laddie daddie da~ dulce tortura~

"She betrayed us. She abandoned us. She said she wanted us but then she threw us away. She doesn't deserve our love. She's bad. She's very bad. You know what to do. We've done it before. Go berserk. Feast again like yesterday. Let's taste her wicket soul and judge her for her hurtful sins of leaving us behind. I know you can do it. We can do it. All we have to do it is eat. We are best boy. No one else is better than us. If she doesn't want us then we'll have to say bye-bye to our beloved elder sister"

"What the hell are you doing! What are you going to do to Mari! Demon!"

Turning around a small girl looked to Hiro's fragment and smiled as she looked to him benevolently.

"She can't see that she needs us. So we're going to play a game. And she's going to have fun. We're going to have fun. Everyone's going to have fun. And she'll see that she needs us as much as we need her... Or she'll go bye-bye"

"The hell is wrong with you?..."

"Nothing's wrong with us. She hurt us. This is her fault."

"All... Her... Fault..."

. . . . .

"Because I'll make sure you squeal"

Mari shook as we had said that, "The fuck are you talking about!" she swiftly moved her hand grabbing the back of my hair. Pulling on it and swiftly rising up, slamming her head on mine.


Headbutting me I laughed as she gripped tightly and balled her other hand's fist to strike me, but as she had I grabbed her hands. Taking her hand on my head and grabbing her fist, pushing one of them down and pinning her onto the ground.

Forcing her back she looked into my eyes and we locked gazes.

"I like you. Let's play a game. Elder sister"

*As Tina shot up from what happened she yelled over to them, rushing over to them before whatever was happening could go on, but as she looked to Hiro and heard what he just said as he was over her, she looked into his eyes glowing a sadistic red. Black then filled the white around and in his eyes, and as those [nightmare eyes] came out, pink envelop the center black of his eyes. She then froze up as the magic in the air turned strange and scary, it even caused Mari to freeze up as this was the same feeling she got from Ursula...This was Demonic magic...*

"You need me just as much as I need you."

(Fun Fact: Mari is pronounced Mar•ee)

(Fun fact: Hiro is pronounced Hi•ro. Not Hero)

*Looking into his eyes the world around them blackened, flickering as she felt herself get enveloped by the scary magic that had literally made her want to wet her pants*

*The blackness then started to get filled in from a distance*

*But then her vision faded to black*

. . . . .[Ability/or Skill: Unknown]. . . . .

*Reopening her eyes she was standing in a crowded town. It was night time and there was an abundance of people crowding the streets, dancing and singing along to the music that filled the town with life. The air sung along to the melody as it blew and she looked around with her head, to then come to a stop as she heard a loud and clear beautiful voice*

"Sie Hat Den Vibe Aus Venezuela. Ey. Sie Ist Aus Dem Paradies. Aber Sie Weiß, Wie Man Schießt. Ihre Liebe. Wie Venezuela. Ja, Sie Ist So Ehrlich Und Auch Gefährlich. Aber Das Ist Das, Was Du Magst" Singer

*Looking over to what looked like an open area with a small stage a beautiful olive-skinned woman was singing in some strange tongue and as she finished her words that made Mari feel something swelling up inside, a man came next to her speaking hard and faster as he projected his voice with rhythm*

"Where the hell am I?"

*Veering her head around and turning as she was at a complete loss for words as the music continued without stop, she saw someone small walking from the corner of her eye, and as she snapped towards it she recognized that small boy and it was Hiro*

"You motherfucker! Stop right there!"

*Turning and pushing through the crowd of people to get to her little brother, she got over to him and as she grabbed him by the shoulder, he turned around"


*But looking to the boy it wasn't her brother, it was just some young kid*

"Damn it! Not him!"

*Confused the boy backed away and she vastly turned looking for that motherfucker, what the hell did he do she couldn't stop thinking and as an occasional few people glared at her as she was completely pissed, and she practically growled at those who stared, she thought she saw him again and she rushed over to the next look-alike through this crowd of dark and light-skinned people almost similar to her in a way*

"Du bist heiß und ich bin wieder im Fieber. Wie du tanzt, ist andere. Liga. In dir brennt das Feuer, denn du bist so. Wie Venezuela. Raubst mir den Verstand wie Bandita. Deine Liebe. brennt wie Tequila. Jeder Tag mit dir ist ein Risiko. Wie Venezuela" Male Singer/Rapper

*Going over and it not being him, she kept looking, shoving people aside and rushing through the crowd like a crazy chick as she was severely pissed off by whatever illusion Hiro put her under*

*Pissed off that her brother had done this, she put her hand out towards the crowd of people to charge her flames and obliterate them. But as she had nothing came out. Nothing at all. Her magic was non-existent*

"Did you just try and kill everyone my beloved sister? I'm so ashamed of you"

*Turning around as she heard his voice, she saw nothing but foreign people. But as she looked around, focused in her search, now she knew he was around, he was watching, and he was walking. She just wanted to scream now. He was really pissing her off*


*She yelled and the people around her started laughing*

"What you want a piece of me as well! Come get some! I'll kick all of your asses you long hat bitches!"

*But as she had said that a hand reached around her and slid up her belly as she felt someone behind her and then heard a voice*

"Calm down chicka. We're all just trying to have a good time ah. Come on, join us~" a Lithe man said in not so well Common but good enough for her to understand.

*But turning to him as he was dancing strangely, and grabbed her by the hand, pulling her in to dance, she pushed away and punched him in the gut, strong enough to bring him to his knees where she then proceeded to knee him in the face and drop him*

"How dare you touch me dog, touch me again and I'll break every bone in your filthy body"

*She said stomping his head one good time and holding it there as she bend down and threateningly said*

"Now tell me where Hiro is..."

*The man was unconscious though and as she realized it and many people moved away from her giving this angry chick some space, she kicked him in the stomach one good time making him spit out a mouthful of saliva, and as she was strong for a woman and basically told all that they're next if they touched her*

*Looking around*

"Now tell me where Hiro is!"

*But they didn't understand what she said and as she heard it from their fearful responses, she clicked her tonnage and walked off, looking for that loser piece of shit some more as she knew he hadn't been far*

*Walking around this strange town during some festival of sorts as it was decorated and many people had been dancing and singing, she continued on till she heard a group of people who spoke the Common language and as she went up to them and without hesitation, beat them up to extract information, she got nowhere and ended up spending many agonizing hours in this place looking for Hiro and beating up Common speakers till they couldn't talk and or plead anymore in Common*

*Walking at the edge of some waterfront, she ended up on a clear street with streetlights holding actual light bulbs and not glow crystals and as she kept going she heard singing from in some tavern looking place with the big words "El Pub" on it*

*Walking in still plenty much angry she saw him, she saw Hiro on stage singing a rhythmic song in some strange tongue and as she yelled his name and approached, her voice was muffled by the talking in this place and the singing, and as she got close she was grabbed by these husky looking men who had pushed her away*

*She tried getting to him by fighting, but they fought back and she was easily overpowered as she was then thrown out*

*She went back and tried again, but they ruffed her up and literally threw her out and into the sands of the waterfront before going back in*

*Going back in for the 3rd time, he never even glanced at her, which had made her madder than the fact that he had trapped her in this illusionary world*

*Yelling, threatening, and acting like a pure menace, she kicked someone out of their chair, grabbing it, and pelting it at Hiro, but even then he didn't even look at her as he spun to the temp of his singing and ignored her*

*She was enraged*

*But as she was about to hit another person out of their chair and throw it at Hiro again. One of the husky men grabbed her, and just like last time she was going to be thrown out as expected from these guards. But he didn't. Her eyes then widened in compete shock as he forced her down onto her knees and plopped out his massive penis in front of her face. 'So big...' And without any warning at all, as she gasped at the size of this massive beast attached to the husky man's crotch, he grabbed her head and forced his bulging beast down her throat. Her mouth was getting seriously fucked by this husky man and it hurt her jaw to be rattled by something so big. Her air intake was stopped and as her mouth had been opened wider than she had ever had to the point it hurt, he didn't stop till her mouth was seriously fucked till climax. Cum shot down her throat and into her mouth, he shot so much that she couldn't contain it and it started spewing from her nose as he was massive and so was his load. Gasping for air as he pulled out she was completely riddled past any imaginal point as she had never done that before or have been made into do it. But when his massive log was pulled out and she could finally breathe he punched her in the face. Dropping her down to the ground. And when he did, still with his pants partially down, he walked past her and grabbed her by the leg. Dragging her out as she was trying to recover and recope, but couldn't, because he had dragged her out and thrown her into the streets*

*No one paid any mind to these actions that had just happened*

*Panting for air as her mouth was just violated, she threw up clumps of pasty white and acidy liquids. Looking back to the tavern-like place, she clenched her teeth and pushed up off the ground*

*Going back in even more furious than the last, she grabbed a glass beer bottle and broke it over the same husky man's head, staggering him right before stabbing his throat and dropping him to his knees as he then proceeded to fall to the ground, dieing*

*But no one paid any mind to them as they glanced but didn't care*

*She was then grabbed by another husky man. But unlike last time he didn't stop after one shot, he just like the last guy violated her mouth again and this guy didn't hold anything back as he didn't stop for a strong half hour and when he did and she was sitting on her, he blew his load in her mouth, on her face, and on her clothes. Right before dragging her out of the building and leaving her to rot on the street as her brother sung another lovely song and ignored her assault that had happened to her*

*Laying on the ground for many minutes as she pled for air as it has run thin during her face fucking, she went back in again, this time gaining an indifferent glance from Hiro as he went back to singing and entertaining the cheering crowd*

*But this time 2 more husky muscular men stopped her after she failed to kill another husky man. And as the one she failed to kill blew 3 loads in her mouth, out on her, and in her hair. The other 2 husky men followed his example as they used her mouth like a Fleshlight and blew their in and on her face. Right before the 3 of them hit her double over and threw her out onto the streets*

*Not giving up as she had this burning passion to beat the hell out of Hiro and kill those 3 motherfucker. She went back in. But this time she gained another glance from her brother that lasted a second longer. Before she was then hit and mouth fucked by those 3 husky men again and someone additional from the crowd*

*Going back in after just being thrown out and coughing out a sliver of white paste. This time a woman from the crowd joined in to punish Mari and cum on her face*

*She had gained another glance from the host singer too*

*This happened several more times and for many hours*

*But once she was punished and hit by 10 people. Men and Woman alike. Hiro finally looked over to her as she was on her feet on the ground. But just as they were going to throw her out again, he put up his hand. Halting them*

"My people have been consumed with nothing but carnal lust and desire because of you, Mari. Now I would suggest that you run away this time before they go wild and use that wonderful body of yours for their lustful pleasure"

*Mari coughed out cum with each and every cough. And as she looked up at him with a weakened expression. He smiled sweetly*

"On second though... Has my big sister finally given up? Awe that quite a shame I was really wanting to see what happened next"

"But I guess we can just be prisoners together than"

*Her vision faded to black and when she came back to her senses they were in a purple lighted area and as she looked around with blurry vision, she could feel that she had a metal collar wrapped around her neck and shackles all over her body*

*Weakly looking around some more her vision became clearer and when it had cleared up she looked around to see Hiro sitting on a desk with some lady behind it in front of her. He too was on shackles and he looked like a prisoner in a orange 2 piece jumpsuit*

"Have you done what I've asked you to?" Woman

"Of course master, that's the new slave you asked for. I found her in the grasslands close by here" Hiro

"But isn't that your sister? Are you sure you want to just give her up to me like that so easily?" Woman

*As the woman had said that, Hiro turned his head over to her and as he looked to the weak Mari, his expression became a scary sweet*

"She gave me up, I don't see any reason not to give her over to you" Hiro

"But she's your sister?" Woman

"So. If she doesn't need me I can always find a new one" Hiro

*Turning his head back over to her as he had turned to the woman to talk. As he looked at her, the woman spoke*

"I like the sound of that, I guess all the torturing finally set you straight. Now go ahead and initiate her. If she's too weak, kill her"

"Will do, ma'am"

*Snapping his fingers as he looked to Mari her vision then faded to black again and when it came back to her, she was being held up by iron shackles and as her get feet were dangling as she was in the air being held by the shackles, she then saw Hiro in front of her and as she looked down at him, she tried to speak, but her mouth was gagged*

"Don't worry Mari~ I'm only going to do to you what they did to me. If you can endure it for 17 hours then you get to be just like me and we can be a family again, but if you can't, then I'll have to do what they threatened me with, and I'll have to slit your wrists and watch as you suffer and bleed out~"

*She screamed for him not to with her mouth clogged with cloth, but as it was just a muffling mess Hiro couldn't hear what she was saying, but he didn't even seem to care seeing as he smiled and hummed a sweetened melody as he walked over to a table full of torture tools and grabbed this sharp metal tool making her eyes widen as he walked back over to her with it in hand before saying something and getting to work*

"I hope you don't die, I need you more than you think and you know that, after all, your my one and only big sister"

*His voice was sadistic, sarcastic, and cruel and she heard it all in that sentence*

*He then started torturing her for a pure 17 hours without stop. Either it is cutting away at her flesh, slicing, smashing, or even punching her open wounds, he hit her with blunt instruments and spoke to her in many sweet and sadistic ways saying that's what they also said to him but he was being more lenient with her, he kept going and he kept going even more after and he doesn't hold back on hurting her and making her cry out in screams that flooded wherever they were as blood spilled to the ground and he even fed her little pills saying it was just for her and it had restored her blood so he could keep hurting her*

*He tortured her for 17 hours straight until she was close to death's door and crying blood from her face as well as hurting all over; black and blue and a hard red and some dry and others recently inflicted*

*But once he stopped he clicked something on the wall and her chains opened and she fell to the bloody ground where he walked over, fell to his knees, and hugged her as she was a bloody mess and nearly broken as well*

"Yey~ your alive, now we can be together forever and ever~"

. . . . .

*He said and her vision faded to black, time went by like it was a hallucination and when she woke up again, she sat up in a bed and looked around to see the small Hiro sitting at the foot of her bed looking at her all concerned*

"I thought I was going to lose you? You know it's not good to talk back to the master like that, she may be a fellow sorcerer but she's still a Sui and she's tough when it comes to sharing her love, you shouldn't just disobey like that" Hiro

"Why! I can't stand that bitch!" Mari

"And that's why you keep getting hit. Your lucky I'm always around or you'd be getting seriously hurt from these punishments"

*He said holding his hand wrapped in blood-stained bandages out to her and as she looked to it her eyes beated as she slowly reached out and held it*

"Did she hurt you?..." Mari said worrying and he pulled his hand back.

"I'm just looking out for you, she's not doing anything I haven't requested of"

*Saying that Mari was in complete shock and she got angry but not as much as how hurt she emotionally felt*

"I don't need you to save my ass, stay the hell out of it"

"I can't help it, I don't like seeing you hurt"

"I said stop it! If I'm getting punished by the master your not obliged in any way to bale me out! Just stay out of it!"

"I'm not bailing you out, im taking half of your punishment"

*Hearing him say that she fully looked to him as he looked down at his aching hand*

"Why?... Why would you do that?"

"Because we're in this together, from now and to the end, isn't that what family is for"

*He said and she acknowledged it but then got mad at him, hitting him over the head*

"Just stay out of it, I'm supposed to be the one who protects you, it's not the other way around! Dumbass!"

"Hahaha, no can do, I won't let you be a fool by yourself, I'm going to be with you till the end~"

*Well those words didn't last long as later that day Mari had plotted a rebellion and failed miserably, but as she had and was going to be killed for it, Hiro appeared in front of everyone, and with his magic restriction collar broken he admitted to plotting all of that rebellion and he even framed Mari in which had been a lie, but there was no time for any of it to be unfolded as he shot balls of firs at the master Sui clanswoman*

*He was killed on the spot in front of her*

*Everything faded to black and when she opened her eyes, she was over his grave feeling ashamed and sad at the loss of her brother*

"So... I guess this is what grief feels like. You asshole. Why'd you have to go and leave me like that!"

*She fell to her knees and cried at his grave*

. . . . .

*Everything faded to black and when Mari woke back up she was laying in a black space, getting up she looked around to go see 5 windows. Each containing something inside*

*The first, the festival town. Second, without him(Not showed). Third, the woman and torture chamber. Fourth, the slave process and life. Fifth, it was what just happened, the torment and grief of her mistakes*

"Ahhh! Get out of me head! None of these even happened! What the hell! What the hell! What the hell! Why are you doing this to me?!" Torturous memories flooded her mind?

*Screaming that, her mind then became as clear as ice and she turned around to see the small Hiro standing there with another him but back to the original state*

"Because I just can, do I need a reason to do any of this to you? After all... You gave up on us. You sold us to the enemy"

*Saying that he then stepped closer and as he did she felt a caught coming out and as she put her hand to her mouth and coughed, she looked to her hand to see blood on her hand*

"If I were you I would never have came, after all, you never even wanted to come, you just came to save me so you could tell our parents an excuse saying you tried when they came back, but in reality, you could care less. And you know what, you should have just stayed home. Because all of this happened because of you. And you know that don't you. But don't worry I won't hold it against you. I'm actually having a blast seeing you suffer"

*Looking to her as she was standing there he then chuckles*

"Now onto what I want to say"

"The next time we meet it won't be as brother and sister"

"The next time I see you we'll be enemies"

"And I will kill you"

*He said smiling, but as he did and he turned around, her vision faded to pink*

. . . . .

*Opening her eyes Hiro was sitting above her with his forehead bleeding and as she had woken up from that illusion she remembered it all, but as he pushed up, about to get up she grabbed his collar and punched him dead in the face*

"Shut the fuck up! You talk way too damn much"

*She said knocking him back and as she had she swiftly moved and grabbed onto his collar again as Tina came running over to them. But as she had, Mari punched him once more and then shouted*

"How dare you!!!"

"Who the hell are you to decide anything!!!"

"I'll fucking kill you! Don't you dare decide anything!!!"