The Lost And Found Is A What? [N-PoV-Pt.1]

The next day was the day of his open punishment and as everyone was there, he was beaten, whipped, and finally, injected with a syringe of blood containing the essence of a Sui Aqua Sorcerer forcing the Phyric inside of his body to go berserk and tear him apart from the inside.

But luckily there wasn't enough to kill him.

But the punisher, Lady Clementine, could of as she had another syringe of Sui essences, stronger than the last, but as she heard him scream in agony, plead for them to just end it, and damn near pass out from the excruciating pain,

As she approached him to inject, she dropped the syringe on purpose and it broke, saving him from being euthanized inhumanely.

This dissatisfied her higher-ups.

And just like Hiro, she was to be punished as well.

. . . . .

As the "show" was going on, more than half of the guards had laughed and cheered as they found this to be very entertaining.

However, a good quarter of the guard had liked Hiro and didn't enjoy seeing him tortured in front of them like this.

But as for the other viewers, the Necromancers, they cheered and roared as there hasn't been a public torturing in ages and they couldn't wait for this one or another Sorcerer to screw up and another show to be displayed.

This was also broadcasted magically to the prisoners as an example and they all saw the display of their brethren being tortured and beaten and it made them hate the Heretics even more.

Especially the one who had tortured him: Lady Clementine.

. . . . .

During the torturing, there had been a magic eye of Dark Magic present and someone not from here or with this faction saw it all.

. . . . .

The next day, Monday, July 18th, Lady clementine was severely beaten and punished by her higher-ups.

And just like Hiro, she ended up having to go to the infirmary located in the same faction, to where she saw Hiro unconscious in a separate part of this room.

But he didn't look to be passed out and as she stared at him, he was just snoozing away as if he had just ran a marathon and wasted away into sleep.




After being examined and finding out that she had a few cracked ribs, she asked the medic about his condition and how server it was, and she was informed of his damage report and told that he was healing rapidly.

But the infirmary people couldn't explain it?

Because they hadn't done anything?

She was surprised to hear that and as she looked at him, her eyes changed into another color as she looked at him using an eye technique.

But looking at him she couldn't find anything out of the usual?

There were no magic spurs around him and even his root magic was in check... Well, it was wonky and spiking, however, thay was all because of the water root magic that hadn't left his system yet.

But still, ignoring that, there were no sources of magic around or being channeled towards him. It didn't even look like the medics healed him as there weren't any signs of life magic occurring in the area or off of the medic here.

But that just meant that they were telling the truth and didn't do anything. . .'Lazy bastards' she called them in her head.

However aside from that.

She found it very strange.


After not thinking about it, she kicked the medic out of the infirmary and she told the guards outside of the infirmary to piss off in an extremely rude manner as if she was currently pissed.

But then again knowing that the prisoner Hiro Natsu was inside of that same room, they took a guess and it was because of him since he got her in trouble and they assumed she hated him.




As they left, they all had the same thought and it was how she was going to hurt him.


When they left she slammed the door and locked it.

Turning around she walked over to Hiro and getting to his bed she looked down at him as he was snoozing away.

She looked pissed.

The bitterness on her face reflected her anger as she had been punished and beaten the hell out of by her superiors because of this one guy.

Moving her open hand towards him she came in hot.


No she didn't. . .

Grabbing the bedsheet and lifting it she crawled under the covers and laid next to him, moving his arm and laying on it as she looked to his chest, still sour from earlier.

Looking up at his face...

The sourness lessened,

She then got in closer and snuggled up against him.

She wasn't angry at him,

She was angry at them.

And he was her relief.

A few minutes later she drifted off to sleep.

* * *1 Week Later: brought to you by a Chibi Hiro being stuck in Solitary-C after seeking out of his cell that next day* * *

A week had passed since then and as it was early in the morning, Hiro and Lady Clementine were getting it on♡, just like they had been every morning since that day in the infirmary.


Well... They literally couldn't keep their hands off of each other.

He was always at the peaks of a lust frenzy since waking up in the infirmary; where he had woken up in a lust frenzy.


She was overly stressed and having sex with the one person she adored always brought her mood up and made her feel better throughout the day... Plus she couldn't stop herself from being lewd around him.

However stress and fatigue was getting to her a lot faster and since he was a prisoner of this here place, her time with him was always limited since relationships like this weren't allowed.

But tomorrow there was this event and it all worked in her favor,

All she needed to do was wait a single day and it would finally be just the two if them.

However, today was another day where he woke up super lustful and she couldn't help but think that if he was to go anywhere with people, mainly the cells, he would end up turning to them to relive himself.

She never believed him to be unfaithful to her.

But she very much knew that he couldn't fight against his lust or the seduction of another.

And that's why. . .

She's already had to kill several prisoners and guards alike this week. . . . . . . . . .

So taking advantage of today, she started the morning off with having as much sex as she could with Hiro to burn away his lust.

She even managed to tire him out. . .

After her insides were creamed and pasty to a bursting point.

She ended up going overboard.

* * *The Next Day* * *

"Welcome one and all to our annual auction" Unknown speaker

"I'm very glad to have such a full house this year! One of many prestigious clans and families, it makes us of the Hoctus Sect very happy to have you with us today!" Unknown Speaker

"My name is Zoe Mackleson and I will be your spokesperson and host for today! And standing to my left is Lady Karin Clementine the wonderful auctioneer who had found and brought us all of these wonderful elements~!" Zoe the host

Standing on a stage in front of dozens of Nobel-looking groups with high standings, she looked to her left to lady Clementine who hand gestured her to start the auction.

So with her little body and joyous attitude in which she had to put on for today, waving her hand up and putting the magic microphone to her mouth she yelled.

"Now let's begin the auction!"

"First up, a Rank 1 Sorcerer of the kubbi clan!"

This wasn't a normal auction.

It was a slave auction.

And the products being sold were weak sorcerers whose values were way above that of an ordinary human.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .