Plotting Fun In My Mind Space

"What the hell was that! And who's this!" Hiro's Fragment

Looking to Hiro's fragment as I was inside the black mind space. I looked over to the small girl standing off to the side and then looked back to him as she was just standing there smiling and he was fuming with anger.

"I don't know? She kinda just appeared?" Me

Frustrated and angry, he stomped his foot.

"I don't care who she is!–" Hiro

"Then why'd you ask?" Me

"–What the hell was all that with Mari!" Hiro

But just as he said that I crossed my arms and pouted. Turning away from him as he knew the answer and I wasn't going to tell him what he already knew.

"Don't be mad. We were only having some fun~" The girl

"You! Shut up and stay out of this!" Him

"You're so angry" Me

"Damn right I am! Do you have any idea of what you just did to our sister!!!" Him

Looking at him again as he screamed that, I put up a finger for everything that I did.

"Let's see. First. I showed her a place similar to my home town and tried introducing her to a fun music festival in which I had no involvement with because I wanted her to at least have some fun and dance with some goodish music being played" Me

"However she hunted me down and messed with my subjects in MY Domain, in which I still let her be, because I wanted to sing in my mother tongue since I can't speak it at all outside of MY Domain" Me

Let me just tell you now, I had never known how to use [Domain] till now. I didn't know how to use it before today, but when I woke up today I knew. Or... More like when I came out of the hardened dark rock hazy mist thingy?

"Second. Out of boredom I created a grasslands biome and threw her in it. Do you know how hard it is to create these, my mind hurt a lot after just randomly thinking of what one looked like and conjuring it. So I just left her to pure solitude and isolation" Me

"Where she layed unconscious for half of it" Me

"Third. I introduced her to my new master the Sui girl in black. to where I spend 17 awful hours. Hurting. Not just her. But me as well. Do you think I liked doing that? Well... I might of, but that's not entirely the point. The point was that she needed to be broken" Me

"And in the end. After 16 hours. She broke" Me

"The last hour was for fun though" Me

"Fourth. I introduced her to a life of slavery, messed with her head a little to make it seem like we've been there for a longer time, and through that month, I bonded and we protected each other" Me

"Up until the end where I had to die for her to learn..." Me

"That she needs me as much as I need her" Me. . . . .

"Fifth. I left her alone. Stayed in the background. Watched as I filled her with the sorrow and grief of knowing that her precious little brother sacrificed himself so that she could live on" Me

"Which if I'm going to be honest here, the old us would have never sacrificed himself for her and we know she wouldn't do it for us either" Me

"Even if she slightly cared" Me

"And he wanted a normal life too" Me

"And I do too..." Me

"But I want to survive more than anything. Hiro, if we can get a few peaceful days, weeks, or even months..." Me

"It's only a matter of time before a certain someone in our great kingdom provokes the wrong person, or thing, and our so-called peaceful kingdom is getting attacked by strong undead and we die in the process" Me

Looking to him as I held out all the fingers on my hand I then crushed it into fist and then approached him, who had been at a loss for words and speechless from what I had said.

"But I won't let that happen. You see. Because we have no more than 2-3 years before our kingdom is attacked by one of the six Litch generals under the Progenitor's rule. And that's not a lot of time for us" Me

". . .Plus there's the old Hiro's enemies. Those 3 whores named fate who hate us. His awful luck. The enemies of the Allmother and our kind. The human race. The church. And a bunch of other black flags that are going to lead to our death!" Me


"Even The New Girl Gets To Live On!" Me

I shouted my point across the black mind space and the girl clapped her hands as she listed to me preach my point across the... Room? Outting? This mind place? The Not So Awake Black Mind Place!

He looked at me and as he had with an unsettling expression.

"Your such a Demon" Hiro

"And to make it worst you tortured our sister both physically and mentally because you selfishly wanted something to do!!!" Hiro

Not exactly... But kinda?

"Your such a Demon! Demon! How could you do that to her for your own selfish gain! And doing all of that didn't even work! It just made her hate us even more! Your such a Demon you only make everything worst!" Hiro

*But as he vented that Turtle grinned Demonically*

*And the girl became amused*

"That's right..." Me

"We are Demons after all" Me

"And I'll do anything to survive" Me

*Hearing Turtle he then looked over to him. But as he did someone grabbed his arms from behind. It was that girl. And as she subdued him. Turtle came in rushing in hot. And as he did he knocked Hiro out*

*Knocking out Hiro*

"Hey, keep him unconscious for as long as you can" Me

"Sure thing~" Her

"But..." Her

"Whatever your planning on doing. Make it quick. You don't have long before the Demonic Adrenaline in your system leaves your body and you return to normal" Her

"Don't get me wrong I like you either way. But I do enjoy the craziness a little more" Her

"So please do something fun for me before I disappear. I'm part of you so once you fully go back to normal as a new Demon, I'll have been back in you, so please make it fun while we're separate" Her

"Oh I will~" Me

"Thank you" Her

"Now have fun out there~" Her