Master? Who? What? Whata!!!

* * * * *Hiro PoV* * * * *

"Ahh!!! What the heck! Why are you in my bed!!!"

Pushing up there was this annoying voice ringing in my ear, it was like a nat and it was bothering me, so looking to where this annoying buzzing came from, I looked next to me as I moved onto my knees and sat up.

"Hey, can you keep it down I was finally having a dream..."

But looking where the annoying voice came from, I looked to see a red-faced English woman holding onto bedsheets as she looked at me both aggravated and flustered.

Looking to her and then to myself and then to the bed under us. . .(?). . .A giant question mark formed above my head as I was more than confused?

"Hm? Who are you?" I asked wondering why this woman was in MY bed? But she didn't answer back as she gripped the blanket and held it to her large and shapely chest, looking all flustered and mixed up?

But then,

Looking back to myself I instantly covered my chest and looked to her all flustered as I was shirtless and hadn't any clue who this girl was or why I was naked!

"What the hell is going on!!!" Me

Looking to her I suddenly felt this sudden fear as something crossed my mind and it disgusted me..."Who are you! Why are you in my bed! What did you do to me?!" I yelled and she recoiled in shock, but that didn't disintegrate the thought and possibility of whoever this is, assaulting me in my sleep.

"What do you mean! That's what I should be asking you, Hiro!!"

We both pointed at each other but I had no idea what she was talking about? And how come she knew my name! Was she a crazy stalker or something?

"Look crazy just get out or else I'll scream!!!"

"What do you mean you'll scream! I'll scream! This is my bed!"

"No it's not it's mine and you broke into my room and did something awful!!!"

"Nuh-huh you fire-breathing lizard! You did that to me!"

"The hell you call me Human!"

"Who the hell are you addressing as Human, Hiro! I'm your damn Master! Now get the hell out of my bed and explain yourself at once before I beat the living shit out of your sneaky perverted body!"

Wait what?. . .

"Wait what? Your who?"

"You heard me that's an order!"

Without a second thought, my body started moving on its own, "Yes Ma'am" and without actually trying to do anything my body just moved on its own.

Getting up and out of bed and standing there not giving me a chance to retaliate or say anything other than those 2 words back to her. My mouth then started to move on its own as if I was under someone's compulsion.

During this process, I felt defiled.

"Ma'am there is no explanation to give. After coming to the Natsu clan's main department and getting settled in, I was exhausted and fell asleep in the bed I was given? That's all"

Saying that I suddenly shook my head and gasped for air as I broke free from whatever the hell she was doing to control me.

"What the hell was that!"

Looking down I saw that I was in shorts and stripped everywhere else?

"Oh, so I'm not naked? Wait! Not the point! What the hell did you do to me!"

Looking at me still all flustered she bit down on her cheek and looked at me furiously, it was honestly scary as she gave me a tiger-like stare.

"It's called [Servants Order] and as I said before I'm your damn Master, Natsu! So show respect before I have to use a command on you to force you to show respect!"

"Respect my ass bitch! Why the hell was I nearly naked and you're in– I'm in your bed! Are you a pervert? Did you use me you sick m–"

"I did no such thing!"

"Then how do you explain this you English fuck– Gah my head! It still hurts!"

Grabbing my head as cursing the heavens wasn't a smart choice a few days ago, it really hurt and as she shouted something at me I paid it no mind as I dropped down to a single knee and held my head at the edge of her bed.

She spoke but I didn't listen and as I breathe hard I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up with a slight set of tears in my eyes it was her and as she looked to me holding her chest still, she looked concerned as my vision started to blacken...

Everything soon faded to black in a few seconds.

Waking up in that black space, "I haven't been here since I woke up free? How strange?" but as I looked into the blackness I suddenly saw a sleeping me on the floor, it was Hiro's fragment and next to him was that girl me?

She's still here?

I thought she was going to vanish or something?

Not giving it much thought I then blinked and as soon as I did I felt fuzzy like I was in a light daze? Opening my eyes I saw light and sitting up as I was laying down I was in a bed, this time it was empty and I was under the covers.

That must have been a dream? How awful.

Turning over I squinted my eyes as someone's awful breath smacked my face, and as I looked in front of me I looked to see none other than my master?

What the hell?!

Shocked beyond imagine I tried scooting away but as soon as I moved the bed squeaked and a pair of arms wrapped around my head pulling me into a fluffy softness.

It was her breast but this time she was wearing clothes.

And I guess I wasn't assaulted because I feel shorts on my body.

But wait? When the hell did I ever put shorts on?

Also. . .Lemme go your suffocating me you scary-ass woman!

Pushing her away I moved my hands to her big boobs and pressed, making her make a soft noise but in the same matter setting me free as her grip lessened, and then I proceeded to pull away.

Breaking away I shifted off of the bed and stood up.

Looking to this supposed Master of mine she grabbed the blanket and hugged it, practically snoring away.

"You might look cute while sleeping like this but I won't forgive you"

Turning around and walking over to some folded clothes set on a small table in the middle is the room, it was one of those you sit on the floor tables, so I came over and grabbed her clothes or whoever they belong to.

Picking it up I looked back to her snoozing away, tossing and turning in bed with drool coming down from her mouth, I then frowned as I looked to her drooly face and could feel something warm on my back.

I really don't wanna know what it is...

"I swear if it wasn't for me being an Incubus I would be Aero"

Unfolding the clothes I looked to it wanting to put it on, but it was a damn Yukata; A Summer Kimono...

"No way am I putting that on!"

Tossing it back onto the small table I then walked away, leaving this dull room belonging to my Master.

Anyways this is the Natsu's main branch, Hiro's only met like one other Natsu in the story and never associated with anything relating to his overall clan, so I think I want to explore while I can.

Hm?... I feel like I'm forgetting something?

Also, where's Mari? I need to check on her condition? She better have not gotten sicker. I swear to God if she gets iller I'm going to shove my foot so far up her ass that her mother will feel it!

Wait she's our mother???