
Leaving the room I was instantly caught off guard, "Woah! Why is this hallway so big!" like seriously I'm not joking when I say that it's big! It's like 4 of me stacked on each other and wide enough to fit the finger of a massive giant!

"Now I have to know what the rest of this place looks like. I bet the Natsu's main branch is humongous!"

"Especially if this is only the sleeping area!"

"Wait. . .Okay let's put this on hold, we need to find Mari first"

"Wait but where could she be?"

"You know what I'm not doing this alone"

Turning around and going back into the room I ran over and jumped onto the bed "Gah!" landing right on my master and waking her up as I landed my butt on her belly and she jolted awake.

"Wake up "Master!" it's not good to sleep the day away~!"

See I told myself I was going to be the one torturing her and I was not telling a fib, it's not the other way around, the only torture I went through with her was smelling her horrible breath when I woke up for the second time today.

"Ah what the hell are you doing!"

"Waking you up of course~"

But before I could get yelled at and or ordered around with that special control she has over me, I smiled brightly and grabbed her shoulders, leaning in and saying directly to her face.

"Hey Master help me find my sister!"

But hearing me say that she jolted harder than when I jumped on her, she gave this complex look of fear, and seeing that emotion written all over her face, I hid a grin behind this sweet smile.

"W-Why?–" but interrupting before she could speak, " My sister's still ill remember? Come, get up and help me find her, Master"

I was a persuasive devil as I said she was still ill on purpose, because if I knew any better, my master was scared of my sister, even though there's nothing really to worry about seeing as elder sister is harmless for the most part and there's no reason for anyone to be scared of her.

(Meanwhile, flashbacks to her brutally hitting people without using her powers...)

I could use this to my advantage~

Wait we're talking about Mari? Oh shit.

I forgot who she was for a big moment.

Never mind she's someone that we all should be scared of.

Especially Me!

But I have a valid excuse for being scared of her.

She's still one of me death flags and I need her not to be, Arg...

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it?

Why the hell was I traveling down the previous Hiro's road earlier, bitch I'm trying to survive not to end up paste under someone's boot sooner or later.

So with saying that I looked down to her with my smile slowly fading from my face and she gulped. . .

"There is no way I'm going to–"

* * *

"I thought we were going to find Mari?"

"We are~ Were just taking a small detour~"

"Detour?... More like a luxurious tour for one of us"

"More or less~~~"

"At least you could admit to it..."

Yeah so she gave in~ And with that we had left her room not too long ago but she forced that damn Yukata around me because of my lack of clothing...

God, it's so embarrassing. No offense to the origin and lovers of these, but I've never been a fan of these things, I can't remember my past life but kimonos are a big no go for this guy.

So currently walking around this humongous building there was so many hallways and every few minutes that we walked around just exploring this building, I would get to see some servants that worked here, and from the crest on their robe; since it was a flame, I'm assuming their fellow Natsu's.

"Wow, even the servants here are Natsu's!"


Looking to Master as she sighed that, I was confused on why she said that, "How so?" she had me curious, "What?" oh does she just not like Natsu's, "Do you not like members of the Natsu clan?" then again she is from a rival clan?

"Very much"

Nailed it!

"Does that mean you also dislike me?"


"I see so you just see me as your slave then? Makes sense, we are from opposing clans, it's only to be expected" Hearing me explain in those words, she who was looking to me and pondering squinted as if she hadn't expected that sort of response from me?

But then again I could be wrong?

Who am I to guess what she's thinking when I recently regained mind in all fairness.

However she makes me suspicious due to her lenience with me. I should not have gotten away with a lot of what I'm doing, so she must have something planned, or could it be that my sister's and clan's presence really do hold such an affect over her in this moment?


I bet if I tried retaliating right now while in this form I could get her killed and then be free...

Yeah that sound easy enough, just walk into the open and scream that this Sui Girl had forced upon me slavery and my brothers and sisters in kin would come to save me without hesitation or asking questions.

After all no one other than the Sui and my sister know that I'm Hiro Natsu of this clan, so if I do it now while I'm still anonymous then everything can go just as planned and I'll be free.

I know I will.

"Never mind"


Looking over at her while walking I guess I spoke out without thinking, "Oh it's nothing, Master" yeah there's no point in killing her straight away, because if I'm brought back to the Sui clan that means I'll be brought to the Northern City of Nefumia and I'll be able to gain much more resources than I can in a normal life with Mari and the rest of the gang.

But then again I'll be a slave...

Or maybe if I pull my cards right and seduce her with my charm I'll be able to become her servant?

Looking back over to Master she glanced at me and, [Charm], "What? Is there something on my face" she scratched her cheek, shit it didn't work, my charm does not affect her.

Also now I can't use charm for the rest of today.

I only get one shot at it a day until I become a complete incubus which should be soon.

Also now that I think about it there's so many things that aren't adding up which all revolve around my involvement and master relationship?

Like is she going to let me participate in the tournament before taking me with her since my sister probably won't let her leave if I can't do it since she had already mentioned it to me on the ship at least once.

Wait or was that before the ship?

Oh and like I said before, she's been very laid back with me unlike how the usual slave and master relationship would be?

3rd how come she knows my name that's very suspicious?

But then again since I don't remember the auction, Lady Clementine or whoever hosted could have announced my name since they obviously sold me off to her.

Actually now that I think about it, it pisses me off to believe that she associated with those filthy Necromancers and bought damn slaves!

No! That's how Hiro feels not me! I could care less about others! I crave my own freedom and survival!

Ugh! But I seriously just want to break her teeth in and feed her to a fucking Steele Scaled Alligator!! She's such a sick fuck for associating with those damn Necrons!!!

Wait didn't I fuck one though?

Yeah I did!!!

Now I'm mad at myself!!!

Wait how come I'm mad at myself? It's not like I was actually conscious? My body was basically on autopilot for the both of us. The hell are you mad at me for!

You did it!!!

No! You did it!

"Hiro just shut up!"

I blurted out clenching my fist and startling her as she walked directly besides me, "What?" Oh my God did I really just blurt that out loud? Also, was I just fighting my consciousness? Fuck...

"Sorry, please ignore me," I said to her and we kept walking around.

"Hiro, stop holding grudge against them, it's bad for the both of us" I'm whispering to myself.

"Shit like he can hear me, we're both the same person after all" Yeah I'm not getting anywhere with this, am I?

Walking around and traveling the large building we finally got to the inner outer side of the living area and as one part of the wall was missing, it exposed this gigantic large open piece of land connected to several other buildings forming what seemed to be a square Was this place a Clan Main Branch or a Monk Temple? Like for real, there's even 2 large door-wall-gates leading deeper into the clan and out of the clan, meaning that this place is even bigger and there was so much more to it than caught the eyes!

Walking on the wooden path of the hallway while looking out into the open area which I'll just call the everyday courtyard since I don't actually know the name and it's a huge open court.

We were walking still in the building and as we walked I noticed several people of all ages, kids, teens, those around my age, but no adults or elders actually? and as we walked they all suddenly looked over to us.

Well more like they looked over towards the Master.

And as they looked at her, "What's one of those people doing here?" I heard one of the kids around my age say in disgust as they looked towards the Sui girl which was my master.

And in hearing and seeing this I looked towards her and she kept her head down, but I wasn't standing for it, I'm not brave but I just don't like bullies, unless it's myself but I usually have some sort of reason which involves touring the people around me for such example my master and or sister and friends~ Hehehe.

Turning to them, "Hey! Mind your words when speaking to my friend here or else you'll end up with trouble punk!" I yelled at him turning their attention away from the master and towards me.

But in hearing that a vain appeared on the head of this young adult and he didn't look to be in a good mood as he clapped his fist into his palm and looked at me.

"Whatchya gonna do about it kid, Cry? Actually why don't you fuck off you traitor, anyone who associates with a Sui shouldn't belong to our prestigious clan"

Hearing this arrogant motherfucker talk like he was the king of hotcakes on a Saturday afternoon, I balled my fist and gritted my teeth, "I'm so going to kick your ass punk" but before I could hop out of this hall and approach him, Master grabbed me by the collar and started dragging me.

"We haven't the time for this, Natsu. Let's go find your sister to check her conditions" she pulled me.

"Running away so soon! Cowards!" he yelled.

"Just wait right there I'll come back to kick your ass, bastard" I yelled.

But we all knew I wasn't coming back, why? Ahhhhhhh...

Because there's no way in hell I'm fighting that guy, I now know how to use my demonic powers and I can only use them in life "threatening dangers", and I still barely understand Sorcery and Magic, so I'm like a toddler in the sorcery community, plus I still don't know how to fight.

Yeah so I wasn't taught how to use my Demonic powers, the knowledge just came to me when I woke up in that hardened black last week which I'm still very confused about?

Like why was I in that?

Also, what was it?

ALSO... I'm just going to say this now but I'm so backed up it's painful, I haven't been able to you know cum since before that ship ride and I don't know what's keeping me from but I'm about to cut off this dick because it's painful and I tried orgasm unlock but I didn't do this to myself and I can feel myself crying on the inside.

Yup Yup, truly devastating.

This has the be the biggest blue balls of the century...


Anyways still being pulled along by Master, she suddenly stopped as we were walking in another hallway with both walls and as a servant past us, she asked her for directions to Mari Natsu's room and though the servant frowned and looked at her in disgust, she soon looked to me and biting her tongue told us where she was but with a lot of sass.

God the Natsu's are a bunch of pricks?

After dealing with that hassle we then went a few halls down and back around close to where we originally went, but as soon as we were outside of Mari's room, Master just walked away?

"Master where are you going?!"

"I'm going back to my room to rest, I'm tired, find me later when you're done taking care of your sister"

"But don't you want to stay? I bet my sister would enjoy your company, Master" she did sell me to you.... Bitch....

Saying that she gulped and her hand twitched, hehehe it's fun teasing people like her, I'm so going to enjoy torturing her with my presence~

"No time, I can barely keep my eyes open as it is and your sister needs the added rest as well, she is sick after all"

"Very well, I'll inform her that you promised the next time you'll stay longer"


But before she could turn around I opened the sliding door and slipped into my sister's blazing hot room, voiding my master's last words as I slipped away.

"Mari! I'm here to check up on you! You up?!"

I yelled meaning to wake her up if she hadn't already. . .

Look I'm still salty towards a lot of these people and my kindness is going to be double-sided for my entertainment until I get a headache and or bored.

So looking over to her with a happy little smile I saw that she was already awake and drinking something in a fancy white gold caressed teacup.

"Do you have to be so loud so early?"

"Yup, the better the energy was introduced to the more positive we're all going to be~ It's like hippy 101~" please don't sting me!

Agh, it stings!

"sigh, whattaya want?"

Her attitude towards me really has shifted since we first met?

It's not bad though, I'm honestly glad, she's not threatening to stuff me into a cage this time, that was pretty scary when I first came to this world and met her.

"It's time for a checkup, I'm here to help ya recover and check on your conditions~!"

"There's no need, I have a medic already taking care of me, I should be fully recovere– Cough, by tomorrow or the next day before the tournament"

"Don't care! I'm here to help so lay back and let your little brother check on your health, today I'm playing doctor sis, and you're my patient~"

"Why? There's no need for this? And did you really just incorporate my life with your silly medical game!"


"You're unbelievable..."


"Ugh, just be quick with it!"

"I'll try"

Hehehe I'm a doctor now~

* * *

After playing doctor and happily finding out that my sister's sickening conditions have died down to a strong fever, I put away the imaginary medbox and doctors coat and sat at the edge of her bed kicking my feet as I was happy she played along with my game like a good patient.

Despite me worrying for her life for real for a few days while traveling. . .

But that's in the past, were safe, she has access to common medicine, and we're all good.

Well except me.

I'm in this small body still and it's rather annoying.

Actually doesn't Mari know a spell to do something about this?

Looking over to Mari as I crossed my legs and put my hands in my lap,

"Hey sis by any chance do you have a spell to disguise me as my old self?"

I asked and she just looked back at me nonchalantly.

"Why are you asking me for a spell like that when it's obvious that you already know how to do so"


"You look like him, have the same aura as him, your practical him, but I guess no matter how hard you try you can never actually be him can you?"

"Huh? Mari what are you talking about"

I questioned as her chilled tone was scaring me as she said that, but then she suddenly looked me dead in the eyes and said.

"Hey. Your not actually Hiro are you? You're actually a Demon pretending to be him"