while the other 5 had all been thinking the exact same thing,

And that was to escape.

But there were no windows or ways to escape from the cell, their Sorcery and magic were locked, and as of this moment, every last one of them were just ordinary humans and it terrified every last one of them.

"How can you all just sit there chatting and playing card games! Can't you see that we're prisoners to these creatures! We need to escape!" Unknown prisoner

"Calm down... Natsu" card player 1

"Don't tell me to calm down! Where trapped here like animals!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Will ya quit yelling? You'll attract the Nixs!" Card player 5

"Then let them come! I'll burn every last one of them to ash!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Hey guys, this boy is going to "burn them", hahahah" Card player 3

"The fuck you laughing at! Are you looking for death, Kusaga!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Hey guys can you stop fighting? I'm trying to take a nap or sum" Unknown prisoner

Hearing that the Natsu clansmen clenched his teeth and fist as his face burned bright in anger towards the one who had said that. Turning around and not hesitating he yelled at whoever's sleepy butt said that.

"How about you get your lazy ass up and fight me then!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

But as he said that everyone in the cell looked past him and his own eyes broadened as the one who had said that was outside of the metal bars and just casually passing by with a chunk of bread handing from his mouth.

"Natsu what the hell are you doing out there!!!" one of the card guys yelled as there was another Natsu Sorcerer here and he wasn't in the cell, instead, he was out of it.

Taking the bread out is his mouth as he had been sneaking,

"I'm just... Walking around?..." Natsu Sorcerer 2

The other Natsu sorcerer was dumbfounded and not because this guy was a Natsu Sorcerer just like him, or that he had managed to get out of his cell... But it was because he knew this Sorcerer.

"Hiro Garamiah Natsu!!! What the hell are you doing here!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

He screamed, startling Hiro.

And as he screamed Hiro then looked at him frowning as he took a bite of that bread chunk.

"You stupid or something?" Hiro

He was taken back as someone like Hiro had said that to am honorable clansman like himself.

Hearing that come from Hiro's mouth, a vein bulged on his head.

"Call me stupid again and I'll bury your trash ass 20 feet under!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

'Isn't it 6ft under?' Hiro's thoughts

"Hahaha you supidddd~" Hiro

"You motherfucker I'll kill you!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Hahaha and yet here I am~ Outside of the cage~ Not trapped in there like an animal? But there you are~ you mutt~. . .No offense Charlie!"

The Sorcerer Charlie who was card player 2 had a Dogfolk wife.

"None taken bro!" Charlie

"Stop making side conversation and get me the hell out of here, Hiro!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Why would you want to leave? You're going to die if you do?" Hiro


"And this is why I called you stupid. Dummy we were sold to Necromancers... Plus I already tried escaping my first week-" Hiro

"He did. . .And was severely beaten for it" Card player 1

"-And I had discovered that were kinda... Very much... Deep in Zombie territory" Hiro

"You should tell him about the time when the Necromancers hung you from a rope over a pit of starving zombies" Card player 5

"Yeah, it was hilarious, He pissed his pants, kicking and screaming as some we're able to touch his feet, hahaha good times~" Card player 1

"That wasn't funny!" Hiro

"Yes, it was~," everyone there said together except the newbies.

"Ugh you guys are the worst!" Hiro

"Love you too bro" Card player 5

"Anyway! Even if I let you out in which I'm not because I value my life just like my sanity, these metal collars are keeping our powers locked up so we can't retaliate" Hiro

"Then why are you trying to escape!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"I'm not trying to escape? I snuck out to steal stuff, it's kinda been my hobby for the last 3 weeks since I gave up on escaping my first week here" Hiro

"Bad enough your trash and you make our honorable clan look bad! But now you're a thief!! HIRO DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME!!! Where is your honor!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Are you seriously about to lecture me when we're in enemy territory, we're weak and defenseless, and we're probably going to all die here" Hiro

"YEAH!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Man that's crazzzzyyyy... Shut up" Hiro

The sorcerer clicked his tongue and snarled at Hiro as the others had begun to laugh.

"How dare you tell me to shut up you thieving scum!" Natsu Sorcerer

But as he said that Hiro ignored him and took something out of his pocket, throwing it into the cell and at the card players and other group of sorcerers.

"I made it using the stuff I stole, go crazy with it and if you'd like I can always make more" Hiro

[Prisoners: Colored Chalk acquired]

"Did you just give them chalk!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Yeah?" Hiro

"If we use that we can draw magic circles to substitute for our locked magic and break out of this–" Natsu Sorcerer

"It's just normal chalk" Hiro

"Dumbass if you can create the foundation to any basic low tier magic circle then it doesn't matter what materials you use!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"I just gave it to them because they said that they were bored and some of the Kubbi clan members like art, soooo" Hiro

"Drawing! Are you stupid!!!" Natsu Sorcerer

"Kinda?" Hiro

"I swear to ALLMOTHER I can't believe how stupid this idiot is..." Natsu Sorcerer

"Thanks, Hiro!" Kubbi clansfolk

"Your welcome bro" Hiro

Taking another bite from the chunk of bread the Natsu Sorcerer grabbed the bars to the cell and came in close as Hiro was on the other side,

"Listen, Hiro, I'll forget what I heard if you can get me out of here, I'll even mention your bravery to the clan that you saved me. So get me outta here and let's escape this place, I know that we can find a way to break the collars if we work together..." He whispered.

Meanwhile in his head 'Like hell I'll do that! Once we get out of this rotten place I'm leaving you for dead, you useless Trash' he raged.

Meanwhile in Hiro's head 'But I kinda like it here...' he sobbed.

"Very well, let's escape together" Hiro

"Thank you brother" Natsu Sorcerer

But just as he agreed to help his fellow Natsu Sorcerer, guards came running down the hall they were on..

"Stop there thief!!" Necrotic Guard

"Ah shit!" Hiro

Hiro bolted, dropping the keys he had stolen in front of the Natsu Sorcerer and running away as 3 guards chased him down.

Meanwhile, as he ran he scarfed down that chunk of bread.

"I regret nothing!!!'

. . . . .

Looking down as the keys to the cell had fallen down, the Natsu sorcerer named Gerald got down and reached out for them, taking them and stuffing them in his pants.

'Now that I have these keys I can get out of this cell any time I want. But to escape I'm going to need to know a layout of this place and the details of this area in and out of this place...'

'But then again that's the easy part, because that idiot Hiro can do it for me'

'Now all I have to do is be patient and wait and freedom will soon be mine once more'

. . . . .

Meanwhile as that was thought, a shota boy had finally gotten to Nefumia and entered its large walls.

"It's been a while since I last came to Nefumia"

"The last time I was here it was called the Fumi Empire?"


"Where are you... Hiro"

. . . . .

Meanwhile as that mysterious person who we don't know just entered the kingdom, at a brothel in district 4, Lex had grown worried as Hiro hasn't contacted him in a month and he believed that one of his succubi had been the to why Hiro had gone missing.

. . . . .Meanwhile again. . . . .

As some lady in a purple mage's robe was sitting in a chair behind a desk full of papers with guards outside of the room, a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind.

"You've been causing a lot of trouble lately"

She said with a stern voice as a pair of arms came out from behind her and wrapped around her neck.

"Explain to me why is that? Do you enjoy getting punished?"

But as she said that and she felt the breath of someone behind her muzzle at her neck, a seductive voice then rang in her ear as if their mere voice was feeling her up.

"Sorry but that's the only way to get your attention lady Necromancer~"

Turning her head and chair she frowned at the man behind her, getting flustered as she looked to his pricing red eyes softly glaring at her and making her flustered.

"Why the hell can't you be like the other prisoners!"

"Don't wanna, teasing you is more fun"

"Ugh! You're so annoying!"

"Then punish me~"

"Because of your little stunt earlier I'm going to have to!"

"Oh I'm liking this already~ You wanna go back to your sleeping quarters now or do you just wanna strip and do it here~"

"No I mean I'm actually going to have to punish you"

"Aww, lame..."

"Your lucky I don't kill you for trying to escape!!!"

"Look at you getting all mad~" ?Him?

"Did the higher ups give you an earful because of me~?" ?Him?

Hearing the words of this clearly unknown person, she sighed,

"Yeah... They say I'm doing a bad job at keeping y'all contained"

"Sounds rough"

"They constantly bitch and now they want to see someone punished, they don't care who, it's either me or you"

"Awe are they making you stressed my princess?"

"Very. . ."

"Don't worry I'll make it up to you"

"You will?"

Hearing Him say that the guy walked around and she turned to the side as she hadn't a clue what he meant, but as she turned her chair more to him, the man plopped down to his knees and put his hands on her knees as he looked up at her.

"Of course. Just leave it to me~"

Hearing him say that she smiled and shook her head,

"Your such a little Devil, how many times are you going to keep betraying your fellow Sorcerers just for me, after all, were still enemies aren't we"

"Don't worry about that"

"If that's the case then would you mind betraying them once more for me my cute little Devil"

"No... Unless it's fun"

"Oh it's very fun"

"Then let's get a little evil today~"

"I love this deviant side to you. . .Hiro"

"Then reward me for it"

Pressing up on her knees the Incubus Hiro kissed her.

"Now what did you want me to do~"