Do I even have a home to go back to?

She was looking to me with so much hate that I could feel it, it was strong and not bitter sweet, she says this but I can just feel the ill-integrated intent coming from within her.

"Does Tina hate me again?"

And to be honest it excites me.

"W-What?" mixed confusion sweeps her face all of a sudden.

Clenching both her shirt and wrist; I might have been short, but with the pull of her cloth, I took care of the height gap in between us, and as I stood there looking up at her with my head being clearer than ever, I smiled and looked to her teary face,

"Because I'm Loathing you, Tina" there was this pause, we just stood there and it was like all around us was quiet, it literally felt like it was just the two of us, she was at a loss for words, because as of now, I'm hostile towards my so called lover, "And just like Mari I plan on eating the both of you sooner or later, so stay out of my way"

But then I let go of both her wrist and shirt and lightly pushed off of her, grabbing my mouth, and gasping as I can't believe that I just said that...

'I didn't mean to say that to her'

'No! I didn't mean that at all!!!'

Looking up at her face she was in shock as I just told her that I had wanted to devour her and my sister, or whatever the ficking fuck I just said, and with her just standing there I threw my hands out and tried to stop this from escalating before it got any worst.

"No that didn't come out right! That's not what I meant! I didn't mean it at all! It's not true it's just my hunger is getting to me! Yeah, that's it! I'm just hungry and not thinking straight Tina! I'm like a vegan I don't eat people! Well, I do! But I don't kill them! I'm not a murderer so don't worry! I don't plan on eating you or Mari! I've never killed anyone before in this life, Hiro has, but I haven't and I don't ever want to!" wait does she know Hiro's killed before? Fuck!!!

Just standing there trying to explain myself or at least mass panicking right now, I felt a shift in the air around us, before it was her hostile towards me, she was mad, she probably saw me with that girl so that's what set her off, but now it's different, I feel like there's a swift air of worry surrounding me, and it's not just from just her, but myself.

Looking down,

"I'm not a monster... Why do I feel like one so much though, I don't think that they should have saved me from that prison place, perhaps I should have stayed, I'm turning into a Demon like the others aren't I" without noticing It, I spoke my mind.

Looking up at her,

She was looking down at me and giving me such a face that it struck me that I've said too much, I've overwhelmed her, she can't take what I'm saying and is getting all jumbled up with information and thoughts.

"Tina? You alright??"

Steam puffed from out her head in a metaphorical manner, she was brain fried, I doubt she can understand what's going on, I guess she's not all changed, some of her is the same from like in the Novel?


Stepping back I hadn't the slightest idea on what to do, this was an awkward situation and I had no clue on how to continue this, her brain was a mess and I'm pretty sure that I'm going insane again?

"Today's such a drag..."

Feeling a slight sting in my head, I shook it off and as I tried shaking Tina she dropped her dagger as she was so perplexed and it looked as if she was fighting with inner thoughts?

Is she broken?

Did I break her?

No, she's just thinking... Right?

Ugh this trip has turned into one hell of a mess.

I wanna go home.

Speaking of home? Do I even have one now???