Halo From Above The Head

Opening my eyes after a while I looked over to see a Tina sleeping with her head on my shoulder and it was adorable.


Moving my hand up and moving her head to the tree, I got up.

Rising up without waking Tina. I stood there in front of her and as I looked down at her, it was as if I used some sort of skill because the world around me flashed red for a moment and I could see her body heat.

However ignoring it as it had happened for a mere moment, I kneeled down in front of her and as I reached my hand grazing her cheek, I looked at her with great interest as I reached in, pulling myself towards her and softly going in, about to press my lips against hers.

But before I could I heard the snap of a twig and in Sharply turned my head in the direction of the noise.

Looking to where it had came from, standing from afar was a cloaked figure looking at me and as he had, I stood up, feeling the air around me tremble and the racing of my mind stir up as if I was about to growl in defense to protect Tina from whoever that was standing there.

But did she really need protection from them or did she need it from me?

Looking at the cloaked silhouette with hostility they raised their hand up to their chest and pointed their boney finger at me, bending it and motioning me to come over as they turned around and walked past a bush and into the woods.

Feel ill by the sight of whoever that was, I felt an incredible amount of anger just pile up from within for no apparent reason and I followed, walking towards where they left and hearing and feeling the crunching of leaves from under my bare feet.

Walking past the bush and going into the woods outside of this small camp I walked past many large thick wooded trees for many minutes before suddenly coming to a small open area that had not just that cloaked figure but another.

"What do you want" I growled.

pulling down both hoodies they revealed themselves to be a pale man and woman with black hair and berry blue eyes, but looking at them I felt angrier that they did that when it was so inconvenient and dumb. JUST TELL ME WHO THE HELL YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU WANT! THAT'S ALL!!! but they didn't, those 2 large heighted people just stared at me and it was pissing me off.

"So he's the Demon? Are you sure of it? What about the other slave boy?"

The woman said in a clear masculine voice.

"He is that boy, his appearance had just been altered a bit"

"Who the hell are you calling a slave!"

I growled angrier by the second and as I approached both man and woman extended their hand, conjuring a bright blinding light making me look away, but when it came down and I looked back to them, they held long swords with yellow handles and weird markings on the blade's hilt.

"Stand back if you don't wish to be purged"

She said really pissing me off.

"Just tell me what you want then!!! If you dare lay a hand on her I swear to God ill rip your fucking limbs off and beat you with it!"

"How ironic, a Demon swearing to a God" She laughed, and as she had I reached down and picked up a stick, throwing it at her, but she just swiped at it, splitting it in half, and then taking a step to slay me.

But as she had the man put his hand out, basically gesturing her not to attack, and as she stepped back she looked to my angry face and thought about something before opening her mouth again.

"Brother who is he talking about. What did this beast mean when mentioning an HER"

"It was with a human girl, possibly his lover"

"Hahaha I never knew you for someone to tell jokes. Good one"

*But as he glanced at her she realized he wasn't joking and she stiffened up at his serious look and then gulped before speaking again"

"My apologies, I'll stay in line sir"

Looking at the 2 of them as they just stood there and kept me waiting, I extended my hand, charging my root magic and opening my hand as I felt a burning sensation slowly course through my body from all over and through my hand, slowly charging and building up from my core as it extended through my arm.

A small ball of fire mass suddenly flickered in my palm and as I held it out at them, it slowly grew as specs of fire seeped out of my palm, heating the air.

"Answer the damn question! What is it you plan to do with her! If you don't answer I'll kill the both of you" once this charges up... It might take a while, I only have little control in root magic.

Looking at me as I charged a pathetic leveled bolt the girl burst out into laughter, nearly dropping her blade as she looked to the weak fire being produced from will control over root magic, and seeing it so pathetically, she lost her shit.

Meanwhile, the man looked to it and then me and he stabbed his sword into the ground.

"We have no plan for that Human girl. It is you were looking for" Him

"Now halt your magic Young Demon, we have a few questions to ask you and we'll get out of your way for the time being, I don't promise that this won't be our last meeting though, though I can promise that how you act will bring how we respond in our next and current encounter"

Hearing him say that I sighed in relief as they weren't here for Tina but me instead, but I still didn't like them, the sight of them had made me feel ill.

Motioning my hand to the ground the bolt of fire shot into the ground as I couldn't retract it, and as it had practically done nothing to the dirt other than dry it of its moister, I then crossed my arms in a pouty manner as I looked to them and said.

"Whatta you want then?"

"You insolent brat how dare you speak to the–" but as the girl yelled that he put his hand out telling her to shut up once more and as she clenched her teeth and did so, he spoke once more.

"I'm aware you don't know who we are and let it stay that way. Now what I want to know from you first is, were you born of this Plane or the Abyss"

looking at him and answering his question like I had done for the others since waking up asides from crying, I said.

"This world is my home"

"Next, from how things played out you've seemed to have disguised yourself as a human sorcerer under the name Hiro Natsu, are you truly him or is he your cover up"

"That's dumb. Do I even need to answer that? Of course I'm Hiro, who the hell else would I be you dumbass"

"Third" his voice continued to sound the same as if what I had said didn't faze him, but it clearly angered the girl "How did you get captured by the Hoctus faction, you're a Demon how could you be captured without letting them do so"

Hearing his words I looked away and refused to answer, I'm not saying a word, if he wants an answer than he can just go suck a long spider dick or something because I'm not telling him shit about how I ended up on vacation.

"From how flustered you look I'm only going to assume that you didn't intend on getting captured"


"Next you mentioned how you were going to eat the souls of those who hurt you while being auctioned off, what did you mean by that, by chance do you actually possess the ability to or was it a–"

"Hell if I know you weirdo. I don't even remember the auction. The necromancer boss promised me that I wouldn't be sold off and the day before the auction and that's it, the next thing I knew when waking up was that I was here, so go suck a dick you sleazy Lucifer rip off fuck"

But as I said that and mentioned the show, my head pained me, I grunted and grabbed my head with a hand as it hurt bad, God, how much does lucy get paid to hurt me from this I will never no, AHH! It hurts even more now!

Staring at me as I had grabbed my head in pain, he then looked over to the girl and spoke something in a foreign tongue and as the pain calmed down and I looked back to them, that stopped their conversation in it and the man spoke once more.

"The war between our kind is over so we have no reason to kill you, but we will be watching Demon, behave yourself while in this realm and we won't be forced to kill you"

He said as white feathery wings suddenly sprung out from his and her back and as they were a pretty sparkling white, they both flapped it one time and vanished, leaving large feathers behind.

Starting at where they were at I was astonished.


"They were Angels..."


Turning back around with a blankened expression I sighed to myself.

"They're somehow connected to Asmodeus"

"And not in a good safe way either"

"I need to be careful from now on"