Mari's Hoax

"Hey. Your not actually Hiro are you? You're actually a Demon pretending to be him"

Sitting there having my legs crossed and my hands in my lap, I'm just looking at her. I'm looking at her as she looks back at me and there's this dead silence as we're just looking dead into the eyes of each other.


There were no words spoken, she just raised her hand and aimed her palm at me. Fire. . .Fire swarmed her palm like a fury of voracious birds while I merely stare at her blankly as she aims a sphere of blistering fire at me.

Sweats pouring down me like drizzle.




Is this how we die?

No I won't go out like this!!!

As she's aiming a fury of fire at me, I clench my fists.

And a raging haze of red starts manifesting from out of me.

I'm going to attempt to use Domain!

There's a one in a hundred chance of this working as I haven't the needed energy to use this Technique. Nor have I comprehended it. But there's no time to think about the chances!

I can't give up now, she's aiming to kill me!

So I need to escape.

And then run far away from here.

Because I know her and she'll hunt me down in search of her actual brother.

But he's gone.

He's me.

But she won't ever understand that.

And she'll kill me for sure.

Glancing around the room for a chance at hope, "Don't look away from me, Monster!" her voice startled me as it suddenly rang out loud and made me snap my sight of vision back at her to see that she had shifted that blazing sphere of fire into a glove and changed positions on the bed to come at me.

Seeing her move onto her knees like she was going to jump at me with that very hot hand of hers, "What do you mean!? You're more of a monster than me!" I kicked my legs out of the crossed sitting position I was in, in an attempt to move away before she could do anything.

But in saying that and doing that, she didn't respond, instead, she came at me. . . Crawling. . . And since we were already so close she swiped her fire cover hand at me.

But in turn, I raised my arm to block.

Her heavy hand came swinging at me and as I blocked her swipe, she forced my arms towards me with her heavy hit, but with a mere swipe that acted as more of a slap, her hand burned me, I could feel the burns on my arm from where she hit and I jumped in place from how hot the burn hurt.

In no way do I want to get hit again.

Seeing me jump from her swipe, I guess she kicked on the bed because she came at me fast, but I didn't want to get hurt again, I felt tears swell in my eyes from the heat enveloping my arm and I was terrified even though it might not seem like it since this is all just happening so fast.

So as she came at me I tried using domain but then had to shove her when she got close. Why isn't it working! Why isn't Domain working? Domain isn't working and I'm panicking as I push her away and turn in place to try and make an escape.

Turning and attempting to make my way off of the bed in any way that I could.

I made my attempt to run away but when I did I screamed as I felt the burning heat engulf my ankle "Ahh!!" it was Mari and she had grabbed me by the ankle with her blazing hand. Why won't you just let me run! I'm not hurting anyone! I've done nothing wrong leave me alone! I'm shaking with fear like someone struck and abused by their lovers, overtaken with that fear I'm doing whatever I can to escape from this Sorcerer who found out I was a Demon, so kicking her in the face once I loosened her grip on my ankle and kicking her in the face again, I mustered the strength to rip my foot from out of her weakening grip and blazing hand.

And breaking away I was damn near about to break down and cry as I grabbed the edge of the bed and pulled myself off of it.

Falling onto the ground I didn't care for the pain that came to my elbows as I hit the ground, I pushed up slamming my hand on the ground and then I put the flat of my foot on the ground under me and I lunched myself up and at the door

I have no Demonic Power left to battle her to escape and it's suicide to fight her in a game of Phyric flames, so I just need to run while I still have the motherfucking strength too!

Because fuck this I'm not fighting someone I know can easily beat me!

I can't even use Domain!

There's no way in heaven that I can ever beat her by myself!

I'm aiming for the door!–

I need to Run! Run!! Run!!!

Getting up off the ground and running towards the door, I'm betting my life on making it to that door before Mari can muster the courage to chase me or use a spell!

I'm not going to die!

"Halt that's an order!"

I'm going to die!

. . . . .

My body froze as I was halfway to the door. Come on you piece of shit don't freeze up on me now! There's only a few feet left! But my body won't listen to me and I'm just standing there while looking at my only freedom from death, that door.

"Grabragabra!" My mouth won't open.

"Turn around"

Turning around she was sitting up on the bed and looking at me with a high demeanor as if she was some mob boss and I just came breaking in ready for the final battle to something.

But her flames were diminished? She was just looking down at me now with barely even a sour look. What the hell? Is she mocking me before she kills me?

"Bastard. How dare you kick me in the face! You're going to pay severely for doing that! Ugh. But now is not the time for this I guess? I'll make you suffer for it another time. So now listen up Demon! This is an order! Break 1 bone on your body for every lie that comes out of your mouth when answering these next questions"

No it's even worst. She's not mocking me. She's. . .

Oh God. Why the hell are you so cruel to me. She looks as if she's holding back the urge to tear me to shreds because she knows torturing me will feel a lot better. . .

I don't wanna be tortured while actually conscious this time.

I'm weak-minded just like every other NORMAL Human. I'm not like a comic book or webnovel character reborn, I can't just kill something or get stabbed and then be okay a few minutes later.

I have something called a fragile mind and sanity which I need to consistently keep under control. Please stop trying to break me..

"Yes ma'am," I said without the ability to speak my mind.

She seriously can't see it but I'm internally weeping right now.

Please don't ask me anything! Just send me away! I'm begging you just like Witt Lowry! No fucking more! Ahh that hurt but was so worth it!

Please just put me out of my misery and I'm not just saying that because of the aching stubbing my head right now! What I mean is I literally can't do this! I've already been put through suffering once while my body was on something similar to an autopilot and from what I've seen and done I can't do this! I seriously can't do being tortured again!!!

I don't wanna do this!

I don't wanna do this! !

I don't wanna do this! ! !

"Now answer my question, where–"


She was instantly taken back.

I plopped down onto my knees and the waterworks started flowing.

Am I having a breakdown???

. . . . .Mari PoV. . . . .

What the hell?

Looking down at the Demon who's taken the place of my brother, he just fell down. . .Crying?. . .Why the hell is he crying?!!!

This seriously makes no sense?

And for someone of the Demon race who've I've heard to be an overly terrifying race of creatures. . .

This Demon is such a fucking cry baby?!

"Yeah, your definitely not my brother. My Hiro wouldn't ever cry"

"That's because Hiro is a soldier!"

So the Demon does know who my brother is?

"Who are you calling a fucking soldier! Me and Hiro we're trained since young to work with the Slayers! "We're" Slayers. And there's no Soldiers, Demon! If that's what type of identity you were looking for! You should've targeted a Nefumia Guard!"

Ugh this Demon is so unbelievable, shit by how much he's crying and rubbing his eyes I don't even think he's paying attention to me. I should hit the shit outta him for ignoring me!


But I could be wrong too.

What if it wasn't a soldier's identity the Demon wanted to steal.

What if its true goal was to infiltrate are Natsu clan?

Yeah, and since this Demon seems to have a strong affinity for the Fire Attribute it makes perfect sense.

So that rules it out.

It makes perfect sense after all.

This Demon in front of me Infiltrated our family for something having to do with our clan since its only goal was to get here to the Main Branch.

But I need more information first though.

*Hiro's crying even more on the ground*

*The fire burns from on his arm and ankle aren't healing and hurt really really bad*

Ugh, his weeping is seriously annoying me, I should get him to answer my questions quickly before I kill him.

"Now answer my question, where is my brother!"

"Where is Hiro!"

Looking down at him as he was on his knees, weeping and crying, he looked up at me with watery eyes and he opened his mouth.

"I'm Hiro. I'm just not the same Hiro. Technically I'm the same Hiro but were Hiro but different!"

That made no sense?

"The hell are you talking about!"

"I'm just an ordinary person who's been fucked over by God, Me and your Hiro we're reborn as one! He's Hiro and I'm Hiro now!"

"Seriously what are you talking about?!"

He's not breaking any of his bones, he's telling the truth.

But seriously what the fuck is he talking about, I can barely understand him with all that fucking crying!

"I'm a Hiro Reborn!"

He started spilling everything, like how he was "juked" by the heavens and his soul and my brother's soul were blended and they were both reborn as a new soul in my world.

"So. Reborn. Huh? Shit, I had no idea on this one? I kinda knew about the whole Demon part from the start, but you're actually a reborn? What're the chances???"

"You what!!!" he's still crying?

"Yeah. I've learned a lot from Zim"

"I was just fucking with you for the hell of it back there, I didn't expect for you to break down and cry or tell me any of this, I was hoping you would pretend to be all hard and stuff so I could hit you a bit"

He didn't lie to me but I feel like this Demon wasn't telling me everything. . .

But now I guess I can't actually kill him.

Not yet.

. . . . .Hiro PoV. . . . .

Still on the ground and weeping, I'm just looking at her.

"You really are a monster!"

"Says the one who was reborn with a Demon. Sucks to be you Hiro"