A Hiro In The Lost And Found: Fake News[Pt.2][N-PoV]

Walking out of Necromancer's room licking his lips, Hiro startled the guards as he had just walked out of their commander's room.

"Where do you think you're going!"

One of the two guards yelled as he drew his sword aiming it at Hiro, but just as he did Hiro reached for his collar and grabbed the part that kept it together.

Turning around to them his eyes shimmered as he found them amusing at the moment seeing as he just walked out of their commander's room and she didn't order them to hold him,

They should have checked to see if she was still alive to be honest.

"I was told to return to my cell and make a request of the prisoners before returning back to lady Clementine's side for my punishment"

"Where's your proof!"

But as he said that Hiro thus frowned as he looked at this man stupidly.

"The door is open and lady Clementine is still very much alive, now I would suggest you don't act too rash if you don't wish to..." he looked away and then back at the guard with an almost sadistic smirk "Join the fun~"

Hearing him voice that they looked at him, turned around to see the Necromancer sitting down at her desk panting and looking down at her papers severely blushing, they then looked back to him and the one who hadn't drawn their weapon spoke.

"Carry on prisoner"

"Hey you can't just let him go! We didn't get the okay from the boss!"

But as he said that the guard opposite of him nudged him to look back over at her and then look back at Hiro as Hiro swiped something slimy from on his mouth and savored it as he was waiting for them to finish.

He then nudged him again and pointing down Hiro's pants; around the belt, and they both stared hard as there was a sexy piece of ladies' underwear hanging from his belt, and that guard recognized it, it was their commander's panties.

"You gotta be kidding me," the guard said in disbelief.

"Yup, there's definitely something going on between that prisoner and the commander, how do you think he hasn't died yet after escaping from his many cell so many times, plus I heard them one time, just a few days ago she pulled him into her office and they screwed in there"

"That's crazy"


"Are you two finished yet I have innocent people I need to corrupt– err I mean, request a favor of for your captain"

Starting at him as the both of them were madly jealous now.

"You... Can go"

One of the guards gritted his teeth and in saying that Hiro smiled and turned around, but then looking back to the envyous guards, he demonically grinned as he had nothing but his own self amusement written on his face,

"Have a lovely day you two~ I know I will~"

He teased them.

Strolling off as he left them jealous, he kept going till he got to his cells hallway and as he passed by cell after cell he was greeted by most of the other prisoners,

'Do someone a favor and tell them you want nothing in return always works to build sympathetic relationships'

And he wasn't wrong as he had done favors for almost everyone and had gained a heavy reputation amongst the other prisoners as someone who did favors to just see his fellow prisoners smile and have fun toying with the watchers and people keeping them trapped here.

How he wasn't dead yet was a question that they all had thought to themselves and yet even after being captured today, they saw him back strolling through the halls,

A guard passed by Hiro and as he looked to them they took a glance at him, they realised that a prisoner had gotten out.

But as they saw who it was, the guard giggled and kept walking.

Yeah so Hiro more or less embraced being a slut during His first week to escape despite not likening it, and due to some sanity and control issues he's currently null to shame and the emotions keeping him timid, he's more or less running of a different type of adrenaline.

A chaotic and self-destructive one.

But that's how he kept himself alive and freer.

And it's also how he got a hang of his incubus ability: [Charm].

After all, he couldn't just spread his legs and be like "Ay baby let me out for an hour and I'll suck on em toes" It might work like that in a hentai but not here. He used his charm ability and desperation to take his fill of life force and fuck a guard unconscious to steal their keys and try and leave.

Well, that was until he caught eyes for this purple-haired Necromancer chief who had been his torturer at first and one day she took his torturing to far and forced him into a lust frenzy where he turned Farrell while inside of a cylinder cage.

But luckily after a day of being stuck in a cage and her being super pissed because she thought she broke him and turned him into a wild animal, his ability and playful submissiveness of lust somehow seduced her and he regained his mind.

Suddenly running through the hallway he got to his cell and latched onto the bars, raggeting his breath and alarming everyone inside as they looked to him.

"Their... Going to... Kill us!"

He raggedly said drawing the attention of all.

"What do you mean!" one of the kubbi men came over to the bars along with all of the card players and free-willed folk and even that Natsu sorcerers.

"No there not going to kill us! They're going to do worst!"

"Bro chill! Calm down and explain!"

Another kubbi clanfolk said

Taking a deep breath and looking left and right Hiro then calmed his breath slightly and opened it to say in a panicked manner.

"They plan on turning us into cattle, livestock for their wealth"

"What do you mean, explain brother"

One of the card player chicks said.

"After getting into a scuffle with a guard I heard their commander talking with one is their higher-ups and they plan on turning all of us Sorcerers into cows, they're going to milk us of all we're worth and then keep reusing us until we break or can't reproduce anymore, that's when they'll feed us to their starving undead!"

Saying some of that their eyes widened in shock, some understood while others still looked at him questionably,

"What does that mean for us?"

One of the kubbi woman said overly distressed and confuzzled.

"It means that they're going to take us to their chambers, rape all of our women as well as the men, impregnate and use us as animals as they keep breeding us with their horrible evil Necromancers to force us all to birth children of sorcerer blood, and then sell them off for the highest bidder while they keep reusing us till we become nothing more than broken breeding slaves that when stop having a use becomes zombie chow and replaced by our children"

"That's horrible" A girl gasped,

"I'd rather die than lay hands on a disgusting heretic!"

"More like their going to lay their hands on you..."

"I don't care it's disgusting and I'd rather bite off my own dick!"

"Nonono I can't, I'm engaged, if I don't die from them my clan will surely kill me if my new husband doesn't"

"I'm too young to have kids man, I still have my whole life ahead of me, I don't want to become some bitches slave"

Looking back to Hiro as they were thrown into uproar and terror by the news he had delivered to them, they all then gulped and asked him,

"What are we to do?"

And as they said that he grinned shocking them all.

"That's the easy part, defy them"

"What?" they all said in different manners as he confused them since they were all powerless and weak.

"Defy them by not even giving them the chance to lay their filthy hands on you. We still have a whole 2 days before any of this happens. So if you women don't want the seed of a bastard heretic defiling your insides and a heretic's child born from you. Then look to the men closest to you, the men you trust that won't taint your bloodline and ruin your legacy and then take his seed, don't let those bastards get the upper hands, continue to keep our blood pure in the allmothers name and not tainted by those evil crows"

He said being nothing more than inspirational, but at the same time they looked to each other in doubt if this was the right thing to do.

"But won't they still come after us even if we get knocked up? They'll still rape our woman even if they're already pregnant, and our men don't have a cap to how many women they can knock up in a week, month, year or day? So what's stopping them from doing this to us and us just saving our bloodline in which is going to get defiled after their birthed?"

But as some woman had said that, he already had a back up response to her question.

"Because it will give us a chance... That's all we have left. All we have left is hope and if we can save our bloodline from being corrupted, then maybe by the time they're born we'll have already have been saved from this dreadful place"

Saying that, that was all he had left, there was nothing else he could do to convince him.

Just kidding.

As he said those words his eyes were glowing a bright bloody red and as he spoke these final words he then finished off with.

"And if we want to be saved we can't give in, give into lust sure, but give into them, never. For we are the apex and they are truly the prey we will one day sink out claws into. But for now we need to teach them all a lesson and show them we are the dominators and not them, for they are pathetic humans jealous of our scared power"

Hiro scared them, lowered their morale, sabotaged them, and at the last moment before these words, he made it seem like there was no hope for them.

And that was his entire plan because his ability [charm] was still weak seeing as he could only use it once per day and he could only control those with weaker minds than himself, so he needed to lower their mental strength and shift the balance to his favor.

And what he had done worked, looking at them they looked to each other and grabbed hands.

"If that's how it's going to be then I guess we have no other choice"


"Let's make a baby and teach those bastards who's boss"

"I'm still virgin so please be gentle with me"

"Aren't most of us virgins, don't be afraid"

With them stripping and even the other Natsu Sorcerer getting influenced by his charm, one of the Sorcerers without a male partner looked at him.

"Are you going to join us brother-kin Hiro"

But as she said that he rubbed his head and looked away,

"Maybe another time, I was... Already tainted by the commander Necromancer, my purity has already blemished I regret to say"

But as he said that, she reached her hand out and grabbed his shirt, pulling his head to the metal bars and kissing him, triggering his lust and getting him to kiss back and swap saliva as she went into heat and he tainted this girl even more as thirsty men were all around in there and there were only 5 available women since the other 2 were already broken and wished to die.

Braking away,

"I Don't care if you've been tainted, start again and make a pure bloodline with me"

But as she said that and went back in to kiss him, he grabbed her face and pushed her back.

"Thanks for the offer but... Maybe another time, if I don't go now mu punishment will only worsen"

Saying that she pouted as she was under extreme lust and if there weren't bars in between them, she would have pounced and torn his clothes off.

"farwell then, you owe me a one night stand by the way"

"Very well, I'll fuck you tomorrow if you're still interested"


Running off she was then taken by another man and they started to breed, meanwhile, as Hiro left he walked past a female guard and then stopped in front of her.

"I don't see anything but a pretty boy passing by, keep going and I might just follow you into another room"

She said seductively but as she had he moved his hand up to her chin and said,

"Hey darling your commander told me to give you some orders that's why I'm walking around and not being chased again"


Nodding my head he the said,

"She told me to tell you to gather all the useless guards and or workers here and put them into each cell, mainly mine, her objective is to gain more Sorcerers by breeding them, so make it happen"

"Got it"

"Also if you'd like, tell all the useful guards that if they want they can take any man or woman they like to join in on this breeding, if female the sorcerer baby will be theirs, if it's a guy guard then the baby will go to the female. Only pregnant female guards can keep the kids or give them to any wanting male guards"


Giving her the orders she then rushed off and as she had, I yelled in the hallway.

"I know you all heard what I had said back there to our brothers and sisters, if you wish to keep yourself and your blood pure then fuck like animals before the necromancer's come back in 2 days"

He completely lied to them all.

Yeah, all the necromancer's were going to be back in 2 days, but they had nothing to do with breeding or anything, he evilly manipulated their minds as it was in a fragile state and now his incubus side was having a field day as everyone in this block was fucking like animals.

Leaving and returning back to the Necromancer, he closed the door behind him, smiling devilishly as he looked to her doing her work.

"It's done"

She looked over to him as he said that.

"Done? Wait you convinced them that fast, no bull-shit?!"

"Yeah, now gimme my reward before the punishment, I can't wait till after, im already so stimulated"

Saying that she got up from her chair and walked around her desk; sighing as she put her hand to her face and shook her head.

"Your such a pervert..."

Stepping towards her,

"Yeah and it was this prevent who made you–"

"Shadduppp!!! Don't you dare speak another word of earlier you mega perv!!!

She said holding her crotch as she looking down in embarrassment.

But as she had he stepped in front of her and raised her head with his hand, using his other to grab her hand on her crotch and move it to his as he kissed her and stretched his hand around her waist and into her pants, slipping past and dipping a finger into her honey pot.

Kissing each other she then toughed away as she had a hand on his chest.

"I can't take it anymore, here and now, Let's have sex, bareback, fuck the risks!"

Saying that he pushed her onto the desk where she sat at the edge and undid her pants.

"Then who am I to keep you waiting my lovely Clementine~"

Teasing her as he moved his hand to her leaking cunt, she grabbed him and pulled him in with both hands, ignoring his juicy bulge that made her gulp and smacking her lips against his going in hard and kissing him deeply.

"I love you Hiro"