Where I'm At.

For the first two weeks of my life there was this constant fear that it would all vanish before I could even get to experience what some would call a fresh start.

I feared what was to come to Hiro and what was supposed to happen to me.

But it didn't happen because I changed our fate by tossing the very thing that caused the suffering to Hiro in the story.

After that I was golden.

No Saint Shadow Witch or Lilith.

And after all that I got a job to help with Hiro and Mari's financial issues which I currently am clueless about but could care less at the moment.

For the next two weeks of my life, possibly more, I trained with Mari and balanced my work schedule with her neverending torment which I felt was more of a tough love if anything.

However there was still this fear that concerned me, I feared that because of what I was I could end up hurting others which turned out not to be much of a concern as I just ended up being overly horny which felt more like a chore to deal with since it excited my friend(Tina) and it caused no harm to others so it made me worry less.

But then due to Sorcerer haters I was kidnapped.

Fate seriously is a bitch, and to be frank, their the 3 bitches I hate.

For the next month of my overall life... gulp.

This is a hard one to swallow.

Let's see. I avoided serious trauma by turning into a slut and letting my body do whatever it wanted which I really shouldn't have but did because...

Okay look these people are fucking insane and I just didn't have the means to deal with it! And that's saying it easy! Because besides Clementine who is a very debatable person! Those fuckers are savage and mean!

Then again Lady Clementine isn't any better either. She's just...

She was very bearable and I kinda liked her too.

She was nice when it was just the two of us.

A little romantic too. . . . . . .

I think I imprinted on her or something because I have no problems with that Necromancer even though her kind are like my mortal enemy or something like that?

Meh, I'm not considering myself a Sorcerer anymore.

Mari ruined that for me.

I'll just be an ordinary human or Incubus, that's all I'm considering myself from now on, I don't like the Natsu clan.

Humph, there mean...

Well not all of them... Still, there mean!


After the first 2 months of my life I'm pretty sure I spent the last month in solitary confinement as a prisoner, I more or less slutted around to gain stuff and kill time. And then I was sold off and saved like last week?

So I haven't really done much with my life, most of my new life has been shit and I hate it...

I think I might betray these people and run off to Camelot, I know I'll find a fun adventure there. Actually I might just do that, they don't really need me here? Right? And I'm uneducated so there's no point in going to college...

Ughhhhhh. . .I'll think about it.

I still need to be here in Nefumia actually, there's things I still need to do and people I need to annoy, especially because of Hiro and his emotions which I carry still.

Meaning I'm attached to these people.

He'll miss them and it will annoy me.

Ugh, he's so hard to understand imma fighting him for real!

However other than that let's maybe move on to something else more let's say now or close to it, maybe something relating to... Oh yeah! Bla bla bla I still need to be in Nefumia and stuff, right?


But now I guess I'll have to leave Mari out of my plans, I'll only help Peter and Tina. The disaster is still coming in 2 years and Asmodeus's release is still upon us which from what I know about him he's bound to cause chaos without wanting it, it just follows him.

Now as for what I'm doing now? I'm pretty sure that this is something that I don't have to worry about or at least what I have to worry about is this tournament which I still want to participate in because I made a promise to be in it.

Actually I need to find a way to heal my ankle? I know there's healers here but I have no money and I don't know if I can stand up? Actually now that I think about it I can just let them bill Mary our mom, she won't mind hehehe...


Shoot I forgot what I was doing, why am I thinking about all of this while doing something like this, I mean, well, okay, so I'm actually feeding right now...


Some tasty Sorcerer came to me so I couldn't resist the pretty energy coming with them, sadly I can't stop, *Insanity wavers* I still can't release this built up stuff from in me and I think it's breaking me more than the pain.

I think I might need to just fuck more to be able to cum.

That's probably it...

Or else I'll need to cut off my dick and get a new one because this one might be faulty hahaha.

*He's totally going crazy without being able to orgasm*

. . . . .

Looking down there was a pretty lady with Fiery Orange Hair and Dark Blue Eyes, she was very light skinned and her face was rosy red as she breathe hard and held one of her hands up to her mouth covering her face from my sight as I held her thigh and pressed up on her as we were connected and making what couples would call love but what I call a basic meal.

"Nanako how can you just tell me that you love me so easily? We barely even know each other" I breathe with my mind forever fading.

The girl I'm currently screwing just told me she loved me?

I don't get the concept of love from these people, it just comes out but I doubt that that's actually how they feel, especially since we were just talking and getting to know each other not too long ago.

"You make me feel good, I don't want to not feel this way!"

Her voice sounded almost robotic, it was kinda turning me off?

Moving my other hand up her body and onto her large ample breast, "You make me feel good too, but it hurts every time you tell me that, I feel like you don't actually love me" to be honest I have no clue what the fuck is going on, I've been switching topics with her for like 5 minutes and we've went through 7 topics in the span of that time and each and every time I think there's something called an ever-expanding madness which is possessing me in the moment.

Because once my stomach dropped or at least that's how it felt, I seduced her and she was fast to give me what I wanted. It was almost suspicious and kinda like she was so easy because she had dark plans and this would have made it easier for her to get her way, but she was very timid, that means shy, and I even asked if it was okay, but she sempt comfortable enough around me to just let me do anything after only like less than an hour of us talking.

This ginger's name is Nanako Natsu she's apart of the Main branch, she's timid from what I can obviously point out from my time spending with her, and from what she tells me she enjoys gardening and assisting these branches Alchemist disciples as an apprentice herbalist, there's a few things I can't remember, but I got her to talk about herself a lot before I gave into my hunger.

Which is killing me right now!

I'm so stuffed off of this girl but my lust won't go down!

I just want to release this tension building up in my body!!

But I can't and it's so annoying!!!

"Ah~ It feels so good! It feels so good! I think I'm going to pee again!♡!" she screamed out as she was about to experience another orgasm and I was about to get a huge dose of energy shot into my body and absorbed again.

Why does she have so much energy? I'm too full but can't stop.

. . . . .

Well. . . She wasn't lying when she says she was going to pee. Eww, it was a mixed orgasm of whatever the hell that sticky liquid was when she came! Eww!

Ugh I feel Weezy.

I don't think I can stomach any more of her vitality?

Especially after that...

Everything suddenly faded to black.

* * *

Opening my eyes I was in the black room except this time something was different? Looking around everything was still black, Hiro's fragment was asleep on the ground and the girl was sitting there too? No there's nothing different with the black mind space? What feels different though.

"Hey look your hair is orange!"

The Girl(Me) pointed at me?


Looking down to the ground I couldn't see a reflection so this was pointless in doing. . .

"No wait you look like that girl!"

"I what!?"

"Except you have a penis and are a small boyo~"

"Oh my God! What are you even saying!"

"Donno~ Hey say waba baka!"


"Booo your boring!"

"And you make me feel crazy!"

"Yeah, she's really annoying!" Hiro's fragment pulled his head up looking over to me and dumbfounding me to see that he woke up.

"Your awake!"

"I've been awake..."

"For how long!"

"Long enough to know that you're a disturbing person"


"You seriously put me to sleep so I can't see you having sex. Dude I could have just not looked, it's not that serious you perverted Demon"

"I didn't put you to sleep because of that! I put you to sleep so you wouldn't yell at me like you always do! And plus I didn't do it for the sex! I'm at the Natsu branch and I got so hungry I found something to eat!"

"You shouldn't have said that me..." She said...

"We're where!!!"

"The Natsu's Main Branch"

"Are you fucking serious! Listen to me Demon! Provoke none of these fuckers if you don't want to end up chopped up and served to domesticated dogs! We have absolutely no ruling here! that also means running away from that girl whenever you wake up! Associate with no one of the 8 Main families!!!"

He seriously warned me, vanishing and reappearing standing in front of me, making me jerk back as I was already sitting on my ass.

"What why!"

"You seriously aren't in your right mind, are you! Demon!"

"His sanity is close to breaking" Her

"He's What!" Him

"Yeah he's close to snapping~" Her

"And you let this happen!" Him

"Hey the more stress that's put on us the more chaotic we become, and that's where all the fun is" Her

"You crazy bitch! We can't let that happen! He still has to look after Remi and keep her safe! He can't die!" Him

"We don't even like her. Why do you keep talking about that woman, Us?" Her

"Because we love her more than the world!" Him

They started arguing back and forth, standing in front of each other and shouting too, it was kinda nice to watch, like in a bonding way at least seeing as they were like solar opposite on this topic.

Looking up while they're arguing... Hey, my hair really is orange?

How though?

Also, it's a fiery orange? Just like that girls?

Actually hey wait? Look at my hand?

Looking at it all over or more to my skin, I'm not tanned anymore?

I'm light-skinned and pearly like I haven't been exposed to the sun or I've been taking super good care of my skin?

Actually looking at it and looking at my hair, it's exactly a match to that girl?

Am I ginger now?

Hm? No looking over to them they haven't changed it's only me?

And ugh... This swish feeling inside of my body is disturbing me, wait is my mana burning? Oh I think I know what's going on.

I think I transformed?

Like a temporary one I mean!

Let's see I don't get it but I think this is because I over ate on her since she has more vitality(Energy and life force) than I can consume so the extra I consumed that I couldn't handle was used in something else which my body is taking care of for me?

How interesting?

I wonder how long it will take to revert?

Eh I can study how to go back to normal while I rest and wait for my ankle to get better? After all, I feel my magic burning and the slushy-like swish in my body from my magic burning, so it shouldn't take too, too long.

"Hey guys I think I might just pretend to be this girl's little brother for a little while to sneak some info on the main branch or kill some time"

Hearing me say that the both of them snapped their heads over to me.

"You're going to what!"

They said; one aggressive and the other excited.

"Yeah, I have to find a healer anyways, so it's either this or I have to associate with people I don't want to talk to" Me

"You're seriously courting your own death! You're already going to be killed by her family if they find out that you took her virginity! So you should be running not wanting to mess around!" Him

"Sound like fun! Find some blue herbs while you're out there, I wonder if they exist?" Her

"You worry too much, oh and yeah I'll look for some bluegrass" Me

"You worry too little you dumbass Demon!" Him

"Thank you Me!~" Her

But before he could continue to yell and fight with us, I blinked and color came to my vision. Was I waking up? Yeah, I'm waking up.

. . . . .

Waking up I was being smothered in large boobies bigger than I've ever been buried in, and so wiggling my head out of there I seemed to be getting hugged by the girl as she was sleeping in my bed.

Looking at her I needed to get this over with before I got horny again.

"Hey wake up we need to have a quick chat Nanako!"

I said casually as I was just laying there wrapped up in her arms.

Looking at her dead in the face, "Hey wake up or I'll bite you!" she's not walking up? Ugh, Snapping Turtle Bite attack!

*He bit her boobie!*

"Ahh!" she jolted awake

"Hey! What was that for!" she said with an uneasy face, but with this given chance I grabbed the blanket and with myself under it just like her but partly exposed since our upper bodies were out of the blanket, I moved up hiding our lower parts and I pointed my finger at her chest.

"Can I be your little brother today"


Looking at me her eyes widened and I guess she finally noticed that I transformed into a smaller male version of herself.

"Hey you look like me!"

"Yup and for today I'm going to be your little brother Nanako~ So let's go expose the branch sis~"

Looking at me she grabbed her chin questioning this all most likely.

"Wait can't you just be. . .*gets nervous* like my. . . boyfriend or something, instead?"

[Hiro's fragment: Wait is she actually going along with this?!]

"No way, Nanako! Because you won't be able to carry me on your back if I'm your boyfriend"

"Yes I can"

"But we look like siblings?"

"That's not an issue, No one here looks like me, especially in my family"


Giving it some thought her hand came in and she leaned in kissing me while I was thinking and unable to realize what was happening while it was happening.

She took me by surprise "Mphmm" and breaking away her face was burning hot and red, this looks to be her using all her courage at this moment, "please..." what the hell is going on?

Looking at her getting a big flustered myself. I gulped, I was not going to be okay when I wake up tomorrow and realize what I've done again.

I've been a slutty bitch and I hate but love it so much.

It's like my dirty joy I like keeping to myself...

"Okay, but only if you can carry me"

Looking at me she smiled brightly and before I saw it coming, she was hugging me tight, "You won't regret this!" I better not regret this... Or me that is sane is going to have another breakdown.

"Please don't squeeze me so hard! You're cruising me!"

"Oh. Sorry! Hahaha"

Looking down, "So how's your ankle, is that why you want me to carry you because it's still hurting?" she caught on quick.

Nodding, "Yes, sorry for asking this of you."

"No more apologizing! Your my boyfriend so don't worry about such trivial things again, now give me your hand I wanna take you somewhere, it's one of my favorite places around the city"

"Wait you want to leave the branch house?"

"Yeah. Why? Do you not wanna leave without your friends?"

"No it's just I've never been to this city before..."

I lied, the last time I left our branch house in Rosa Marine I was knocked out and kidnapped so I think I might have developed some sort of stress towards being out of safe havens where I can be nicked up again.

"Then let me show you around, I've already spoken with some of the people that came here with you, and they all seem exhausted, so this can just be like a date for the two of us!"

Weren't you just shy like a minute ago?!

Where's all this hyperactive energy coming from?

"Date huh? I guess that sounds fun?"

"It will, now give me your hand, I know a good place to stop by first!"