Ursula Defended Me?

Sitting on the bed literally crying as I had turned small, Ursula sat next to me patting my back and reassuring me that It would be alright.

Meanwhile, Mari stood in front of me, glaring at me as I was going through an emotional breakdown and crying on the spot as I seriously couldn't believe that this had happened.

"How?" Mari

*Hiro was still crying*

"How what?" Ursula

"Just how? Like seriously, he's already pathetic and now he looks the part?"

She said being brutally honest, but as she had, Ursula looked over at her with a sour expression as she was agitated by that girl's words.

"Hey, I get that your his biological sister and all, but stop being such a bitch"

She said unexpectedly, surprising Mari in the moment.

But that was mainly because they were very similar.

"Like seriously, stop being such a fucking cunt, go bully someone else because not even me, someone who enjoys bullying people, would do this right now, because I don't know if you saw, but your brother was literally tortured for a month, and then he was publicly tortured yesterday, like for real, I'm not trying to burst your narcissistic bubble or anything sister, but you need to stop, maybe next week when we get back to Nefumia you can go back to whatever the hell you have going on with him, love-hate, despising relationship, or whatever"

But then she turned dead serious as she wrapped her arm around him and buried his crying face lacking dire awareness of what was going on, into her chest letting him cry into it as she extended her arm, releasing dark levels of magic.

"But if you don't stop. . .I'm going to kill you"

She said completely defending Hiro to the max and as she flowed demonic levels of magic into her burst of power, Mari instantly became very weary as this girls magic literally had cold sweats running down her back and through her ass as it made her tense up like she could die if not careful with her next actions.

Gulping and clenching her teeth as this girl acted like she wanted to be Hiro's wannabe sister, Mari was pissed as she just threatened her, and to make it worst, take something that belonged to her away from her.

"Have it your way! But don't blame me when this fuck up ruins your life like he had done mine!"

She said walking away and as she had she turned back to us.

"And you!" Mari

"Don't forget we have a tournament in 16 days! Disappointed me and I'll make you wish that we never came to save your ungrateful ass" Mari

She said despite me not actually doing anything to her and or hearing her as I was having an emotional breakdown into Ursula's small breasts.

Ursula flipped her off with her middle finger as she left the tented room of whatever this place was, and as I kept crying and went back to 1st person, that's all I did in the few moments as I was crying there, and she caressed my head, stroking my short dark hair and telling me it was alright kinda like a supportive big sister would have.

Meanwhile ignoring all of what had happened with Mari, I looked up at her as she might have been a few inches taller than me, and from her measurements, I was exactly 5 feet tall.

"Will I ever get tall again? I don't want to be short..."

I've played Ero Games before, short people have the worst luck...

Ugh my head!!! Stop thinking about those games!!!

But as I said that and it sounded like I was mocking her, she chuckled and looked away, just as if she was hiding something from me.

So clinging onto her and looking at her desperately as I wanted an answer as I had not just became shorter, but more youthful and less mature. But still keeping my deviance but somehow adding charming traits to me as well.

Looking back to me she gave up.

"You don't look to have de-aged, so I doubt that you'll ever go back to normal"

Hearing that it was as if my mind shattered and I turned into a little chibi as I sobbed again and again and into her breasts as she patted my head.

"Hey, but don't sweat it"

"I think you look cute like this"

"Like, I'd still want to fuck you if given the chance you know"

Saying thay to me I didn't know whether or not to be amazed at how slutty of a person she was or cry knowing that only a slut would say something like that.

I ended up crying some more and she knew exactly why, and it made her a bit jumpy and panicked as she forgot we never had any sort of good relationship so her try to attempt to comfort me failed big times.

Little did I know she was serious and not teasing me.

Many minutes after crying, Zim came back with a bucket of water, and as he had and he went to grab a cup of some sorts, he turned back to me and he saw me just gulping it all down as it flowed into my stomach and steam sizzled off of me as if my stomach had infinite space as I finished the bucket of water and my body created a heavy lift of steam.

Ursula was shocked to see this too.

Meanwhile, as this had happened Zim looked over to where I had bursted out of the hardened black and the cocoon thingy was completely gone?

After finishing the bucket of water and steam fuming from out of my body, Zim properly introduced himself as a relative of my family and he was told by my father to look after me.

But I knew exactly who he was and I knew the only reason why he was lying was because Ursula was in the room.

The truth was that this human-looking kid was actually a loyal servant to that bastard Demon who brought me into this world,

Asmodeus Hiragi.

But despite knowing that, that fucker had sent out his servant to keep an eye on me, I wasn't mad, actually, it was quite the opposite.

Okay, I was a little mad...

And a bit pissed off...

But anyways, Zim was pure-hearted and kind, unlike corruptive Demons, he was a kid at heart and his form reflected it.

Even though he's only taking on that form because it resembles his Master. . .

But it doesn't matter, if Zim wants to stick around, I guess that's fine, but he better not order me to do stuff for that motherfucker Asmodeus or else I'm ditching him faster than someone can curb stomp a loaf of bread.

. . . . .

"Wait so you know my dad?" Me

"Uh-huh~" Zim

"Does that mean your my father's brother's kid?" Me

"I guess so?" Zim

"Are you a Knight? Squire? or Apprentice Swordsman? Are you following their paths as well?" Me

"Knight? Squire? what? I'm confused?" Zim

Saying that I caught him in the act and wanted to tease him a bit to feel better about myself and also educate this ancient being about my current family, so I told him.

"Oh... So I guess you didn't know about the family business then? Do you?" Me

"What family business?" Zim

"That's what I'm about to tell you~" Me

"But don't be too shocked when I do tho~" Me

"My Father Paul is a Paladin of Light, Your father is also a Paladin and they both belong to the Garamiah Family... However, Because of my mother, me and Mari don't go by that family name. Were apart of a more prestige and well-known family, known as the Natsu Family" Me

I said educating him and he looked perplexed as if he hadn't known of what I was talking about.

*But as he said that 'No your not? Your Asmodeus's kid? Does he not know that???" he said in his head*

As I said that, Ursula who I forgot was next to me shot up.


Saying that she backed away and looked to me and Zim in shock.

"So besides you being a motherfucking Sorcerer, your also the son of one of those holy knight bitches who scare the hell out of everything that lives in the dark!" Ursula

With her saying that, I shot up as well, but instead, I stood on the bed and looked at her pointing my finger and also yelling,

"Wait how the hell do you know about me being a Sorcerer!" Me

"I mean not that I am!! But where did you hear that!!" Me

Yelling that as I was truly in shock, Zim spoke.

"We were there 2 days ago when your were being tortured and sold off just like all the other Sorcerer's there" Zim

Hearing him say that, I grabbed my head and looked to him in a fucking mess.

"WAHT!!!" Me

The only thing that I could recall was the month of me being in the Lost And Found, after that, I kinda just woke up here?

Looking at Zim, with complete seriousness as this was so fucking shocking to hear,

"Who else knows about this!" Me

Ignoring whatever Ursula said on the sideline, Zim spoke to me.

"Me and your friend Tina came to save you, we met Mari during the auction as she seemed to have came to save as well, and then there was those other 2, it was her over there and some guy? Plus there was another sorcerer who we met during the auction who bought you and all the Sui Sorcerers, she also seemed interested in saving you?" Zim

But as for Mari, when I heard about you being getting possibly auctioned here back when I went to Nefumia looking for you and finding your sister instead, she didn't seem all the interested and told me off; saying that if was your fault in the first place for being weak and getting captured. But seeing as she hear, I guess she rethought it and came to save you by herself?" Zim

"Wait you went to Nefumia? And how did you know I was going to be sold? Wait you mentioned auctioned? *whispers* But Lady Clementine told me that I was going to be exempt from it?" Me

"To be honest I heard it from some people talking around district 5 of your town that the Natsu they kidnapped was going to be sold as a slave, I didn't know it was you but I took the chance and came here. Also, yes, I don't know if you remember as you were electrocuted, but you were auctioned off and bought before we saved you..." Zim

Hearing him say that I was a mess and sat back down at my mind was scrambled and I needed like an hour of laying down to just reset my mind and unfuck it.

But then again, sitting down on the bed, I was now free from the Lost And Found and that necromancer faction, meaning that I was probably going back to Nefumia.

Putting my hands to my jaw, I sighed as I lowered my head.

"There goes my vacation...sigh" Me

"Wait did you just call all of that a vacation?" Ursula