No Longer Mortal

"How long are you going to keep bugging me by sitting there and weeping? Will you get out already? There's literally no point in you disturbing my rest any longer than you already have, I need the rest and you should go do whatever monsters do, I really don't care as long as you stay close by, so go, shoo, I need rest and we still have a tournament in 3-4 days, so bug off and don't come back unless I call for you"

Says the lady still sitting in bed and watching as her helpless little brother is crying on the floor, too hurt to move because she burned his motherfucking ankle and hurt his arm.

"You're so cruel! You hurt me so bad I can't stand! *crying*"

Looking down at me like "Deadass?". She glared at me as I was still crying and hadn't moved from out of that spot on the floor, I think I might have been on the ground for like a half-hour letting it all out, I don't recall how long it's been, all I know is she's been getting very irritated by my presence and has been referring to me as Monster which doesn't sound as bad as it seems.

"And who's fault is it that you got hurt, you shouldn't have kicked me"

"You attacked me first!!!"

"Mm-hm. Maybe if you hadn't lied to me and deceived me about all of this I wouldn't have been so hostile, after all, I thought you were just some demon, how would I have known?. . ."

"But you said you knew from the start!!!"

"Yeah, I suspected you weren't Hiro from the beginning, the Demon part is new information, thank you Zimm, our kind uncle"

"Your both horrible!!!"

"Horrible how?"

"He left me in the dark and you keep hurting me!"

The sobbing continued. . .

"Says the one who used that illusion to torture me for what felt like a month. Also don't blame Zimm for not telling you anything, he's my uncle, not yours, he shouldn't have to be given anything to an outsider like you, you otherworlder"

"That makes no sense, just because part of me is from another place doesn't mean I should be treated any less than–" I was going to say something peaceful and positive like your family, but then she interrupted me.

"Stop talking!" Her

"From how I see it, you have the body of my little brother but you aren't him. You're someone else entirely so stop trying to act cute and be like him when your not!" Her

She said getting more upset with me as she spoke.

"Anyways! I have something to tell you Demon! So listen up and listen hard because I won't say it again!" Her

She put her hand to her mouth and coughed before speaking.

"Welcome to the Natsu clan you newbie! From today on you're just another Natsu Sorcerer which you should be lucky that you were born with us and our prestige clan instead of born into this world as someone boring and ordinary. Also as of now you have the title of worst Natsu Sorcerer and Trash so deal with it and raise in the ranks just like the rest of us!" Her

You're just saying that I'm still Hiro in this clan but now I'm just nothing to you. . .

"Now fuck off and don't come back until I need you! You little monster I still own you along with that Sui"

Wow how inspirational. . .You hear the sarcasm in my thoughts, I think her words make me want to commit arson. Wait did she just say she owns me!???

"Since when do you own me!"

The sobbing lessened.

"Since the beginning, now you better listen to me or else our clan will have a field day dissecting a real-life Demon that snuck into our world from the depths of the abyss"

"Wow! Your really going to do me like this when you're a Demon just like me! The only difference between us is that I've actually become a Demon both in flesh and blood while your inner monster is slumbering away just waiting for the day to finally wake up!"

"Tch shut the hell up and just get out!"

So I wasn't lying about the Demon blood but I don't think Mari will ever become a Demon, I think that was Hiro's thing, it's possible that Mari could become one, but it's unlikely since she closely resembles those other psychopaths.

"You stupid lunatic I can't move my leg. You hurt my ankle with your fire!"

I'm not even sobbing anymore, there's tears and I'm still on my knees, sitting, but we're just yelling back and forth now.

"Ugh, you're so annoying! Are you seriously going to make a sick maiden get up to help your ass!"

"Maiden my ass! You're more of a man than anyone in this place"

I shouldn't have said that, a vein bulged on her forehead and she kicked off the covers and stood up, hopping down to the ground and approaching me with crazy hostility.

"Call me a man again! I dare you!"

She's a gorilla if anything.

"Then how'd you like to be called a "Strong Woman" because that is you!" I'm calling you a man still! Biiiiittttcccchhhhh

I tried being insulting but I don't know how well it worked?

However by doing that...

She chucked me out of the room. . .

. . . . .

After being thrown out of her room and hitting the ground which hurt even more as I didn't just plop on my butt, I crashed and rolled, sitting up I wept even more as I was serious when I said I couldn't stand, I couldn't even move my foot, that's how hurt my ankle was, it felt like it was consistently burning and the pain wouldn't go down.

Sitting out there for a few minutes I was still crying while sitting in the middle of the hallway, but now I was just holding my hurt arm, I seriously don't like pain, pain is bad, I don't want to feel this.

"Hey just cut off your arm and you won't have to feel a thing"

I heard a voice from in my head? It was that girl?

"Why are you talking to me while I'm awake! Stop making me feel insane!" I cried out.

"Fine Fine. Even though this is a once in a Blue Moon chance for me to talk to you like this since your sanity is dangerously low right now"

"Stop rem–inding me. . ."

"God you sound horrible"

"I... feel horrible..."

"Anyways I have good news that might cheer you up"

"Didn't I say stop talking to me, please I'm begging you"

"I know but come on, I know you and this will cheer us up"

"Fine, what it is. . .hfff."

"Okay remember when we first met and then you woke up? Don't answer I'm telling you now. Well you gained two sheets of information that were absorbed into your mind, it was [Incubus's Domain] which you've only been using half its potential seeing as you've only been using it as [Domain] which is kinda impressive seeing as you haven't practiced it"


"Oh nothing, I just wanted to say how cool you are before going on"

". . ."

"Next is your [Immortality], congrats on not being able to die"

"It's not immortality though? I can still die, easily too"

"Wow you're so depressing?. . .Anyways, I haven't finished talking yet you party pooper"


"Your Immortality has limited factors just like every other living being. Good news we got rid of our age because now we don't age and that factor can't hurt us anymore. Shoot normal weapons won't be able to hurt us anymore either. After all, were immune to all physical attacks. Sure it'll hurt like hell to be sliced up but we can't exactly die–"

"You're telling me stuff I already know, I get it. I'm no longer mortal. What can you tell me that I don't know?"

"I don't know what you don't know? Or know? Can you tell me what you know? Me" She asked taking my mind away from the pain.

"I'm just like every other Incubus from the myths, I can't die by normal means, to kill me you need a magic weapon or magic, I survive off of sexual energy and life force, I will live forever but that's only because my main life factor as a human is gone, and my magical strength and lust as an incubus will grow the older I get due to my Demon factor of the older I am the stronger I naturally get"

"Wow so you didn't need me to tell you, cool beanz"

"Of course, I don't need you to tell me, dummy, I'm like a walking encyclopedia, I've just chosen not to tell people the most of what I know"

"What does that mean?"

"I know how to kill the litches"

"You do! Isn't that something you should be sharing"

With her saying that in my head I shut my mouth, of course, I know how to kill the litches, if anything it's still the same method from in D&D, so that makes it easy but both hard at the same time.

However, I refuse to share that information with these people.

Only will I share my information with the people I trust won't take it and then kill me.

So that's only one group of people.

The league of N... Ouh, my ankle, it's burning again, owwie owie, it hurts. How come my foot hurts now but when I mentioned the other thing my head didn't hurt!

"Hey tell me. Your mind is like a temple so I have no clue if you're telling me the truth or not"

"You promised to leave me alone, just do it!"

"If you tell me I'll tell you how to start your healing factors"

"There's no one on this continent that can beat her, so go ahead and tell me already!" I broke easily, yeah, that's all the info she's getting out of me. God, how can my own mind hassle me, that's fucked up.

"Really? That sucks"

"Tell me how to heal already! It hurts!!!"

"Yeah. . .About that. You don't have the necessary requirements to supernaturally heal yet, I don't think this Rank of Demon/Incubism has it?"

"You bastard!"

"Okay I have to go make sure Hiro's fragment stays asleep like you asked me to, bye-bye, love ya me"

"Youza Bitch!"

With her voice not talking to me anymore, I cursed her for her foul play. But I was soon unable to bear with the pain on my leg and grabbed the 2 areas around the burnt part of my ankle.

Eww, looking at my ankle the skin around there was charred and black like coal, there was blood all around it and I could see some pinkish-red flesh being exposed from the area that feels like it's on fire as it continued to leak blood out in a slow oozing manner.

I think I'm going to be sick I hate the sight of blood.

More over my own.

Why is Mari so violent???

If she knew I was Hiro and not an imposter, why did she play so hard like that? No it feels like she's purposefully trying to hurt me. Like she grabbed my leg on purpose with intentions to cripple me.

Or I'm overthinking it.

Don't care it hurts so much.

God I want to cry some more, this pain is awful, I can't even get up from out of this spot!

Why is Hiro's luck such shit, I don't deserve this!

No one deserves the constant suffering I've gone through.

I seriously can't catch a break...

. . . . .

Sitting there for a few more minutes just weeping and trying to calm down as blood dripped down from my ankle to my foot and then onto the ground, I felt like a wounded animal out in the open who could be prayed on at any moment.

I don't want to be out here any longer, I need to go, especially since I'm in front of my bitch sister's room. Geeze why do I get attached to people so easily, I need to be more cold, I just wanted to have fun and maybe act normal and look where that got me...



Looking over to my left I saw someone walking down the hallway, it was a Natsu servant, good this is my time to shine with shitty acting skills. . .No, not necessarily, I'm pretty desperate, this ain't even acting at this point.

"Hey can you help me! I hurt my ankle and need help"

Yelling out the man noticed me on the ground and rushed over to help. Gosh and here I thought there everyone in the Natsu clan was going to be obnoxious or like my sister, thank God there's good people like him, I hope he's good at least?

The man helped me back to my room and despite putting up with my sobbing, he left and then came back with some ointment for my ankle.


Why do I feel so helpless right now!

You know what maybe because I am helpless? I literally couldn't stand up without the help of this guy.

Geeze I feel pathetic.




I'm hungry now?

Looking down at the man as he's gently wrapping my ankle since he insisted that it needed to be wrapped I kinda licked my lip as I looked at him and the room around me flashed a hazy red,

The members of the Natsu clan have this orangish haze surrounding them?

The more that I look at it the more that I think...

It's pretty.

. . . . .

Looking at him, "Thank you for helping me" I said looking at him as I watched the pretty orange haze float around him, "No, I'm glad you called me when you did, these burns are serious, if you weren't a Phyric Sorcerer I'm pretty sure that you might have lost your foot" he said with high concern but I didn't pay much attention to it as I wondered how I can get my haze to turn orange.

Looking at my hands I clenched my open hand into a fist and a small haze of red consumed my hand, why is my haze red? I want it to be a pretty sunset orange like his...

"You're a good person. Are all Natsu's here like you?"

I said turning my direction of sight over to him.

"Haha, you flatter me. But I'm just assisting you like I should as a humble servant of this Branch"

He said finishing up wrapping my foot.

Tightening my foot up and with ease he ended it and then looked over at me.

"Now I would suggest you change the bandage every day since your foot needs to be cleaned and treated regularly, especially since what I used wasn't that special, just something common even these bandages are just some rags I scraped up"

"You're an honest soul, thank you for all that you could do for me"

"I find joy in helping others. So if you wouldn't mind would you like for me to come back tomorrow and treat you some more?"


"We don't get many visitors and if you'll excuse my language, I find your presence more calming than I do with the families of the main branch"

I guess the Incubus aura of adapted comfortably is working or whatever it is seeing how comfortable he Is speaking with me since with one word from me and I don't doubt that I can get him severely punished for saying that?

"I'd really enjoy it if you come back. My name is Hir... Turtle Natsu, you can just call Turtle if you want though, I find them both simple to remember"

Yo, I was thinking of hiding my name but I think just going by that past not Hiro's name is better while I'm stuck in this small form to avoid Hiro's persecution.

"Turtle? Like s giant Dragon Turtle huh? Okay Turtle, my name is Kyoshime. It's a pleasure to be serving you while you're here!"

"Can I call you Kyo? Sorry I'm not so good with names"

"I guess that's acceptable, Turtle"

"Hehehe" Mission successful more like it.

Mission 1 of things to do: Make a male friend on my own since there are way too much crazy chicks around me and this could be a good thing.

Next mission...

Find something lively to eat. I'm starving...

Looking over to the servant I decided to make them my friend, I took advantage of the incubus's ability to adapt to their sounding and become natural party to mostly all races, so since he was already quite friendly towards me from the start, I was going to make this human my friend!

. . . . .

After a little bit, I then waved goodbye as he had to leave, but he made sure to step back in tomorrow, he's a good person, sweet soul, I wonder how he could have been born a Natsu, he doesn't seem like the type to be bad-tempered or hot-headed?

Eeh I'm hungry so let's put this on hold.

But I don't feel like getting up...

Can I even get up? ? ?

I have no idea...

Awe this sucks.

*Knock Knock*

"Um excuse me? I heard that guests were staying here? May I come in to meet you"

I heard the delicate voice of some maiden come from outside of my door and as I looked over to them a smile crept onto my face,

"It looks like my meal came to me"

The world all around turns a tinted red.

"Come on in. . .My name is Turtle. Let's get acquainted~"