6 Day Journey

* * * * *Tina's PoV* * * * *

There's a few things I've noticed about Hiro since I woke up...

Okay. . .That's a load of shit.

There is more than just an "I noticed" about him.

To make it more clear let me just explain the first few hours after I woke up on his back which I'm not going to deny how freaking amazing it was to get a piggyback ride after blacking out from hardcore sex.

Wait? Now that I think about it I can describe him in 5 words.

He's like a STRAY cat...

And I'm not lying when I say I've heard him hiss today.

Yeah. . .Long story short it seems as if him and his sister weren't on good terms at the moment, I think that...No...I think it's pretty obvious that they got in a fight back on the ship before it was destroyed.

Let's see what else?

Oh Yeah?

He's Paranoid,

Questionably Stupidly Innocent?

Overly Curious,

Very Unaware.

He's hissed at both Mariah(Mari) and Ursula? ? ?

Yeah, I don't know why he did that either?

That's not all but generally speaking, my mind is beginning to hurt the more I think about this so let's talk about something else, something a bit more different? Maybe like how we found somewhere to rest?

To sum up the main, we stumbled across a forest past the plains, so to avoid the creatures of the night and or predators, we changed paths and went into it.

Which now that I think about it might not have been a good idea either?

Why? Because I know about Ecosystems and how they work.

And the ecosystem we have outside of Nefumia's blessed walls isn't so peaceful.

Especially with Zombies being added to the mix.

Anyways. Everyone was fatigued and in much need of rest to recover strength before we can continue to move our way back home. So we stopped here for the time being. And by here I mean in this forest of surprisingly dense trees.

Nightfall was almost upon us.

And let's just say the rest was very much needed.

Why would I say that? Because damn near everyone collapsed as soon as we found a place to rest and nightfall was soon to be and it's very not safe at night.

Ugh...My head hurts so much despite being carried. . .Anyways.

The only one not tired is Zim.


Right now mostly everyone is asleep under the shade of these robust trees, even I want to take a nap, but can't as we need people to keep watch since most of the Sorcerers are too hurt from the 2nd boat attack and very much need the rest.

Actually, now that I think about it who else is awake?

Looking around as we were scattered,

There's Zim.

Mari seems to be awake and talking to him?

And then there's Ursula.

Hm, I wonder what's she doing over there by herself?

Getting up and walking around as Ursula's peeking around a dense tree, spying on someone, I went around to a 60-degree angle of her so around the trees in front and to the right of her, and as I did I looked at her and then to what she was looking at.

Oh she's spying on Hiro?

Probably because he hissed at her earlier; like a scared and confused cat not wanting smoke but ready to fight regardless.

Sitting down with his leg crossed he seemed to be meditating?

But while he did so he looked really cool while doing it~

There is orange fire circling the outside of his body.

it's incredible~

Wait. . .

Looking back to Ursula why is she spying on him?


I don't know actually? Yeah, it's probably because he hissed at her earlier. Anyways, hehehe, imma watch with her, it's not like I have anything else better to do.

Plus I have to keep watch over my lovely darling encase–

Okay, that's a lie.

Let's be honest here...

He fucked me so good that I can't get it him out of my head, looking over to Ursula I know she's thinking the same seeing at how hard she's drooling over him right now, plus looking down, he had such a hard-on ever since I woke up, I don't know why, but I feel like he's craving some more of us as well~

And I'm down to be pushed around and twirled up inside a bit more, shoot, I'm not complaining if he just so happens to want to take me right now or whenever. Especially after how fucking good it felt. And in a literal manner too~

. . . . .

But just as my mind was filled with dirty thoughts and fantasies I suddenly startlingly heard my hubby's voice.

"Wait... I was threatened, Angels?..."

Peeking past the tree his eyes were open and the flames had faded from around his body as he just stared into the distance shaken by whatever he thought or saw. Wait did he say, Angels?

"Dios. . ."


"Por qué?"

"Ángeles?... Ángeles? Tienes que estar jodidamente bromeando!"

"Nuestro de cada criatura viviente en esta maldita tierra! Envías malditos Ángeles tras de mí!!"

He yelled out of pocket surprising both Ursula and me as we watched from afar, but in turn, he grabbed his head before getting up, turning, kicking the tree, and then walking off into the forest this time cursing in Common tongue.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me God! Why can't the heavens just leave me alone! Fate you 3 are such bitches for this! Fuck you! Fuck Hiro! Fuck all of the choirs! And most of all! Fuck you for cursing me you damn sadist!"

He walked off in a rant but it was easy for us to understand that he was mad. Why? No clue but it has to do with him now holding a grudge against the heavens I suppose???

I guess that's a no to asking him to fuck me then?...

sigh... That sucks...

And I'm horny too. This really sucks....

Wait suck!



We have a girlfriend!

A perverted one at that too!

I hope.... I'm not actually sure yet?

But I'm about to find out!

After all I still need to punish her thoroughly...

Looking back over to Ursula she already left from out of her spot and started following our boyfriend, but as she was walking I ran over and snatched her, startling her as she hadn't known I was near or spying with her.

Hehehe I'm sneaky~


Grabbing ahold of her she looked at me and with a slick smile creeping on my face, "hey I need you for a sec" I didn't forget that I stabbed her earlier or yesterday, she deserved it, and seeing that her arm is movable and not amputated, I guess she's fine~

So grabbing her I took her with me to a quiet spot as she didn't say no, and after I did I told her it was punishment time, and to my surprise, despite her having to think about it for a while, she got on her knees and before I knew it, she was pulling down my pants and making me feel good~

* * *The Next Day* * *

The next day we were traveling, the plains we came back to were long but there were little woodlands we occasionally passed, but there didn't seem to be any undead lurking around or monsters, it was surprisingly easy to navigate without the threat of enemies at a moments notice.

It was almost suspicious?

The following day we were still traveling, some of us grew weak but we kept marching.

The next day we continued on, thankfully the Sorcerer's magic was able to conjure us water from magic, however, we were all starving and soon to be malnourished.

Mari wasn't doing too well either.

And I'm not talking about her relationship with Hiro.

Actually, she collapsed and he ended up having to carry her.

The following day after that it was obvious that she had gotten sick and despite her actually telling us she was fine and to not wait for her as she would be traveling behind us, moving more slowly, so we shouldn't worry and just leave her be.

Hiro refused and threw her over his shoulder,

She was against it but too weak to fight back, so she easily gave in after a few minutes.

The Sorcerers were doing better asides from Mari,

Lex and Zim were the best of all of us,

Even that Ex.Horned Snake who was traveling with us as Ursula's Servant didn't seemed to be exhausted.

I very much want to kill her...

However, despite my feelings towards her.

I thought she died in the ship being destroyed but it seems as if she's tight under Ursula's control, no wait? Ursula tamed the damn beast so I guess it's tammed?

Meh, whatever. Scratch that, what I say again?

Traveling for another day Mari's conditions weren't getting any better, but Hiro was taking care of her so she'll be alright.

She just needs plenty of rest and some food.

Shit, we all need some food.

* * * * *Narrative* * * * *

After 5 days of not feeding on anyone's vitality, Hiro lost control of his mind and went into a lust frenzy, but luckily one of the Sui Sorcerers was able to claim him down using their body before his lust escalated too far.

However, there seemed to be a big problem?

You see he was unable to orgasm due to somebody placing a special lock contraption on him that wasn't removed and so he ended up lusting over that Sorcerer's body until she was left with a little over 10% of her life force and she was forced to use a spell of calming on him so he didn't completely devour her life force.

But even then, he was lustful, and despite her consenting to this and to only calm his lustful state, she knew about him absorbing not just her vitality but a bit more, but she chose to accept it as she was one of the Sorcerer's enslaved with him and she knew that his absorbing wasn't to hurt her, especially from the condition he was in.

She knew he wasn't in his right mind, she used a skill of Pure Sense and knew that he was 100% consumed with an inhuman lust.

However, she couldn't let him continue or else she would die, so pulling his head in and kissing him, leading him on as she knew he was weak to the pleasure of all affection, she then slowly cast a sleep spell while kissing him and distracting him so he didn't disrupt her spell.

And so as he kissed her back, wild like an animal, she cast her spell and he fell into her chest after breaking away for a second when sensing something wrong, but then instantly falling asleep.

After he fell asleep she lifted herself off of him as they were in a sitting position and having sex. And after getting off she decided to help him fix his clothes along with herself before she rested him up against a tree as they were in another forest and out of the Plains of tall grass and no animals or water sources.

But after doing all of that, looking back over to him she blushed and grabbed his head, lowing it to her lap as she began thinking about a few things while stroking his hair.

Meanwhile back to Tina.

After a long rest, waking up, and stretching, she walked around looking for Zim using the moonlight since she came to save Hiro with him but as she did she stumbled upon a sigh far away from the others.

It wasn't anything bad but it made her uncomfortable seeing her boyfriend sleeping on someone else lap when she hasn't done that with him before.

She started getting jealous but restrained herself as nothing seemed to happen.

But she kept getting more jealous, so walking over to them she joined the girl Sorcerer and not noticing anything she chatted with the girl whose face turned hot cherry red the more involved Tina became with her.

* * * * *The Next Day* * * * *

The next day and passing through the forest, They made it to Nefumia's walls.

However, it was the South wall of Nefumia meaning they had to enter the South City of Tel Rahek.

However, this was good for them because Mari suddenly said once they entered the walls of Nefumia and into the city.

"Listen up fuckers! This is the– cough cough!! That hurts like a bitch! Okay! This is Natsu Territory! Take Me and Hiro back to the Main clan trunk(base) and we'll treat you fuckers till you get better, –Cough Cough Cough!!!!"

Mari was very sick at the moment.

But after hearing her say that to them, despite most of them being from a rival clan, they too were sick, weak, and malnourished, so they had no choice but to take Hiro and Mari to the main branch of the Natsu clan.

Aka the Family house or Clan Tree which is their main headquarters.

[Next chapter: Back to Original PoV with Turtle Natsu!]