Hay Day In The Lost And Found[N-PoV-Pt.2]

"First up, a Rank 1 Sorcerer of the kubbi clan!"

Stepping on stage from behind the curtains located behind Zoe, a girl with ginger hair and a fresh new set of clothes walked up stage looking down at the ground that she was unShackled but still powerless to all.

"The Kubbi clan are remarkable Sorcerers bound to nature spirits, they're usually quite lively and energetic, sweet and tending, but this one hadn't slept well last night so don't worry about if she's missing her glow~"

"Oh and that's not all, because today we have something special that you're all bound to enjoy"

"All the women here are pregnant"

"Meaning that it's 2 for the price of 1"

"And some of you stupid fuckers might ask, oh well you just raped them to get more money from us..." She mocked.

"But that's where your dumb asses would be wrong~ Because we of the Hoctus had absolutely nothing to do with these creatures breeding"

She said proudly with her small nimble body moving around the stage and exclaiming this to the crowd that took great interest in this when she started letting out her more vulgar and honest side.

Meanwhile looking at Zoe Mickelson with a blankened face, Lady Clementine face palmed herself and shook her head, she knows that she told this girl to act professional many times but that might have been too much to ask for.

But it was the least she could have done, after all, Zoe's faction was destroyed many months ago by a single unknown Sorcerer and she was gracious enough to take her in, though she didn't stay here but another branch of this faction, when coming here she could at least have behaved herself...

Looking to Zoe as she was on the sidelines, she used her magic to fling a small shock of magic at her foot making her jump,

Zoe bit back the several curses she wanted to scream and as she looked over to who did that, she looked to lady Clementine who gestured her to cut down on the cursing or she was going to kick her ass.

That made Zoe gulp and go back to the center stage to auction this Sorcerer.

Talking more about her personally and her Kubbi clan, after many minutes Zoe started the bidding and it went off high from the start as people raised and placed hundreds of gold pieces for this one girl of the Kubbi clan.

It was going so well that they couldn't keep going by individual coins and started going by pounds of gold.

The bidding ended with someone from the Seinaru family buying her for 151 pounds of platinum in which had been 10x the worth of gold in that much weight.

After her, more Sorcerers of the Kibbi clan came on stage, and with great interest, the crowd of Nobel-looking people and those of high standings were engrossed with interest as they saw many types of people on that stage.

And the Kubbi clansfolk didn't even seem to care that they were being sold, instead, they took it as an escape from their clan and they flaunted themselves to the potential buyers, increasing the crowd's interest in these people until they were obsessed and filled with lecherous desires.

After bidding off all members of the Kubbi clan, she moved on to the other clans as she started selling them off by Sorcery Rank and the most desired.

"Next up is that of the Nichidia Clan! Those of this clan are Sun Sorcerers whose passion reflects their lord and their will can never be broken, just as their faith, however with a special slave crest from yours truly, you'll be able to command them and make them yours, though it is a bit difficult to obtain and keep one, it's worth it because they can always be reasoned!"

She started bidding off Sun Sorceress of the Nichidia clan.

However, the end result was less than they had expected as only Feudal Lords of the Rising Dawns Faction had bought them.

But then again those lords and their vassals paid money to the Great Litch General for protection from their undeads so they would get their money's worth eventually...

Or they would do like they had done in the past when dissatisfied.

Attack them.

Next up after gaining less than 1000 gold pieces from 7 Nichidia clansmen,

"Next up is that of the Getsu clan, these Moon Sorcerers are skilled in various arts including combat, healing, and even using their power to grand those around them, a moon blessing in which lets us see better in the dark and fully see all when the moon is out. These sorcerers are great for any merchant or anyone in search of adventure, not to mention, their calm and rational people, though they are very dangerous when provoked, but if you get on their good side and they like you, they'll follow you to the ends of the earth, or you could enslave them and do that without any hassle, but they can be quite nifty, how we managed to get them was because their clan sold them to us originally and they're more than willing to find someone to serve"

She announced with a passion as she herself liked these guys and the crowd showed impressive interest towards them as they sounded a lot better than the Sun sorcerers.

They ended up getting sold to a few Dark Nobel-Women who resisted in estates in one of the undead kingdoms.

Gaining 1,128 gold pieces from selling 12 Moon Sorcerers of the Getsu, Zoe then proceeded the auction.

"Next up is that of the Sui clan! These Water Sorcerers are peaceful and compassionate, great pe–"

But just as Zoe started talking, the Sui Sorcerer right beside her hit the microphone out of her hand and kicked her so hard that she stumbled and fell off the stage.

"Don't you dare look down on us you pathetic excuse for a woman! We're neither peaceful nor compassionate, I'd atta rip your heart out and feed it to one of your disembodied freaks you rotten bitch!"

But as she yelled that Lady Clementine shot a magic blast at Sui girl and as it was near hitting her, it widened and wrapped around her neck, spreading through her body like a snake and then stabbing into the ground where it locked her in place.

Walking to the center stage as the Sui girl was mouthing various threats and curses at this woman, Lady clementine ignored her and as Zoe got up pissed off, she picked up the microphone and said to the crowd.

"Sorry about that, now back to what Zoe was saying–"

"I swear to the ALLMOTHER that I'm going to kill you all!"

Hearing her mouthing off even more, Lady Clementine was about to strike the Sui girl when she heard a voice from the crowd.

"I'll buy her for 100 gold pieces!"

A feminine voice said from in the crowd, but she wasn't even finished with the introduction? But than again, looking at the crowd they didn't look interested in the Sui girl, so looking over to where the hand was up and the voice was, she pointed at the cloaked Figure and said,

"Sold! You may pick her up after the auction is over and if wanted, you can buy a slave crest for your new slave!"

After that, she continued on and as Zoe was mad and got back on stage, she walked off to the side as she needed to calm down and take a little break.

4 more Sui clansfolk were brought to the stage and each and every time without even being introduced, some girl cloaked in black made an offer and no one bid any higher than her so each and every time the same one who taught the Sui girl, bought 4 more Sui clans men and women.

They gained 312 gold pieces from selling the Sui Clansfolk and continued on.

Next up was the Moku clans men and woman and they were all known as Wood Sorcerers,

10 of them were bought by lower status'ed knights of heretic sects.

They gained hundreds of platinum pieces for those Sorcerers.

Next up was a single member of the Kin clan also known as the Gold Sorcerers and he was bought by a sect leader.

They gained 100 pounds of platinum for him.

Next up was that of the Do clan, also known as the Earth Sorcerers and they were sold to sect elders.

They gained a few thousand pounds of platinum for 19 Earth Sorcerers.

After selling those of the higher-ranked clans, Zoe took back over and started bidding off those of the mid and lower-ranked clans and she bid them all off in bulks of 3.

After spending a few hours selling 279 lower and mid Sorcerers, they gained 18,414 pieces worth of gold and the auction was almost over.

Why almost can't it just be over?

Don't worry it will be in a little bit, we just have two more Sorcerers to go...

Wait what do you mean that Natsu escaped? Are you kidding me!

Never mind, we have one more Sorcerer left to sell.

After returning to the auction room after a short break, the crowd looked to Zoe and then the covered giant box behind her and as they looked to it with interest, she put the microphone to her mouth and then howled,

"Welcome back everyone! We just have one more to go"

"Next up is a Sorcerer of the Grand Destruction Clan, The Natsu clan also known as the Fire clan! And trust me! They're just as hot headed as the rumors go, no wonder they can't land anyone outside of their clan. Shoot not even their own clan wants them"

She said making many in the crowd laugh.

Even she herself snickered at her own words.

But then she turned decently serious as she grabbed the sheet and pulled it off the giant box.

Revealing an iron cage with someone inside.

"However the one we have is quite special~"

"Why you might want to ask? Well don't worry I'll tell you"

Pointing at the boy in the cage who was covered in cuts, slashes, bruises, and many more marks of damage, she then voices as he was on the ground, pressed up and shakenly breathing as if he was just attacked and beaten half to death.

"His Name is Hiro Natsu! Son of an elder clanswoman! And known as the Trash of the Natsu clan as unlike them he's 18 and is still stuck at Rank 1 in fire sorcery, if not, lower"

"Whatta fucking disappointment"

She said and a few people cloaked in black shot up.

But just as they were they were pulled back down to their seats by other cloaked people, except for one who intensely started at Hiro.

Meanwhile, the crowd laughed,

"His mother must be so ashamed of him that I wouldn't be surprised if she sold him to us for only a few copper pieces just to get rid of him"

The atmosphere of the room was eroded in laughter as she had started making smart remarks in which could have been true and made a few more jokes before saying.

"However despite this reject failing as a Sorcerer–"

No one accurately checked his Rank or magical power asides from Lady Clementine but she kept it a secret and casted a magic aura concealment around him to hide his true presence.

"He's nifty and from what I've heard, he's managed to escape almost every day that he hadn't been thrown in solitary continent, but even then he somehow managed to get out"

Her voice turned serious as she had started talking about this.

And it surprised Lady Clementine to hear that she knew about this.

"From what the guards have told me, he's silver-tongued and tricky to handle, though he had never attempted to or had hurt anyone during his time here, he's always managed to steal stuff and play tricks on them, some even say he manipulated and seduced some of the female guard and even the commanding Necromancer here at the holding"

She said with utter seriousness before suddenly smiling and looking to him all beaten and bruised,

"But then again, they could have just been rumors of jealous guards seeing as they all took their time today giving him some "extra care" before seeing him off earlier today"

She said as she knew that they beat the heck out of Hiro before he was thrown into that cage, and she knew because she too got a few hits in.

"Anyways, this failure seems to have no use other than being a solid punching bag or blade tester, however, I'm not telling you this so you don't buy him"

"Actually he's quite funny"

Saying that she snapped her fingers and electricity sparked off of the cage, zapping him and making him yell out in distress as the voltage was high and painful.

Laughing and seeing that the crowd was watching with high amusement as they spoke to each other and some yelled to turn up the voltage to see him suffer, she did...

She raised the voltage by clapping her hands together and doing a fun little dance to the pain and agony being scremt.

And as it continued, he grabbed onto the bars of the cage, shocking him even more and making him clench his teeth.

His eyes glew a murderously violent blood red and as he looked at Zoe, she looked back to him grinning, and a few cloaked people in the crowd looked in shock of what was happening while a few in a group had felt something from him.

"Having fun~? Pathetic Natsu"

She taunted him and he groaned in pain he bared his teeth at her,

"Imma rip your spine out and shove it down your throat!!!"

He screamed as electricity ran through him, and as she heard that, she clapped her hands, and the voltage doubled.

"Big words coming from such a little man~"

She looked to him suffering and he grabbed his tattered shirt and ripped it off of his upper body, throwing it at her.

She hit it away and watched in amusement as she clapped her hands together doubling it again and again and watching as his slashes and cuts got reopened and blood slathered down him.

"This is fun, I should come here more often~"

"Zoe stop this at once!"

Looking over she saw lady Clementine approach her and she looked angry as she glared at Zoe.

But in doing so, Zoe chucked and put her hands together.

"Okay, ma'am~"

But then she started clapping her hands super fast and an evil gain formed on her face as right behind her, electricity erupted from out of the cage and his voice screamed out in shock as electricity visibly shot inward and out.

He was covered in electricity and as this was the most damage he had been dealt since coming to this world.

He was being severely electrocuted with the amount of electricity to kill a group of ordinary humans and as he was and every one saw with amusement, Lady clementine grabbed the short stack Zoe by the neck lifting her up as she was going to kill this bitch and then set Hiro free.

But just as she was doing so, someone cloaked in black shot up and started running at the stage, towards Hiro, but then many others who were also cloaked jumped at them and tackled them, grabbing them and covering their mouth as they yelled something and dragged them away.

"Fine, I'll stop!"

Zoe somehow convinced Lady Clementine after being choked and almost killed on stage in front of everyone else who paid them no mind as they were less important than the agony show.

They saw but really didn't care.

It happens sometimes. . .Here... Mostly between buyers though...

The cage stopped radiating electricity and as Hiro sat there on his knees and still holding the cage bars, his breath was light and his vision was disordered, and as he heard many voices and the approaching of someone.

Lady Clementine who approached him.

He spoke.

"I'm going to eat your souls when I brake free..."

He said right before passing out.

And just like that he was out of commission and lady clementine wasn't the only one who heard him, those at the back of the crowd concealing their presence heard it as well.

Looking to each other they nodded and vanished leaving behind large white feathers.

Now that this had happened she was going to just leave this as an open show for them seeing as something like this was so crude and screwed up that not even she would want to buy him.

Especially coming from the fact that he looked like a severely tortured slave and the likelihood of him being bought is less than 1%.

Nonetheless, she planned on buying him anyways, after all that was her whole plan since if a slave isn't sold he or she can be recycled or bought by one of their initiates and or members.

That's why she brought the shock cage, she was planning on making him out to be a masochist who only existed for pain and she was only going to shock him a little bit and not take it too far, but then this happened.

Looking towards him, she sighed as that was overkill, Zoe must have really wanted to kill someone today huh?

But just Lady Clementine thought it was over she heard a voice from the crowd.

"100 pieces of gold for that Dumb fire breathing lizard"

looking over it was the girl who bought all the Sui men and women and as she was going to just go ahead and say no.

"Deal! You'll be able to pick up your slave tomorrow!"

Zoe said from on the stage and getting all happy that she was able to do all of this today.

Meanwhile, looking at Zoe 'You bitch!' Lady Clementine screamed in her head.

* * *The Next Day* * *

The next day the door to the infirmary Hiro was in was kicked open and someone rushed in,

"Hiro you dumb shit I'm here to save you!!"

But as the latter had said that, they looked to see several human females, some with male attire, others with female attire, laying possibly unconscious, and scattered across the room, and in the middle of them, there was a naked boy, with brown and black hair, tanned skin, and his back turned to them as he was sitting down on the ground butt naked and petting someone's head as they were on his lap

And as this happened and the cloaked person paused up,

As you heard their squeamish voice he turned his head to see some chick in a cloak, and as they looked to him all they could see is a little smear of something thickly wet on his face,

Many others then came running into the room as there were sounds of masculine yelling in the background.

"Mariah is he in here"

But as some chick had said that she and the few others looked to the girl and then to what she was starting at, and as they saw the mess of bodies around here and the boy, the latter then said,


She sounded surprised and as she said that and moved her hand to her hood to reveal herself as Tina Zarutoen, Hiro moved and got up, the person's head that was in his lap fell to the ground and slammed into the floor but they were unfazed and or unconscious.

And as Hiro stood up and looked to the group of 6 who entered the room, his face shifted and a sadistic smile formed on his face, without even a second thought he kicked the ground and dashed at them.

Jumping and pouncing on Mariah, they fell to the ground and her eyes widened in shock as her little brother's mouth pressed up against hers.

But then in an instant, he fell over as someone had hit the back of his neck knocking him out.

Looking to who it was it was a shota boy with red hair and eyes and as she caught her breath after being so surprised like that,

"Thanks, Zim"

she couldn't even be mad, something was up from the start and she was startled.

Looking at Hiro as he was unconscious Zim came over along with Tina who was stunned by all of this, and he said after looking at him.

"I think he was drugged?"

But just as he said that one of the cloaked people yelled as she heard voices coming near them.

"Who cares! Just grab him and go! We don't have time to stand around or else their backup will catch up to us!"

She said and he listened after covering Hiro up with his cloak.

Grabbing Hiro and then throwing him over his shoulder, he then voiced,

"Let's go, we have what we came here for"