Return To Your True Nature...

Opening my eyes to see that I was back in the material world.

There was this strong taste of Iron in my mouth? Searching around with my tongue I felt that I was missing a canine tooth and that this strange iron taste was blood from losing it.

My body hurt but it wasn't that bad, but it mostly hurt around my face, like ouch it hurt... Also, what's this feeling by my feet?

. . . . .

Sitting up and looking over to my feet, "yawn", I saw a girl in casual clothes holding a sphere of fire that floated above her palm and she was just staring at it.

"Hiro" Mari

"Oh hey. . .It's you–" Me

"Divulge Your True Nature"

Hearing her voice those words in a slow manner I was confused? "What?" Clenching my right arm and feeling a slight fright in the moment, she then slowly turned her head as that sphere of magic fire got stronger.

"That's An Order"

Her voice tightened my chest. Her voice turned my breath heavy. And as she stared at me with a look of pure hatred, I felt nothing but pure danger and ill intent.

"Unravel And Disclose. I Command Through Amnesia"

Hearing those words come out of Mari's mouth I looked to her with my accelerated breath and as she did my mind had started splitting. My chest started aching. And before I knew it everything felt all fuzzy.

. . . . .

Looking down to my small hands I then looked back up to see some lady holding a fireball? It confused me? Also, why was she sitting by my feet?

Crossing my legs and sitting up, I placed my hands on my knees and looked at her as she was just staring at me?

"You're strange miss?"

Turning over and hopping out of bed I rubbed my eyes and then looked around as I didn't know where I was? Looking to my left I just saw cloth. Looking in front of me I saw a little table with stuff on it, it was kinda cute looking too. And then looking to my right I saw a curtain connecting to what looked like the outside and from how it looked the same as it did in the room.

"Hm? Where am I?"

Talking out loud I looked over to the girl who was sitting at the edge of the bed with the fireball and she was just staring at me with an unpleasant look as if she was mad, or just unhappy.

Ignoring her I walked over to the curtain, stepping on the soft dirt under my feet as I didn't seem to be wearing shoes, and getting over to it, I opened it and looked past it to see trees, rocks, sticks, a tree stump, nothing was interesting out here, so looking up I went to look at the clouds but as I had I looked up to see the 3 moons, both green and blue complete but the red moon, not all the way there yet.

"Oh. . .It's nighttime?"

Stepping back I sighed as it was dangerous at night, or at least I felt danger? But I feel like that might have just been a warning, especially since both moons are completed in glow and the crimson moon is almost completely covered in blood glow.

So stepping back again and turning around the girl was still staring at me and it made me feel funny, but I continue to ignore her as I wanted to look around a bit more.

Walking over to the upper left side of the room where that cute table was, I looked on it to see an empty vile with some red cherry liquid still left in it, not a lot though, but I bet it tastes like raspberries. I also saw a little dagger, and a few coins of bronze, silver, and gold. There were also some papers on there and a little notebook.

Touching the notebook my hand was then zapped by the book and I quickly pulled my hand back as that had hurt a lot. Now my finger stung.

I looked to the papers hesitant but still daring to touch them, so I did and when I did nothing happened, I sighed in relief as it didn't hurt me, I don't like shock.

There was nothing on the papers, they were all blank. But there was a drawing on one of them and it was just little squiggles.

Moving on I grabbed the coins and started stacking them by color. I put the gold at the bottom because I didn't like its yellow color. I then put the bronze in the middle as Brown wasn't the best but it was okay. And then I put silver at top of the stack as I didn't like it, but it was a bit better in color compared with the other 2 colors.

After stacking the coins I then reached over touching the almost empty vile and as I held it in my hand I got curious to what it tasted like so I held it up and took a sip of it.


I didn't like it, it tasted bitter and it got all in my mouth.

I spit it out onto the ground and out the vile back onto the table.

Looking around the room a bit more I saw that at the foot of the table there was a small satchel, and as I walked around and got to the side it was on, I crouched down and went to grab it.

But just as I touched it I felt an extreme sense of danger. It was terrifying and the feeling of it was like having the air trembling around me.

Feeling strongly of where it came from I looked over to my right to see that girl menacingly staring at me and the look in her eyes was kinda scary.

But at the same time it was also kinda hot.

I like danger. . .

Anyways I think this belongs to her?

Grabbing it and feeling the danger around me skyrocket, I stood up and walked over to her and her floating sphere of fire and placed the small satchel at her foot, lowering the danger level.

"Sorry for touching your stuff. Here you go"

But she didn't answer me? Was she mute?

Looking down at her as she sat there holding that fireball, I turned around and looked around some more but there was nothing else to be curious about?

I couldn't go outside yet, it was dangerous.

There was nothing around this room left to explore.

And then there was just this quiet lady who I woke up next to?

Actually, who was she?

Looking back at her as she was staring at me, I leaned in, getting close up and personal to her and as she looked like she wanted to frown, I sniffed her, making her ball her blood-stained fist as she looked to me.

Fixing myself straight up and then moving my bare arm to my nose, I sniffed myself and then excitingly gasped.

"Big Sister!"

Looking down at this unhappy girl. I recognized her scent. It was so very similar to mine in all ways that it was impossible to not realize that she was my sis. But how come I didn't recognize sis sis's face? I can't believe I couldn't recognize her. Is that why she's unhappy?

"I'm really sorry. I didn't recognize you sis sis~"

Moving onto the bed and sitting next to her,

"Are you doing well?"

Moving on the bed behind her and pressing up on her back,

"You don't look too happy. What's wrong?"

Moving back over to her left side and pondering what was wrong with her,

"Are you hungry?"

Looking at her she glanced back to me and from how her expression had slightly softened from a hard stare to a slightly less hard stare, I think I got it right?

But as I was right on the money, I sat on my feet and then looked down to my hands. Pulled on my large shirt and looked down to my body, and then continued onward to feeling my painfully hurt nose.

Looking back to my elder sister,

"Excuse me for a moment and I'll return shortly sister"

*After hearing Hiro say that, he stood up and walked to the opening of the tented room. But this time she didn't try and stop him. Because she had already given him an order and if he disobeyed he was going to get hurt, but she used a command so she doubts he was going to disobey it, especially since the order words differently than how normal orders worked. So watching as he left Mari just sat there holding her sphere of fire for light in this dark room that held no light asides from the light being given off by this flame ball*

. . . . .

*After roughly 20 minutes of sitting there in silence, the curtain to the room opened, and walking in with stream sizzling off of him was Hiro who wore a large shirt that hung down to his thighs. He didn't seem to be in his original pants either, he must have ripped them. Also, his hair was wet, steam sizzled off of it greatly and from how she looked at him and his slightly dampened shirt, his body was also slightly wet as she could see steam coming off of his skin as well*

"I'm ready now. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I had to borrow some water from a Human staying near us"

Looking to my elder sister in this clearly lit room I hope I didn't keep her waiting too long, she didn't seem happy and I didn't want her to stay like that. She even looked so unhappy and hungry that she didn't speak or move.

"I know that it's elders' right to take the lead, but I'd like to take the lead"

Walking over to her I don't know why I said that? But it just felt right? Because the older the age the more right they have over the younger.

And from how I see it she's superior by age and power.

If I had stronger power then it would reverse.

Stepping in front of her she looked to me raising her brow, like if she had been confused, but I guess I'm just overthinking it.

Stepping in and sitting on her lap, she looked at me sharply and I flinched. That evil-eyed look she gave me made my breath race and as I looked back into her eyes, nervously, as if I had messed up, I gulped as my chest then began to pound.

I was getting aroused by her dangerous glare.

"Feel free to eat away at me whenever you feel like it. Because if not I'm just going to it slow"

Hearing me say that her eyes widened and easily looked as me as if she was surprised by my words, but I guess I'm just imagining things again. She must have gotten excited when I said she can bite away at me whenever she wanted or even that I was going to take the long route.

"E-Eat away at you?"

I heard her say but as she opened her pretty mouth, I moved my hand to her cheek and leaned in, closing my eyes and kissing her on the lips.

I think normal girls liked to build the ride and not take it fast, build pace and tempo and make it more of a fantasy with pleasures and sensation more than skipping to the fine dining.

Pressing my soft lips against my sister's roughly chapped lips, I felt my heartbeat accelerate. Taking a step back after giving a little peck which might have surprised her since she might have thought I was going to do something a little more extreme, I then moved both my hands to hers and holding up the hand that held the fire, I leaned in pressing my chest against hers and whispering in her ear as I moved my feet behind her and on the bed as I was in her lap.

"Sis put away your flames, it's time to eat, your main course today is me though, sorry again for keeping you waiting, you must be starving, if you want you don't have to hold back, pin me to the bed and take me whenever you want~"