A Murky Cloud Hangs Dangerously Close Over His Head.

Walking back to the area Tina was in, I came back to her and as she was still asleep, I came back over to her side and sat down, resting my head upon her shoulder as I didn't want to leave her side again.

[Trust in Tina: 4%]

"You came for me. You came to save me... Thank you"

Uttering that I closed my eyes once more, resting, but then woke up many moments later as I couldn't go to sleep. Those Angels had put me on high alert as it seemed that I was on their radar now from whatever I had said yesterday.

'Damn it me... What did you do now?...'

Sitting back up and leaning against the tree I looked to the clothing I had on and they were pretty big, if there hadn't been a large string-like material with them I'm pretty sure my pants would have fallen.

Too bad I don't have any shoes on, it's not like it hurt to walk around barefoot, but the ground was mushy and moist, it wasn't that pleasant to walk on to be honest.

Thinking back to what happened earlier I was going to break loose from that Sui girl's control eventually and it was going to be soon. I'm not going to let myself be tied down to anyone, I still have goals that needed to be done and it had nothing to do with the Natsu clan, it is mainly related to Zim, and with his help, he can easily free me from her control as well.

However I'll see how it goes, it might be fun to toy with that woman trying to bind me.

Wait what even happened again? Ha, I forgot...


I'm hungry... Well not exactly?

I'm not hungry at all but at the same time I really want to eat something tasty.

But why?

Also when was the last time I ate? It should have been like 3 days ago? Why aren't I hungry?

Sigh... It's too much work to think about it.

Looking over to Tina I bent in and stole a kiss from my favorite Human. Just a little peak to share my appreciation for coming to save me through it wasn't a lot or meant much to her.

But to me. . .It meant a lot.

I don't like kissing people who I don't share any valued affection to. Though it might seem like I'm a slut who loves it all, that's not really the case. I only enjoy doing it with my companions.

Aka right now, it's just Tina.

And only her.

But there is something I might be open to? Maybe? Naw, never mind there's no point in it, hahaha, never mind it's nothing~

Sitting back against the tree I had nothing to do and was bored but didn't want to get up, I don't know why but I wanted to play a game, a video game, maybe something with a lot of action, an RPG maybe, hm, I just want something to keep me entertained for a little bit.

Closing my eyes I thought about my own game and thought about how to design and then play it, playing it using my imagination through it was a bit wonky to imagine as I sat there.

. . . . .

After a while, I heard a voice from in the distance and as I opened my eyes, I looked over to see Mari walking through the outer parts of the camp grumbling to herself.

The out part of the camp was only a few yards away.

So seeing her near I looked to her for a little as she walked and as she noticed me she scowled at me, "Whatta you looking at!" she sounded aggravated but I kinda liked it, it was amusing.

"Who's dick got shoved up your ass to put you in such a bad mood?"


She said greatly confused and shocked at the same time as she hadn't gotten what I meant, but it didn't matter. Moving my hand over to my side I patted the ground next to me and smiled to my beloved elder sister who I wanted to kick so very fucking much.

"Come, sit"

She was still a bit out of it from what I had said so I had said it again in a fast manner.

"Sit sit"

Patting the ground next to me and breaking her out of that shock.

"Why the hell would I want to sit next to a pathetic loser like you!"

She yelled but then remembered what had happened earlier and bit her tongue, "Why? I don't want to. Your the last person I want to sit next to" she said holding back.

And as she had voiced that I smiled brightly, "Don't worry I feel the same way~ After all~ I really would hate to sit next to a backstabbing bitch whose limbs I currently want to rip off and brutally bash into the head of because that daughter of a whore sold her little brother to a rival clan for nothing at all~" I said sweetly, holding a perfectly cute smile on my face as I just summarized a small example of the perfect life and love for my elder sister.

Looking up, her expression had changed as it had turned blank as she just stared at me with half-opened eyes, staring deeply as if she wanted to scream "Come again?" but her face said it for her.

Keeping such a benevolent smile on my face as I loved my elder sister, "What's wrong big sis? Did I say something wrong? No? Okay good? Now come sit down. You look like you could use some relaxation" I said patting at my side again but she just stood there speechless.

Getting board as this has just turned awkward I ended up frowning as she just kept standing there.

"You know what, you're really getting on my nerves, if you didn't want to hang out with me then you could have said something. Stop standing there and looking like an idiot, it's embarrassing"

Rising up I walked away as that girl seriously had a problem, like why'd she even come over to me if she didn't want to talk or relax? ugh, She's so weird it's annoying.

*Meanwhile, as Hiro had spoken those last words to Mari and stood up he accidentally woke up Tina who heard it and saw him walk off and she was very confused to what had just happened?*

"What just happened?" Tina

"Shut up and go back to sleep Tina!" Mari

. . . . .

Walking off and walking aimlessly I heard raging stomps from behind me and before I could act I was then yanked around; and as my body shifted and turned I saw a pissed off Mari

"Where do you think you're going! You think you can just talk like that to me and get away with it you pathetic piece of shit!!!"

Seeing her all angry like that it had my blood pumping.

"Oh so you really do have a dick up your ass?"

Saying that she was infuriated.

"I'm going kick your ass!!!"

She said as she was like 2-3 heads taller than me and I was a Small Boy, wow, is this going to be a cliche moment where someone bigger comes running in to save the day~?

Naw not really, we don't have the budget for that...

Balling her fist and raising it up looking as if she was about to strike me, I could just feel the negative energies pouring out of her and I grabbed her by the collar bringing her in strongly with the help of my inner strength and as she came fast I stepped out a stepped out of the way as if I had twirled, but then she grabbed the back of my shirt and we both fell to the ground.

and we both stumbled to the ground.

Falling to the ground I tore away from her grip and as she was next to me, I moved fast as I straddled myself on her belly.

*Tina watched as a fight was about to break out, but then as Hiro grabbed Mari and knocked her over, she grabbed him by the shirt pulling him down with her. Tina then watched as he made a quick recovery and mounted onto Mari's stomach most likely to punch the living shit out of her like some MMA boxing match*

And as I straddled my way up there I grabbed the collar to her shirt with both hands as this shameful lust overcame me,

"What's wrong Sis? Cat got your tongue again?"

*He said in an almost insane manner as he sat on her*

"Don't worry you won't be quiet for long~"

*Coming in hot and bending over her, getting in her face, Tina watched as his eyes shimmered a lustful sexy red and he whispered dangerously*

"Because I'll make sure you squeal"