I'm Not Jealous!!!

I'm not jealous.

"Why are you walking so fast?!"

I'm not jealous.

"Lemme alone!"

I'm not jealous.

"Why are you so mad? What happened while you were talking to that girl?"

I'm... Not... Jealous...

"It's none of your business..."

Holding back the urge to scream it, she came around fast and stopped in front of me, forcing me to stop in my tracks and look at her holding her hand out while looking all concerned.

"Hold on, Turtle, talk to me, what happened?"

What happened was just as Tina came back to her senses and stuff, I– I– I don't know, I felt all mixed up, I was happy to see her, a bit concerned because of her being overwhelmed, kinda angry already because of something she had done earlier, but that in no way had to do with why I'm like this now!!

I'm angry because...


"I'm going back!!!"

"What? That's not what I asked?!"

Turning around I started walking back over to where she was.

To where they were.

Wait stop walking away! Why are you going back? Are you going back to talk to that girl? Who is she?! Is she a friend? An Ex? Why are you so aggravated?! Tell me! I seriously want to know!"

. . . . .

Walking back over to that general area there hadn't been much people at this hour of the day(10AM), but as we were walking there were two, they were hanging around the outer part of the cafe, and as they were just hanging out, I looked to the one with short scruffy brunette hair and then over to the one with jaw length, hazel hair.

Walking over to them with nothing but the blabbering of this girl behind me, they both looked over towards us, but by then just as they had, *Bang* shooting my foot into the flat chest of the Hazel haired girl, I kicked her sending her back and crashing against the floor shocking both Nanako and the brunette girl who was actually Tina Zarutoen.

Looking over at who I had just kicked, I was looking at a small girl with hazelnut-colored hair laying on the fucking floor, she had light skin but from after rolling on the ground, I could easily see dirt on her now, she was a tough daughter of a whore because from how her core felt when I kicked her, it was like hitting a bag of sand.

Crashing against the dirt road it took a short second for her to catch herself, but when she did her grey tank top and shorts were already dirty, more than they had been before, and as she picked herself up from the ground holding back the urges to curse or growl, she looked over to where she was kicked, and as she looked over to me I saw her vile pink eyes that looked to me with sharp slit pupils.

'Dirty fucking Demon'

"Hiro!!!" Tina

"Turtle!!!" Nanako

The both of them turned to each other after yelling that one out.

And with hearing that come to ear, Ursula's eyes opened wide and her pupils turned back into black circles as she looked to me who was baring teeth at her.

"Hiro?... Oh it's just Hiro? Hey Hiro! What's up~!!"

Grabbing the air, like if there was some sort of invisible ball there, orange particles of energy started getting drawn in and into my palm where a small core/sphere of burning energy had started to form.


Clasping this burning energy and throwing my hand back, I could feel it unstabily growing, and till it got large enough and I felt it growing out of control in terms of stability, I held onto it while looking at thay fool Ursula who was acting like something she wasn't and waving to me as if I was anything to her.

When finished after a mere 7 seconds and her laughing about something and coming over towards me, I hurled the ball of unstable Phyric Energy at her and before she knew it-


Some random Phyric Attack which was made by just drawing in energy and then concentrating it, hit Ursula's shoulder and blew the shoulder stap to her tank top while also doing some serious damage as after it hit her she grabbed it and from our view we could see a slight smear of blood respite this supposible being a pure based fire attack.

"Ahh! What the fuck!!" Ursula

"Hiro, what are you doing?!" Tina

"Hiro? Turtle what's going on?" Nanako

kicking the ground and charging at Ursula as she wasn't paying attention to me, she then snapped her head towards me and snickered.

"You're just asking for an asswooping!"

"Shut up, bitch!"

"Haha, And here I thought I would have to wait till we got back to Rosa Marine before I got to fight you, I guess you just love losing to me huh?!" says despite it always being a tie.

"Shut up!!! I'll kill you!"

"Oh will you now! Ha don't make me laugh punk! Use your sorcerer powers or whatever, I'll still kick your ass 12 times over without it!"

* * *After an epic battle of Hiro trying to Kill Ursula which led to them brawling in the middle of the streets which led to guards arresting the both of them and Nanako having to bail them out, they were both now sitting across from each other back at the Natsu main branch* * *

"I hate you..."

"Your such a sore loser, babe~"

"Don't ever call me that! Slut!!"

"How hostile~ Watch it babe or this might just not turn out like the last time we fought~"

"You're just looking to die you skank bitch!!!"

Arguing back and forth both Tina and Nanako were on the sidelines and just watching as I was so very hostile towards Ursula and she was practically teasing me and flirting occasionally.

Ugh, I hate her so much!!!!!!

"Uh... Hey Turtle imma go, my family is probably wondering where I am, if they even care to be honest? See you tomorrow, I'll help you prep for the tournament since it's the day after, I think, either that or the next day?"

Not paying much attention to her as I was going back and forth with this Demon bitch, she more or less laughed at us and left, leaving the very confused Tina in between us, well technically not in between us, but she was practically there, just on the side.

"Wait so are both actually fighting or is this a usual thing?" Tina

"This is war!!!" Me

"Naw, it's all in fun~" Ursula

"Uhhhh?" Tina

Looking at the both of us, she hadn't any clue who to believe.

"Wait?! Did Hiro just say this was war?" Ursula

"Damn right!" Me

"You're both unbelievable..." Tina