Molten fondness [Pt.2]

Sinking deep into an endless madness I gripped her face and kissed her wildly, stealing vitality from each and every push and pull, suction, switch, and swap, and all through nothing more than a mere kiss.

Closing my eyes...

How come every fool I slightly attach myself to...

I always end up wanting to devour.

I just want to...

I just want to eat everyone that offers me their hand.

Everyone that shows me affection.

This is a thought, no, these are feeling and occurrences that I keep hidden because my life has merely just started and I've only been awake for not much of it.

But even when I wasn't fully awake I knew how I felt.

And every time someone got close to me.

I've always started craving them.

I crave to devour every fool that attempts to attach themselves to me and I find fondness in them.

Because to me it feels like only the prey come to me.

[Kiss of Death] Suddenly a sharp force started tearing life energy out of Nanako and as she felt it being siphoned out of her body, it rapidly...

Pushing away and shoving me off of her.

"Stop your hurting me!!!"

Falling back on onto my side, looking over at her, she was holding her shoulders and shivering. It's said that the Kiss Of Death from our kin is like thorns on the lip, and our saliva is like spiky vines so I bet she's being tortured right now as I think.

And it was hurting her innerly as she was gasping sharply for air.

"What's this hyuuman? I thought you wanted me? Hahaha~"

*Looking at her he statistically laughed, something changed about him and she noticed because the look in his eyes told her everything and it told her that he saw her as nothing more than a lamb being toyed with and teased before being sent to the slaughter*


Swiftly moving across the bed like the gardens cursed serpent, I came in and grabbed her chin as I was on my knees and lifting her head.

"What's wrong my dear~ You asked for this didn't you~ You begged me to devour you. . . And I will, In due time"

She was frozen with fear as she was looking at me and seeing such a sight I grinned, leaned in, and kissed her once more just like how she forced me to kiss her, [Kiss of Death] I'm trying to devout her.

I'm trying to kill her...

Feeling her quiver as she just sat there in shambles.

She didn't resist.

This hyuuman is an odd one?...

Why is she so odd?

I'm going to eat her and yet she's not even putting up a fight?

She had fight in her back when we made out??

What happened to all of that spirit???

Who cares, not like its matters.

Soon this Sorcerer will be apart of me.

And she'll be more than she was ever before.

Because she'll be apart of me~

Apart of my power~

She'll love it~

So kissing her I can feel a large chunk of not just life, but power seep out of her from her Power Pools(All magic and power +) and I can just feel, and see, that pretty orange haze shrouding her pretty body come over to me.

What a beautiful orange haze~

I want it so bad.

Come here, be mine.

I'll make good use of you.

As her power started coming over to me through this mysterious incubus art, I suddenly felt something pull at my neck, and looking down at the shivering girl, I saw part of her arm and it was coming at me, her hand was holding the collar of my Yukata.

Her hand was trembling.

Oh, so there is some fight in her?


Snapping away from her mouth, her fight saved everything other than her vitality from being taken by me.

"What's wrong? Do you not want to become apart of me? I thought you'd like to become apart of me? Don't you want to? I want you to? I want you to be with me forever and ever, so just sit still and wait a little longer so I can consume you~ All of you"

*His inner sadistic was going wild*

Looking up at me she strongly gulped and squeezed my collar.

Opening her mouth and tearing up.

"I want it!!!"


Looking down at her she just suddenly yelled that but I didn't understand what she meant?

"Explain yourself?"

Looking at me tears flocked her face, was she hiding these feelings with lust beforehand? Was she truly a sad girl?



Looking at her she then hit her head against my chest and slid her hand over grabbing one of my hand, moving it to her throat.

"You want to devour me right? Then do it. What do I have worth living for anyways? Your kinda one of the last things I have left worth looking forward to, and your going to leave soon and then I'll be back in the dark and back in the garden where I'm going to be alone. So very alone. I don't want to be alone! So I don't care! Make me apart of you! Your one of those Heretic Sorcerer's right! Devour me through ritual or whatever, just don't leave me alone!!! I'm in love with you so it's okay! Just don't ever leave me alone! Let me be with you! I don't ever want to be alone again!"

She screamed into my chest.

So she's lonely huh?


Looking back down at her.

"That's adorable, if that's what you want then so be it, I'll let you become one with me, now and forever~"

"T-Thank you"

Dripping down tears, I sat down and she crawled over to me, pressing her lips against mine and enduring the pain of The Death Kiss again, letting me devour her while thinking that I was some sort of Heretic Natsu Sorcerer which still don't get how she thought of that or how any of this added up to her actions which were still odd, even with what she said?

With her vitality and powers flowing into me with every passing second, I could feel her lips quivering harder than her body and so wrapping her up in my arms, even with the comfort I gave, the pain she felt was still tremendous and it was amusing to witness her endure it.

[Intermediate comprehension of Phyric Energy: Stolen]

[Advanced comprehension of Phyric Energy: Stolen]

[Intermediate comprehension of Mana: Unable to siphon]

Kissing her to death some more I could feel how wet her face was as it was filled with the tears of her upcoming death as her life was fading away and into me, I then jumped innerly as I felt a press on my crotch.

And then a rub.

What the hell?

She's dying and trying to touch me while I'm literally killing her?

What a fucking perv... ... ...

Ugh it's getting harder to think the more that she's rubbing

What the hell is she doing!

Stop this!

Braking away again, I moved my hand to her chin and pushed her away, "What's your deal? I'm trying to literally kill you here?" I said looking at her like what the hell is wrong with you?

"Sorry I needed something to distract me from the pain..."

"So you grab my dick?"




"Are you like joking or something?"

"I don't think so?"

"Really? Cause usually I don't think that something like this is supposed to happen?"

"Well, uhhh, I'm just trying to cop a feel ya know~"


"Hey don't call me a bitch, you bitch"


"Come on, keep going, imma do my thing and you do yours, got it, yeah, come on let's keep going"

"Okay... I guess?"

Going back at it and kissing her while I'm still able to do this, I kept feeding away at her vitality and power–

"I can't do this!"

"You can't what?"

"I can't devour you if you keep groping my dick!"

"Groping sounds weird when talking about dicks, how about you say that im handling it or, or maybe be a little sexy with it"

"Stop touching my dick!"

"Can't do that bro, this dick is mine to fondle"

"What? What does that even mean!"

"Dick good, dick touchable~ My boyfriend has a good dick~ By the way you're still my boyfriend"

"Will you stop it!"

"Hey you mind taking a break actually? I kinda wanna... Well... Um, you know... Since we're almost halfway there and stuff I think, maybe we can... Fool around a bit, I think, I wanna feel you again..."

"Are you fucking serious!"

"Ye... Yes..."

"NO! This is supposed to be something completely different! And why aren't you afraid anymore!"

"Afraid? I was never afraid? Hahaha your so sill, I love it when your silly"

"You're stressing me out....."

"If that's the case then let's cuddle and you can kill me later, I mean, well, it's not killing if im going to be with you forever right~"

"I'm hallucinating aren't I..."


"Seriously! I'm hallucinating!"

"Uhhh... Well... Yeah, hm-hm, defiantly, so let's pick this up tomorrow and I'll peg ya to sleep hehe"

"Seriously? Hallucinating? I can't even Demon right? Just great..."

"Demon? Wait are you apart of the old Demon Factions? The cult and stuff? Is that what type of heretic you are? a Demon Faction Heretic?"

"No, I'm supposed to be an Incubus-Demon, well, I'm almost there I just have 1 stage left to go through since I just went from Human Sorcerer to Demon Sorcerer, so I guess I'm an incomplete one right now?"

"Uhhhhhhhhh... Cool?"

"Not cool! I'm practically going insane right now! Crazy even! And I want to devour you so ducking fucking bad! But even then at the same time, I just want to snuggle and not think about eating everyone I get close to!"

"Then let's snuggle~"

"I don't want to..."

She sat down fully in front of me and I sat there with my legs dangling off to the side as I was in the center of the bed and just sitting there all pouty and confused.

"Why not, I can love you more if we do it~"

"But you just look so tasty"

"Hm, tasty?"

"Yeah... I don't know? I'm conflicted and right now my body wants me to assault you but I'm just so confused because of what's going on and if I'm actually talking to myself right now"

"Go back to me being tasty, I wanna know about that?"

"You already know I'm a being born of lust and feed off of life energies bla bla bla, so what's the point in telling you what you want to know when it's kinda obvious that you look like a well cooked steak from my point of view and not a person"


"Yeah steak, or that's what foodie humans prize right?"

"Why steak though? If I look that tasty can't you be creative and described me and my body like–"

"Nope, your sexy as is but I'm so hungry that I can't think about anything else~ *grumble...*"

"Aww was that your belly? How cute"

"I'm not cute! That's it I don't care if you are imaginary, I'm teaching you a lesson!"

"Hey look your hair is becoming darker?"

"Shut up hyuuman!"

"You can't can't even say Human right! That's adorable!"

Pouncing at her by kicking on the bed with my good foot and not the hurt one, I grabbed her and fell on top of her.

"Stop calling me names!"

"I'm just flirting baby~ Also hey look you turned back, we're not twining anymore... What a shame"

"I don't care! Stop talking"

"Oh how feisty~"

"Ugh! You're so annoying"

Yelling that she spread her legs and then grabbed me using them, pulling me in an' hitting her pelvic against mine.

"Hey you just hit my crotch you pervert♡"

"Nuh-uh! You did it you perv!"

"Now you have to make up with me but I'll only forgive you if you give me... Hm let's see.. Sex maybe" she tried acting cute.

"Stop the shit!"

"Why are you being so mean, *fake cries*"


"Why are you so mean to me! Turtle your so mean!"

*She starts to fake cry*

"No don't cry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be mean!"

"Your so mean!"

"Nononononono! Please don't cry! I'll make it up to you, please don't cry"

*Covering her face with her hands, she's grinning behind her hands as she couldn't believe how gullible and innocent he was, she found it adorable, especially since he's trying to literally end her life at the same time but now worrying about her crying, she really liked him right now*

Feeling the balls of her feet against my butt, she pressed on them, and pulling me in and making my crotch rub up against hers through the fabrics, she then sniffled and showed her face looking at me all teary.

"Then... Make it up... To me... sniffle"

"Sure I'll do whatever you want! Just don't cry! Please! Don't cry!"

"Then will you make love with me?"

"Yeah yeah"

Hearing me say that so passively she smiled brightly and then moved onto her knees, moving her hands through the Yukata and going in for my dick.

Getting at it she then whipped it out and with carnal lust in her eyes, she surprised me by taking it into her mouth.

But I still had issues with my sex organs...

No wait! That's a real mouth!

This is real not a hallucination!

Fuck she tricked me!!!

But before I could do anything and or attack her.

Carnal lust...

Carnal lust took over.

Braking away with my cock all sloppy in her spit, I kneed her in the face and as she fell back while on the bed, I turned "slightly" or more like a lot farrel and pounced on her.

But just as I did.

I felt it.

Something was keeping me from mating.

And with my body acting up, I grabbed Nanako by the neck.

"Witch, I'll snap your neck for deceiving me!!!"

And yet she just smiled with no fear on her face or regret.

But as I gripped on and squeezed.

The thought of sex plugged my mind and it all started becoming hazy.

My vision started becoming blurry and my strength started to fade.

"Hahaha, what's this, the big bad Demon isn't feeling so well is he now?" I can hear her laugh in the background.

"I'll kill you! I'm going to rip you to shreds when I awaken!"

"Oh really? I can't wait, till next time, babe~"

Everything faded to black.

. . . . .

While in the black space Turtle instantly collapsed and looking into the black, started healing, and regenerating his mind.

. . . . .

Waking up with the sun shining brightly through the room, I woke up naked and dick slick in juices? Yeah, it feels weird, did I have sex or something? No couldn't have?

Looking in front of me as I'm laying down, there was nothing in front of me just some ruffled bed sheets and no person, just an empty space where someone could be.

"Ha, she left"

"Shit, I would have too"

"I did go insane after all, ugh, I hate when my sanity is that low, I always end up fucking up something, and it always ends up bad on my part, sigh..."

But then just as I said that and thought about all of that insanity, I slammed both hands on the bed and shot up!

"Shit I told her that I was a Demon! The church is going to have my head if she tells them! No! Everyone is going to come after my head if she told anyone! God damn it!!! I need to stop doing this! I can't keep telling these people that I'm secretly a Demon! Now I definitely have to run away from this place!!!"

The bed shifted as I ranted...

"Hahaha, I guess I really could turn you in if I wanted? The church would pay me a hearty amount for the whereabouts of a Demon from the abyss"

Turning my head I saw a naked Ginger girl sitting at the edge of the bed.

It's Nanako!

She's still here!

And the heck she just say!

Crawling over to her as fast as I could, I grabbed her from the back and pleading.

"Please don't turn me in! I haven't done anything wrong yet! I'm an innocent Demon, I've never even killed anyone or anything before! I've only been playing tricks on bad people!"

I'm basically begging for my life right now.

Please don't kill me off Nanako!

"Innocent? When you literally threatened my life yesterday! And tried killing me twice?"

"I warned you not to kiss me! I was agitated, low in mental health, and at a very unhealthy state! It wasn't my fault, that wasn't me! It wasn't me! I don't like hurting people! Please forgive me I'll do anything to not get handed over to the bad Demon killers!"

"Hahaha oh really? How could I believe you when you–"

"Please forgive me!" *Starts crying again* "I never wanted to hurt anyone! Please don't do this! I can be useful! Spare me please!"

"Spare you huh? How about I share you? Why don't you become my whore, Turtle~"

Crying my eyes out right now while embracing her from behind.

"Whabbbagabazagga" That wasn't even English, I mean common, it was, gibberish? I think?

"I'm kidding! Calm down! I'm just joking! Chill!"


"I took it too far didn't I... Sorry..." Her

"Anyways, Demon~ Let's go out, you owe me a date since you stood me up yesterday by sleeping on my back" Her

"Oh and don't worry about your secret identity, like seriously the issue with Demons was so last era, like their still mostly chaotic and hated, but it's not like their kill on sight these days, I can get why you don't want to be known as one, but come on its not like... No I take it back" Her

"What?" Me

"Yeah I take it back, Demons are still that considered terrors, it's just most have joined dark factions and stuff, I guess you're a bit different though since you belong to our Mana Faction since your also a Natsu Sorcerer"

*Long exhale from her*

"Anyways! Let's go out on a date Demon~ I mean, Turtle~ Today should be a lovely day, and we don't have to go back immediately if you want let's stay here another night"

This chick is just as bad as the others I know...

"Yup, let's go!" Her