Other Sorcerers Smell Really Tasty~. . .Wait What The Fuqe?

"Wait did you just call all of that a vacation?"

Ursula heard what I had said and as I slowly turned my head to her, I looked at her blankly and emptily as there was no denying that I thought of my time in the Lost And Found as a mere vacation.


Because you know how I grabbed the collar every time the moment got heated, well, I stole and broke my caller, taking out this metal rod that connected it from the front, and with just a bit of force, I could have removed it any time I wanted and then used my sorcery.


I wasn't denying it.

"But you were–"

But just as she was going to say, tortured, hurt, abused, and many more screwed up things that had happened to me while in there that she had found out after what seemed like some digging, she discovered. I cut her off.

"I don't remember a single thing hehehe, I just remember walking around town and then waking up here feeling refreshed and a bit hurt, so it was a month-long vacation for me since I can't recall anything"

But in saying that I said too much.

"If you don't remember anything then how come you know it's been a month?"

"I overheard you guys talking before getting here, I woke up and then fell back asleep~"

I lied, but it sounded to be more reasonable out loud.

Glaring at me as I had this weary smile on my face I looked to Zim who looked to be greatly confused about what I had said earlier and it must have taken him by surprise to find out Asmodeus's grandson was a Paladin Of Light.

But turning back to Ursula as I knew Zim would keep quiet about this, I crossed my legs as I was on the bed and looked over at her as she was still standing.

"Hey, do you think you can keep what we talked about in this room between the 3 of us, you guys already know about me being a sorcerer but I'd like to keep that a secret too, however, I'm more of a typical human as I have no skill for sorcery like my brethren. And as for the whole family thing with my dad, just keep him a secret too, it's not something I like to talk about"

I asked but as I had she put her foot down because of one of them.

"Wait so why are you working at a whorehouse if your literal dad is a motherfucking Paladin!?"

"Ugh... Long story, short version is me and my sister are on our own until the end of summer and I need the money to pay bills"

"Why though! Out of all places! Bla bla bla bla bla"

I stopped paying attention to her talking I had a very valid reason for working there and that was to soak up Negative energies to progress my incubism, I planned on evolving into a full succubus, I mean incubus, before school started.

"I don't want to talk about it, just know it relates to Lex"

Saying that she squinted her eyes at me,

"Of course it does, that fucking Lexitory, he always manages to find the good shit..." she said sounding completely jealous.

"But I guess that doesn't matter anymore, I've been gone too long and I doubt you'd want someone of my kind around now that you and the boss know what I am"

But as I said that she looked at me stupidly.

"The hell are you talking about? You owe us for missing a whole fucking month and me and Lex having to come save your ass from that shit show! We're not just going to let you go now, your working at the Silver Moon whether you like it or not or we'll find a way to get the value we lost out of you and it's not going to be pleasant"

For a second that bitchy whore sounded compassionate but hearing her say that I smiled as I guess I wasn't out of a job just yet.

"Wait you work where?" Zim

An hour after this conversation and me laying down on the bed to just get a quick mind reset and unfuck the hell out of it, soon others came into my room including Tina who had a dagger at her waist and shorter hair as if she became a rouge fighter. Lex, who carried a saber and still had his cloak on. And 5 cloaked people, 4 who lowered their hoods to reveal themselves to be Sui Sorcerers that I knew from the Lost And Found.

Before anyone could make any sorts of back and four talking, Tina and Lex started asking me questions alongside some hooded girl, but for the next half an hour they got nowhere as I was unable to answer them and refused to as I was pretending not to know anything about the Lost And Found or anything related to the Necromancer Lady Clementine.

After the questions though and me being cleared, and also asked why I looked like this, I broke down into tears on the spot and Ursula told all of them off as this was very much still a sensitive topic for me for some reason I couldn't explain.

However, after that and Ursula acting the big sister part and about to fight all of them then and there, I ended up calming down and Zim who was mind fucked for some reason came over and sat next to me, just laying back and closing his eyes as if he needed to just nap.

And as this happened, the cloaked Sui spoke to me.

. . . . .

"Just so you know I still very much own you Natsu" Cloaked Girl

"Huh?" Me

"The hell are you talking about" Ursula

"What?" Tina

"I'm staying out of this...." Lex

Looking to the cloaked girl as she looked to be staring at me, I was confused at what she meant by that, but then she spoke again.

"I bought you at the auction house not because I wanted to save a pathetic Natsu who ended up captured like my fellow brothers and sisters, I bought you to see you humiliated, to be bought, owned, and even saved by a Sui clans' Woman, you undergrown lizard" Cloaked Sui Girl/Cloaked Girl

"What the hell are you talking about?"

But just as I said that she approached me and turned her hand, revealing a water turtle dragon binding crest on the back of her hand, and as she looked at me,

"You see this, it's the bond of our master-servant relationship, I own you Natsu and even your dearest sister gave me her blessing"

"Eeh..." Me

"That's fucked up you can't do that!" Ursula

"Mariah wouldn't do that! Would she?" Tina

"No, you can't do this!!!" Me

"Yes, I can" Cloaked Sui Girl

But just as she had said that and I was completely devastated as I had just saved me and Hiro from being enslaved by that Shadow Witch in shadowfell not too long ago.

But now I was going to be enslaved by a mere Sui Water Sorcerer!


But just as she said that one of the male Sui Sorcerers in the tented rooms spoke, "Hey, you know what that means?" he said looking over to his fellow brothers and sisters in kin, "Hiro's joining our crew" he said but then the cloaked girl looked over to him as the others cheered for it.

"No the Natsu isn't! Unlike him, your not slaves" Cloaked Sui Girl

But just as he said that one of the Sui girls walked past her, it was the same one who kicked Zoe.

(AN: ↑ This is a 3rd person narration. He doesn't actually know about anyone or anything that happened in the auction. I only do this for story recap but using his voice )

"Does it look like we give a shit, girly. Hiro's one of us, back in that horror shit fest Hiro saved our asses plenty of times and didn't ask for anything in return. He's not like the otherness, he's a bonafide Sui in our book" Sui Girl 1

She said and behind the hood, the Cloaked Sui Girl looked to her in disbelief, but then another Sui Guy stepped in.

"Plus he's funny as heck too, he always managed to escape from his cell and you know what was the first thing he would do, he would mess with the guards and pull pranks, and when he got caught, he never fought, he ran and laughed at them haha" Sui Boy 2

"Oh yeah, I remember those times, they were hilarious, especially when he would hide their keys and weapons" Sui Girl 2

"Actually? I don't think there's not a single prisoner of any clan that doesn't like Hiro, surprisingly unlike that other Natsu, he got along with everyone"Sui girl 2

I did?

"I did?" Me

Saying that about me the 1st girl then looked to the Cloaked Sui Girl and pointed at her.

"So keep talking! But if you dare harm this one or keep abusing the fact that you " bought" him. Then I swear on the ALLMOTHERS name, I'll beat the hell out of you, got it you little shit!" Sui Girl 1

The Cloaked Sui Girl was taken back as the Sui girl threatened her over me a Natsu Sorcerer. And she wasn't able to speak back as the others jumped in.

"Same goes for us, were with him not you, so stay in line"

The others said bringing a tear to my eye as they literally went against their savior for me, and I really don't remember what I did for them either, but it didn't matter, what mattered was I was glad they were here.

"Thanks guys" Me

But just as I smelled something and she yelled something at them for their unbearable reasoning, Ursula spoke to herself.

"They smell good~..."

Looking over to her she had a dreamy expression on her face and a bit of drool seeping down her mouth as if she was looking at fine dining that was so exquisite that you couldn't believe it was for you.

And as she had that expression, the 4 of the Sui clan men and women argued with the cloaked Sui Girl but as they had they stepped closer, and as they had that smell got stronger and I could smell that scent, as well we another, and drool seemingly seeped down my mouth as I felt the same way on the inside now.

Holy crap those 2 aromas made me horny, and I knew where they were coming from, looking to the 2 Sui women, my mind flooded with lewd thoughts, and it was as if there was this shameful temptation coming to mind as I looked at them.

"Yeah, they smell delicious" I uttered.

And just as I had and she nodded her head at my words, Lex heard us and looked over to us in a sharp matter.

Coming over to us quickly, he grabbed the both of us by the shirts.

"Hey you two, let's go outside, it's getting heated in here, let's get some air, especially you Hiro"

He said dragging the both of us outside and Tina came along with us as she was quiet for the most of this time.

It was clear Lex knew something Hiro didn't and as he looked to Ursula who looked a bit lustful now, and then to Tina, he then pulled Hiro off to the side and whispered something into his ear.

"Hey, I think you just broke into Stage 3 of becoming an incubus"