Silicone Rubbermaid

"Yeah, let's just be friends"


Sitting opposite from her, we were sitting at a small table in front of some cafe close by what I'm going to call the Sorcerer's Fire Temple which is the Main Branch, but whatevzz.

Anyways, here we are, sitting, drinking some nice delicious coffee, and talking since she wanted to go out on a date with me and this and that kinda led up to us being here.

But well... She now just screamed because I told her let's just be friends, and I have my reasons for doing so, I seriously don't like these people and she's one of the people I actually like, but just want to be friends with, especially since there are issues called death flags and bugs which are people who pester and annoy my existence here in this new world.

Humanity stresses me out.

But so does my own race...

"Look your a great gal, but literally I'm a nightmare being–"

"I don't care if your a Demon! This is cruel!"

"What's cruel is your mouth. Keep it down!!"

"Oh, my apologies..."

"Anyways, I appreciate you not turning me in–"

"Of course!"

"Please stop interrupting me..."


"Now I forgot what I was meaning to say. sigh. Anyways since I remember the general gist of it, what i'm going to tell you is kinda personal and I've never actually told anyone, but since you actually experienced it, I guess I'll have to tell you eventually, right?"

"Well you don't have to? It's really just up to if you want to or not"

"I seriously don't get you, Nanako"

"Good~ Now hurry up and say what you wanted to share."

"I will!"

"Then just do it? Don't even bother explaining, just say it"


"No, don't wanna hear that, just say it"

'Your so annoying!"

"I know, but you're loving it aren't you"

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are~"

"No, I'm not!!"

"Mm-hm, then why are you blushing?"

"I'm not blushing!!! Stop making stuff up!"

"Ha, you should see your face then..."


"Now say what you have to say and make it snappy! Ha, I've always wanted to say something like one of those reporters~ Yeah, okay, anyways, come on, just spit it out Turtle! Tell me already!"

"Ugh! Everyone that gets close to me I want to devour! That's why I don't want any relationship! None at all! Because the beast inside or whatever the fuck is tormenting me just wants to eat whatever I can slightly attach to and or whatever takes interest in me!"

Blurting that our like a madman I'm not even going to bother looking around me to the background; looking at my lap and my hands trembling as I screamed with emotion, I just want this to be over with, when the tournaments over I'm ending it all.

Not in a suicidal way though!!!

But in a imma make a big fucking change way...

So with my hand trembling from emotions.

I then heard loud and clear.

"So I guess your not going to devour me then? Aww and here I wanted to be one with you, it was gonna be like marriage but without the actual effort of having to keep it up or fake anything to make any one of us happy, also no kids, well that's one benefit I guess haha–"

"Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"I could write down a list of things if you want?"

Looking off to the side "I need better friends, I'm sick of these weirdos..." looking back to her, "can you not?"

"But I want to write a list of things~"

"I hate you..."

"And I love you~"

"You barley even know me???!..."

"That's even better~"

"Oh God..."

"How ironic, a Demon mentioning the gods, and a Sorcerer too also mentioning the gods under the ALL FATHER's reign"

"Ironic my ass, the Allmother can eat a dick for all I care"

"Watch what you say Demon, your in sorcerer territory, words like that can get you hurt, or worst"

"Stop calling me Demon or else I'll sew your mouth shut, witch"

"Hey don't get so mad Turtle I wasn't trying to offend you or anything, I'm just warning you, I could care less... Somewhat... I'm just letting you know, we Sorcerer's don't take to kindly to anyone talking ill on our lord, I'll give you a one time pass since you were probably sheltered and I really like you, so please don't offend our lord again, pretty please"


"good enough for me, Dem–"

As she was talking I picked up the mug of coffee right in front of me and swinging my hand through the air, I splashed the coffee all on her clothes making her jump and halt while speaking.


She shot up from her chair, slamming her hands on the table and looking down at her summer white paired clothes which she bought this morning when I was sleeping?

"Stop calling me THAT, I'm not going to warn you again"

"You could have just said that! I'm Wearing white! This is so going to leave a nasty fucking stain! Also Turtle there's barley anyone around! Why the hell couldn't you just say something first!"

"I did, you ignored me and kept doing it"

"Ugh!!! What do you have a stick up your ass or something! Like seriously my clothes are white! Now I'm going to have to either go home or buy some more to replace these and then wash the fucking small of coffee off me along with the sticky mess it brought! Ugh why'd you fucking throw coffee at me, this sucks!"

"What sucks is how it feels like we're getting nowhere with our conversation"

"Yeah whatever, what happened to you pleading for life like a pathetic worm, I can still turn you in you know, you shouldn't be making me mad, I'm the last one you wanna see mad"

You see why I have a problem with Natsu's.

This one's pretty chill but than again she's still a Natsu.

You know how those crappy and arrogant young masters and young lady's would act in Chinese comics and stuff, that's kinda a big part of their personality, the Natsu are pricks at nature...

Yeah... High Pride, arrogance, cockyness, and some other shit, that's just apart of their personality.

"Whatever, do as you please, like I'm not already a slave to..."

"Huh? What was that?"

"Nun of your business, humph, just turn me in already, I've already been threatened by Angels once, like the church will affect me now when their full of just men who follow the gods but barley even interact with them"

I'm lying through my fucking teeth right now!

I don't want to be turned in! The church terrifies me! I'm just acting tuff because this chick is a Natsu and their all... How do I put it... Crazy a bit... No, pride this pride that? No that's not it either?

Strong respects the strong or something like that?

It's confusing when it comes to these clans.

Yeah they respect strength, even if it's not physical or magical.

I think....

I'm not 100% sure?

"Wait like real Angels!!!"


"What were they like! Did thay have human forms or energy forms or something like that. Were they huge! What rank were they, how strong were they, were they keen and witty or just pure power! What did they say to you!"

She's really into this?

"I was too busy hissing at them to actually hear, so I don't know"

"That's awesome!"


She started chatting a lot about the Angels and asking questions but it soon calmed down after she let out a lot of steam from her mouth in the form of words.

"Anyways. What were we doing again? Oh yeah our date!"

I love how forgetful she is, it was turning hostile for a moment and now we're back to a calm atmosphere. But I kinda wanna troll her now, it was amusing to see how she acted when I threw coffee at her.

Nah, never mind, I should be nice to this girl, after all, she's apart of the main family and Hiro's fragment seriously warned me about them.

Also why do I have the sudden urge to pick on her and tease her?

I literally wanted to eat her last night?

I don't understand myself...

Was it my Nature?

Or was it just that my mental health just sucks that much to lead up to this point?

"I'm sorry about your clothes, I just don't like being referred to by my race"

"Oh no worries I understand"

Huh? The fuck you mean you fucking understand!!!

You were going to literally turn me in for this shit!!!

"Understand my ass! How do you understand!" she hit several nerves...

Looking at her, getting hostile myself, particles of dark red haze started to manifest in a light haze which was naked to the human's eyes.

And as it did she chuckled and sat back down in her chair.

"Do you not know about your race? Actually your an incubus, that's your race, if so then do you know about your tribe? or kingdom which is relatively the same thing. I think? I'm not all the way sure. But either way, the abyss has an endless history and it's very chaotic, so I can understand where you come from when you don't want to be reminded of your own kind since you've probably been there or around your own tribal kin which all consistently fight to head to the top. No offence but your people are the definition of Survival of the fittest, except more, and mean a lot more mores, chaotic"

"Basically, that sums it up"

"So I was right, good to know"

"Also you were wrong about something and I just want to be a smart ass and give you a slight and strong tip in advance because I'm a... Decent person..."

"Why'd you say Decent Person like that? Are you debating on if you actually are or not? You could have just said good person and I would have Believed it"

"Good and Bad are defined differently. Plus calling myself something I believe myself not to be would just be bland arrogance"

"Oh okay??? Go on then..."

"Nope never mind, I don't think I'm feeling up to it anymore..."

"What!? But you said you were going to give me the Tip and make it strong!"

"Uhhh" am I the only one who heard what she said?

"Cum on me and tell me!"

"Stop talking! Please!!!"

Screeching, I can't tell if I'm hearing stuff of she's doing this on purpose, but come on please just chill for a moment, my head is acting funny!

"Why?! I'm just asking for it!"

"Ugh! Why is my mind so filthy, please stop talking I'm hearing things so differently right now!"

"Then come on me!"

"Speaking not!!!"


"Why are you laughing!"

"You came, mouth, tity pizz–*it keeps going*"

Looking at her as she says this, I push at the table and stand up, yes it hurts to stand on one foot but I can't do this, 'what the heck is going on with my mind?' I feel like I'm having a meltdown again and everything's just twisting in on me.

So as I stand and the words coming out of her mouth are just so indecent and mixed up, I turn to my right and just walk opposite of the cafe.

"I'm loosing my shit..."

Meanwhile behind me, "pfffff, he's walking off, Hey! I was just messing with you come back!" but I couldn't hear her, I was already like a yard or two away and she didn't speak loud enough for my SHAKING MIND.

Walking off this has to be a meltdown there's no other explanation, everything normal everywhere else but my perceptions going fucking haywire...

I can feel my sanity sinking into madness again...

No, it's floating there, I've already gone mad haven't I?

"Hey Turtle! Come back! I was just kidding!" a voice of the background comes to ear by I pay little mind to it...

What is life?........


. . . . .

Looking up as I heard a soft voice, but it was so clear and enchanting, I looked up to see that in between two near tall buildings, there was a girl with wide open eyes staring at me, tears slightly piled up in her eyes and a sharp dagger in her hand, clenched and at her side as if it was drawn more for comfort than to be used to slay.


Eyes locked, her's then slipped past me, looking off right before coming back to me and a swell started to form as water slightly started forming.



Kicking the ground.

It felt like time slowed or I teleported?

Because before I knew it I was grabbing Tina's tear filled face and shocking her, smacking my lips against hers, and making her take a step back into this alleyway as she let out her voice in shock.


Her hand with the dagger came up but I grabbed her wrist tight and then swiftly moved my other hand to her shirt, latching on, and kissing her as I felt breathing get extremely hard, and my mind all fuzzy.

What's wrong with me?

Breaking away I instantly heard her voice.

"First of off what the hell!!!"

"Second... Why is there little glowing hearts in your eyes..."